How to set up gated check in for a branch - tfs

I have two build definitions for my project which has two branches.
Development and Live.
I have set up manual build for development branch and this is running just fine.
Now I wanted to set up gated check in for live branch, that is triggered only when developers are committing into live branch. this is mapped to root of the project not only a specific branch and after i take map the project for build.
However my set up is triggered everytime when developers are committing into development branch too.
Is there anything what i am doing wrong?
My project layout:
$/KCTC/Lib/ (Contains all referenced dlls)
$/KCTC/Projects/ (contains branches)
How ever the branch does not see Lib referenced files:
"........\Lib\fluentnhibernate-NH3.1-1.2\Iesi.Collections.dll", but
it didn't exist.
Setup of my live gated build:
Also i have unit test created in NUnit in project and this is failing because
Queries\StarMetrics\20110613\StageTestSuite.cs (2): The type or
namespace name 'NUnit' could not be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
workspace definition:
and my process defition

Gated Check-ins will be triggered for any attempted check in of a source control item that is present under any entry for your workspace mapping defined for the build definition. In your case, you have
$/KCTC/Projects/ (contains branches) <-- remove this
$/KCTC/Projects/Development <-- remove this as well
$/KCTC/Projects/Live <-- this should contain everything you need for the Live branch correct?
Which basically says, "perform gated checkins for anything contained under this folder"... Youll need to remove the indicated line to ensure you don`t fire gated check-ins when checking in code from the development branch or the parent folder containing all branches.
As for your missing Lib binaries, Id bet the relative path is just slightly different. I`d check physically on the build machine to confirm.

Looking at your workspace definition screenshot, it appears you're breaking the relative paths on the build server by including "\Moose" in your build agent folder.
You want:
$/KCTC/Lib | $(SourceDir)\Lib
$/KCTC/Projects/Live | $(SourceDir)\Projects\Live

Ok and solutions is:
I have went and added every item i needed for gated check in by hand. Where i can specify version control path to custom assemblies.
if you have multiple dlls with the same name, you will get error in tfs (this will not affect the build but its error)
Or the alternative is add the dlls requited for project into build resources.


When my TFS build is triggered by a branch-specific check-in, why doesn't it set that branch as its source?

My goal is to create a TFS CI Build that is triggered by check-ins on two specific branches of a project, hosted in TFVC. When I queue the build manually and type a specific branch in the "Shelveset name" field of the queue prompt, the build works as intended. However, when I check in changes from one specific branch, the build attempts to use the parent folder of the two branches as its default source, resulting in incorrect file paths throughout the build definition wherever I use the $(Build.SourceBranchName) variable.
My folder structure is as follows:
- $/MyRepo
| -Integration Suite
| -CurrentVersion
| -Dev
I have CI triggers turned on with path filters to include $/MyRepo/Integration Suite/CurrentVersion and $/MyRepo/Integration Suite/Dev
In the "Get Sources" task, my repository is set to $/MyRepo, and I map these server paths to the CurrentVersion and Dev local paths, respectively.
I would expect, for example, that checking in changes under the CurrentVersion branch would set the source of the build to $/MyRepo/Integration Suite/CurrentVersion, but instead it is set to $/MyRepo/Integration Suite. This means that any paths I build in the definition with $(Build.SourceBranchName) have Integration Suite where they should instead have CurrentVersion.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is my desired behavior not supported?
TFVC relies on workspace mappings to know what to download. The workspace mappings can encompass multiple TFVC repos across different team projects, multiple branches within a single repository, basically, whatever your heart desires. As a result, there's no way for it to understand how to dynamically change workspace mappings to be for a specific branch.
The sad reality of TFVC builds is that you need one build for every branch. This makes TFVC... er... not great for many common continuous delivery scenarios.

Trigger two build definition with one check in - Continuous Integration TFS

I have two build definition "A" and "B". I marked "A" to be triggered (Gated Check-in) when the check in include files under "src\ProjectA" and "B" to be triggered when the check in include files under "src\ProjectB".
It's working as expected when the chech-in include only one of the folders.
When the check-in include both of the folder and I click the CkeckIn button in Visual Studio I have to select which build I want to run (I choose "A") and only this build running and all the files are getting in, meaning that some code get into the repository that can break the build that didn't run ("B").
How can I make TFS run both builds whenever such a checkin will be delivered and not accept the change if all of the depended build get passed?
Each gated check-in build definition can have only one running build at a time. If you have two build definitions configured for the same source control folder then you will always get a choice. Your situation is very likely configured for the same source control folder.
It is recommended to have only check in each Project fold instead of check in include both of the folder together to avoid confusion. As a workaround you could first check in files in folder src\ProjectA and then exclude others, after the gated check-in build completed, include other files again.
For more info of the TFVC gated check-in, you could take a look at James Reed's answer in this question Can we build multiple gated check-ins in parallel?

How does TFS choose which check-ins to associate with a build?

Our builds generally have a mish mash of work items and commits associated with them and I cannot tell how TFS determines what to add. We are using TFS 2015 update 3 and TFVC.
When a build runs, it gets code from a location somewhere in the branching and folder of TFVC. Typically, something like "root\dev\src\component name" in this way we avoid getting all of the code in our repository and we have CI set up to run so that any changes in this folder will result in a CI build running.
We also run daily builds which run more tests and create a release package that is used by TFS Release Management. I would expect that any changes to code inside of the folder defined in setting up the repository for this build to be included in the associated change-sets of a build. I also expect that any changes checked-in outside of these branches would not be associated. But this is not the case. We see commits from across the entire project.
Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?
I am not sure if this should go in the question or the answer but I have found some additional information, thanks to the hints provided in the answers below.
It appears that the source settings will take the common root between mapped folders of the repository settings, so if I have 2 folders $/Relo/Dev/B1/src/Claims.Services and $/Relo/Dev/B1/src/PSScripts it will take the common root $/Relo/Dev/B1/src as the source settings and include any changes from that folder down within the build. Can anyone confirm this? Of course thats not what I want to have happen. In the History tab of the build definition if I looked at the diff I can see a field "defaultBranch" in the json which seems to be the value that controls this, is there any way to update this field directly?
TFS determines what changesets should be mapped to a build based on the Source Repository Mappings (Build vNext) in the build definition and the last successful build.
So, you will see a list of the changesets with files committed in the lowest common base of any of the mapped folders including all their descendents, since the latest successful build. Whenever you get a successful build (I hope that it happens more often than failing ones ;-)) the list will shorten and only show the last check-in.
Example mappings below will result in any changeset made to anything below $/Relo/Dev/B1/src (because it is the lowest common base):
Similar it will pick up all the related work items to the above changesets.
This is what should happen. If you see something else, I would have a closer look at the Repository Mappings or Source Settings of the build definition.
#Noel - I guess you are using vNext build and not XAML builds. Or are you using a mix of XAML and vNext?
In general a scheduled TFS build will associate all changes which were not associated in the last successful run of the same build.
I suggest you check once again if the source folder locations are the same for CI build and Daily build?

TFS - build definition with frequently changing branch path

My team uses a per-release and per-sprint branching approach. So we typically have a fresh branch off of Main (integration) for the current sprint and a branch off of Main for each release.
Main Branch
-- Development Folder
| |
| -- Sprint 2.10_1 Branch
| -- Sprint 2.10_2 Branch *current*
-- Release Folder
| |
| -- Release 2.8.0 Branch
| -- Release 2.9.0 Branch *current*
There are two build definitions. One points at the current dev branch and the other points at the current release branch.
This setup is working well, except that it has become a bit time-consuming and error-prone to update all the branch paths in the builds every time we branch for a new sprint and branch for a new release. Each build has branch paths in these places:
Source Settings > source control folders (multiple active and cloaked paths)
Process parameters > Build > projects to build (paths to multiple
A build only ever points to one branch location in tfs, and the only part of that branch path that changes each time is the number associated with the current sprint or release. So for instance a build might switch from pointing from /developement/2.10_1/ to /developement/2.10_2/.
Is there a way to define a base-path once in your build definition and then use it throughout the definition? That way each time we switch branches we only have to specify the branch path in one place? Even better, could that variable's value be managed outside of the build definition so that it could be used by several build definitions? Could the variable value possibly be dynamic based on the active Iteration for the project?
Or can the path entries in the build definition be defined in such a way that they are relative to the branch?
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I've set up our builds so that they use a custom $(BranchToBuild) parameter which is inserted into all the build paths within the build. This eliminates the problem you have in the 'projects to build' section of the definition.
This parameter can then be passed into the build by adding a /p:BranchToBuild=2.10_2 to the build parameters in the Queue Build dialog, so you can manually select any branch to build from with every build you queue up.
You can also set the default parameters within your build definition so that it defaults to /p:BranchToBuild=2.10_2 for every build - each time you make a new branch the "current" one you can just change this default and all subsequent builds will automatically use the correct branch (but you can still go back and do a build off any previous branch easily, for example if you have to merge a bug fix back into a previous release)
The only hassle with this is (as you've spotted) that you have to also map the code for the branch onto the build server for it to be got from source control. There is a shortcut for this though - in the build definition, select all the mappings for your old branch (10.1_1) and copy them. Paste into a text editor and you'll see that each just becomes a simple line of text. Now you can globally search and replace 10.1_1 with 10.1_2, then copy and paste the entire set of mappings back to the build definition. Miles faster and less error prone than manually editing every line in the mappings.
All the above means that setting up a new branch takes me about 30 seconds.
The caveat is that the build definition points at the vcproj file that controls the build, and it gets this file before it runs the build itself. It is therefore problematic to put your build definition inside the branch. Generally this is not a problem, but occasionally when you need to update the build definition it can therefore break your branches unless you also manually point the build definition at the correct variant of the vcproj. Generally I get around this by avoiding breaking changes in the build, so it has only bitten me once in the last 7 years.

How to ignore JS and CSS files on gated checkin?

Is there a way to avoid the automated build when we checkin only js or css files?
It doesn't need to build anything, I would like to skip the build for these files.
I don't think it is possible to do what you are wanting to do- I don't think gated check-ins is that mature yet. There are quite a few outstanding enhancement requests for gated check-ins. It might be worth adding this as a request. Even cloaked folders are at the folder level and not the file level.
From MSDN:
Automatically Run Gated Check-in
A gated check-in build is run
automatically when either of the
following events occur:
A build has been defined with the Gated Check-in check box selected on
the Trigger tab of the build
Someone attempts to check in one or more changes that intersect with
any of the mapped folders in the
Workspace tab of the build definition.
Even if you add a ***NO_CI*** tag and try to checkin, it will stll fire the check to build changes.
The obvious workaround is of course to check the checkbox ignoring the need to do a build (a path I am sure you are trying to avoid).
If we take a look at the UI around editing a build definition, there aren't optional parameters for rules etcetera. All that matters is the mapped folders.
You can however set specific folders to not build by cloaking a workspace folder. However, if you do that, it will not pick up those files for builds at all. So if you had all your JS files in one folder and excluded it from the build using the cloaked approach builds would fail when you actually wanted to run the build.
