Inno Setup: Specify Date in local format - delphi

My application uses Inno Setup to create some registry settings which are later read by an Excel addin. One of these settings is a date.
What I am looking for is a function (in Inno-Setup-friendly Pascal) that takes a date (formatted as a string) and outputs it using the local system date format on whatever computer it runs on. Something like
function GetLocalVersionOfShortDate(dateString : String): String;
// take dateString and convert/display it as local date
The output should be in short date format with the local date separator.
For example, I would pass "January 20, 1980" to this function and it would return "01/20/1980" (in America) and "20/01/1980" (in France).
Any thoughts on how to do that? I feel like it's something simple but I'm not familiar enough with Pascal to write the code myself.
Thank you!

There might be a way of doing this by calling into Windows libraries.
Check the section in the INNO help file called "Pascal Scripting: Using DLLs".
You could do this by running an executable from either the Run section or via a function using the Exec method. If you are just writing registry settings then this should suffice. Then after the executable has run you could remove it by defining your own ssPostInstall method.


Does this line of Lua code contain any malicious activities?

So while looking at some server files (FiveM/GTA RP Server Files) my friend sent me, I found a line of code that was placed all over the Server's Resources, is it malicious?, since i checked "Hex to ASCII Text String Converter", it looks like it might be an attempt to inject some code into the Lua environment. The code creates a table with several strings that are encoded in hexadecimal format. These strings are then used to access elements in the global environment (_G) and call them as functions. The code also sets up an event listener for the "load" event, which could indicate that the code is intended to run when a specific event occurs in the environment.
local ysoGcfkdgEuFekRkklJGSmHogmpKPAiWgeIRhKENhusszjvprBCPXrRqVqLgSwDqVqOiBG = {"\x52\x65\x67\x69\x73\x74\x65\x72\x4e\x65\x74\x45\x76\x65\x6e\x74","\x68\x65\x6c\x70\x43\x6f\x64\x65","\x41\x64\x64\x45\x76\x65\x6e\x74\x48\x61\x6e\x64\x6c\x65\x72","\x61\x73\x73\x65\x72\x74","\x6c\x6f\x61\x64",_G}
ASCII Text to Hex Code Converter
ASCII Text to Hex Code Converter
Response 2
ysoGcfkdgEuFekRkklJGSmHogmpKPAiWgeIRhKENhusszjvprBCPXrRqVqLgSwDqVqOiBG is just a variable name. It's not a very nice one, but it is just a variable name.
is the table:
{"RegisterNetEvent", "helpCode", "AddEventHandler", "assert", "load"}
with the bytes encoded as hex bytes rather than literal characters.
This deobfuscates to:
local funcs = {
funcs[6][funcs[3]](funcs[2], function(param)
Tables in Lua are 1-indexed, so this further deobfuscates to
_G["AddEventHandler"]("helpCode", function(param)
And could be simplified to
AddEventHandler("helpCode", function(param)
While it doesn't look blatantly malicious, it does appear to directly compile and invoke raw code received via the "helpCode" network event, which is certainly dangerous if it's used maliciously. It's possible that this is part of some funny dynamic plugin system, but it's equally possible that it's a backdoor designed to give a network attacker command-and-control over the process.
load is not an event, but the global function used to compile code from a string. The essentially causes the script to listen for a helpCode network event, receive whatever payload from the network event, compile it as Lua code, and execute it. Given that it doesn't even attempt to do any sandboxing of the load'd code, I wouldn't run this without a very comprehensive understanding of how it's being used.

Decimal rounding and printer selection

I use Delphi RAD Studio 2010 and DecimalRounding_JH1.pas from
It works good, but I don't know why, in some old machines (Pentium IV with Windows XP SP3), the round fails after access to printer.printerindex. I have checked that the problem not is Windows XP due it works in other machines with this OS.
I have made a simple project that round an extended value with DecimalRounding_JH1 (drHalfUp) with two decimals (1.105 -> rounds to 1.11). But If I read printer.printerindex, then 1.105 rounds to 1.10).
I thought it could be the "FDIV bug", but compiling with "FDIV safe" doesn't resolve the problem.
The code:
var d1,d2:extended;
memo1.lines.add(FloatToStr(d2)); // --> shows 1.11 (OK)
memo1.lines.add(FloatToStr(d2)); // --> shows 1.10 (ERROR!!!)
I know that it is very strange, but I've tested it and It's as I said.
What could I do?
If I add Printer.printerindex:=1; (for example) before i:=Printer.printerindex; then again it works good. Reading printer unit, the difference is about execute "SetToDefaultPrinter" or not:
function TPrinter.GetPrinterIndex: Integer;
if FPrinterIndex = -1 then SetToDefaultPrinter;
Result := FPrinterIndex;
thanks in advance.
Certain parts of the system printer libraries have a rather nasty habit of modifying the 8087 control word. You should restore it to its default value after using methods and properties of Printer.
For example, you might write it like this:
The comments in my codebase suggest that you only need to do this after the VCL printer code has been initialized for the first time. So you could deal with this in your program's startup. Read Printer.PrinterIndex and then immediately set the control word to its desired value.

Why is COMMON_APPDATA returned as a null string on Windows XP

One of my users at a large university (with, I imagine, the aggressive security settings that university IT departments general have on their computers) is getting an empty string returned by Windows XP for CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA or CSIDL_PERSONAL. (I'm not sure which of these is returning the empty string, because I haven't yet examined his computer to see how he's installed the software, but I'm pretty sure it's the COMMON_APPDATA...)
Has anyone encountered this or have suggestions on how to deal with this?
Here's the Delphi code I'm using to retrieve the value:
Function GetSpecialFolder( FolderID: Integer):String;
PIDL: PItemIDList;
Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Application.Handle, FolderID, PIDL);
SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path);
Result := Path;
end; { GetSpecialFolder }
ShowMessage(GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA)); <--- This is an empty string
Figuring out this API made me feel like I was chasing my tail - I went in circles trying to find the right call. This method and others similar to it are said to be deprecated by Microsoft (as well as by a earlier poster to this question (#TLama?) who subsequently deleted the post.) But, it seems like most of us, including me, regularly and safely ignore that status.
In my searches, I found a good answer here on SO from some time ago, including sample code for the non-deprecated way of doing this: what causes this error 'Unable to write to application file.ini'.
If you want to find out why an API call is failing you need to check the return values. That's what is missing in this code.
You need to treat each function on its own merits. Read the documentation on MSDN. In the case of SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, the return value is an HRESULT. For SHGetPathFromIDList you get back a BOOL. If that is FALSE then the call failed.
The likely culprit here is SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, the code that receives the CSIDL, but you must check for errors whenever you call Windows API functions.
Taking a look at the documentation for CSIDL we see this:
Version 5.0. The file system directory that contains application data for all users. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data. This folder is used for application data that
is not user specific. For example, an application can store a
spell-check dictionary, a database of clip art, or a log file in the
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA folder. This information will not roam and is
available to anyone using the computer.
If the machine has a shell version lower than 5.0, then this CSIDL value is not supported. That's the only documented failure mode for this CSIDL value. I don't think that applies to your situation, so you'll just have to see what the HRESULT status code has to say.

Call to LastDelimiter() won't compile

Delphi 7 - if I make a new project and add a line
spacePos := LastDelimiter(' ' , 'spaced out');
it builds.
If I try to use LastDelimiter in my own project it fails.
I started with a stamenet comparing LastDelimter(#$D#$A, myString) and wen that failed I tried with the lien above, which also failed.
I do use SysUtils, but that wasn't even necessary when I created a new project.
If I comment out that line my real project builds just fine. If I uncomment it I get "missing operator or semicolon". Same thing if I move the LastDelimiter to an assignment, even on the fist line of the function which it is in - it really doesn't look like a problem with a previous line.
Any ideas (short of me posting a few klocs)?
Perhaps somewhere in your scope is a global variable defined similar to the following:
LastDelimiter: Integer;
Check the units used in your project. It should be a global variable declared in the interface section.
Or it could be a constant, declared in the interface section, similar to this:
LastDelimiter = 32;
You have learned what a namespace or identifier or "scope collision" is, today. Some unit in your implementation or interface uses clause, also defines LastDelimiter, and since it is the innermost or most recent declaration, it renders that particular identifier in SysUtils invisible until you specify the SysUtils prefix.
When you have namespace collisions, you should qualify the function name with its unit name, and it will then compile for you:
x := SysUtils.LastDelimiter( .... );
For this very reason, some developers who are comfortable with languages like C# and Java are used to always requiring namespaces to be specified, thus their code looks like this:
x := namespace.Thing1.Thing2.GetInput( ... );
Just because we don't always do that in Delphi doesn't mean there aren't times when you SHOULD be doing that.

How to get Excel version and macro security level

Microsoft has recently broken our longtime (and officially recommended by them) code to read the version of Excel and its current omacro security level.
What used to work:
// Get the program associated with workbooks, e.g. "C:\Program Files\...\Excel.exe"
SHELLAPI.FindExecutable( 'OurWorkbook.xls', ...)
// Get the version of the .exe (from it's Properties...)
// Use the version number to access the registry to determine the security level
// '...\software\microsoft\Office\' + VersionNumber + '.0\Excel\Security'
(I was always amused that the security level was for years in an insecure registry entry...)
In Office 2010, .xls files are now associated with "“Microsoft Application Virtualization DDE Launcher," or sftdde.exe. The version number of this exe is obviously not the version of Excel.
My question:
Other than actually launching Excel and querying it for version and security level (using OLE CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application')), is there a cleaner, faster, or more reliable way to do this that would work with all versions starting with Excel 2003?
function GetExcelPath: string;
result := '';
with TRegistry.Create do
if OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe', false) then
result := ReadString('Path') + 'excel.exe';
to get the full file name of the excel.exe file. Then use GetFileVersionInfo as usual.
As far as I know, this approach will always work.
using OLE CreateOLEObject('Excel.Application'))
you can get installed Excel versions by using the same registry place, that this function uses.
Basically you have to clone a large part of that function registry code.
You can spy on that function call by tools like Microsoft Process Monitor too see exactly how does Windows look for installed Excel - and then to do it exactly the same way.
You have to open registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ and enumerate all the branches, whose name starts with "Excel.Application."
For example at this my workstation I only have Excel 2013 installed, and that corresponds to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application.15
But on my another workstation I have Excel 2003 and Excel 2010 installed, testing different XLSX implementations in those two, so I have two registry keys.
So, you have to enumerate all those branches with that name, dot, and number.
Note: the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application\CurVer would have name of "default" Excel, but what "default" means is ambiguous when several Excels are installed. You may take that default value, if you do not care, or you may decide upon your own idea what to choose, like if you want the maximum Excel version or minimum or something.
Then when for every specific excel branch you should read the default key of its CLSID sub-branch.
Like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application.15\CLSID has nil-named key equal to
{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - fetch that index to string variable.
Then do a second search - go into a branch named like HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\LocalServer ( use the fetched index )
If that branch exists - fetch the nil-named "default key" value to get something like C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~1\Office15\EXCEL.EXE /automation
The last result is the command line. It starts with a filename (non-quoted in this example, but may be in-quotes) and is followed by optional command line.
You do not need command line, so you have to extract initial commanlind, quoted or not.
Then you have to check if such an exe file exists. If it does - you may launch it, if not - check the registry for other Excel versions.
