Socky Alternative - ruby-on-rails

I'm in search of a RELIABLE websocket server for ROR 3.Now we're using socky. It is unreliable. We like it because it has flash fallback, so it suppose to work on older browsers...but again - it is unreliable.
Do you know any good websocket server for ROR with fallback (i.e. supporting all browsers)

alternatives are: (raw Websocket for NodeJS)
juggernaut (Complete Bayeux Protocol for NodeJS/Rails)
faye (Complete Bayeux Protocol for NodeJS/Rails) with a Ruby-Server
A tip: don't use ruby as websocket server, go for NodeJS - we handle thousands of messages every hour without any issue.
We used the most simple setup possible to make it work - and it works ;)
Our Setup:
Rails 3.0.9
How we set it up:
Rails --PUB--> REDIS --SUB--> NodeJS --WEBSOCKET (SOCKET.IO)--> Client
Article Redis PubSub - How does it work?
Another tip: Avoid authentication if possible
Here's our case:
We have something like a project management tool with a virtual filesystem. Let's say you're viewing a folder while someone else of your team uploads a new file. Now we have to inform you that your view is out of the date - we send a message like:
folder_id | last_change_timestamp
to the channel folders:#{folder_id}
now the client (which listens to folders:#{folder_id} receives that messages and sees "whoops my view is out of date" and shows a message "Your view is outdated, please click >here< to refresh".
The good thing is that we don't need any authentication because:
if you have no access to the project you would have to guess the folder_id to subscribe to the channel
even if you manage to subscribe to the channel the only information you get is that something has changed - not more not less ;)


Is it possible to use 'push' services at the back-end?

I'm using pusher gem to manipulate my front-end from an external API. It works fine, no problem with that.
But the thing I wonder is if there is a possibility to use push notifications at the back-end of my application? I spent a serious amount of time investigating this but couldn't find something useful.
Let me summarize:
I have an application and another API application which is tightly interacting with other. Sometimes I want to use my API to send notification to my main application and I want to be able to manipulate data at the back-end of my main application regarding the data received from API side. These are things like 'an action was completed/started/succeed' etc...
I understand that 'pusher' receives push notifications by JavaScript at the front-end. But I believe that there must be a way to use those notifications at the back-end as well.
If there is another way (maybe Faye? Websocket) to do that I'd love to learn what it is. Any clue would be appreciated.
Is it something doable?
Thank you
Pusher is a backend system too (to "push" updates to channels)
I think you may be interested in endpoints
From what I can gather, it seems you're looking to trigger the transfer of data to an endpoint once an action occurs in your API? For example:
User signs up on "API" app
API app sends "notification" to main app
Main app increases user count by 1
The way I can see this working is by either using ajax, or sending a curl request to your main app's endpoint (set in routes), triggering the action:
post "endpoint", to: "application#endpoint"
def endpoint
#count = Option.increment!(:user_count)
This will allow you to manipulate your data in the backend of your "main" app
The tricky, non-conventional part comes when you want to send the data from your API app to your Main app (this is where you got the "pusher" idea from)
I would personally look at sending a standard HTTP request to the Main app endpoint, probably with Curl (if from the backend):
Curl on Ruby on Rails
Rails curl syntax
You may want to install curb (CUrl RuBy) here:
I could write some code if you wanted?
I had asked the same question to the Pusher's support team and I got the exact answer I was looking for.
You can install a client library on your server
( if there is one for your
server. You can then subscribe to a client channel this way.
In my case, I use Ruby gem which can be reached from .

ruby on rails chat application over port 80 which is hosting site agnostic(no flash and websockets)

Wanted to build a chat like application(i.e bidirectional message passing to multiple connected clients). Looked at the Faye gem but it opens a new port apart from port 80.
The big problem is that if the client is behind firewall all access to other ports except 80 are restricted and not all the hosting sites provide the support.
The ActionController::Live component does not have any mechanism to register the clients so that the message can not be passed to the registered clients on a specific event occurance.
Looking for a solution where the alive clients are stored in a collection(array or somthing like that) and when any of the alive client sends a message then the collection can be iterated and the messages can be written on it. All of these must happen only through port 80.
Good question - having implemented something similar, let me explain how it works:
A "live" web application is not really "live" at all - it's just got a persistent request; meaning it still works exactly the same as a "normal" Rails app, except clients don't close the connection (hence why you're interested in opening another port)
The way you handle the request is where the magic happens. This is as much to do with the client-side, as it is with Rails (server-side)
When you connect to a "chat" application, your browser is opening a live connection with the server. This will typically be done with either server sent events (Ajax long polling), or web sockets
The way this works is to open the connection using the normal Rails ActionDispatch middleware, and then allow you to connect
If you've played with ActionController::Live functionality, you'll find that it's not a typical controller-action. It's actually a separate technology (like resque or Redis) which you call from another controller action. This gives room to do cool things with
The way you'd handle something like this is to separate the "live" functionality and the "normal" Rails app. It's one of the current down-falls of Rails - in that it's probably better to implement something like nodeJS with to handle the live data (with an endpoint like, whilst using Rails to handle authentication & authorization
From a server perspective, its job is to handle incoming & outgoing requests -- not to handle persistent connections. So I guess you may want to look at ways you could "outsource" the websocket connectivity. Admittedly, my experience is slightly thin in this area, so you may do well searching the net
We've had a lot of success using a third-party system called Pusher
This is a web socket system which allows you to open a persistent connection as a client, and integrates with Rails in a similar way to Redis (you can push to it)
This means you can host the "chat" application with Rails (, send the messages to your Rails app (, and handle the incoming chats from pusher (or similar)
Maybe you want to use my open source comet web server ( There is a ruby web chat example. I use this to implement an interactive role playing map with rails (

Writing a spec for sending a mail via API

I want an E-Mail to be sent using a background process whenever an Invite was generated.
What I currently have is this approach: The Invite model has the method send_mail, which sends an E-Mail using the Mandrill API and gem. It also has the method queue_mail adds InviteMailer with the invite's ID to the queue using Resque.
However… Since I'm having sort of a really hard time writing specs for this, I assume this might not be the best approach to send mails.
What I mainly want and need to test:
was the mail added to the queue?
is InviteMailer working properly?
does the mail contain the correct vital information?
Vital informations are: sent to the correct person, contains a link to a specific site and some specific data/text; also I'm not sure how to get the current host to the link.
I don't think this is a rare thing to do, so I wonder what the best practices are.
My testing environment: rspec, capybara, factory girl. I already added VCR, to cache the API-request.
You can use Mailcatcher to fake your mail server, and check received mail via web API:
Catches all mail and stores it for display.
Shows HTML, Plain Text and Source version of messages, as applicable.
Rewrites HTML enabling display of embedded, inline images/etc and open links in a new window. (currently very basic)
Can send HTML for analysis by Fractal.
Lists attachments and allows separate downloading of parts.
Download original email to view in your native mail client(s).
Command line options to override the default SMTP/HTTP IP and port settings.
Mail appears instantly if your browser supports WebSockets, otherwise updates every thirty seconds.
Growl notifications when you receive a new message.
Runs as a daemon run in the background.
Sendmail-analogue command, catchmail, makes using mailcatcher from PHP a lot easier.
Written super-simply in EventMachine, easy to dig in and change.
gem install mailcatcher
Go to http://localhost:1080/
Send mail through smtp://localhost:1025
A fairly RESTful URL schema means you can download a list of messages
in JSON from /messages, each message's metadata with
/messages/:id.json, and then the pertinent parts with
/messages/:id.html and /messages/:id.plain for the default HTML
and plain text version, /messages/:id/:cid for individual
attachments by CID, or the whole message with /messages/:id.source.

Rails 3.1 - Firing an specific event with the EventMachine

I would like to use the plugin em-eventsource ( ) for server-sent events in a Rails 3.1-project. My problem is, that there is only explained how to listen on events and receive messages, but not how to fire a specific event up and send the message. I would like to produce the event in an Active Record-Observer. Am I right when I think that I have to defer a operation with EventMachine to produce this event, or how can I solve this?
And yes, it has to be Ruby on Rails. If I don't get this to work with EventMachine, I would try to bypass the whole ruby-part with node.js.
Actually I worked on this library a little with the maintainer. I think you mixed the client part with the server one. em-eventsource is a client library which you can use to consume a ServerSentEvent API, it's not meant to fire SSE.
On the server side, it quite doesn't matter whether you are using Rails or any other stack (nodejs, php…) as long as the server you are running on supports streaming. The default web server shipped with Rails does not (Webrick) but there are many others which do: Thin, Puma, Goliath…
In order to fire SSE in Rails, you would have to use both a streaming-capable server among those cited, and abide by the SSE specification. It mostly falls down to, first, responding with the proper Content-type header ("text/event-stream") so that the client (browser) knows it should hang-on, and then start streaming on the socket. That latter part is the one not easily possible as of today in Rails 3 (yet not impossible!); Rails 4 actually now supports streaming in an easy way, with a clean and simple internal API, so it's definitely coming.
In the mean time, you'd either:
mess with Rack's API in Rails (using EventMachine I guess, there are some examples in the wild)
or have it smart and make use of the streaming feature provided by Sinatra, built on top of Rack (see for an example of Sinatra app which can be mounted in a Rails one!)
or you could use an external service such as Pusher
or leverage a entirely different stack…
A good overview:
Maybe I'm wrong, but if IIRC Rails can't support long pooling. Rails block whole server (or thread if you have more than one running inside server) for each request and can't reuse them unless whole response was send. That's why you should setup reverse proxy (like nginx) in front of Rails application if you suspect there could be many concurrent connections - to proxy slow client requests and send them to Rails when whole request is received. It's just how Rack works, there's not much you can do about this probably.

Ajax Push Engine

are there anyone hear about APE (Ajax Push Engine) before ? I'm building Rails application and trying to create group chat with this APE realtime engine, the problem is how to make Rails communicate with APE Server ? Are there any tutorial or reference on working APE with Rails ?
As far as I know, Mike's answer is not entirely correct.
For clients all clients the receiving part, in all scenarions, this is 100% correct: The communication is done by Javascript.
Also, the javascript can (and in many cases will be the best choice) be the most reasonable choice to push the info to the server too. This is the case with open communications of many to many people like in chat rooms.
However the following documentation page states clearly that we have other choices:
"Using inlinepush module to push data
from your php/rails/python/...
application to APE"
There are many cases that this could and should be so. I can think of at least 2 scenarios:
Applications that only logged in users could post things to others. Your app would handle the login and inline push info to the ape server.
Applications that broadcast live information from one source to many clients (in this case only the admin could post and this configuration is done on the server side also.
Let me note that I'm not using APE yet, I'm researching it and if I find I've posted any misleading info here, I'll come back and correct myself.
The short answer is that "you don't" APE works with Javascript calls back to the APE server (typically proxied through Apache or whatever server you're using).
Conceptually, if you wanted to break out into different "rooms" or whatever, you'd setup defaults within the javascript from the rails settings.
