jQuery mobile back button disappear on autocomplete - jquery-ui

I'm actually working with jQuery mobile 1.0 and the auto complete widget from jQuery UI.
Everything works perfectly except one little thing :
When the user has been redirected (location.href) using the autocomplete feature, there is no back button on the page where he has been redirected.
I've set the $.mobile.page.prototype.options.addBackBtn to true in the mobileinit and the script is loaded before jQuery Mobile.
I didn't find any answer anywhere so this is why i'm asking to you guys
Thanks in advance
By the way sorry for the bad english it's not my first laguage

How do you redirect the user to other page? With location.href? Then that's your problem, setting location.href causes a page refresh and then jQuery Mobile loses it's history (so it won't show the back button)
Please use $.mobile.changePage( url ) to switch to another page
Something like:
select: function(event, ui) {
For simplicity I pass here the data in the querystring


Disable deep linking and hash tag changes in jQuery Mobile

I have seen many techniques and advice for getting deep linking to work in jQuery Mobile, but my situation requires just the opposite.
I have a multi-page document, completely self-contained. I want the entry point to the app to be the first page, and to disable any deep links (edit: by "deep links" I mean bookmarks , or simply the ability to return) to the other pages in the document. I also do NOT want navigation within the app to affect the hash tag. In other words, if the user is in my app, and they hit their browser's back button, I want them to go to whatever page they were looking at before they entered my app, even if they are not on my first page.
What I have tried is to set the changeHash option on the mobile.changePage method to "false" on all my internal backward and forward navigation. But the result is that when they use their browser's back button, they go TWO pages back. Furthermore, this technique has not disabled deep linking, as I wanted it to do.
I'm hoping that someone else can advise without the necessity of me providing code examples, since my code is otherwise rather complex.
You can disable changeHash completely on mobileinit event. Modifying global defaults should be placed in head after jQuery.js and before jQuery Mobile.
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
$(document).on("mobileinit", function(){
$.mobile.changePage.defaults.changeHash = false;
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false;
<script src="jquery.mobile.js"></script>
And then, you need to listen to back button on navigate event and take user through history, using window.history.back().
$(window).on("navigate", function (event, data) {
if (data.state.direction == 'back') {
return false;

jQuery Mobile breaks my site

I load jQuery Mobile on my site when I am only on a mobile touchscreen device. When I do though. It messes up everything. For example, select menus don't work quite right, as well, the words "loading, loading, undefined" appear at the bottom of the page. I know I am missing something but do not know what.
Any ideas on what I could be missing?
EDIT: Okay, So I took out all scripts that I am running except for jQuery and jQuery Mobile. I call jQuery first, then jQuery Mobile. It still breaks aspects of the site.
What it breaks:
- I cannot navigate to any other page via the navbar, if I click on a nav item, and look in the url, the correct url appears (with a # in it) like: /#/about-us/ Then, it just redirects to the home page and the page goes white
Select menus have weird results. It prints out whatever is in the select right beside it. And if you in landscape mode on the ipad and you click on the select, it sends you to the bottom of the page (weird).
it prints out 'loading' twice and 'undefined' once at the bottom of the page
All I have for scripts are jQuery and jQuery Mobile. I should also mention that I am using wordpress so it might have enqueued some other scripts (I have deregistered Wordpress' version of jquery and enqueued my own)
Anyone else experiencing these problems?
jQueryMobile replace your normal links with Ajax one, so every page can be loaded by the ajax, text on docs page:
(..) Ajax is used to load the contents of each page into the DOM as you navigate, and the DOM ready handler only executes for the first page. To execute code whenever a new page is loaded and created, you can bind to the pageinit event. This event is explained in detail at the bottom of this page.
If you want to disable single link to be loaded by the ajax you should write something like this:
<a href="/some_page" data-ajax="false" >link</a>
or do it globally:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
jm also does replacement on other elements so you should try using data-role attribute, for example:
<select id="test" data-role="none">
to disable replacing this element.
For those like me where
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
did not work and the whole page layout seems still broken:
For me this one works (- set it inline before loading the jquery mobile file):
// Preload configuration
$( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.autoInitializePage = false; // This one does the job
Furthermore if you want to disable jQuery mobile automatic link and form handling via ajax, set (as dvk3 said) ajaxEnabled to false and pushStateEnabled to false as recommended:
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false; // Recommended is false, when ajax is disabled
For further information see: http://api.jquerymobile.com/global-config/
I'm using v1.4.5
Same happened to me by mixing mobile with other frameworks. Fixed issue but getting custom build of jQuery.mobile. My case was that I needed swipe for touch devices only so used custom min file and nothing was broken after that.
It really depends if you need jQuery.mobile or you need just a certain functionality, Widgets, events? Use custom version that you can build yourself.
You can make and download yours here : http://jquerymobile.com/download-builder/
I hope it worked for you too guys!

Checking if there is a URL for the Back button

I've a little problem with a jQuery Mobile app I'm building. I have page where a back button using data-rel="back. It works well except in one case :
These page can be access by a link from an e-mail. So, when you come from the e-mail, the back button will not work.
So, is there a way to test if there is a previous URL or if the user comes from an e-mail ?
Could you check for the data-rel='back' attribute?
http://jsfiddle.net/KHhv4/4/ (loading normally)
http://jsfiddle.net/KHhv4/5/ (Loading page2 first to mimic email)
OK maybe this is a better option.
$('a').on('click', function(){

jQuery Mobile - Do something on page load

I want to do something every time a page loads. It's something that fixes the way the mobile site looks on different devices so it needs to happen on AJAX loads too.
At the moment, I've tried the traditional $(function(){ /*...*/ }); approach but that only works on the first load, and not subsequent AJAX loads.
I've been looking for the right event to bind to but I'm failing pretty hard.
You can use JQuery to bind to each "page" (div's set with the data-role=page attribute) and use the pageshow event (there are some others as well: pagebeforeshow, pagehide, pagebeforehide).
$(document).delegate('.ui-page', 'pageshow', function () {
//Your code for each page load here
Note: this answer was written for jQuery Mobile 1.0.1, see the documentation link above for more information.
You can listen to the pageshow or pagecreate event and do your work there.

JqueryMobile page initialization function

I am using a master page on a JQuery-Mobile app that have few controller , and I want to set up a Javascript call to an initialize function on every page even when it loads through Ajax,
Iam sure there are few ways to do that, but whats the best approach and what would be the alternative to $(document).ready when the page is called through ajax instead of being directly loaded without that.
takepara's answer is correct, but...
If you want to modify the content of the page you will have to bind earlier.
Take a look at beforepagecreate event.
If your handler for this event returns false, then no JQM widgets and styles will be applied and you can work with it manually.
jQuery Mobile Docs - Events
$('div').live('pageshow',function(event, ui){
alert('This page was just hidden: '+ ui.prevPage);
// initialize code here
