Alternative to current Ruby on Rails testing methods? - ruby-on-rails

I find that in order to thoroughly test a Rails application with Rspec I am required to write more test code than actual functional Ruby code. Call me crazy but this does not seems right. Is there a different/alternate approach (even one that is not as comprehensive as Rspec).

For unit testing I guess you won't find any replacement.
But for integration testing, you could create scenarios within your browser thanks to Selenium. See:

There are many option available here are the few list
and many more


How to test the opposite of assert_text in Ruby on Rails

I want to be sure my page does not contain certain text, I know there is an assert_text function, but, how do I test the opposite?
I am using RoR 6.0, the default test framework (I think it is Test Unit) and capybara
Rails 6 is using Minitest and Capybara by default.
assert_text comes from Capybara, or to be more precise, from Capybara::Minitest::Assertions.
As you can see in Capybara::Minitest::Assertions, there is an assertion called assert_no_text, which, I suppose, does exactly what you need.
Further details can be found here.
And this is a link to a quick explanation of the difference between Test::Unit and Minitest.
Hope this helps.

what are the required Gem for Automated Acceptance testing

I want to write acceptance testing through cucumber and capybara. i have experience with rspec. I want to write integration/features test cases . I want outcome to be seen on a web browser which shows the test case running. what are the gems required for writing test cases .
If you are already familiar with RSpec, I recommend you to use RSpec with Capybara for acceptance testing. RSpec is testing framework, and Capybara is a library that helps you to test web applications by simulating how a real user would interact with your app.
Acceptance tests in RSpec with Capybara are called "feature specs" and live in /spec/features directory in Rails. Capybara comes with a built in DSL for writing descriptive acceptance tests with RSpec (feature/scenario), but you may also use traditional RSpec DSL (describe/it).
Capybara supports several drivers, and its default driver RackTest doesn't support JavaScript. So, probably, you'll want to use one of the alternative drivers (I prefer Poltergeist, but it is headless, so if you want to see result in the browser, you may use Selenium driver). In this case, you'll need to set up database_cleaner to clear your database between tests. Capybara's README contains a lot of information about its configuration and usage with RSpec, configuring driver and using database_cleaner.
You can start with this and this screencasts. But remember, that they are a little bit outdated and use traditional RSpec DSL (instead of new Capybara DSL), and use old convention, when "feature" specs were called "request" specs. Currently, by convention, "request" specs, are integration tests without capybara. So you'll need to create your capybara specs in spec/features directory, not spec/requests. And if you want to use Capybara DSL, this is easy to fix too. Just replace describe with feature, it with scenario, let with given etc. It is well documented in Capybara's README.
Hope this helps.

How to run an integration test in RoR with rspec and capybara

I have a good understanding of the differences between unit and intergration tests in RoR in theory. I'm using rspec and capybara to do a lot of testing on my site. What I don't understand is how do you run different tests? If I do
bundle exec rspec
it will run all of my specs in all of my spec folders (model, controller, views, integration, etc). If I want to run an integration test, is it as simple as ?
bundle exec rspec spec/integration
I know there are some differences between these types of test behind the scenes. Specifically this problem (which I also have) has me thinking about unit vs. integration: How to test for a redirect with Rspec and Capybara
What does Rails do differently when running integration tests? The solution posted in the above problem is
Checking for redirect is not supported in rspec-rails request specs,
but is supported in Rails integration tests.
So how do I make one of my tests an integration test? Is it just a matter of putting it in the right spec folder?
As I understand it rspec is designed specifically for unit testing purposes, thus you'll need to use something else for integration testing. The message seems it imply that Rails can do integration tests as well. I don't have any experience or knowledge of testing in rails alone, but I do know of the cucumber gem that is built very well for integration tests.
It has it's own domain specific language and other quirks you'll need to get used to but it should have the capability you're looking for.

Rails acceptance testing without using rspec but using capybara

I am looking for an example of acceptance testing in Rails without using rspec. My current client uses ruby 1.9.2 and all the tests are written using minitest and they are concerned about the slowness of rspec. Anyways that discussion is over.
I need to write a few functional tests and am looking for examples of how to do functional tests without using rspec. And I would like to use capybara.
I am using Rails 3.0.10 .
sounds like you want to be looking at Cucumber - perhaps?

Rspec integration tests without cucumber?

Is there a way to do integration tests with Rspec without using Cucumber? I prefer using just plain old Webrat. Thanks.
The latest version of RSpec-Rails (1.2.7) now has integration support. Upgrade then start adding specs to spec/integration or use the 'integration_spec' generator. Configure Webrat in spec/spec_helper.rb and you're set!
We've recently started using RSpec with Capybara over Cucumber. Here is a "beginners" blog post I recently wrote on using RSpec integration tests without cucumber.
End-to-end testing with RSpec integration tests and Capybara
Let me know if you have any questions on getting your system set up.
As far as I know Rspec is perfectly capable of testing views and controllers as part of integration tests. A quick look around the internet shows this article at Robby on Rails on view testing and some of the Rdocs within RSpec might help.
Hope this points you in the right direction - I'm afraid I use cucumber myself.
