Starting rails before rspec tests? - ruby-on-rails

Is there any way within an RSpec tests, by convention or code, to have rails start before tests run? I'm trying to setup a testing framework for selenium tests that use chrome, and now I'm only hindered by my lack of a running server.
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'The first tab' do
before(:each) do
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
it 'Shows the list' do 'index.html'
I'm new to RSpec, so I'm not sure how I would create a suite of tests that all ran while a rails server was running.

You should be using Capybara to test this stuff instead. It uses selenium-webdriver internally to provide JavaScript testing support.
with Capybara, you put this test in either the spec/integration or spec/requests folder and write it like this:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'The first tab' do
it "shows the list", :js => true do
visit list_path
By putting :js => true after the example's name Capybara will know to run this as a JavaScript test.

Just run rails server and kill the process went tests complete.


Issues with system test setup using Capybara and Selenium on Rails 5.1 app (upgraded from Rails 4)

I'm attempting to set up system tests with Capybara and Selenium on an existing Rails 5.1 (Upgraded from Rails 4) app that already had capybara based feature tests. Here's what I've done so far.
In the gem file under group :development, :test:
gem 'chromedriver-helper'
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
gem 'rack_session_access'
In the environments/development.rb and environments/test.rb:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost:3000' }
In the spec\rails_helper.rb:
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|, browser: :chrome)
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.default_max_wait_time = 10 # seconds
config.default_driver = :selenium
config.app_host = 'http://localhost:3000'
config.server_host = 'localhost'
The issues I'm having are both with new systems tests and old feature tests.
With the system tests it appears that Capybara isn't creating a page object as I get undefined local variable or method 'page' Additionally when I duplicate the same test under the feature test directory I don't have this issue.
With the old Capybara feature tests, working with the rackTest driver, a Chrome window opens but I get No route matches [GET] "/rack_session/edit"
config.middleware.use RackSessionAccess::Middleware is already present in the environments/test.rb
Example system test:
require 'rails_helper'
describe User do
let(:user) { create :user }
let(:membership) { create :membership, admin: true}
let(:admin) { create :user, memberships: [membership] }
context 'viewing the index' do
it 'directs you to the appropriate page' do
visit root_url
click_button 'Manage Users'
expect(page.current_url).to end_with users_path
expect(page).to have_selector 'h1', text: 'Users'
Example feature test:
require 'rails_helper'
describe 'edit an assignment' do
let(:roster) { create :roster }
let(:user) { create :user, rosters: [roster] }
before :each do
Timecop.freeze, 1, 10)
after :each do
context 'returns the user to the appropriate index page' do
let(:date_today) {, 4, 4) }
let(:start_date) {, 3, 31) }
let(:month_date) { date_today.beginning_of_month }
it 'redirects to the correct URL' do
visit roster_assignments_url(roster, date: date_today)
visit new_roster_assignment_url(roster, date: start_date)
click_button 'Create'
.to eq roster_assignments_url(roster,
date: month_date)
In the spec_helper:
def set_current_user(user)
page.set_rack_session user_id:
You need to have the gem puma installed. New rails 5 projects have it installed by default, but your app was made in Rails 4, which is why it didn't.
Why is this? Well, if you were to do a bundle update (and I'll admit I can't explain why) you'd get this error when trying to run the specs, which is a lot more explanatory:
System test integration requires Rails >= 5.1 and has a hard dependency on a webserver and `capybara`, please add capybara to your Gemfile and configure a webserver (e.g. `Capybara.server = :webrick`) before attempting to use system tests.
Googling this error led me to this page, which explains Capybara needs a server.
After adding puma, I'm able to run system tests on your application.
A number of issues here.
Why are you setting - config.app_host = 'http://localhost:3000' ??? That would run the tests against your dev instance rather than the test instance Capybara starts. app_host really should only ever need to be set if you are doing subdomain based testing. This could be the reason for the no route error (normally rack_session_access would only be included in the test environment), or that could be caused by having not actually included the middleware as specified in the rack_session_access gem readme.
NEVER do expectations against current_path/current_url directly, instead use the provided matchers or you'll have flaky tests
expect(page).to have_current_path(users_path)
page is just an alias for Capybara.current_session and is a member of the module Capybara::DSL. If it's not available in the scope of your tests that it most likely means Capybara::DSL isn't included. That would normally be done by rspec-rails - - so it's possible you haven't actually set the test type to 'system'. If it's that it's not available in your spec_helper methods, just using Capybara.current_session instead is usually easier.

How to run a before each block only for Capybara specs in RSpec?

I have both Capybara JS specs and Rack Test specs. I want to have a before :each block only for the Capybara specs. All Capybara specs are JS.
I tried using before :each, js: :true, but the specs are not marked as JS. I am setting the default driver to webkit, so I don't have to mark each spec as JS.
So, how to run a before :each on Capybara specs and exclude Rack Test specs?
Something like this in your spec_helper should work:
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.before(:suite) do
# do before whole test suite
config.before(:each) do
# do before each test
Also, definitely is a good idea to separate out your features, so your spec folder looks like this:

Rspec/Capybara "feature" method undefined when Guard runs specs in watched files, works when run manually

I am getting a strange issue when using Guard to run my specs.
I am running a feature spec that uses the Capybara "feature" / "scenario" syntax. I am also using Spring.
Everything works fine if I run rspec spec or spring rspec in the console or rspec in the Guard shell. But, when the watched specs get run automatically by Guard, I get the following error:
/spec/features/navigation_spec.rb:1:in <top (required)>': undefined methodfeature' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
Why is it not picking up the Capybara syntax only in this specific context?
Here is the relevant code:
guard :rspec, :spring => true do
feature "navigation" do
context "When on the home page" do
before { visit "/" }
scenario "I should see the navigation header" do
expect(page).to have_selector("div.navigation")
require 'capybara/rspec'
For anyone who may run into a similar issue in the future, I forgot to include require 'spec_helper' in the feature spec (like an idiot).
In Rails 4, make sure that you have included 'rails_helper' instead of 'spec_helper' on top of your specfile:
require 'rails_helper'
feature "Some Feature", :type => :feature do
And also make sure that config.disable_monkey_patching! is commented out or removed. Otherwise you will encounter problems when running your feature specs.
require 'capybara/rspec'
RSpec.configure do |config|
# config.disable_monkey_patching!
If you have created a .rspec file inside your project dir, also make sure to to change spec_helper to rails_helper there as well.
How are you invoking guard? It sounds like you might need to do bundle exec guard to kick things off. It could also be running under the wrong environment (unlikely, but worth a look).

Should I use Selenium or Jasmine in order to test view files with RSpec?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2, cucumber-rails-1.3.0, rspec-rails-2.8.1 and capybara-1.1.2 with the Selenium driver. After receiving the answer to a my previous question I had a doubt: should I use the Selenium ruby-gem or the Jasmine ruby-gem in order to test view files with RSpec? If so, since I am already using Selenium in order to test JavaScript for view files with Cucumber, why (when testing with RSpec) should I use Jasmine instead of Selenium? That is, why to use two ruby-gems that have the same purpose and make the same things?
Generally and practically speaking, how do you advice to test view files by using RSpec? ... but, is it the "right way" to test view files with RSpec or should I test those by using Cucumber?
I prefer to use selenium server, the selenium IDE in firefox to record and selenium client for rspec.
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../..','config','environment'))
require 'spec/autorun'
require 'spec/rails'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'rspec/instafail'
require "selenium/client"
Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
require "selenium/selenium_helper"
require "selenium/modules/loginator"
describe "tester" do
attr_reader :selenium_driver
alias :page :selenium_driver
before(:all) do
#verification_errors = []
#selenium_driver = \
:host => "localhost",
:port => 4444,
:browser => "*firefox",
:url => "http://localhost:3000",
:timeout_in_second => 60
before(:each) do
append_after(:each) do
it "login and then try to search for stuff" do
#login.run_login(page) "link=CSR"
page.wait_for_page_to_load "30000"
page.type "id=isq_Name", "john smith" "css=input[type=\"submit\"]"
page.wait_for_page_to_load "30000"

authlogic not working with capybara when using the selenium driver

I have all my capybara tests working with my authlogic members area using the default driver, but when i change one test to use selenium driver as it has ajax in it, it gives my theis error :
You must activate the Authlogic::Session::Base.controller with a controller object before creating objects
Things are working with default driver for authlogic so must be something to do with selenium ??
I have include Authlogic::TestCase in my spec_helper and
in a before each.
Any one help me with this please ?
thanks rick
I posted a cucumber solution here: Log-in through authlogic without having to fill in form every time
For RSpec integration tests it's similar.
In your spec_helper.rb:
require "authlogic/test_case"
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Authlogic::TestCase
ApplicationController.skip_before_filter :activate_authlogic
config.before(:each, :type => :request) do
Obviously, if your site is not login only you may want to move the two lines in config.before into a before block in your specific test for logged in specs. If you leave as is you can delete the session with UserSession.find.destroy or obviously follow the logout link (if this makes more sense in your spec).
I think the following code will work to activate authlogic:
Authlogic::Session::Base.controller =
Having said that, I prefer defining a step that actually goes to the login form, fills it out, and logs in. It's slower, but I rarely run my entire integration test suite manually, usually the continuous integration server takes care of that.
This work for me (Rails 3.2.1) :
In spec_helper.rb
require 'authlogic/test_case'
include Authlogic::TestCase
In In my controller_specs :
def valid_session
activate_authlogic # run before tests are executed
user = Factory(:user)
UserSession.create(user, true) #create an authlogic session
#user = #controller.current_user
# exemple of valid_session utilization in your test:
# valid_session
# user_id =
# or
# get :index, {}, valid_session
