How tell if W.I.F token exists? - Best approach - wif

I am using Windows Identity foundation. In one of the sites protected by W.I.F, there is a user registration view, which anonymous users can browse to. At this point, i would like to see in my registration controller if a W.I.F token currently exists:
I was going to do it like this:
public bool HasWifToken(HttpContextBase httpContextBase)
var claimsIdentity = httpContextBase.User.Identity as IClaimsIdentity;
if (claimsIdentity == null)
return false;
return claimsIdentity.Claims.Count > 0;
But is there a better way to see if you have a live token? Thanks very much.

The easiest thing to do is this:
var hasWifToken = httpContextBase.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
If you're using WIF, IsAuthenticated will tell you whether a token exists (i.e., the user is signed in).

Yes - you can use IsAuthenticated in IdentityMode.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.
Interestingly, the way it is set is very much along your approach - essentially it checks if the claims.Count > 0!


AuthorizationCodeProvider: Create is never called, how do I generate the authorization code?

I'm setting up my own OAuth2 server. So far, I have succesfully implemented GrantResourceOwnerCredentials in my implementation of OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider. Now, because I am developing an app for our business, I want to implement the OAuth2 Authorization Code grant.
I have tried to follow directions here but in my implementation, I have not found how to reach the Create call of the AuthorizationCodeProvider (which I set in OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions).
I have briefly checked whether accessing the TokenEndpointPath with a (wrong) code parameter works, and in the debugger I see that my AuthorizationCodeProvider's Receive call is hit. Of course there is no success because the code I send is 'sometestcode' instead of a real one, but the code is hit so that means I'm on the right path.
Here's what I have so far:
public override Task ValidateClientRedirectUri(OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext context)
if (OAuthRepository.GetClient(context.ClientId) != null)
var expectedRootUri = new Uri(context.Request.Uri, "/");
if (context.RedirectUri.StartsWith(expectedRootUri.AbsoluteUri))
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
public override Task AuthorizeEndpoint(OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext context)
// I know this is wrong but it's just a start and not the focus of this SO question.
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
public override Task GrantAuthorizationCode(OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext context)
// Needs additional checks, not the focus of my question either
var newTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(context.Ticket.Identity, context.Ticket.Properties);
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
Now, when I call my AuthorizeEndpointPath with a redirect_uri, I am sent to that Uri immediately. I know this is wrong: I should be sent to a separate login page. I'll fix my Web API later to redirect to the correct Uri.
The focus of my question is this: I am now in the process of implementing the login page, but I do not know how to get the authorization code from my WebAPI after the user has logged in. (I'm skipping the consent part for now and assume that if the user is logged in they're okay with it, I'll add giving consent later.)
I am basing my flow on the diagram shared here
I am using Thinktecture IdentityModel to create the login page in an MVC Controller. Now I need to retrieve the authorization code from the Web API in my MVC Controller. And after that I can then redirect the user back to the original client (app) that requested the Authorization Code flow.
To obtain the authorization code from my Web API, I see three methods in Thinktecture's OAuth2Client:
Neither seem to do what I want. How do I proceed so that my WebAPI is called to generate the code?
public ActionResult Authorize(string clientId, string returnUrl, string responseType)
AuthorizeViewModel viewModel = new AuthorizeViewModel();
return View(viewModel);
public async Task<ActionResult> Authorize(AuthorizeViewModel viewModel)
// NOTE: This is in MVC and is postback from *.cshtml View.
OAuth2Client.?????? // <=== How to obtain authorization code from WebAPI?
return Redirect(returnUrl);
I think I have it correctly setup on the Web API side. I just don't know how to hit the Create part of the flow. I hope someone can help me understand what I am not seeing. I have a blind spot somewhere I think...
How do I have OAuth2Client get me the authorization code from my WebAPI?
I am also using Postman to test my Web API. If anyone can help me get the URL in Web API 2.0 that returns an authorization code, I would also accept that as an answer. Then I can write the code in MVC myself.
Okay, so I think I found a part of my blind spot. Firstly, I marked `AuthorizeEndpoint' as "not the focus of this SO question", but that was a big mistake.
When I adapt the AuthorizeEndpoint like so:
public override Task AuthorizeEndpoint(OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext context)
System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity ci = new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity("Bearer");
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
And if I adapt my implementation of AuthorizationCodeProvider.Create like so:
public void Create(AuthenticationTokenCreateContext context)
context.Ticket.Properties.IssuedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
context.Ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(60);
// Some random Guid
Any call to /authorize is redirected to redirect_uri with a query parameter code=<THE_RANDOM_GUID>! :D
Obviously, this implementation is not where it should be, so my question is not yet resolved. Remaining issues:
Right now, anybody can request an authorization code, the client_id is ignored. ValidateClientAuthentication is apparently not hit as part of AuthorizeEndpoint. How do I obtain ClientId in AuthorizeEndpoint?
The authorization code is not coupled to a client. Anyone who intercepts the code could use it. How do I obtain the ClientId in AuthorizationCodeProvider.Create so that I can store it with the code?
The authorization code is not coupled to a user at all, it's an empty ClaimsIdentity. How do I put a user-login page in between and in AuthorizeEndpoint obtain the ClaimsIdentity for the logged-in user?
So, after quite some searching online, I got some success by searching github. Apparently, OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider offers AuthorizeEndpoint and that method should be used for both "Hey, you're not authorized, go log in you!" as well as for "Ahh, okay you're cool, here's an authorization code.". I had expected that OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider would have two separate methods for that, but it doesn't. That explains why on github, I find some projects that implement AuthorizeEndpoint in a rather peculiar way. I've adopted this. Here's an example:
public override async Task AuthorizeEndpoint(OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext context)
if (context.Request.User != null && context.Request.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
var redirectUri = context.Request.Query["redirect_uri"];
var clientId = context.Request.Query["client_id"];
var authorizeCodeContext = new AuthenticationTokenCreateContext(
new AuthenticationTicket(
new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>
{"client_id", clientId},
{"redirect_uri", redirectUri}
IssuedUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(context.Options.AuthorizationCodeExpireTimeSpan)
await context.Options.AuthorizationCodeProvider.CreateAsync(authorizeCodeContext);
context.Response.Redirect(redirectUri + "?code=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(authorizeCodeContext.Token));
context.Response.Redirect("/account/login?returnUrl=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(context.Request.Uri.ToString()));
As for my remaining three questions:
Right now, anybody can request an authorization code, the client_id is ignored. ValidateClientAuthentication is apparently not hit as part of AuthorizeEndpoint. How do I obtain ClientId in AuthorizeEndpoint?
Answer: You have to implement `ValidateClientAuthentication'.
The authorization code is not coupled to a client. Anyone who intercepts the code could use it. How do I obtain the ClientId in AuthorizationCodeProvider.Create so that I can store it with the code?
Answer: OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider takes care of this. As long as you set "client_id" in the ticket, it will check that the client that requests an access token for the authorization code is the same.
The authorization code is not coupled to a user at all, it's an empty ClaimsIdentity. How do I put a user-login page in between and in AuthorizeEndpoint obtain the ClaimsIdentity for the logged-in user?
Answer: You create a separate login page. What this does is sign the user in. If your WebAPI uses cookie-based authentication, you can just redirect the user to the AuthorizeEndpoint again. If you use access tokens, your login page has to make a request to `AuthorizeEndpoint' with the access token to obtain an authorization code. (Don't give the access token to the third party. Your login page requests the authorization code and sends that back.) In other words, if you use access tokens then there are two clients involved in this flow.

MVC3: Session_Start Fires twice when testing for Roles

I need to do some authentication for a web app with MVC3. The customer would like there to be a generic page to show if they do not have any of the role groups in windows AD that are allowed to use the app. I found a pretty simple way to do it, but just curious if it is a valid way or if there is something better out there.
Basically in the Session_Start in the global I am checking for User.IsInRole() and if that returns false then I do a Response.Redirect(). This question is: after it his the code in the IF statement and hits the Response.Redirect() code then it hits the session one more time before it goes to the AccessDenied page in the root of the app. Is this okay? Will it cause any issues If they are valid and does not enter the If to do the response.redirect?
//if (!User.IsInRole("test_user"))
// Response.Redirect("~/AccessDenied.aspx", true);
I would recommend you to write your Authorization filter for MVC3 and do this type of logic there:
public class RoleFilter: AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext filterContext)
if (!User.IsInRole("test_user"))
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 302;
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("~/AcessDenied.aspx");
Also I wouldn't recommend you to use Response.Redirect because it aborts current thread.

ASP.NET MVC 4 remember me behavior

I've got the remember me option available on the login page. Could somebody please explain the process? i.e. is going through the logging in process every time user navigates to the page? or is the user constantly logged in and the application only checks the credentials when the user logs off and in again? The reason I ask is that I have IsEnabled property on the user table in DB and would like to disable users. But this property doesn't seem to make any difference unless user logs off and in again.
Any Ideas?
When the user logs in for the first time with valid credentials, a cookie is created and stored client side. With each subsequent request to the website the cookie is passed to the server and validated to ensure it has not expired and is valid. If you want to be able to check if your IsEnabled should allow a user to access the site, you need to create your own authenticatin logic in the Application_AuthenticateRequest event in your Global.asax file.
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Your authentication logic
You can view a full list of events you can hook into here:
I have used this variant
Add this attribute to your controller
public class IsLocked : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
if (!httpContext.Request.IsAuthenticated)
return false;
var session = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ISession>();
var userDb = session.Query<Admin>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Email == httpContext.User.Identity.Name);
if (userDb == null)
return false;
return userDb.Status == null || userDb.Status.Value == false;

ASP.Net MVC 4: Update Profile after Windows authentication only once after login

I have an Intranet application with Windows authentication set for user authentication which works fine, only problem is that I do not want to say 'Hello, mydomain\user!' but use the user's full display name which I find in the Active Directory.
In fact I want to populate the profile with even more details from our domain, the problem is that I only want to do this AD query only once after the user has been authenticated on his first call to the application. I have all the AD and profile things working, but I do not find a good place to put the code so that it is called exactly once after login. I suspect a custom AuthorizeAttribute might be a way... Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
Try storing the information in session or within cookies or local storage on the client side.
Well, I finally came up with a solution - can this be considered as a as a valid answer? Basically I wrote a custom AuthorizationFilter and put a flag into the session to do the whole work only once. However I hoped to find an event "User_Authenticated" which is fired only once. But I guess this is more appropriate for Forms authentication.
public class ProfileUpdater : IAuthorizationFilter
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// if there is a profile already in the session we do not update this
Controller controller = filterContext.Controller as Controller;
if (controller != null && controller.Session["ProfileUpdated"] != null)
else if (controller == null)
UserPrincipal domainUser = DomainHelper.GetDomainUser(controller.User.Identity.Name);
if (domainUser != null)
controller.Profile.SetPropertyValue("DisplayName", domainUser.DisplayName);
controller.Session["ProfileUpdated"] = true; // just put a marker object into the session to show we alreay updated the Profile

Where to store logged user information on ASP.NET MVC using Forms Authentication?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and Forms Authentication on my application. Basically I use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie to login and FormsAuthentication.SignOut to logout.
In the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity I have stored the user name but I need more info about the logged user. I don't want to store my entire User obj in the Session because it might be big and with much more infomation than I need.
Do you think it's a good idea to create like a class called LoggedUserInfo with only the attributes I need and then add it to the Session variable? Is this a good approach?
Or do you have better ideas?
I use this solution:
ASP.NET 2.0 Forms authentication - Keeping it customized yet simple
To summarize: I created my own IPrincipal implementation. It is stored in HttpContext.Current.Cache. If it is somehow lost, I have username from client side authorization cookie and can rebuild it. This solution doesn't rely on Session, which can be easily lost.
If you want to use your principal in your controller and make it testable, you can do this:
private MyPrincipal _myPrincipal;
MyPrincipal MyPrincipal
if (_myPrincipal == null)
return (MyPrincipal)User;
return _myPrincipal;
_myPrincipal = value;
In your test, you will set object prepared for testing. Otherwise it will be taken from HttpContext. And now I started thinking, why do I use Ninject to do it?
Store it server side in the session.
// Make this as light as possible and store only what you need
public class UserCedentials
public string Username { get; set; }
public string SomeOtherInfo { get; set; }
// etc...
Then when they sign in just do the following to save the users info:
// Should make typesafe accessors for your session objects but you will
// get the point from this example
Session["UserCredentials"] = new UserCredentials()
{ Username = "SomeUserName", SomeOtherInfo = "SomeMoreData" };
Then whenever you need it fetch it:
UserCredentials user = (UserCredentials)(Session["UserCredentials"]);
I have written a couple of question/answers regarding doing custom authorization in MVC:
How to implement authorization checks in ASP.NET MVC based on Session data?
How does the Authorize tag work? - Mvc
I actually like to use a CustomPrincipal and CustomIdentity which I set in the logon action method like
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) && _authService.IsValidLogin(username, password))
User objUser = _userService.GetUserByName(username);
if (objUser != null)
//** Construct the userdata string
string userData = objUser.RoleName + "|" + objUser.DistrictID + "|" + objUser.DistrictName + "|" + objUser.ID + "|" + objUser.DisplayName;
HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(username, rememberMe.GetValueOrDefault());
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userData);
authCookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Absence");
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
return RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account");
Then in the custom principal you can have methods that access specific information you passed in to the constructor like
where the DisplayName property is declared in the CustomIdentity class.
Well you will have to store these somewhere. Two main possible places though:
The server
You can either put them into Session. I suggest you do create a separate class that will hold only data that you actually need to avoid of wasting too much memory. Or you can also store into Cache that can end up in having many DB calls when there are huge amounts of concurrent users.
The client
In this case if you can limit the amount of data with a separate class, to that and use whatever way to serialize it and send it to the client. Either in a cookie or in URI (if length permits and cookies are disabled)...
Outcome of these thoughts:
the main thing here would be to create a separate class if you gain much memory resources this way. So that's the first thing you should do.
