BIRT Define JNDI Connection in Eclipse Report Designer - jndi

I'm trying to design a BIRT report using the report designer plugin in eclipse that will use a JNDI connection. I have found several sources mention that its possible to create a "" file with the datasource properties but nowhere that mentions what properties i should specify, could someone please provide an example JNDI definition?


Error while using LogDNA sink with Serilog in .NET 4.62

This is a .NET 4.62 project within a large solution. We have a mixture of other projects within the solution.
This error occurs when I mark this project as the startup project.
I have a separate .NET Core project within the solution that functions as expected when using the Serilog sink for LogDNA.
I've found very little outside of the standard serilog documentation to help with this issue.
Please let me know if I need to provide additional information.

What are the ways to generate language server for Xtext based Eclipse plug-in project?

We have our own language developed over Xtext. This project is Xtext Project and Eclipse Plug-in.
For this language, we have our own custom Content Assist, error navigation. All these components are configured in UI module of the plugin project.
Can you please help me to understand how these components can be used in Language Server protocol?
Can configuration in any way(mwe2 or any other way) so that it will use my custom content assist and error navigation in Language server instead of Xtext provided?
They are not used at all. All the is used by the language service resides in the mydsl (runtime) and mydsl.ide (eclipse independent ui part) projects.
Thus you have to implement content assist again in the ide project extending
There are plans to unify both extension points

What features does the Struts2 development plugin for your IDE offer?

This concerns the state of Struts2 framework tooling, although currently I use no IDE plug-in, preferring to create projects with maven from scratch. At one time I did use the Netbeans Struts2 plugin but stopped when support lapsed for a time between IDE releases.
It is important to know the state of current tooling and so ask:
What features are offered by the Struts2 IDE framework plugin for your IDE(s)?
Are there any design issues with the plugin? (flaws such as wanting to include old or outdated libraries)
This answer applies to the the Netbeans plugin found here: (at time of writing the last updated was : 2011-12-17)
When Starting a new project. File > New Project > Web Application
You now have the option of adding struts2 support, which can product a struts2 demo project.
Not tested, but should assist in validation.xml files.
Issues and Limitations
There is no support to create sources in a Maven Web application.
If you use annotations for validation the plug-in does not help.
There is no more support in struts.xml than provided by the IDE naturally. I would have really liked to see property suggestions at the very least, and it would have been very nice to see a list of name values when in a struts.xml constant tag. The IDE does do auto completion in applicationContext.xml where it expects a class, this would be really helpful in struts.xml for the class attribute of the action tag (among other places).
There is an annoying issue of the plug-in creating struts.xml files with a special icon but when creating new xml documents this icon does not apply (should be applied on the basis of the dtd) so you need to copy and paste the file to get the icon and then change the contents.
It only provides struts2 version 2.0.14 or 2.2.3
Over all I do not recommend this plug-in over a standard Maven Project and manually adding the dependencies.

db4o viewer - Java / Linux

I need a db4o viewer for a Linux box running Java. I noticed this post was for a .net client, but I don't have Windows and don't intend to.
Is there something I can use? I checked out some projects, but they look like they haven't released any files yet so I haven't found anything that will work yet.
You can use Object Manager Enterprise (or OME for short). AFAIK it is bundled with db4o java packages.
Maybe you can use object manager that bundled with db4o distribution. Or, you can use eclipse ide plugin search Object manager. Its also called OME.
I usually use eclipse ide to see the data, and there are query tool too.

Compiled and signed grails plug-in

Is it possible to compile and sign grails plug-in? I am thinking about distributing my application logic using grails plug-in architecture and I do not want my client to be able to read that easily .groovy or to modify it. Is it possible to package it somehow or at least distribute only compiled .class?
Yes. you need to think more traditional Java.
Create a JAR with your logic in it and sign the jar. Put the minimum Groovy code in the plugin. You have not stated where the logic is if it's a controller or GORM object so I am not sure what you looking for 100%.
Hope this helps.
It is possible to compile and package groovy/java code into a jar and then use it in a grails app. (as Scott suggests) but these classes can not directly benefit from grails ie. no way to declare grails service, domain class or controller in a separate jar.
There is an issue in grails jira describing the same problem:
Since Grails 1.4 M1 there are binary plugins, I assume this is exactly what you need. I'm not sure if signing is supported in any way, but it's at least possible to distribute the plugin without its sources.
