Strange routes shown in logs for MVC3 application -

In one of my MVC3 web applications I have recently noticed some strange looking Urls in the analytics reports.
The Urls look like they have an encoded value injected into the route but seem to match the routes as if the encoded value was not there.
Normal Url
Appears in the logs occasionally as
I have tested this on the server and local machine and it resolves to the controller regardless of the presence of the inserted value.
They appear to follow a certain pattern so I tested using other variations
Resolves fine, I can also replace the F with any other letter
However, putting more than 1 letter or other character in place of the F does not resolve
/MyWebsite/(AB(anything-here))/Controller/Action = 404 Error
I thought it may be something to do with Cookieless sessions but the information I have found suggests that this isn't supported in MVC anyway. Does anyone know what this is, or if it is anything to worry about?
Turning off cookies for a local browser, I set the session state to 'Auto Detect' in IIS manager and it gave me a key in the URL that looks strikingly similar to the pattern described above.
When I try to actually log in without Cookies it doesn't seem to work, but perhaps that's another issue.
Setting IIS manager to 'Use Cookies' and accessing using a browser with cookies turned off (I used Opera with option 'Never accept cookies' in Advanced preferences) didn't seem to create the URL as before, but judging by the similarities it must at least explain why it matches the routes.
Since IIS is set to 'Use Cookies' on my server, I'm not sure why the URLs are being generated, but at least I now know what they are. Perhaps this is an attempt at Session hijacking...

This does indeed look like session data stored in the URL. It's a feature of ASP.NET and works just fine with MVC as well. Look in the IIS manager for the Session State icon of your website and it's Cookie Settings Mode is most likely set to Auto Detect. This might cause it to fall back to URI mode in case cookies are not supported.


Invalid hostname on mvc site - IIS 8

I have an mvc app that has been deployed to our production server. It works well under IIS 8.5 using an IP and an asigned port. But the moment I try to bind it to a subdomain the app starts showing the invalid hostname error.
Tried to see if there was something off in the applicationhost.config but the binding is in the correct format. IP:Port:Binding.
The redirection also works fine, it lands on the page, but it shows the error instead of the login page.
I have deployed sites before, but not MVC apps, and bind them to subdomains and its usually a 2 step process. I dont know what im missing here.
Edit. Here is the screen of the error. Does not say a lot.
I'm not familiar with MVC or IIS, but base on my experience with other products, you very likely need to tell IIS to preserve the Host header.
In order to be able to modify the HTTP Location header it is necessary to preserve the original value of the HTTP host header. The outbound rewrite rule will use the preserved value when modifying the response. To preserve the original value you will store it in a temporary server variable ORIGINAL_HOST.
You should also make yourself aware about the security vulnerabilities that can result with regard to Host headers.

Weird behavior with session cookies

I have a Rails application hosted on Heroku and I am preparing to deploy another application that will use the same session cookie. Let's assume that main application is hosted at and the new application will be hosted at I've setup session cookies in both apps with cookie domain and everything works ok. I've modified /etc/hosts to test those settings on my local machine.
Since everything worked fine on my local machine I wanted to test it on our staging environment, which is hosted at For this app I've set cookie domain to And now it does not work. It is not possible to login. From inspector it looks like correct Set-Cookie header is sent from the server, but the browser never send this cookie back on request.
The same thing happens on my local machine when pointing to This happens only when I use Everything else works fine or at least couple of different domains work fine, including
I am really confused. It looks like there is some cache issue, but I don't know where exactly. I am testing this mostly on Chrome with incognito mode, but I also tried Safari with the same problem.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or maybe I am missing something obvious.
This is because is included in the Mozilla Foundation’s Public Suffix List. Cookie with domain * cannot be set any more. Refer to doc in is included in the Mozilla Foundation’s Public Suffix List. This list is used in recent versions of several browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome and Opera, to limit how broadly a cookie may be scoped. In other words, in browsers that support the functionality, applications in the domain are prevented from setting cookies for * Note that * cookies can currently be set in Internet Explorer, but this behavior should not be relied upon and may change in the future.

Google script origin request url

I'm developing a Google Sheets add-on. The add-on calls an API. In the API configuration, a url like had to be added to the list of urls allowed to make requests from another domain.
Today, I noticed that this url changed to
The url changed about 3 months after development start.
I'm wondering what makes the url to change because it also means a change in configuration in our back-end every time.
EDIT: Thanks for both your responses so far. Helped me understand better how this works but I still don't know if/when/how/why the url is going to change.
Quick update, the changing part of the url was "-1lu" for another user today (but not for me when I was testing). It's quite annoying since we can't use wildcards in the google dev console redirect uri field. Am I supposed to paste a lot of "-xlu" uris with x from 1 to like 10 so I don't have to touch this for a while?
For people coming across this now, we've also just encountered this issue while developing a Google Add-on. We've needed to add multiple origin urls to our oauth client for sign-in, following the pattern mentioned by OP.
This is annoying as each url has to be entered separately in the authorized urls field (subdomain or wildcard matching isn't allowed). Also this is pretty fragile since it breaks if Google changes the urls they're hosting our add-on from. Furthermore I wasn't able to find any documentation from Google confirming that these are the script origins.
URLs are managed by the host in various ways. At the most basic level, when you build a web server you decide what to call it and what to call any pages on it. Google and other large content providers with farms of servers and redundant data centers and everything are going to manage it a bit differently, but for your purposes, it will be effectively the same in that ... you need to ask them since they are the hosting provider of your cloud content.
Something that MIGHT be related is that Google rolled out some changes recently dealing with the domain and picassa images (or at least was scheduled to do so.) So the google support forums will be the way to go with this question for the freshest answers since the cause of a URL change is usually going to be specific to that moment in time and not something that you necessarily need to worry about changing repeatedly. But again, they are going to need to confirm that it was something related to the recent planned changes... or not. :-)
When you find something out you can update this question in case it is of use to others. Especially, if they tell you that it wasn't a one time thing dealing with a change on their end.
This is more likely related to Changing origin in Same-origin Policy. As discussed:
A page may change its own origin with some limitations. A script can set the value of document.domain to its current domain or a superdomain of its current domain. If it sets it to a superdomain of its current domain, the shorter domain is used for subsequent origin checks.
For example, assume a script in the document at executes the following statement:
document.domain = "";
After that statement executes, the page can pass the origin check with
So, as noted:
When using document.domain to allow a subdomain to access its parent securely, you need to set document.domain to the same value in both the parent domain and the subdomain. This is necessary even if doing so is simply setting the parent domain back to its original value. Failure to do this may result in permission errors.

SSL path in appcache network being restricted in Chrome

Seeing some odd behaviour in Chrome, and not sure if it's expected behaviour when using appcache, or just Chrome.
It's a single-page app, powered by our RestAPI, it works fine when the RestAPI is being requested under HTTP, however as soon as we change the url to be the HTTPS version then it stops working. There's not a lot (i.e. any) information in Chrome's console as to why it decides to stop working.
We've managed to narrow it down to the NETWORK section in the appcache file, the only way we can get it to work is to use the * wildcard, which we don't want to do, as that bypasses the whole point of the appcache, and reduces security (from my understanding from reading the docs etc).
We've tried any and all variations of the API url (as in combinations of it with wildcards in various relevant locations), but none seem to work (even a https://* doesn't allow a successful request).
Any experienced know what's going on at all?
Need a bit of clarification (see my comment), but in the meantime:
The NETWORK behaviour of the manifest is really there to, according to the spec, make "the testing of offline applications simpler", by reducing the difference between online and offline behaviour. In reality, it just adds another gotcha.
By default, anything that isn't explicitly in the manifest (listed in the manifest file), implicitly part of the cache (a visited page that points to the manifest), or covered by a FALLBACK prefix, will fail to load, even if you're online, unless the url is listed in the NETWORK section or the NETWORK section lists *.
Wildcards don't have special meaning in the NETWORK section, if you list* it will allow requests to that url, as an asterisk is a valid character in a url. The only special case is a single *, which means "allow the page to make network requests for any resources that aren't in the cache".
Basically, using * in NETWORK isn't a security risk, in fact it's probably what you want to do, every AppCache site I've built uses it.
I drew this flow chart to try and explain how appcache loads pages and resources:

Restriction of url parameters in

I have updated a website i have made recently, using The problem Im now encountering is this. If I send in the request parameters of a page: i.e., this url leads to a page stating "Command cannot execute". It used to work fine in my old version, and im still using the same iis server and the same database.
I have narrowed it down to note that if the word "vend" is found in the url it gives this error. I suspect this restriction is made in the project? If yes, how can I remove it. My users need to be able to send requests containing these letters.
i'm not sure but you might want to check the routing if there is any.
