Changing data in HighCharts series causes y-axis to blow up - highcharts

I'm seeing some odd behavior in a Highcharts line chart. I have multiple series displayed, and need to let the user change what's called the "Map level" on the chart, which is a straight line across all time periods. Assuming that the correct series is
and that the new level that I want it set to is stored in var newMapLevel,
I'm changing that series' data like so:
data = chart.series[i].data;
for(j=0; j<data.length; j++){
data[j].y = newMapLevel;
Calling this function has the desired effect UNLESS the new map level y_value is ONE greater than the highest y_value of all other series, in which case the y-axis scale blows up. In other words, if the y_axis scale is normally from 0 to 275,000, and the highest y_value of any of the other series is, say, 224,000, setting the new map level value to 224,001 causes the y_axis scale to become 0 to 27500M. Yes, that's 27.5 billion.
Might this be a bug in Highcharts? Or is there a better way to change the data in a series?
I've posted a fiddle:

I got my answer from the Highcharts forum:

This doesn't work as smoothly as I'd like. When you go from 8 as your line to 2 as your line, the scale doesn't adjust back down until you enter another value. Perhaps it's a start in the right direction.
var newMapLevel = $('#newMAP').val();
for(i=0; i<chart.series.length; i++){
if(chart.series[i].name == 'Map Level'){
data = chart.series[i].data;
for(j=0; j<data.length; j++){
data[j].y = newMapLevel;
// get the extremes
var extremes = chart.yAxis[0].getExtremes();
//alert("dataMin: " + extremes.dataMin);
//alert("dataMax: " + extremes.dataMax);
// define a max YAxis value to use when setting the extremes
var myYMax = extremes.dataMax;
if (newMapLevel >= myYMax) {
myYMax = Number(newMapLevel) + 1; // number conversion required
if (myYMax > chart.yAxis[0].max) {
myYMax = chart.yAxis[0].max + 1;
//alert("myYMax: " + myYMax);
chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(extremes.dataMin, myYMax)
// finally, set the line data
}); });


Move Labels on Individual Pie or Donut Slice (HighCharts)

I have a pie chart in Highcharts that reduces each slice to create a "fan" effect. Each slice is working great. However, the labels need to be handled as well. I tried the following:
new Highcharts.chart(div, pieOptions,
function(chartObj) {
var j = 0;
$.each(chartObj.series[0].data, function(i, point) {
point.labelDistance = j;
j -= 25;
This actually updates the label distance properly in the logged out data, but not in the visual itself. I've also tried reloading the chart each time.
Here is a jsfiddle:
Summary: I'm looking for each label on each slice to move slight more inward on each iteration.

Stock High Charts with Custom points on X-axis

I have a requirement where i have to show custom points on x-axis instead of dates values. Also same custom data points needs to be shown on navigator as well. In the below Js fiddle, i am converting data (Per13/2016 etc) into equivalent date values and then binding the chart using converted date values.
Below is the link of the JS fiddle:- Fiddle link
In the Js fiddle, i am showing Per1,Per2 etc.on x-axis and same has to be shown on navigator as well.
Now i am facing problem with the navigator,when i changes the range using slider ,the x-axis labels changes but not according to the range selected.Also tool-tip formatting is getting changed.
Can you please let me know how to handle this scenario and best way to do the same.
//few code lines to post fiddle link
xAxis: {
labels: {
formatter: function () {
var perDate = new Date(this.value);
return 'Per' + (perDate.getMonth() + 1);
I am not sure if I am right, but I think you are overdoing this.
Let's keep original data, so remove fiscal13Data.Data.forEach(function(item) { .. }); function. And When creating data, use simply index of the point as x-value:
var cost = [],
usage = [],
dataLength = fiscal13Data.Data.length
i = 0;
for (i; i < dataLength; i += 1) {
// need to sum costs
i, // the index
fiscal13Data.Data[i]['Cost'] // cost
i, // the index
fiscal13Data.Data[i]['Usage'] // Usage
Now you can get to the "Per13/2016" strings in a simple way in xAxis labels' formatters:
var str = fiscal13Data.Data[this.value].Date;
In tooltip formatter, it is almost exactly the same:
var str = fiscal13Data.Data[this.x].Date;
And here is working demo:
Note: You data looks a bit strange - don't you want to sort it first? Also, you have twice every date (e.g. "Per13/2016" - once for "water" and once for "electric").

show only last x points on Highchart

I have a dynamic data series like this
The data grows automatically, so later on, an extra data point will be added e.g. [15,13]
I have an input field in which the user can select how many points from the end he wants to show.
For example if he inputs 5, only [10,6],[11,7],[12,8],[13,8],[14,9] should be visible. But when the additional point is added, this should become [11,7],[12,8],[13,8],[14,9],[15,13] automatically.
I think I have to use chart.xAxis[0].setExtremes() but I don't know what to enter as parameters... ?
You will have to "reapply" setExtremes when adding a point. The setExtremes function takes in these parameters (API):
setExtremes (Number min, Number max, [Boolean redraw], [Mixed animation])
You would have to use min and max to show the desired number of points, and have that include the last one. For example, you could do something like this:
var chart = $('#container').highcharts();
var numberOfPointsToShow = 5;
// Add new random point
chart.series[0].addPoint(Math.random() * 25);
// Get index of last point
var lastPoint = chart.series[0].data.length - 1;
// Set extremes to go from "min" (based on last point) to last point
lastPoint - (numberOfPointsToShow - 1), // min
lastPoint); // max
See this JSFiddle example with dynamic adding of points.

Get y-value of points along the generated line graph in Highcharts

I have two series of data--one consists of (Date, Rating), and the other is a list of events that happened on specific dates. The ultimate goal is to use the first series of data to construct a line graph to show how the rating has changed over time, which I've done successfully:
I now need to plot the second set of data using the dates as x-values (different dates than the first set), but want them to show up on the line--meaning I need to get the y-value of what that date would be if it were in the first set. I hope I explained that clearly; let me know if it's confusing.
I forgot I knew how to do algebra.
function getYValue(dataset, date){
//gets rating estimate for closest surrounding dates using algebraic fun-times
var point_1, point_2;
for (j = 0; j < dataset.length; j++){
if (dataset[j][0] > date) {
point_1 = dataset[j-1];
point_2 = dataset[j];
var slope = (point_2[1] - point_1[1]) / (point_2[0] - point_1[0]);
var rating = slope * (date - point_2[0]) + point_2[1];
return rating;

JQplot tooltip for multiple y axes

For a JQplot chart with 2 y axes, I am able to set the tooltip but when i hover over a datapoint i need to know to which y axis the tooltip belongs. I need this so that i can display the tooltip after multiplying with the appropriate scale factor. The code i tried is shown below. I thought y will be null when we hover over a data point belonging to y2 axis. But y is never null.
function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
var chart_left = $("#"+sTargetId).offset().left,
chart_right = ($(window).width() - ($("#"+sTargetId).offset().left + $("#"+sTargetId).outerWidth())),
chart_top = $("#"+sTargetId).offset().top,
x = oPlot.axes.xaxis.u2p(data[0]),
y = oPlot.axes.yaxis.u2p(data[1]),
y2 = oPlot.axes.y2axis.u2p(data[1]);;
if(y===null|| y===undefined){ //this condition doesnt work
var tooltipDataYaxis = data[1]*scaleYaxis1;
var sYDisplay = this.sYAxis1MeasureName;
$('#tooltip').css({left:chart_left+x, top:chart_top+y, marginRight:chart_right});
tooltipDataYaxis = data[1]*scaleYaxis2;
sYDisplay = this.sYAxis2MeasureName;
$('#tooltip').css({left:chart_left+x, top:chart_top+y2, marginRight:chart_right});
'<span style="font-family: Arial;font-size:'+sTooltip+';font:bold;color:#000000;">'+ sYDisplay+': ' + tooltipDataYaxis +'</span>');
function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
The variable seriesIndex will help to identify which series the tooltip belongs to. :)
I was just playing with jqplot for the first time. quite fun.
In the highlighter plugin jqplot.highlighter.js
I extended it on line 336
elem.html(str + " component:"[2]);
You might use Chrome developer tools to get the data model at this point and look at the contents of the neighbor object.
(scope variables > Local > neighbor > data )
That's how I did it anywho. Hope it helps.
