WP7 -Live Tiles - Count Value (number in circle) - Mango - windows-phone-7.1

I have a function that I'm calling that basically returns a string. If the string = "OVER DUE!" I want to display an alert on the main tile (a number inside a circle). However, if the user corrects this problem I want to clear that tile and just show a normal tile with no number.
The code below does what I want it to do the 1st time it checks. So if I get an "OVER DUE!" everything works great. But if I correct it, the second tile updates but the main tile still has the number inside the circle. What do I need to do to clear the main tile back to its original state?
I would also like to clean up this code as it really is duplicated. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can write 1 function to do what I want?
if (nextDateCheck != "OVER DUE!")
var standardTile = new StandardTileData
Title = "Change your Oil",
BackgroundImage = new Uri("w7ChangeYourOil_icon_transparent.png", UriKind.Relative),
BackTitle = "Next Oil Change",
BackContent = "Your next Oil Change is: " + nextDateCheck.ToString()
var standardTile = new StandardTileData
Title = "Change your Oil",
BackgroundImage = new Uri("w7ChangeYourOil_icon_transparent.png", UriKind.Relative),
Count = 1, // any number can go here, leaving this null shows NO number
BackTitle = "Next Oil Change",
BackContent = "Your next Oil Change is: " + nextDateCheck.ToString()

The answer is quite simple really.
You need to set the Tile count back to 0 when you want to unset the number graphic on the front of the tile.
Reason being it's due to the way the original framework used to be Push Notification driven only which the new Local Tile framework still has to support.
The Title, Front Image and count are still overlays on top of the new programmatic tile options.
Hope this helps


(Adobe Animate ActionScript) how can iRemove specific Symballl's from the stage using name, arry, and lib()?

I'm super frustrated with this.
first for you to understand my code - My goal here is for the user to get randomly selected word appear to them in a way that every letter sits inside of a box.
Then if the user clicks on a button called "Pick a word", another word will be selected and the correct number of boxes will appear.
I have an array of words like this:
var word_group_1 = ["abolsh", "absorbent", "betrayal", "frutish", "commensurate", "eonfident", "zite"]
I'm using this function to select a random word from that array then splice it.. works perfectly:
function random_word_genereator() {
random = randomNumber(0, word_group_1.length);
//putting the chosen word from array in the chosen word variable
chosen_word = word_group_1[random]
//after we used the chosen word were removing it from the away
word_group_1.splice(random, 1)
//splitting the chosen word into an array
chosen_word_letters_arry = chosen_word.split("")
in a button click of "pick a word"- I'm creating 5 instances of a Movieclip I have in my library (just a blue box to put text in it) with text in at like this:
function create_boxes(e)
//to know which word has been displayed to the user//
for (i=0;i<chosen_word.length;i++){
cell_boxes = new lib.cell_box();
cell_boxes.x=(xlocation * i) + 50
cell_boxes.y = 80;
output = new createjs.Text();
everything works fine on the first click As You Can View Here.
The word being selected and displayed on the stage
my problem is when I'm clicking Again on the button "pick a word"
its not deleting the correct number of boxes.
I'm putting visible false to the boxes which holds the "Old word" (the one I need to delete)
but As you can se here After I click again its getting messed up.
sometimes its's working, switches from 12 letter word, to a 4 one.
but it should be luck. I'm dying to get this to WORK! its for my school project.
Please help me!
Easy answer that will plug and play into your code:
//to know wichh word has been displayed to the user//
for (i = 0; i < stage.numChildren; i++) // Loop through all children of the stage
if (stage.getChildAt(i) is lib.cell_box) // Checks if the child is a lib.cell_box
stage.removeChildAt(i--); // Removes child from stage and decrements i
for (i=0;i<chosen_word.length;i++){
Original answer (cleaner code, some restructuring):
It's best to break this kind of logic down into steps.
var boxes:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
boxes.y = 80;
function createBoxes(word:String):void {
// Remove boxes first
while (boxes.numChildren > 0)
// Add boxes
for each(var c:String in word.split("")) {
var box:Box = new Box(c);
box.x = boxes.width + 50;
Then set the text inside a Box class.

Mouse cylinder behaviour (dual-screen config)

I've already asked a question about this in Unix & Linux SE and I so actually use xdotool.
The idea is that the mouse goes at the left of the left screen when it reaches the right of the right screen and vice versa.
But I recently saw the mouse.coords table in the awesome API, so I'd like to give up xdotool to set mouse coordinates as do xdotool with this possibility.
I suppose I should add a signal to the root to know when the mouse is on the edge, but I don't konw how to do this...
I give a try to my idea, and it works. Here's the code for my right wibox :
s.myjumpbox = awful.wibar({
position = "right",
screen = s,
width = 1,
opacity = 0,
ontop = true,
-- bg = beautiful.noir
s.myjumpbox:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(w)
mouse.coords {
x = 2 ,
y = mouse.coords().y
Edit : add Uli's suggestions

getClosestFeatureToCoordinate does not work for Points

I made a function to get the closer feature to the one clicked. I use Openlayers 3.9.0 and the getClosestFeatureToCoordinate method.
var select = new ol.interaction.Select();//simple click interaction
map.addInteraction(select);//add it to the map
select.on('select', function(e) {
//get the extent of the first selected feature
var aa = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getExtent();
//in case of line or polygon get the center of that extent
var oo = ol.extent.getCenter(aa);
//use it to get the name of the closest feature
console.log((sourceVector.getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(oo)).get("mylayer_name")) ;
But in a case like the following
if I click the "u" Polygon (bottom down) I get "u" instead of , say, "e"
if I click any point I get its name , instead of the closest feature's name. I click "testpoint9" and I get "testpoint9" instead of "u" or "e". I click "h" and I get "h" instead of "p" or "k".
So maybe has to do with points, so I changed the select.on event function to
select.on('select', function(e) {
var closestType = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getType();
var oo;
if (closestType === 'Point'){
oo = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates();
var aa = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getExtent();
oo = ol.extent.getCenter(aa);
console.log("Name: "+sourceVector.getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(oo).get('mylayer_name'));
and still nothing. So, how I fix this?
When You click inside the "u" polygon - the distance to it is 0.
When you click on something - that thing will always be the closest (to itself).
What you can do there, is removing the clicked element from the layer, run the algorithm (without clicked point) and put the point back on the layer.
If You are afraid that point could be invisible for too long (but it shouldn't), place it in another layer for the time of algorithm.
select.on('select', function(e) {
var clicked = e.selected[0];
var closest = sourceVector.getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(e.coordinate);
var closestType = closest.getType();
if (closestType === 'Point'){
oo = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates();
var aa = e.selected[0].getGeometry().getExtent();
oo = ol.extent.getCenter(aa);

Attempt to index global 'player' (a nil value)

I'm getting a (a nil value) error when i try to do this :
player = display.newSprite( imageSheet, "sequenceDataPlayer"..math.random(1, 7) )
Looking at a test print :
print ("sequenceDataPlayer"..math.random(1, 7) )
It prints the data oky 'sequenceDataPlayer1'
What Im i doing wrong here ?
Your print statement is just printing the string "sequenceDataPlayer" concatenated with a random number between 1 and 7.
It took me a little while to figure out how to use sprites in Corona, but here's how I do it. I'll use Player for the variables since that's what you're using.
First I create an options variable to get the frames from my Player.lua file:
optionsPlayer =
frames = require("player").frames,
Then I create a variable for the image sheet:
playerSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "player.png", optionsPlayer )
After that, I create a variable to set up the name, the sequence of frames, the time it takes to play, and set how many times it will loop:
spriteOptionsPlayer = { name="Player", start=1, count=10, time=500, loopCount = 1}
Finally, I create the new sprite:
spriteInstancePlayer = display.newSprite( playerSheet, spriteOptionsPlayer )
Once I've done all this, I usually set up the x and y positions, xScale and yScale, and other properties along with adding it to a display group.
Last of all, then I play the sprite somewhere:
From what it looks like, you want to have 7 different sprites to choose from. Personally, I would just create seven different sprites using all of the steps above and then put them in a table.
sprites = { spriteInstancePlayer, spriteInstancePlayer2, spriteInstancePlayer3, etc.. }
Then when I wanted to play them, I would set the position and visibility and just do:
r = math,random(1, 7)
sprites[r].x = x position
sprites[r].y = y position
sprites[r].isVisible = true
Of course, then I would want to set listeners to either completely remove the sprite or set the visibility to false when it's done playing, there's a collision(you'd have to add a physics body and set that all up), or whatever else might happen...
There are probably simpler ways to do it, but that's what I do.
Hope this helps.

add mouseevents to webgl objects

im using xtk to visualize medical data in a webgl canvas. currently im playing around with this lesson:
lesson 10
this library is pretty good but not very well documented. i want to get rid of that gui and add some mouseevents. if i load the mesh from the gui how can i add a mouse event to the mesh? i actually don't know where to start. it's a little bit confusing to get started with this library....
i tried
Objects rendered in WebGL are not part of the DOM, and as such don't generate events like DOM elements do. This means that for events like these you have to implement the mouse interaction code yourself.
Traditionally in WebGL/OpenGL this process is known as "Picking", and there's several decent resources for it online. (For example: http://webgldemos.thoughtsincomputation.com/engine_tests/picking) The core process is something like this, though:
For each pickable object in your scene, assign it a color. Put this in a lookup table somewhere
Re-render the entire scene to a texture, rendering each pickable object with it's assigned color
Once the scene is rendered, determine your mouse coordinates and read back the color of the texture at that X/Y.
Fetch the object associated with that color from your lookup table. This is the object your mouse cursor is pointing at!
As you can see, while not a difficult method conceptually this also involves several mid-level WebGL topics, such as rendering to a texture, and as such is not usually recommended for beginners. I'm not sure if there are any features in xtk to assist with this (honestly I had never heard of the library before your post), but I would guess that this is something that you'll have to implement on your own.
DOM events are not supported but you can do it with xtk. Check out this JSFiddle
// create and initialize a 3D renderer
var r = new X.renderer3D();
// create a cube and a sphere
cube = new X.cube();
sphere = new X.sphere();
sphere.center = [-20, 0, 0];
r.interactor.onMouseMove = function() {
// grab the current mouse position
var _pos = r.interactor.mousePosition;
// pick the current object
var _id = r.pick(_pos[0], _pos[1]);
if (_id != 0) {
// grab the object and turn it red
r.get(_id).color = [1, 0, 0];
} else {
// no object under the mouse
cube.color = [1, 1, 1];
sphere.color = [1, 1, 1];
r.interactor.onMouseDown = function(left, middle, right) {
// only observe right mouse clicks
if (!right) return;
// grab the current mouse position
var _pos = r.interactor.mousePosition;
// pick the current object
var _id = r.pick(_pos[0], _pos[1]);
if (_id == sphere.id) {
// turn the sphere green
sphere.color = [0, 1, 0];
r.add(cube); // add the cube to the renderer
r.add(sphere); // and the sphere as well
r.render(); // ..and render it
Easy, no?
XTK implements picking the way Toji explained (i.e. with a frameBuffer where every object is rendered in a different RGBA "color"). It will work while you have less than 255^4 objects, so almost always. There are other methods like unprojecting but they would be longer I think.
So with X.renderer.pick and X.renderer.get you can find the object under the mouse and change its properties. However for the moment you can only change vizualisation properties (see the setGetter and setSetter in every class) but you cannot move an X.object (since X.object._transform attribute is private and there is no getter/setter for it yet).
That's something interesting to deal with : adding a pair of getter/setter for X.object's transform would allow, for example, an user to put medical stuff (modelized by a mesh or something else) in the scene and place to mesure distances or see if it will fit for an operation or something like that. Shouldn't be a good idea Haehn ? And it's a minor change in the framework.
