Where/how to include helper methods for capybara integration tests - ruby-on-rails

I"m using capybara for my integration/acceptance tests. They're in /spec/requests/ folder. Now I have a few helper methods that I use during acceptance tests. One example is register_user which looks like this
def register_user(user)
visit home_page
fill_in 'user_name', :with => user.username
fill_in 'password', :with => user.password
click_button 'sign_up_button'
I want to use this method in several different acceptance tests (they're in different files). What's the best way to include this? I've tried putting it in spec/support/ but it hasn't been working for me. After spending some time on it I realized I don't even know if it's a good way of doing it so I figured I'd ask here.
Note: I am using rails 3, spork and rspec.

Put your helper to the spec/support folder and do something like this:
module YourHelper
def register_user(user)
visit home_page
fill_in 'user_name', :with => user.username
fill_in 'password', :with => user.password
click_button 'sign_up_button'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include YourHelper, :type => :request

I used the given solution by #VasiliyErmolovich, but I changed the type to make it work:
config.include YourHelper, :type => :feature

Explicit way with ruby
Using include:
# spec/support/your_helper.rb
class YourHelper
def register_user(user)
visit home_page
fill_in 'user_name', :with => user.username
fill_in 'password', :with => user.password
click_button 'sign_up_button'
describe MyRegistration do
include YourHelper
it 'registers an user' do
expect(register_user(user)).to be_truthy


How to factor Capybara rspec testing code?

I need to test a system in which everything is available only after a user is signed in using Devise. Every time I use "it" I have to include the signup code.
Is there a way to factor the code below so that the "let's me make a new post" test and similar tests won't have to include the sign up?
describe "new post process" do
before :all do
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
#post = FactoryGirl.create(:post)
it "signs me in" do
visit '/users/sign_in'
within(".new_user") do
fill_in 'Email', :with => 'user#example.com'
fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
click_button 'Log in'
expect(page).to have_content 'Signed in successfully'
it "let's me make a new post" do
visit '/users/sign_in'
within(".new_user") do
fill_in 'Email', :with => 'user#example.com'
fill_in 'Password', :with => 'password'
click_button 'Log in'
visit '/posts/new'
expect( find(:css, 'select#post_id').value ).to eq('1')
Your first option is to use the Warden methods provided, as per the documentation on this page:
Your second option is just to login for real in your tests as you have done in your examples. You can streamline this though by creating some helper methods to do the login work rather than duplicating the code in all of your tests.
To do this, I would create a support directory within your spec directory, and then a macros directory within that. Then create a file spec/support/macros/authentication_macros.rb:
module AuthenticationMacros
def login_as(user)
visit '/users/sign_in'
within('.new_user') do
fill_in 'Email', with: user.email
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Log in'
Next, update your RSpec config to load your macros. In either spec_helper.rb or rails_helper.rb if you're using a newer setup:
# Load your support files
Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }
# Include the functions defined in your modules so RSpec can access them
RSpec.configure do |config|
Finally, update your tests to use your login_as function:
describe "new post process" do
before :each do
#user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
#post = FactoryGirl.create(:post)
login_as #user
it "signs me in" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Signed in successfully'
it "let's me make a new post" do
expect( find(:css, 'select#post_id').value ).to eq('1')
Obviously, make sure you have password defined in your user factory.

How to create Page Objects classes for Rspec Features

I have been trying, unsuccessfully, refactor some rspec features using Page Objects, but I'm having a hard time with it.
I'm not a experienced RoR developers. Probably this is a basic error.
I have a spec feature like this:
require 'capybara/rspec'
feature 'Acessing the dashboard' do
scenario 'User see the dashboard after login' do
sign_in 'teste','123'
expect(page).to have_css 'h1', text: 'Dashboard'
def sign_in(login, password)
visit '/'
fill_in 'login', :with => login
fill_in 'password', :with => password
click_button 'Autenticar'
But, I would like to share my sign_in method with another features through a Login Page Object like this:
class LoginPage
include Capybara::DSL
def sign_in(login, password)
visit '/'
fill_in 'login', :with => login
fill_in 'password', :with => password
click_button 'Authenticate'
So, I changed my feature:
feature 'Acessing the dashboard' do
let(:login_page) { LoginPage.new }
scenario 'User see the dashboard after login' do
login_page.sign_in 'teste','123'
expect(page).to have_css 'h1', text: 'Dashboard'
But I receive the following error:
Failure/Error: let(:login_page) { LoginPage.new }
NameError: uninitialized constant LoginPage
I really don't know what to do.
I created the LoginPage class in /spec/support/LoginPage.rb. Is it correct? Should I put this class in other path?
Somebody can help me to deal with it?
Thanks a lot.
You have to require your support folder files in you spec_helper.rb file
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }

Rails4.1, devise 3.2.4, rspec feature, How I get confirmation_token?

I am trying to write a feature-spec with the following steps:
visit "/users/sign_up"
fill_in 'user_email', :with => 'dan#dan.net'
fill_in 'user_password', :with => 'abc123'
fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', :with => 'abc123'
click_button "Sign up"
dan_confirmation_token = get_confirmation_token
visit "/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{dan_confirmation_token}"
In previous versions of devise,
I could get dan_confirmation_token directly from:
But devise is more secure now.
What is the API call I use to get dan_confirmation_token?
I got this working :
visit "/users/sign_up"
fill_in 'user_email', :with => 'dan#dan.net'
fill_in 'user_password', :with => 'abc123'
fill_in 'user_password_confirmation', :with => 'abc123'
click_button "Sign up"
visit "/"
usr = User.find_by_email "dan#dan.net"
raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(usr.class, :confirmation_token)
usr.confirmation_token = enc
usr.confirmation_sent_at = Time.now.utc
usr.save(validate: false)
visit "/users/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{raw}"
I should note that usr.save(validate: false) will not work like I want unless I configure rspec to avoid using transactions:
vi spec/spec_helper.rb
config.use_transactional_fixtures = false
Since I'm using sqlite in my test-env, this is not a big deal.
At the end of each test-run I do this:
rm -f db/test.sqlite3
If I want to run my tests using Postgres, I will need to "clean my database" after each test-run.
To do that, I would depend on gem:
You might look at the Devise test suite for the Confirmable module to see how they do it. It appears you can call raw_confirmation_token; I don't know if that is appropriate for your situation.

Trouble with refactoring code for rspec feature tests in rails 4

I am trying to give the user of my web app the ability to login with a password. I am rolling my own authentication instead of using a gem. I read this article about refactoring Rspec/Capybara tests:
I liked what I read and decided to give refactoring a try. I created a session helper file for my feature tests.
module Features
module SessionHelpers
def sign_in
user = create(:user)
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
I then called the sign_in function in my login tests. Here is a little sample.
require 'spec_helper'
feature "signing in" do
before :each do
User.create(:name => 'user#example.com', :password => 'caplin')
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
Unfortunately, I keep getting this error message:
2) signing in user who logs in with correct credentials
Failure/Error: sign_in
undefined method `create' for #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_3:0x007ffc85012438>
# ./spec/support/features/session_helpers.rb:4:in `sign_in'
# ./spec/features/user_logs_in_spec.rb:13:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
Basically, I need some way to grab the user I created and pass it into the sign_in function. Any hints?
I'm guessing your first issue is a different test configuration than the one the ThoughBot example has. create is not to my knowledge a default method available in RSpec; I'm going to guess they've added every FactoryGirl method to the testing scope. If you're using FactoryGirl, you can get the same behavior by just namespacing the create command:
def sign_in
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
However, this won't quite get you everything that you asked for, since you still won't be able to add a custom user. An easy way for this would allow for a user to be passed in:
def sign_in(user=nil)
user ||= FactoryGirl.create(:user)
This will create the user for you if you don't pass one in on the sign_in call.
Going back to the spec you posted, you'd want to change it to this:
feature "signing in" do
before :each do
#user = User.create(:name => 'user#example.com', :password => 'caplin')
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
You'd need to attach the user you created to a variable (#user), then pass it to the sign_in as needed.
Problem in you model
module Features
module SessionHelpers
def sign_in
user = create(:user) # <- this method allow only in FactoryGirl
visit '/authentications/new'
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password
click_button 'Sign in'
i use another way. Create a class and include FactroyGirl methods and Capybara::DSL like this
class Features
include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
include Capybara::DSL
def sign_in
user = create(:user) #<- FactroyGirl
visit '/authentications/new' #<- Capybara
fill_in 'Login', with: user.name #<- Capybara
fill_in 'Password', with: user.password #<- Capybara
click_button 'Sign in' #<- Capybara
self #<- return page
in spec
feature "signing in" do
let(:login_user) { Features.new }
scenario "user who logs in with correct credentials" do
page = login_user.sign_in
expect(page).to have_content 'Hi user#example.com'
You can accomplish this by including FactoryGirl in your tests. Your RSpec configuration block (in spec_helper.rb or in the new version of RSpec rails_helper.rb) should look like this:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods

RSpec doesn't remove DB record so it fails the second time it runs

This is from Michael Hartl's book, section 8.4. RSpec is testing a successful signup but is fails because the email address isn't unique. So if I go into the code and update the email address in the spec, it works the first time I run it but not the second time. I have confirmed this because I can make the test pass by changing the email address or otherwise running rake db:test:clone.
Any thoughts on how to overcome this would be appreciated.
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Users" do
describe "signup" do
describe "failure" do
it "should not make a new user" do
lambda do
visit signup_path
fill_in :user_name, :with => "" #you can use CSS id instead of label, which is probably better
fill_in "Email", :with => ""
fill_in "Password", :with => ""
fill_in "Password confirmation", :with => ""
response.should render_template('users/new')
response.should have_selector("div#error_explanation")
end.should_not change(User, :count)
describe "success" do
it "should make a new user" do
lambda do
visit signup_path
fill_in "Name", :with => "Example User"
fill_in "Email", :with => "alex#example.com"
fill_in "Password", :with => "foobar"
fill_in "Password confirmation", :with => "foobar"
response.should have_selector("div.flash.success", :content => "Welcome")
response.should render_template('users/show')
end.should change(User, :count).by(1)
What does your spec/spec_helper.rb file look like? Do you have transactions turned on?
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
This runs each of your specs within a database transaction, returning it back to its original state after each test run.
Once your spec helper looks something like that, run:
rake db:test:prepare
And try again. If that doesn't work, can you provide any more information? Which version of RSpec? Which version of Rails?
