Is it bad design to base control flow/conditionals around an object's class? - ruby-on-rails

I'm currently working on a Rails project, and have found times where it's easiest to do
if object.class == Foo
else if object.class == Bar
I started doing this in views where I needed to display different objects in different ways, but have found myself using it in other places now, such as in functions that take objects as arguments. I'm not precisely sure why, but I feel like this is not good practice.
If it's not good practice, why so?
If it's totally fine, when are times that one might want to use this specifically?

Not sure why that works for you at all. When you need to test whether object is instance of class Foo you should use
object.is_a? Foo
But it's not a good practice in Ruby anyway. It'd much better to use polymorphism whenever it's possible. For example, if somewhere in the code you can have object of two different classes and you need to display them differently you can define display method in both classes. After that you can call object.display and object will be displayed using method defined in the corresponding class.
Advantage of that approach is that when you need to add support for the third class or a whole bunch of new classes all you'll need to do is define display method in every one of them. But nothing will change in places where you actually using this method.

It's better to express type specific behavior using subtyping.
Let the objects know how they are displays. Create a method Display() and pass all you need from outside as parameter. Let "Foo" know to display foo and "Bar" know how to display bar.
There are many articles on replacing conditionals with polymorphism.

It’s not a good idea for several reasons. One of them is duck typing – once you start explicitly checking for object class in the code, you can no longer simply pass an instance of a different class that conforms to a similar interface as the original object. This makes proxying, mocking and other common design tricks harder. (The point can be also generalized as breaking encapsulation. It can be argued that the object’s class is an implementation detail that you as a consumer should not be interested in. Broken encapsulation ≈ tight coupling ≈ pain.)
Another reason is extensibility. When you have a giant switch over the object type and want to add one more case, you have to alter the switch code. If this code is embedded in a library, for example, the library users can’t simply extend the library’s behaviour without altering the library code. Ideally all behaviour of an object should be a part of the object itself, so that you can add new behaviour just by adding more object types.
If you need to display different objects in a different way, can’t you simply make the drawing code a part of the object?


Creating and storing generic methods in ruby on rails

I'm making a method inside a Ruby on Rails app called "print" that can take any string and converts it into a png. I've been told it's not good to make class methods for base ruby classes like String or Array or Hash, etc. so "some string to print".print is probably not something I should do.
I was thinking about making a subclass of String called Print (class Print < String) and storing it in my lib/assets folder. So it would look like:"some string to print"). So my question is, am I on the right track by 1) creating a sub-class from String and 2) storing it in lib/assets?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Answers to your question will necessarily be subjective because there are always be many answers to "where should I put functionality?", according to preference, principle, habit, customs, etc. I'll list a few and describe them, maybe add some of my personal opinions, but you'll ultimately have to choose and accept the consequences.
Note: I'll commonly refer to the common degenerate case of "losing namespacing scope" or "as bad as having global methods".
Monkeypatch/Extend String
Convenient and very "OO-message-passing" style at the cost of globally affecting all String in your application. That cost can be large because doing so breaks an implicit boundary between Ruby core and your application and it also scatters a component of "your application" in an external place. The functionality will have global scope and at worst will unintentionally interact with other things it shouldn't.
Worthy mention: Ruby has a Refinements feature that allows you to do do "scoped monkeypatching".
Worthy mention 2: Ruby also lets you includes modules into existing classes, like String.class_eval { include MyCustomization } which is slightly better because it's easier to tell a customization has been made and where it was introduced: "foo".method(:custom_method).owner will reveal it. Normal Monkeypatching will make it as if the method was defined on String itself.
Utils Module
Commonly done in all programming languages, a Util module is simply a single namespace where class methods/static methods are dumped. This is always an option to avoid the global pollution, but if Util ends up getting used everywhere anyways and it gets filled to the brim with unrelated methods, then the value of namespacing is lost. Having a method in a Util module tends to signify not enough thought was put into organizing code, since without maintenance, at it's worst, it's not much better than having global methods.
Private Method
Suppose you only need it in one class -- then it's easy to just put it into one private method. What if you need it in many classes? Should you make it a private method in a base class? If the functionality is inherent to the class, something associated with the class's identity, then Yes. Used correctly, the fact that this message exists is made invisible to components outside of that class.
However, this has the same downfall as the Rails Helper module when used incorrectly. If the next added feature requires that functionality, you'll be tempted to add the new feature to the class in order to have access to it. In this way the class's scope grows over time, eventually becoming near-global in your application.
Helper Module
Many Rails devs would suggest to put almost all of these utility methods inside rails Helper modules. Helper modules are kind of in between Utils Module and Private Method options. Helpers are included and have access to private members like Private Methods, and they suggest independence like Utils Modules (but do not guarantee it). Because of these properties, they tend to end up appearing everywhere, losing namespacing, and they end up accessing each other's private members, losing independence. This means it's more powerful, but can easily become much worse than either free-standing class/static methods or private methods.
Create a Class
If all the cases above degenerate into a "global scope", what if we forcibly create a new, smaller scope by way of a new class? The new class's purpose will be only to take data in and transform it on request on the way out. This is the common wisdom of "creating many, small classes", as small classes will have smaller scopes and will be easier to handle.
Unfortunately, taking this strategy too far will result in having too many tiny components, each of which do almost nothing useful by themselves. You avoid the ball of mud, but you end up with a chunky soup where every tiny thing is connected to every other tiny thing. It's just as complicated as having global methods all interconnected with each other, and you're not much better off.
Meta-Option: Refactor
Given the options above all have the same degenerate case, you may think there's no hope and everything will always eventually become horribly global -- Not True! It's important to understand they all degenerate in different ways.
Perhaps functionality 1, 2, 3, 4... 20 as Util methods are a complete mess, but they work cohesively as functionality A.1 ~ A.20 within the single class A. Perhaps class B is a complete mess and works better broken apart into one Util method and two private methods in class C.
Your lofty goal as an engineer will be to organize your application in a configuration that avoids all these degenerate cases for every bit of functionality in the system, making the system as a whole only as complex as necessary.
My advice
I don't have full context of your domain, and you probably won't be able to communicate that easily in a SO question anyways, so I can't be certain what'll work best for you.
However, I'll point out that it's generally easier to combine things than it is to break them apart. I generally advise starting with class/static methods. Put it in Util and move it to a better namespace later (Printer?). Perhaps in the future you'll discover many of these individual methods frequently operate on the same inputs, passing the same data back and forth between them -- this may be a good candidate for a class. This is often easier than starting off with a class or inheriting other class and trying to break functionality apart, later.

iOS: When to use delegate/dataSource (protocols) vs. properties

Many CocoaPod and native iOS libraries use protocols that they name either CustomClassDelegate or CustomClassDataSource as a means to do some setup or customization. I was wondering when I should use this programming model, because it seems like I could accomplish much of this with properties.
If I define a custom class called SmurfViewController that has a SmurfLabel, is it better practice to store the smurfLabel as a private property and have a public computed property called smurf that looks like this:
private var smurfLabel = UILabel()
public var smurf: String {
get {
return smurfLabel.text
set(text) {
smurfLabel.text = text
or should I define a SmurfDataSource that has a public function that looks like this:
func textForSmurfLabel() -> String {
return "smurfText"
When should I use what here?
You should just use a property for that. Delegates and Datasources are for different controllers/Objects to speak to one another when the alternative is to instantiate the controller/object from the navigationStack/view hierarchy. A Delegate forms a specific communication between the two that allows for clear knowledge in what their relationship is while keeping them decoupled (assuming you try to keep it that way). I disagree with the article that says callbacks are "better". They are amazing and I advise using them often, but just understand that most options that swift provides you with have a place where they work best.
I might be slightly bias, but Swift is an amazing language with OOP being a backbone and everything it has was well put together in order to provide the correct tools for each situation you find yourself in.
I often find myself using both of those tools and one other more customizable option in my more advanced setups where I have an overseeing viewController that manages many child controllers. It has direct access to all of them that are active but if any of its children communicate with it, it is through delegates. Its main job is just to handle their place on the screen though, so I keep everything manageable.
Delegates and data sources are more appropriate for offloading behaviors to other entities, not simple values. In other words, if your type just needs a value for something, you are correct that it makes more sense to expose that as a property that can be set from the client code.
But what should happen (for example) when a user taps a specific table view cell is a behavior that shouldn't be hard coded into UITableView. Instead, for flexibility, any implementation of that behavior can be created in a delegate and called by the UITableView when appropriate.
In general, think of delegation as a way to make subclassing unnecessary, because the methods you would normally override in a subclass are instead moved into a protocol that can be implemented by ANY type, not just a subclass of the base type. And instead of calling internally implemented methods to get certain behaviors, your type is simply calling those behaviors on an external collaborating class (the delegate).
So perhaps the best guideline for when to use a data source or delegate is the question: "Would I need to subclass this class in order to change this value or behavior in the future". If the answer is no, because you can just set a property from client code, then don't use delegation. If the answer is yes, then offload that behavior to a delegate or data source instead of forcing future programmers to subclass your class to make it work for their use case.
Delegate is an interface for the undefined activities.
so when you make a SDK or framework, you must provide an interface so that users can write a proper code for the interfaces' expecting activity.
i.e, Table View needs a datasource to show it's contents, but the apple's library developers doesn't know the content whatever contents their library users will use. so they provided an interface like datasource, delegate.
and in the library, they just call this methods. that's the way the library should be made.
But in your code, the label is defined very explicitly as well as it's in the current view, and you don't need to make an interface for an undefined activity.
if you want know more about this kind of coding style, you need to do some researches on Software Design Pattern.
I love apple's sdk very much, because they used all the needed design patterns very properly.

How to get all allocated instances of specific class in Objective C?

I am trying to implement component for possibility to apply different skins to views and controllers at runtime without reinitialising these controls. I want to use such logic:
Declare protocol with methods for applying skins.
All necessary classes implements this protocol.
When user selects skin all instances of classes that conform to protocol receive message to apply skin.
So I know how to get all necessary classes that conform to my specific protocol by using objc_getClassList and class_conformsToProtocol functions.
But how to get all allocated instances of these classes for sending message to them?
I know that it could be implemented by internal logic of every class by storing all instances in static storage and returning array by class method. But it isn't elegant solution. I'm finding more universal solution where I can add new skinnable controls in easy way.
It sounds very much like you're reinventing <UIAppearance>. You should at least start there. It's what it's for. Also see Peter Steinberger's writeup for discussion of adding custom properties.
To your basic question, there is not a runtime call to enumerate all allocated objects of a class. It would add a lot of overhead to provide that (objects come and go all the time and very quickly). Even if you could do it, you probably shouldn't. But since you're talking about visible views, then you can always do this by enumerating the view hierarchy under NSWindow. Any views not currently in the view hierarchy should be expected to correctly redraw in an new style the next time they come on the screen.
But I'd start with <UIAppearance>.

Why use instance variables to "connect" controllers with views?

This is a conceptual question and I haven't been able to find the answer in SO, so here I go:
Why instance variables are used to connect controllers and views? Don't we have two different objects of two different classes (Controller vs Views). So, when the view is rendered we are in a different context, but we are using instance variables of another object? Isn't this breaking encapsulation in somehow?
How does Rails manage to do that matching from one object to another? Does it clone all the instances variables of the controller to the view?
In a sense, you could say that it is breaking encapsulation. I have found that if you are not careful, it is easy to get your business/presentation logic mixed together in Rails. It usually starts when I am writing a view template, and discover that I need some value which I didn't pass from the controller. So I go back, and tweak the controller to suit what I need in the view. After one tweak, and another, and another, you look at the controller method, and it is setting all kinds of instance variables which don't make sense unless you look at the view to see what they are for. So you end up in a situation where you need to look at both controller and view to understand either, rather than being able to take one or the other in isolation.
I think that using instance variables (together with the Binding trick) is simply a way to pass whatever values you need from controller to view, without having to declare parameters in advance (as you would when defining a method). No declarations means less code to write, and less to change when you want to refactor and reorganize things.
Rails uses eval and Binding to pass controller instance variables to views. See this presentation from Dave Thomas, there's a small example at minute 46' that explains how this is done.

F# Instance Methods... should they return a new instance instead of altering the current object?

The problem is whether an instance method should in anyway alter the object that contains the method or should it return a new instance? I'm new to F# and the concept of full mmutability that is suggested for F#.
Just using psuedo code for now unless I need to be more specific.
First thought is just add the message to the message list on the object:
class Something
Second is to construct a new list that joins the old list and the new message. Then I would create a new instance altogther and send back.
class Something
newMessageList = _messages.Join(message)
return new Something(newMessageList)
Am I overthinking immutability?
In my opinion, the answer depends on your requirements. The immutable style is probably more idiomatic, and would be a sensible default. However, one nice thing about F# is that you can choose what to do based on your needs; there's nothing inherently wrong with code that uses mutation. Here are some things to consider:
Sometimes the mutable approach leads to better performance, particularly when used in a single-threaded context (but make sure to measure realistic scenarios to be sure!)
Sometimes the immutable approach lends itself better to use in multi-threaded scenarios
Sometimes you want to interface with libraries that are easier to use with imperitave code (e.g. an API taking a System.Action<_>).
Are you working on a team? If so, are they experienced C# developers? Experienced F# developers? What kind of code would they find easiest to read (perhaps the mutable style)? What kind of code will you find easiest to maintain (probably the immutable style)?
Are you just doing this as an exercise? Then practicing the immutable style may be worthwhile.
Stepping back even further, there are a few other points to consider:
Do you really even need an instance method? Often, using a let-bound function in a module is more idiomatic.
Do you really even need a new nominal type for what you're doing? If it's just a thin wrapper around a list, you might consider just using lists directly.
As you are doing "class based" programming which is one of the way (rather unfortunate) to do object oriented programming, you would be doing in place state modification rather than returning a new state (as that's what would be expected when you are doing OO).
In case you really want to go towards immutability then I would suggest you need to use more FP concepts like Modules, Functions (not methods which have you have in class based programming), recursive data types etc.
My answer is way too general and the appropriate answer lies in the fact that how this class of your will fit in the big picture of your application design.
