new created UIImageViews do not show up when added as subview - ios

upon a tap, I want to let a few UIImageView objects appear on an underlaying UIView.
So I created the following action:
- (IBAction)startStars: (id) sender
UIView* that = (UIView*) sender; // an UIButton, invisible, but reacting to Touch Down events
int tag = that.tag;
UIView* page = [self getViewByTag:mPages index:tag]; // getting a page currently being viewed
if ( page != nil )
int i;
UIImage* image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"some.png"];
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i )
// create a new UIImageView at the position of the tapped UIView
UIImageView* zap = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:that.frame];
// assigning the UIImage
zap.image = image;
// make a modification to the position so we can see all instances
CGPoint start = that.layer.frame.origin;
start.x += i*20;
zap.layer.position = start;
[page addSubview:zap]; // add to the UIView
[zap setNeedsDisplay]; // please please redraw
[zap release]; // release, since page will retain zap
[image release];
Unfortunately, nothing shows up. The code gets called, the objects created, the image is loaded, even the properties are as expected.
Page itself is a real basic UIView, created with interface builder to contain other views and controls.
Still, nothing of this can be seen....
Has anyone an idea what I am doing wrong? Do I need to set the alpha property (or others)?

A couple of things I would check:
Logging to make sure this section of code is actually being called.
Use the designated initializer for UIImageView:
[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
This will ensure that your new view has the correct size for the image - what are the relative sizes of zap and your image? It could be out of the frame.
Ensure that the image actually exists and is created
Try not adjusting the layer properties, but setting the center of the image view instead. In fact, in the first instance don't adjust it at all and just see if you can see anything. I'm not sure but I think position might be moving the layer within the view so could be moving your image out of sight. Try:
CGPoint newCenter = that.frame.origin;
newCenter.y += zap.bounds.size.height/2;
newCenter.x += i*20; = origin;
setNeedsDisplay is not required. Obviously from your comments it was an act of desparation!

Is your UIImage nil?
You don't need to have the .png extension for imageNamed: to work. It might not even work correctly if you put it in, I'm not sure. You're also overreleasing your image. imageNamed: returns an autoreleased image so there is no reason to call release on the image unless you're also calling retain on it somewhere.

I see a potential error: on second invocation you will re-add another copy, so take care about removing subviews before adding anew copy. Yu can alternatively move a previous view.
99% of my cases about non-visible views with images are wrong names, so as suggested, load using a temp var:
UIImage img = [UIImage imageNamed..];
and test img.


Should I use GIF file or animation code on iOS?

I intend to make a splash screen on iOS consists of a person, a chair objects. Each of these objects has seperated aspects like the hands, head, body and feets that animated together. I wonder which is better way to go? Importing a GIF file or coding CALayer objects then adding animation?
You can't use GIF files or any code for animation for your launchscreen (splash screen), you can only use a static image, a PNG or JPG (if the launchscreen is a storyboard).
So, if you want your app's startup with some animation then you should manage it in your first view controller.
You can animate imageview with image sets like,
UIImageView* myImageViewForAnimation = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
myImageViewForAnimation.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image1"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image2"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image3"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image4"], nil];
myImageViewForAnimation.animationDuration = 1.0f;
myImageViewForAnimation.animationRepeatCount = 0;
[myImageViewForAnimation startAnimating];
[self.view addSubview: myImageViewForAnimation];
Update (as asked in comment) :
You can get your view on which you have added gesture recognizer in your action method or you can set tag to every imageview and handle it in action method.
For example,
-(void)tapOnProfileImage : (UITapGestureRecognizer*)recog{
UIImageView *tempView = (UIImageView *)recog.view;
// or
if (recog.view.tag == 1) {
// image 1
if (recog.view.tag == 2) {
//image 2
So, on every image view, you should add target with selector - tapOnProfileImage and you can differentiate it as mentioned in above code snippet!
You can use gif image but not directly on launch xib. You create one view controller and load gif image on that view controller, once animation is completed then remove this controller from navigation stack. use this gif image view control.

Selecting image during Animation

I have an outlet called myImage for an imageView that is set up with an animation of 5 images. With a Tap Gesture Recognizer on it, I want to have the users tap on the correct image as it quickly passes to move onto the next level.
There is an error in my code and this does not work:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.myImage.animationImages =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic1.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic2.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"correctPic.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic4.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic5.png"],
[self.myImage setAnimationRepeatCount:0];
self.myImage.animationDuration = 1;
[self.myImage startAnimating];
- (IBAction)TapGestureRecognizer:(id)sender {
if (self.myImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"correctPic.png"]) {
// Launch next level
else {
// Vibrate Device and subtract points from score
You have a fundamental misconception in your code about objects and equality. I assume that you meant "==" in your TapGestureRecognizer method. However, even if you changed the = to == would not give you what you want.
The expressions like
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic1.png"]
call a class method of UIImage that creates a new UIImage object. You have created 5 of these objects, put them into an array, an set the animationImage array of your UIImage object to these images. These objects are all different objects from myView.image: I can tell because I can see from your code that you have assigned 5 new objects to the animationObjects array. Your == test cannot ever work because you are comparing self.image to a brand new UIImage object.
What you are trying to do is determine which image the user touched. There is no method in UIImageView that tells you which animation UIImage is currently showing. You are assuming that the image property of the view will be changed as the animation images are displayed, but there is no reason for this assumption to be true: it is certainly not stated in the documentation. Even if you corrected your code (by doing something like this):
if(self.image == [self.animationImages objectAtIndex:2]){
your code would not be correct.
If I were trying to do what you want, I would create a UIView with 5 UIImageView as subview, each with their own gesture recognizer. I would use the frame property of each subview to do my animation.
Looks like the options are to determine which image "should" be showing based upon the startTime of the animation.
Determine which of its animationImages a UIImageView is displaying?
Or, just use a timer to set the currently displayed image.
Detect which image was clicked in UIImageView with animationImages

How to Clone A UIImageView

I have a UIImageView and I want to make a copy of it and place it somewhere on the screen. How do I do this?
I currently only know how to copy and paste the image manually and make a separate IBOutlet for each one, but this is very inefficient because I want to make a game that generates obstacles (UIImageViews) forever so I can't do it the manual way.
You want to make sure you match all of the properties up as well, like size, clipping, image aspect, opacity, etc.
CGPoint locationOfCloneImageView = CGPointMake(0, 0);//x and y coordinates of where you want your image. (More specifically, the x and y coordinated of where you want the CENTER of your image to be)
UIImageView *cloneImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:originalImageView.image];
cloneImageView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, originalImageView.frame.size.width, originalImageView.frame.size.height);//same size as old image view
cloneImageView.alpha = originalImageView.alpha;//same view opacity
cloneImageView.layer.opacity = originalImageView.layer.opacity;//same layer opacity
cloneImageView.clipsToBounds = originalImageView.clipsToBounds;//same clipping settings
cloneImageView.backgroundColor = originalImageView.backgroundColor;//same BG color
cloneImageView.tintColor = originalImageView.tintColor;//matches tint color.
cloneImageView.contentMode = originalImageView.contentMode;//matches up things like aspectFill and stuff.
cloneImageView.highlighted = originalImageView.highlighted;//matches whether it's highlighted or not
cloneImageView.opaque = originalImageView.opaque;//matches can-be-opaque BOOL
cloneImageView.userInteractionEnabled = originalImageView.userInteractionEnabled;//touches are detected or not
cloneImageView.multipleTouchEnabled = originalImageView.multipleTouchEnabled;//multi-touches are detected or not
cloneImageView.autoresizesSubviews = originalImageView.autoresizesSubviews;//matches whether or not subviews resize upon bounds change of image view.
//cloneImageView.hidden = originalImageView.hidden;//commented out because you probably never need this one haha... But if the first one is hidden, so is this clone (if uncommented)
cloneImageView.layer.zPosition = originalImageView.layer.zPosition+1;//places it above other views in the parent view and above the original image. You can also just use `insertSubview: aboveSubview:` in code below to achieve this.
[originalImageView.superview addSubview:cloneImageView];//adds this image view to the same parent view that the other image view is in. = locationOfCloneImageView;//set at start of code.
You will need to create one new UIImageView with its new frame where you want to place it. set its image property of your existing imageView's image, and after that add it to your view.
UIImageView *newImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,50,50)];
newImageView.image = oldImageView.image;
[self.view addSubView:newImageView]

Can't update a UIImageView properly

I call this method in my ViewController, which contains a UIScrollView, when the user taps a button.
-(void) updateView:(NSURL *) urlPicture{
UIImageView *imageNews = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,300,200)];
imageNews.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
[imageNews setImageWithURL:urlPicture];
[self.scrollView addSubview:imageNews];
It seems to work fine, but when I got a strange behavior.
It doesn't clear the previous image to put the new one.
E.g: if the first image is 300x200 and the second one is 200x200 I still can see the sides of the first one when the app download the second.
I would like to know how to clear the previous image before download the second.
I already try imageNews.image = nil; but it didn't work
First you need to remove old view from scrollView. You can edit your code as mentioned below
#define IMAGE_VIEW_TAG 1001
-(void) updateView:(NSURL *) urlPicture{
UIView *oldView = [self.scrollView viewWithTag:IMAGE_VIEW_TAG];
[oldView removeFromSuperView]
UIImageView *imageNews = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,300,200)];
imageNews.tag = IMAGE_VIEW_TAG;
imageNews.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
[imageNews setImageWithURL:urlPicture];
[self.scrollView addSubview:imageNews];
Well I am not really sure what your application does ,
but seems like you need to have only 1 image
so I would suggest you to remove the previous image.
There are 2 ways to do so:
1) you could use your image as property and simply call [_imageNews removeFromSuperView];
2) you can iterate through your self.scrollView's sub views and remove it from there.

Instantiate an image to appear at several different points on the screen?

I have an image called Empty.png, it is a small-ish square tile, how could I instantiate the image to appear at several different points on the screen?
Thank you for any help in advance :)
You can can place UIImageView's wherever you want the image to appear.And then set the image property of each image view as this image. (UIImage object).
If you are using interface builder then you just have to type in the name of the file in the attributes inspector of the imageview in the interface builder.
Or you could do this:
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageName:#"Empty.png"];
imageView.image = img; //Assuming this is your utlet to the image view.
It depends on how you want to use it.
If you just draw it with core graphics, let's say in drawInRect: or so, then you simply draw it several times.
If you want to display it within one or a number of image views, then instanciate your UIImageViews and assign the same object to all of them. Or let the Interface Builder do the instanciation for you. But you cannot add a single UIView object several times to one or a number of subview-hierarchies. If you add a UIView as subview to a view then it will disappear from the position where it was before.
10 UIImageView may use the same UIView but you need 10 UIImageViews to display all of them.
The same applies to UIButtons and every UI-thing that has an image or background image.
this will get you one image into some view
CGPoint position = CGPointMake(x,y);
UIImageView *img = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
img.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Empty.png"];
img.frame = CGRectMake(position.x, position.y, img.image.size.width, img.image.size.height);
[someUIView addSubview:img];
if you make an array for the positions (x,y) of all the images, then you can just run it in a for loop and it will place the images into the view at the positions you want
note: CGPoints cant be stored in an NSArray since its not an NSObject type, either use a C/C++ array or use something else that can fit into a NSArray
