Rolling custom control buttons - mediaelement

do you have a reference or tutorial on customizing skins graphics/css for mejs?
here's what i've hacked on:
i copied the mejs-ted block in the mejs-skins.css file and renamed its elements to mejs-custom. i created a new PNG file similar to the existing control-ted.png and noted the coordinates of each control. with those coordinates i changed the x/y offsets in mejs-custom (i could really use help with that, too).
but now how to activate this skin? and can you confirm the technique above is correct procedure to create skins? source has switchable skins, but the switching mechanism is pretty well obfuscated in the code, and the mediaelementplayer-skins.html file is missing from the demos section of the mu distribution.

Set up your player then use the changeSkin() method to add the class of your skin to the container div, which is reflected in your skin css file
var player = new MediaElementPlayer('#player-ID');
Then you can style all the elements.
.skin-container-class .mejs-controls {


Best practice for switchable Vaadin 12 themes

I am currently in the process of migrating a Vaadin 8 application over to Vaadin 12. The look and feel should be used by the user and changed on Login or via a button press.
In Our Vaadin 8 application we had 2 themes (a dark and a light one), each with their own SASS/CSS and some shared properties. The user was able to switch it using the setTheme() Method. When a click to the switching button happened, the Look and Feel just changed. In Vaadin 12 the Theming follows a different approach and I am struggling to find a good way to implement this feature in Vaadin 12.
Let's say we don't want to create a whole new Theme and just want to use customized LUMO. I can set the Theme/Variant through the #Theme Annotation. The Downside: The Theme will be fixed at Runtime.
Also i could just write some code to apply variants to my application and components. (like in the dynamic styling chapter: )
The Downside: It won't be very practicable to iterate through each element and apply the variant.
My question now:
What is the best way to achieve a switch between to themes at runtime? (customized light- and dark variants of Lumo or any other theme).
Would I just create 2 HTML Files (for compatibility) containing CSS and then somehow override the currently used File through a dynamic import?
I hope my question is clear and someone can point me to the right direction.
If you are only interested in toggling between light and dark, then you can just add/remove dark at a very high place in the DOM. E.g. the element of the UI is usually the body or at least very high up.
new Checkbox("Use Dark Theme").tap{
addValueChangeListener{ cb ->
getUI().ifPresent(){ ui ->
def themeList = ui.getElement().getThemeList()
if (cb.value) {
} else {
As asked in the comments of another answer:
To change the colors in a theme, you can override the used colors. This is the example how to change the text color for light and dark Lumo theme:
html {
--lumo-body-text-color: red;
[theme~="dark"] {
--lumo-body-text-color: yellow;
It's relatively easy to switch between two different variants of the same theme, e.g. the dark and light variants of Lumo. To do this, you only need to toggle the corresponding theme attribute on the <html> element. There's no direct access to that element from the server, but you can do it with a small snippet of JavaScript: ui.getPage().executeJavaScript("document.documentElement.setAttribute($0, $1)", "theme", "dark");
Depending on circumstances, you can or must apply the changes to the <body> element instead. In that case, you can either switch out .documentElement for .body in the JS snippet or directly use ui.getElement().setAttribute("theme", "dark") in Java.
Switching between two different base themes, e.g. Lumo vs Material is a much more complicated affair. For each component, there can only be one base theme loaded in the browser at the same time, and reloading the page is the only way of getting rid of the one that is already loaded. For each component that is used for Flow, the framework takes care of loading the right theme import in addition to the base import that doesn't have any styling. To make things even more complicated, the theme designated using #Theme is automatically included in the application's production bundle. To be able to use multiple base themes, you'd also have to somehow produce multiple different bundles and also somehow configure Flow to use the right bundle depending on circumstances.

TYPO3 Filelist: In which way I can set the title / description instead of the filename at TYPO3 7.6.2?

I have a problem using the filelist / upload element of TYPO3 at the current new version 7.6.2. I want to use the title or description part instead of the filename while rendering the list.
I found lots of information on that and in TYPO3 version 6.x it worked with:
tt_content.uploads.20.renderObj = COA = file:current:title
tt_content.uploads.20.renderObj.30 >
When I insert this lines into the TS of the page where I want to use the filelist it does not work with the new css_styled_content for 7.x.
When I include "CSS Styled Content TYPO3 v6.2 (css_styled_content)" to the setup of the template, the filelist works (but other parts of page not).
Therefore the question: Do you know if there are some changes in rendering the filelist at 7.x?
Thanks for your help
The reason why you can't change the name => title anymore is that you included Fluid Styled Content ext which is required i.e. for rendering the Text & Media CEtype. It massively overrides the CSS styled content and replaces (almost) whole TS declarations with Fluid templates/layouts/partials from typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private folder. I.e.: in typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/Uploads.html:29 there is {} used which should be more advanced condition...
To change it:
Copy all folders from typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private to your custom destination i.e.: fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Private (this is for avoiding loosing of your changes after system upgrade.
It can be any other path, for an instance you can create your custom ext and put it into typo3conf/ext/yourext/Resources/Private/...
Go to your TypoScript template > Constant Editor > Category: Content and set new paths in these fields:
Path of Fluid Templates... - fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Private/Templates
Path of Fluid Partials... - fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Private/Partials
Path of Fluid Layouts... - fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Private/Layouts
After that go to fileadmin/fluid_styled_content/Private/Templates/Uploads.html:29 and replace the code:
<f:if condition="{file.title}"><f:then>{file.title}</f:then><f:else>{}</f:else></f:if>
As you can see this way you can also change other CEtypes and their typical settings (i.e. add the responsive classes if working with RWD).
On the other hand take a look there are some drawbacks of this solution, i.e. default layouts repeats the <div id="c123">... which is invalid :/
Also just realized that Fluid Styled Content doesn't handle other things, i.e. different layouts for Uploads (that the first thing I saw, didn't check other CEtypes) so you need to consider yourself if it is OK for your project at the moment. I prefer to stay with old way (no need for Text & Media CE) and disable FSC now (I'm pretty sure, that soon it will be nice alternative for CSC, but not now imho :/) To revert typical state you can use these lines mentioned in the GitHub here within your PageTS.

How can i create materiallibrary and freeform in runtime in GLScene?

i want to write a ModelViewer to load many models in my Scene.
so how can i create GLMaterialLibrary in run time and assign it to FreeForms Objects in RunTime?
and i want to know how can i find the name of submodel's texture.
TanX for Help.
First of all, you do not need to create GlMaterialLibrary at run time as you can use single instance of GLMaterialLibriary for all scene GLFreeForms and dynamicaly link it to a new freeform. A TFreeForm or TActor can automatically setup the materials and load the textures from a 3DS files. You must first add a material library component to a form (which will store the materials, once the 3DS is loaded), then link the FreeForm to this material library and set
UseMeshMaterials := true;
After doing this, when loading the 3DS mesh, the importer will add new materials to the material library (using the names defined in the 3DS file), which you can later alter if you so wish.
Be aware that the image formats must be supported, for instance if your textures are JPeg files, you must add "JPeg" to your uses. And least but not last: GLScene comes with a very good pack of demos that you can check for refference. ..\Demos\materials\ folder contains everything what you need.

Set Background Image for a Form in Delphi

I have an old app (Delphi 5) which I want to give it some changes via Res Editor !
I want to set a background image for a Form via RCData in Res Editor, How can I do that?
Any help is really appreciated.
Thanks :)
Delphi forms don't have a simple background-image property.
You could edit the DFM resource for the form to insert a TImage control. Extract the DFM resource, open it in Delphi, add the control you want, save it, and then replace the original resource with your new version.
See also:
Setting up background images for forms in Delphi
How to add background images to Delphi forms
Angus Johnson has written a utility called ResHacker. Use it to directly edit the form properties in the exe file.
This is the link to his site
Majid Pasha, procedure is really simple and straight-forward:
Extract form resource (type is RCDATA, name matches form in question, language is not important)
Convert form from binary format to text using convert utility (shipped with delphi)
Use your Delphi to design boilerplate image, load picture, set placement, etc
View designed form as text, copy you new image definition along with all its data
Paste image into text version of extracted form resource
convert back to binary format
Add resource back to executable replacing original one.
Note: depending on tools uses, there might be some shortcuts to bypass conversions and extraction, eg: XN Resource Editor is able to edit Text DFM directly.

Mysterious assets used in swf, not found anywhere in fla?

near the top of the code i see things like,
btn_dropdown._visible = false;
mcMenuBkg._visible = false;
but I can't find these assets anywhere in the library or in any code, how does this make any sense?
The movie clips in the library that look the same have different names and I can delete them entirely and they still show up when I compile and run, or I can add trace statements into their code and they never get called.
where on earth are these assets defined?
In theory, any clip you see at runtime could be dynamically created, by making an empty MC and drawing in whatever contents you like with the drawing API. However, if you see clips in the library that are similar to what's showing up at runtime, then it's very unlikely that that's happening.
Your first step should probably be another look through the library. Remember that instance names don't have to be the same as MC names; even if something is called "Menu Holder" in the library there might be an instance of it somewhere called "mcMenuBkg" or whatever. But the fact that you can delete stuff without changing the output is mysterious.
So, other possibilities: contents are being loaded externally, or imported via runtime sharing. If feasible, try moving your SWF to a temp directory and running it from there; that should break all loads (unless contents are loaded from a remote URL).
Or, you're looking at the wrong clips in the library. If it's a crufty project there may be unused stuff in there. Try expanding the library wide enough to see the "Use count" column, and select "update use counts" from the library menu. Anything with a count of 1 or higher is part of your FLA's stage content - either it's sitting on the main stage or it's a child of something that is. Clips with a use count of 0 may still be used if they have a linkage ID; they could be created at runtime with attachMovie(). However, for any clip with a use count of 0 and no linkage id, it's safe to assume that it's unused, and irrelevant to what happens at runtime.
If none of that helps, the only things that come to mind are sanity checks... open up everything on the stage and every clip with a linkage id, and check for empty/invisible MCs. Check the Movie's export settings to make absolutely sure the SWF you're checking is the same one being published. And just for grins, open up the "Scenes" panel and make sure that some diabolical fiend hasn't put important content on a separate scene where no sane man would look for it.
Vague answer for a vague question. :D Hope it helps...
You can create movie clips with code dynamically.
This means that you may not have them in your assets if you are unable to find them.
You can create any type of symbol using a constructor out of thin air with actionscript alone.
I would search the code for one of these
var mybutton:SimpleButton=new SimpleButton();
If they're being set to
_visible = false
you won't see them anyway - and as ActionScript 1/2 doesn't do runtime error reporting, the Flash player won't complain if they're not actually there on the stage. If they're not being used, just delete them.
