Is executing a sequence of Commands possible using ANT Exec task - ant

In ANT Exec task. I need to cd into a folder (Windows OS) (eg: D:\Testrun) and execute a set of commands in a sequence which will be passed as parameters to the ant script. Is this possible ? Could anyone quote a sample example ? Could the results of the command execution be logged in a file ?

Could you wrap up the sequence of commands into a script (e.g. a .bat script)? You could pass parameters to the script from your ant task. You could direct the output of the script to a file using the output attribute of the exec task.


Run action/script AFTER the binary executed by "bazel run" returns

I'm wondering if there's a way to run an action or script or program after a bazel run command finishes. Running such a script/program before the bazel run is (in a way) possible via --run_under.
Here's an example use-case:
bazel run //path/to/my:target
Running target generates an output file out in it's cwd (somewhere in the bazel .cache directory)
Run a script that uses the output file out
If it's not possible to get run that script afterwards, is there a way to get the cwd of the binary that was just run? Then it would also be possible to access out from "outside" without bazel.
--run_under is the correct approach to this. You can simply run the command in the script after running what is passed as args to your script that you pass to --run_under e.g.
set -euo pipefail
bash "$#"

Jmeter with ant - reports creation

I am trying to create report using ant in jmeter, meaning the full report.
I downloaded ant and it is installed as expected.
first I want to understand if ant command need to perform after test plan ran in the past? meaning it is offline process that creates the html reports? after the test plan finished?
Or is it command that actually used to run the test plan and create the html, meaning I do not need to run jmeter before?.
I used this command
jmeter -n -t C:\JMETER\Framework\Test_Fragment\Kung_Fu.jmx -l C:\Users\stackoverflow\Desktop\Jmeter_reports\results22_05_2018.csv
to run jmeter from command line, and create csv, so do I need two commands? one for creating csv and one for the ant? and if I create the csv where can I find the jtl of the testplan.
Name of test plan kung_fu
name of csv results22_05_2018.csv
what are the processes to run he ant, since I rename the Kung_Fu.jmx to test.jmx and put it in extras folder and when I command ant, it says test.jtl is not found.
can someone give a full explanation about the whole process
Rename results22_05_2018.csv into results22_05_2018.jtl and copy it to "extras" folder of your JMeter installation
Execute the following command in "extras" folder of your JMeter installation:
ant -Dtest=results22_05_2018 xslt-report
HTML report will be available as results22_05_2018.html
For more details see:
build.xml - reference Ant build file, by default it:
looks for Test.jmx file in the current folder
executes it and stores the result into Test.jtl file
applies XSLT transformation to the Test.jtl file and generates HTML file out of it.
JMeter Ant Task
Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

How to use ANT to save current process run time?

How to save current process running time in some text file using Ant, then read file and assign to Ant variable?
You can use ant exec task. There you can specify the executable ps and the necessary arguments (PID, options). You can check the argumengs here.
You specify outputproperty in ant exec task so the output will be redirected to this property.
Then you can put the value in a file using the echo task.

Command are ignored after ant command in batch file

Following is the bat script code block on which i am working on:
ECHO off
SET ANT_HOME=%~dp0%build\apache-ant-1.8.2
SET ANT_BIN=%~dp0%build\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin
cd "build\Run"
ant -q
cd ../..
echo "Program Terminated!"
Now, my build.xml file is inside this build\Run folder so that i am first navigating to build/Run before running ant -q command (NOTE: I don't want to change this method of navigating).
The moment ant -q command is executed following things happen:
Set the environment variables as the condition.
Change directory to build\Run.
As my build.xml is inside the Run directory the ant -q command run correctly.
Ant executed correctly and not ant script terminates.
Now my current path will be build\Run ! correct <= Here i don't want this after ant is terminated, instead i want to come out from build\Run that's why i used cd../..
But the problem is I am not able to execute the commands after ant -q. This happens be the program control goes from BATCH => ANT.
Is there any way to execute my command after ant command from bat script itself ?
You may find that the ant being run is a batch file itself, in which case it simply chains to it (no return).
You should try this instead:
call ant -q
Calling a batch file (as opposed to chaining) will correctly return to the point after which you called it.

Ant exec task as another user

I would like to execute a shell script from an ant build (I saw the exec task seems to do it), but this script has to be executed from a user different thant the one launching ant. Is there a way to do this?
You could use the sshsexec task. Connect locally or to a remote machine:
<sshexec host="localhost"
command="touch somefile"/>
This task will require the optional jsch.jar to be installed in your ANT lib.
Specifying a pirvate key would enable a password-less login.
Couldn't you execute, from ant, a script that executes the actual script using sudo? See How to pass the password to su/sudo/ssh without overriding the TTY? for how to pass the password from the command line.
