Can one rebase to integrate changes from one branch to another from within Xcode? I know Xcode supports merge but I couldn't find anything for rebasing.
It does not since it tries to provide an abstraction over the version control system in use. If want a Mac GUI for git you could use gitx or sourcetree
While there isn't a git rebase function, you can still sort of rebase.
Checkout the branch you want to rebase
Click Source Control -> Pull
select the branch you want to rebase onto
check off "rebase local changes onto upstream changes"
This should rebase your current branch onto the target branch. Merge conflicts need to be handled manually (deleting the merge conflict annotations in the code).
Wanna know how to update feature branch with respect to base branch (i.e. development)
I don't wanna use commands; so that's why I prefer Github Desktop
Suppose I have the following branches
Now I have finished my changes on the API-Integration branch and if someone committed changes on the development branch, then how can I update my feature branch (API-Integration) ;
We can use the below steps. Adding the link with screenshot as well for your reference.
In GitHub Desktop, click Current Branch.
Click Choose a branch to merge into BRANCH.
Click the branch you want to merge into the current branch, then click Merge BRANCH into BRANCH.
Github desktop merge branches
I have a Bitbucket repo where the most recent changes are pushed by another developer teammate. His push is more important and I want to make sure my local is same as the latest in the repo. I have not made any changes but still Xcode shows me this warning. I am fine is all my local is overwritten. How do I do it? Should I check the box when I am pulling changes in Xcode from the BitBucket repo? Or do I need to do a git pull from terminal?
If you want to merge another branch into yours, you should always commit your changes first. When conflicts emerge, you just solve them and there you go, you are on the latest commit with your changes preserved.
If, however, you prefer rebase instead of merge - you HAVE to commit your uncommited changes first, then you can rebase on the latest commit from the other developer's branch, the nice thing about rebase is that it keeps the git history cleaner while also leading you trough the conflict solving, because it basically tries to put each commit of yours on top of the commit that you are rebasing onto, so it sort of "guides" you trough resolving conflicts as you have small chunks of code to resolve and then continue rebase.
Try to read more on this. This article summarises the difference between merge and rebase:
I want to create a TFS policy that blocks a changeset from being checked in if a certain keyword is found in the diff.
This will allow me to make local changes for testing ideas without worrying that these changes will be mistakanly checked in, as long as I add something like //nocommit in the code.
How can this be done?
There is no out-of-box check-in policy to achieve your requirement, you have to customize your own check-in policy and use command tf diff itemspec /noprompt to compare files.
As a suggestion, you could consider using Git version control, create a branch from master and work on the branch. When you are ready to merge your code to master, create a pull request to review the code. In order to protect master, you could set branch policy on master. After you set up a branch policy, you cannot directly push changes to the branch. Changes to the branch are only made through pull requests.
I finished working on a local branch1 and merged it to master.
Now I would like to work on another feature for my application and so I will create a second local branch2, finish to add the feature and merge to master also branch2. This can go on for as long as I need to implement my application with features and until my application is completed.
Suppose now that after all these implementations I would like to make some improvement or change on the topic that was the job of branch1, say the static pages about, help and contact. Is it possible to checkout to and reuse branch1 for these changes or that branch cannot be used anymore and should rather be deleated?
After a while there might be a considerable pileup of old topic branches that I initially may have wanted to keep for these purposes. However these old branches are all outdated, no more a complete reproduction of the master branch as they were when created: is this a prerequisite in order to merge with success?
The branching/merging strategy is yours to decide but you seem to describe a feature-based workflow.
In that case, after you have merged your feature branch branch1 to master, the content/history of this feature is contained in the master branch thanks to the merge. branch1 becomes useless and even obsolete with time so you can safely remove it so that old feature branches don't accumulate in your repository.
If you then look at the improvements you want to add to the functionality introduced by branch1, you can see those improvements as a new feature and therefore create a new feature branch from master to perform those improvements.
How you should organize your workflow is rather subjective and the best strategy often depends on how the project is organized in terms on contributors and how you deploy your changes.
You can use these old branches, but ... you should merge new changes from master before (So you can avoid big merging problems in future). When you need to reincarnate old branch do:
git checkout very-old-branch
git pull ./ master
# do some changes into very-old-branch
git add .
git commit -m 'changes in the very old branch'
# need to merge very old branch with new changes into master again
git checkout master
git pull ./ very-old-branch
git push origin master
But it would be better not to be necromancer and to just create new branch and make changes in it:)
You should take a look on gitflow.
Its a very known workflow for doing such kind of development as you are asking
The full workflow will look like this. In your case you refer to the feature branches (purple ones).
The relevant article is here:
As you can see you keep working on new features all the time and once you done with them you simply merge them back to dev (in your case can be master)
What will I actually miss if basing my source code handling on TFS (to get all the integration and reporting etc) but use git-tf or git-tfs locally?
Will I then be able to use the complete git functionally to branch and merge locally just as if used a git based central repository, or will there be a different workflow and limitations to consider?
We use feature and release development branches a lot and like to keep doing so, how does actually the TFS server handle this when pushing these locally using git-tf etc?
Actually, git-tfs is more advanced than git-tf. I highly advice to use it instead of git-tf (for the moment).
With git-tf, you should clone each branch as a repository (and be unable to cherrypick, merge...) while in the last version of git-tfs you can do it and keep your workflow.
If you know git there is not problem to use git-tfs!
The documentation :
just know that if you use :
git tfs checkintool
or :
git tfs checkin
it will create a merge commit
and if you use :
git tfs rcheckin
it will commit each local commit in tfs and fetch and rebase automaticaly on these commits...
But read the wiki documentation, it's clear enough ;)
Contrary to what #gbjbaanb said, there is a lot of advantages of using git-tfs instead of plain TFS (if you know how to use git...). ALL what you could do with git locally works and is still an advantage (light branching, rebase, local commits, reworking commits, knowing exactly which version is checkouted, fetching and seeing changes WITHOUT merging them with your current workspace, better history,...).
Now with git-tfs, you could even create more easily than with TFS a TFS branch (you just have to create it before doing a commit in it, or rebase onto after creating it if you began your work in a git branch before... ).
The only thing that is not better than TFS, for the moment, is merging 2 TFS branches that is not supported. You should either do a merge with TFS if you want to see the merge in your history (what we generally want) or merge with git and checkin in tfs (and you won't see the merge changeset :( ).
A pull request[1] to resolve all this (and permit to manage merge commit a LOT easier than with TFS) already done and waiting for merge in the trunc (I have just to refactor Unit test and the feature be reviewed).
If you use git-tf (the MS version) firstly you will have to understand the commands you use will be different - they stuck an additional "tf" in every command. (eg git tf push)
The second is that branching will not work like git - I found (and this could be due to security setups and suchlike, even though I can create branches locally and on the server) that whilst you can branch your local git setup, you cannot push a new branch back to the server - you have to merge it onto an "offical" branch first.
If using TFS, I wouldn't bother trying to use any of the bridges (though svn-tfs bridge is very close due to the nature of TFS being close to SVN). I'd use the native client. I wouldn't choose TFS first though, but if that was what I had to use - the Team Explorer Everywhere client would be my choice.