How can I show single dialog box at directx? - directx

I want to show dialog box at directx.
On full Screen, I can't see dialog box when I click button.
How can I show it when my project is full screen?

I've solved this problem myself.
I typed this code.
d3dpp.BackBufferWidth = m_config.nWidth;
d3dpp.BackBufferHeight = m_config.nHeight;
d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8;
d3dpp.BackBufferCount = 1;
d3dpp.MultiSampleQuality = 0;
d3dpp.hDeviceWindow = m_hWnd;
d3dpp.Windowed = true;
d3dpp.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
d3dpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DFMT_D24S8;
d3dpp.FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz = D3DPRESENT_RATE_DEFAULT;
d3dpp.PresentationInterval = D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE;
Then Create LPDirect3dDevice. After this,
Then the dialog box will show.


compton config for transparency in i3's tabbed/stacked mode

I am trying to:
make some applications transparent using compton on i3wm such that
in tabbed/ stacked mode in i3wm the underlying windows are hidden (or are not drawn).
For example's sake, let us take the application to be zathura.
I tried the following in my compton.conf:
opacity-rule = [
"90:class_g = 'Zathura' && !_NET_WM_STATE#:32a",
This makes zathura transparent when it is unfocused. If zathura is focused then it will not be transparent. So zathura is hidden if it is beneath any other transparent window in tabbed/ stacked window.
Next I tried the following in compton.conf:
opacity-rule = [
"90:class_g = 'Zathura'",
This does make zathura transparent, but this draws zathura beneath other windows when in tabbed or stacked mode in i3wm.
I found this and tried the suggested solution. That is, I replaced "0:_NET_WM_STATE#:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'" with
However this made no change. Please help.
Config file:
My entire compton.conf is below. Remark: Some applications such as urxvt or emacs allow me to set transparency natively. Those applications behave well in tabbed/ stacked mode with the following config:
menu = { shadow = false; };
dropdown_menu = { shadow = false; };
popup_menu = { shadow = false; };
utility = { shadow = false; };
# Shadow
shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
clear-shadow = true;
shadow-radius = 7;
shadow-offset-x = -7;
shadow-offset-y = -7;
shadow-exclude = [
"class_g = 'i3-frame'",
"class_g = 'keynav'",
"name = 'Notification'",
"class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
opacity-rule = [
# "90:class_g = 'Zathura'",
"90:class_g = 'Zathura' && !_NET_WM_STATE#:32a",
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE#[1]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE#[2]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE#[3]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE#[4]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
# Fading
fading = true;
fade-delta = 5;
fade-in-step = 0.03;
fade-out-step = 0.03;
fade-exclude = [ ];
# Other
backend = "xrender";
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true;
detect-client-opacity = true;
refresh-rate = 0;
vsync = "none";
dbe = false;
focus-exclude = [ "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
detect-transient = true;
detect-client-leader = true;
invert-color-include = [ ];
# GLX backend
glx-copy-from-front = false;
glx-swap-method = "undefined";
# Window type settings
tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; };

Xamarin Android - Oxyplot, hide axis values

I am developing a xamarin android app and I am using oxyplot to display a graph. This is the code of oxyplot
OxyPlot.Axes.CategoryAxis xaxis = new OxyPlot.Axes.CategoryAxis();
xaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Bottom;
xaxis.TextColor = OxyColors.Transparent;
xaxis.IsPanEnabled = false;
xaxis.IsAxisVisible = false;
xaxis.MinorTickSize = 0;
xaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None;
xaxis.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None;
xaxis.IsZoomEnabled = false;
xaxis.IsPanEnabled = false;
LinearAxis yaxis = new LinearAxis();
yaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
yaxis.TextColor = OxyColors.Transparent;
yaxis.IsPanEnabled = false;
yaxis.IsAxisVisible = false;
yaxis.MinorTickSize = 0;
yaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None;
yaxis.MinorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.None;
yaxis.IsZoomEnabled = false;
yaxis.IsPanEnabled = false;
OxyPlot.Series.ColumnSeries s1 = new OxyPlot.Series.ColumnSeries();
//s1.IsStacked = true;
s1.Items.Add(new ColumnItem(100));
s1.Items.Add(new ColumnItem(55));
var model = new PlotModel();
model.Background = OxyColors.White;
model.PlotAreaBorderColor = OxyColors.Transparent;
model.IsLegendVisible = false;
return model;
And this is the output in my phone
The problem is that I wanna hide everything except the two bars. Hide the lines and the values of the axis. Thank you very much.
As said in the documentation:
If no axes are defined, linear axes will be added to the bottom and left.
You have not set these two axes to your model, so it adds two default axes.
You could try to use the following codes to add axes:
//Your other code
var model = new PlotModel();
model.Background = OxyColors.White;
model.PlotAreaBorderColor = OxyColors.Transparent;
//Add axes
model.IsLegendVisible = false;

TeeChart bottom axis labels are cut off in iOS

I'm building an iOS app (unified) using Xamarin. I'm also using TeeCharts. I have a very simple bar chart whose bottom axis labels are rotated by 90 degrees (vertical labels). The bottom axis shows dates (10 days, starting from today). I've also set the date format to "MM/dd".
Here's my code:
private void CreateChartUI()
CGColor textColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;
this.Chart.Aspect.View3D = false;
this.Chart.Header.Text = String.Empty;
this.Chart.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Aspect.ZoomScrollStyles.Manual;
this.Chart.Zoom.Active = false;
this.Chart.Zoom.Allow = false;
this.Chart.Panning.Allow = ScrollModes.None;
this.Chart.Legend.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Header.Text = "Test";
// Walls
this.Chart.Walls.Back.Pen.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Walls.Back.Gradient.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Walls.Back.Color = UIColor.Gray.CGColor;
// Left axis
this.Chart.Axes.Left.AxisPen.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Ticks.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.MinorTicks.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Style = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.DashStyle.Solid;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Color = UIColor.White.CGColor;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Grid.Width = 2;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.Labels.Font.Color = textColor;
this.Chart.Axes.Left.MaximumOffset = 30;
// Bottom axis
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.AxisPen.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Grid.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Ticks.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.MinorTicks.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.MinorGrid.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Grid.Visible = false;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 90;
this.Chart.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Font.Color = textColor;
// series
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar testSeries = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bar() { VertAxis = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.VerticalAxis.Left };
testSeries.Marks.Visible = false;
testSeries.Color = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
testSeries.XValues.DateTime = true;
testSeries.BarWidthPercent = 100 * (int) (float)UIKit.UIScreen.MainScreen.Scale;
testSeries.SideMargins = true;
The result is this:
As you can see, the labels of the bottom axis are cut off. I'm using the latest TeeChart version (
Any help would be appreciated.
yes, you're correct, it's a bug which has already been fixed. It will be included into the next maintenance release which will be availble at the Xamarin Store and also on our web site at the customers download page.

Programmatically added SummaryLinkWebPart doesn't display Links

I am using below code to Add SummaryLinkWebPart to a Page and also adding few links to that wehbpart. I can see the webpart now on the page but it doesn't have any links inside it. Does anyone know what is wrong with the code?
var wpm = web.GetLimitedWebPartManager("Pages/default.aspx", PersonalizationScope.Shared);
SummaryLinkWebPart slwp = new SummaryLinkWebPart();
for (int counter = 0; counter < list.ItemCount; counter++)
urlField = list.Items[counter]["URL"].ToString().Split(',');
SummaryLink link = new SummaryLink(urlField[1].Trim());
slwp.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks[counter].OpenInNewWindow = true;
slwp.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks[counter].LinkUrl = urlField[0].Trim();
slwp.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks[counter].Description = urlField[1];
slwp.Style = "Image on left";
Console.WriteLine(link.LinkUrl + link.Title);
wpm.AddWebPart(slwp, lvwp.ZoneID, slwp.ZoneIndex + 1);
Hmm this seems to be the hack but the only thing that solves this issue is reassigning the SummaryLinkValue Property back again its value.
slwp.SummaryLinkValue = slwp.SummaryLinkValue;
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpManager = page.GetLimitedWebPartManager(System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
then when done call page.Update(). something like this
SPFile page = web.GetFile(string.Format("Pages/{0}", this.FileName.Replace("html", "aspx")));
SPLimitedWebPartManager wpManager = page.GetLimitedWebPartManager(System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared);
SummaryLinkWebPart webpart = new SummaryLinkWebPart();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RelatedTopic1))
webpart.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks.Add(GetSummaryLink(web, pages, RelatedTopic1));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RelatedTopic2))
webpart.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks.Add(GetSummaryLink(web, pages, RelatedTopic2));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RelatedTopic3))
webpart.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks.Add(GetSummaryLink(web, pages, RelatedTopic3));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RelatedTopic4))
webpart.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks.Add(GetSummaryLink(web, pages, RelatedTopic4));
if (webpart.SummaryLinkValue.SummaryLinks.Count > 0)
wpManager.AddWebPart(webpart, "BottomPanel", 0);
} Chart Controls on a user control in MVC

I am new to the MVC Framework. Im working on a dashboard project in the MVC framework. The project consists of a bunch of charting control in a user controls contained in a master page. I did a test on a charting control on a aspx page..and it works...but when I moved the code to a ascx (usercontrol) the chart doesnt render. Any ideas?!?!?!...I'm stuck. Thanks in advance
Code that is in in the .aspx
System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart Chart1 = new System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart();
Chart1.Width = 450;
Chart1.Height = 296;
Chart1.RenderType = RenderType.ImageTag;
Chart1.ImageLocation = "..\\..\\TempImages\\ChartPic_#SEQ(200,30)";
Chart1.Palette = ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel;
Title t = new Title("Program Pipeline", Docking.Top, new System.Drawing.Font("Trebuchet MS", 14, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105));
Chart1.ChartAreas.Add("Prog 1");
// create a couple of series
Chart1.Series["Backlog"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar100;
Chart1.Series["Constructed"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar100;
Chart1.Series["Billed"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar100;
Chart1.Series["Total"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar100;
Chart1.Series["BudgetUsed"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar100;
Chart1.Series["Backlog"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
Chart1.Series["Constructed"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
Chart1.Series["Billed"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
Chart1.Series["BudgetUsed"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
Chart1.Series["Total"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
// Bar Size
Chart1.Series["Backlog"]["PointWidth"] = "0.6";
Chart1.Series["Constructed"]["PointWidth"] = "0.6";
Chart1.Series["Billed"]["PointWidth"] = "0.6";
Chart1.Series["BudgetUsed"]["PointWidth"] = "0.6";
Chart1.Series["Total"]["PointWidth"] = "0.6";
int _total = 0;
int _newTotalAmt = 100 - _total;
foreach (MvcApplication1.Models.Amount obj in Model.GetTotalAmt("plm1"))
_total += obj.TotalAmount;
_total = 0;
_newTotalAmt = 100 - _total;
foreach (MvcApplication1.Models.Amount obj in Model.GetTotalAmtForPLM2("plm2"))
_total += obj.TotalAmount;
_total = 0;
_newTotalAmt = 100 - _total;
foreach (MvcApplication1.Models.Amount obj in Model.GetTotalAmt("plm3"))
_total += obj.TotalAmount;
// MvcApplication1.Models.TotalPOAmount oTotal = Model.GetOverAllBudget();
// add points to series 3
Chart1.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss;
Chart1.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105);
Chart1.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
Chart1.BorderWidth = 2;
// show legend based on check box value
// Chart1.Legends["Legend1"].Enabled = ShowLegend.Checked;
// Render chart control
Chart1.Page = this;
HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(Page.Response.Output);
//IList<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
//SelectListItem sli = new SelectListItem();
//sli.Text = "test1";
//sli.Value = "1";
//ViewData["Test"] = list;
I've had exactly the same issue. My problem was to do with the paths to the image file. The chart control was getting it wrong when placed on a usercontrol. If I changed the chart to use Imagestoragemode of HttpHandler then it worked as intended.
unfortunatly this stopped me being able to unit test my views. In the end I put the chart control on an aspx page & then used jQuery to load it when needed. (Luckily my dashboard page used javascript to load the contents of the portlets)
I've just been trying to get round what seems to be the same problem. When I moved the code (similar to yours above) to a UserControl the System.Web.UI.DataVisualization namespace wasn't recognised and I received the error:
The type or namespace name
'DataVisualization' does not exist in
the namespace 'System.Web.UI' (are you
missing an assembly reference?)
The namespace only seemed to be recognised when the Chart code lay within an asp control (in the aspx page it was within an <asp:Content> control). So I put the Chart code within an <asp:Panel> control and it worked.
