Linked Data and Tagging [closed] - hyperlink

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does linked data applications use tagging for easier information retrieval? Where to get information on this specific topic?

For semantic annotation (tagging) the following applications would be good starting points:
Especially the GATE system includes a lot of information and tutorials related to both POS-tagging and ontology-based semantic tagging.
And yes, once your text has been semantically tagged, it is much easier to connect it to other pieces of text using the extra semantic medatada.


What kind of algorithm to use [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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For a course term project we have to build a machine learning algorithm in which user fills the form and the algorithm analyse the best suitable university based on the responses. I am new in the field of machine learning and I do not know what kind of algorithm can we use. Is the recommendation systems a right approach for this?
I did some review on the internet for some similar projects, however still can not find a good resource.

What does “consume an API” means? With details, please [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know what "consume an API" means in a less technical language possible and would like too some simple example in git and, if possible, using Ruby. I understand that I may be asking a lot, sorry for that, but I can not understand 100% of the examples I found.
I can not go on, because I have not yet been able to fully understand the subject.
I have a application, a CRUD simple and a API isa JSON that extract the results this CRUD?
Sorry for my limited understanding. I would very much like details with code example, just something basic.
It means that you take in data from an external source/url and do something with it. Here is an example:

Why use Localizable Strings in objective c vs Traditional Hash Maps? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Question is basically in the title. Just looking for a simple answer
If you use NSLocalizedString, you don't have to write your own code to detect and load resources per locale, and instead rely on widely used and reliable code provided by the system. This saves time in development and debugging, and your code will be easier to understand by other developers familiar with the system.

Rails best practices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can anyone help me with few indication about best way to do few things.
At this point I am in a situation where I have a task(.rake), and the code become so ugly that I need to split it out. So if I will create another file, probably a module with multiple classes and methods or just methods, where should I put the file (libs probably?)? (this file may be used by models as well). Also if I want to do the same or a module?
Any books, tutorials, articles, and opinions are welcomed.
Thank you
Check out the Rails Guides for an introduction - beyond that, there are many different [opinionated] resources on the matter, ie:

Image/Text Recognition [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I saw that this company Mitek made an app that could read receipts through the iPhone's camera and record the information from them. ( My assumption would be that they run the images through some kind of image/text recognition software. Any ideas what what they might be using? If theres an API that can interpret text from pictures that would be great to.
They are probably using some type of OCR software. It is hard to tell exactly which.
You can look at ocropus, for example
