My _javascript file cannot be found -

I have some javascript files that are named starting with an underscore. When I publish these it seems they can't be found. Is there some rule that stops these being viewed by the browser when running on IIS? I think I remember something like that for the cshtml files but didn't know that applies to js files.

I found the following post, which talks about files with "_" prefix: Why does Razor _layout.cshtml have a leading underscore in file name?.
By convention, the Razor pages that cannot be shown by the browser via direct request are prefixed with "_". Following is one of the comments from the post:
Razor was developed for ASP.NET Web Pages (WebMatrix), which doesn't
have the same sort of protection built in regarding Views folders and
Routing that you get within MVC. Since layout pages in Web Pages are
not intended to be served directly, they are prefixed with the
underscore. And the Web Pages framework has been configured not to
allow files with leading underscores in their names from being
requested directly.

In your View is the reference to them pointed to the correct path?
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-custom.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
I would also hit Control + F5 several times after the page loads to make sure it is not cached and that is the reason it is not pulling down.


ASP.Net MVC How to render script elements?

Could anyone explain me the difference between:
<script src="/Scripts/custom.js"></script>
and (added tilde symbol)
<script src="~/Scripts/custom.js"></script>
within an ASP.NET MVC application (mainly in Razor View code)?
I am aware that usually #Scripts.Render is used for bundling and minifying scripts. As you can see in my third example, I am not using #Scripts.Render("~/bundles/*") on purpose because I am not making this question look like question that is about bundling. I would like to know what the best way would be for rendering (page specific) scripts. Is there any other significant reason to use one before another?
<script src="/Scripts/custom.js"></script>
This is relative to the root of your site. It's expecting a custom.js file to be in a Scripts directory in the root of your site, ex:
<script src="~/Scripts/custom.js"></script>
This is virtual root relative. If your site is hosted as a virtual application in IIS (a sub application), then it will ensure that it looks for a custom.js file in the root of your virtual application, rather than the root of the parent site. So even if your site is hosted at, ~/Scripts/custom.js will look for instead of
This looks for the file at the same location as <script src="~/Scripts/custom.js"></script>, but is just using a Razor HTML Helper as a shorthand to generate the HTML markup.

MVC .NET Core 2.0 - _Layout static files do not load for action methods of a controller

I started a new project in VS 2017 and created a ASP.NET Core 2.0 web application (Model View Controller). Then I've changed the conent of the _Layout.cshtml to the interface I want to use (included #Renderbody etc.) and included all the static content it requires in the wwwroot and save and Ctrl+F5 and the layout shows with all the correct formatting and functionality. No problem so far:
However from this point forward none of the static content files of the _Layout shows in any other view. So for example if I visit any of the following URLS:
I see this:
Startup.cs already has app.UseStaticFiles() in Configure()
So it sounds like you may have your HTML body content in the wrong place. With ASP.NET MVC &ASP.NET Core MVC, the HTML for each page is served up from the /Views directory (by the Home controller by default), not from the /wwwroot, and it is C# HTML (.cshtml) just like the _Layout.cshtml file. Things like images, static javascript etc. are what's typically located in the /wwwroot directory as these are the parts of your website that are client side instead of server-side.
Try replicating your index, about and contact HTML content as .cshtml files under the /Views/Home directory, replacing whatever's there in the template, except for #{ViewData["Title"] = "Home";} located at the top. The layout template should then serve these as the body content (where #renderbody... is in _Layout.cshtml).
If this still doesn't work I'll need a bit more info about what you've changed from the default template. Hope this helps!
Thank you James for your response. I figured it out and it's actually a noob mistake which I'm posting so that other new developers don't get caught in it.
When you want to reference the content in the wwwroot folder if you reference them without "~/" before the name of the directory it works for the _Layout page which fooled me to think it should work for other parts of the application but you should include "~/" before the folder names explicitly otherwise the static files will be un reachable.

Ordinary html links in mvc razor

I have an mvc razor app that's humming along nicely, and I just tried to drop in a static html Terms and Conditions page. When I try to link to it from my opt-in cshtml with
Terms and Conditions
It 404s at runtime with "resource cannot be found".
It's in the compiled folder. The path and name are correct (I picked it with intellisense, so it knows it's there). The link cshtml page and destination html page are even in the same folder (I've tried using just the filename too).
It's just plain html. It shouldn't need any fiddling with routing or anything. Why can't it find it?
~/Views is inaccessible by default and ~ doesn't work in static HTML, you can use this and it should get you the relative path and work
Put your static HTML file in ~/Content/UserPromotion
and use
Terms and Conditions mvc using HREF in application running on IIS

There is a partial view representing pager control (very similar to this) for blog content. Code generates HTML with references and href like, "/Blog/Posts/Page/1", "/Blog/Posts/Page/2" etc.
It worked absolutely fine on Cassini, but after I switched to IIS problems appeared.
IIS application running in virtual folder, so URL is
and blog area located,
As I press on pager button, I recieve 404, because the URL would be
Instead of
My question is, how to handle such situation? how to change code generation to provide correct URL? how to make it work same - as root applicaton or application in virtual folder?
Source code is here
You need to generate your urls either by using ActionLink in your view, or using an UrlHelper in your href as follows: <a href="<%=Url.Content("~/blog/page/3")%>" ..>bla</a>. This will generate Urls that are adjusted accoring to your application root.
You should be using the following:
The ~ allows the url to be resolved relative to the application path and should produce correct results in both cassini and IIS.

How to access HTML files from ASP.NET MVC VIEWS Folder

I will like add conventional HTML page under VIEWS folder (in ASp.NET MVC) page.
I have added the route exceptions as mentioned below.
Although it does work when I put the html files out of VIEWS folder but I get Page not found 404 when I put those in VIEWS folder. I am also unable to browse the VIEWS folder by setting directory browsing option in IIS.
Please help me on HOW to access HTML file from VIEWS folder.
I think that it's a mistake to mix your HTML content with your views. I'd suggest that you create a separate static folder under Content and put your HTML there. You can create an analogous directory structure to your view structure if necessary for management. Then you don't need to do anything special in order to able to reference the files. You can even, then, open them up to editing with Contribute, etc. by people who are allowed to modify static content.
<a href='<%= Url.Content( "~/Content/Static/Account/privacy.html" ) %>'>Privacy Policy</a>
The default Views folder has an Web.config file that explicitly gives 404 errors for all requests. You just need to edit and enable for HTML files (or all files, but then people might snoop).
