Is there any way to know is it a zepto object? - zepto

I tried "$('#m') instanceof $",then I got false.
how do I know it is a zepto object?

I just ran into this exact same problem while trying to use Zepto matchers for Jasmine. It seems like Zepto wraps objects using an internal Z function that is only accessible by the closure. I tried exposing it by mapping it to $.Z, which works
$(el) instanceof $.Z // => true
but it still doesn't work with the matchers for some reason. I have created an issue on Zepto's github, so hopefully it's something that can be added in.


Use variable to access config in Grails Holders

Using Grails 2.3.7, I set a property in my config file: = ['whatever']
I can access using Holders...
For convenience I put Holders in util method:
static getCfgProp(key){
But getCfgProp('') doesn't work (guessing because is nested map key).
It works if I flatten the config:
static getCfgProp(key){
..but don't want to do that each time method is invoked.
Tried these, none worked, I must be missing something simple
This is what I've used for displaying a config var value (via a form input):
where ${it} is the input string. This works for both non-nested and nested keys due to the flatten() method.
EDIT: just realised this is the equivilent of your Holders.getFlatConfig() so probably not useful. Not sure why you
don't want to do that each time method is invoked
Performance? Have you benchmarked it?
This has worked for me with grails-2.5.6:
// for

RKMappingTest has no methods (RestKit)

I'm working with RestKit and trying to do unit tests per the Unit Testing Guide on their Github wiki.
When I try to create an instance of RKMappingTest, its like it only has the NSObject methods on it. it doesn't have the testWithMapping: method or any others that come up in the autocomplete and if I type it myself there is an error. Also, respondsToSelector: returns NO for the testWithMapping method.
So, since the class is available I'm sure the header is there but I can't figure out why the methods are not there. The textFixture stuff works fine as well. I've restarted XCode but can't seem to find out what is going on here. Help.
I've updated the Wiki page. There was an error with the message call it should be:
+ testForMapping:sourceObject:destinationObject:
instead of
+ testForMapping:withSourceObject:destinationObject:

How can I load a local file from embedded Rhino?

I'm using Rhino's context.evaluateString() to run some simple JavaScript from inside of Java. It's textbook right out of the Embedding Javascript guide:
String script = // simple logic
Context c = new ContextFactory().enterContext();
ScriptableObject scope = context.initStandardObjects();
Object o = context.evaluateString(scope, script, "myScript", 1, null);
ScriptableObject result = Context.jsToJava(o, ScriptableObject.class);
I'm not sure this is the current best-practice, because the main Rhino docs appear to be down, but it's working so far.
I'd like to be able to refer to a library in the working directory -- I see that Rhino shell supports load but I don't think this works in the embedding engine.
Is this possible? Is it documented anywhere? Ideally, I'd like to be able to just call something like load('other.js') and have it search directories I specify as a global property.
I have a sort-of answer that I don't really like, not least because it exposes what I'm pretty sure is a Rhino bug that drove me crazy for the last half hour:
eval("" +
new"/the/local/root", "script.js");
{ That "" + ... is how I work around the bug -- if you eval() a Java String (such as is returned from the readFileToString call) without manually coercing it to a JavaScript native string, nothing appears to happen. The call just silently fails. }
This blindly reads an arbitrary file and evals it -- of course, this is what you do when you eval() from the Java side, so I don't worry about it too much.
Anyway, it's not elegant for a number of reasons, but it works. I'd love to hear a better answer!

IntelliJ Idea auto-complete for my own grails domain meta class methods?

I'm using IntelliJ Idea 10 IDE for my grails development and while it's great at working out the "standard" meta class methods on, for example, domain classes (save, findBy etc), it (obviously) can't pick up methods added by plugins or my own code.
While I don't expect the IDE to be able to pick these up automatically, I'm optimistically wondering if there's a way to tell IntelliJ that, for example, "myMethod" is added to all domain objects, and that it takes a map and returns "myType".
It's a long shot I know, but does anyone know how this might be done in config, a plugin, or by some smoke-and-mirrors so I can a) stop missing simple, stupid typos and b) get some auto-complete?
I think you're looking for the GroovyDSL scripting framework
its possible to save a *.gdsl file somethere in src dir, with content:
contributor(context()) {
def scope =;
delegatesTo(com.intellij.psi.JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).findClass('org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormStaticApi', scope)) delegatesTo(com.intellij.psi.JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project).findClass('org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormEntity', scope))}

Genshi - how to print out all variables in scope

Quite simply I'd like to print out all variables that are in scope in my genshi template, as a debugging and discovery measure. Is there a way to do it?
The standard Python function locals() (which returns a dict) works for me. I'm using Genshi 0.5.1, and as you'll see, everything seems to be in __data__.
