I'm trying to consume a C# library in F#. The library makes heavy use of async/await. I want to use within an async { ... } workflow in F#.
I see we can Async.AwaitTask on async C# methods returning Task<T>, but what about those returning plain Task?
Perhaps, is there a helper to convert these to Async<unit> or to convert Task to Task<unit> so it will work with Async.AwaitTask?
You can use ContinueWith:
let awaitTask (t: Task) = t.ContinueWith (fun t -> ()) |> Async.AwaitTask
Or AwaitIAsyncResult with infinite timeout:
let awaitTask (t: Task) = t |> Async.AwaitIAsyncResult |> Async.Ignore
The FSharp.Core library for F# 4.0 now includes an Async.AwaitTask overload that accepts a plain Task. If you're using F# 4.0 then you should use this core function instead of the code below.
Original answer:
If your task could throw an exception then you probably also want to check for this. e.g.
let awaitTask (task : Task) =
async {
do! task |> Async.AwaitIAsyncResult |> Async.Ignore
if task.IsFaulted then raise task.Exception
return ()
The FSharp.Core library for F# 4.0 now includes an Async.AwaitTask overload that accepts a plain Task. If you're using F# 4.0 then you should use this core function instead of the code below.
Original answer:
I really liked Ashley's suggestion using function composition. Additionally, you can extend the Async module like this:
module Async =
let AwaitTaskVoid : (Task -> Async<unit>) =
Async.AwaitIAsyncResult >> Async.Ignore
Then it appears in Intellisense along with Async.AwaitTask. It can be used like this:
do! Task.Delay delay |> Async.AwaitTaskVoid
Any suggestions for a better name?
To properly propagate both exceptions and cancellation properly, I think you need something like this (partially based on deleted answer by Tomáš Petříček):
module Async =
let AwaitVoidTask (task : Task) : Async<unit> =
Async.FromContinuations(fun (cont, econt, ccont) ->
task.ContinueWith(fun task ->
if task.IsFaulted then econt task.Exception
elif task.IsCanceled then ccont (OperationCanceledException())
else cont ()) |> ignore)
Is there an alternative to "let!" to support function chaining?
I currently have this:
async {
let! result = token |> queryDay
result |> toTransactions
However, I would like to consolidate the above code into something like this:
async {
// NOTE: Async.Await isn't a thing
let result = token |> queryDay |> Async.Await |> toTransactions
Is there a way to achieve this?
From your examples I'm assuming that:
queryDay : 'a -> Async<'b>
toTransactions : 'b -> Async<'c>
Chaining monadic functions like that is called "bind". This is the core operation of a monad, the very essense of it. In fact the let! construct gets desugared into a call to async.Bind, and so does do!.
Unfortunately, the F# standard library doesn't offer a built-in standalone implementation of bind for Async. But there is one in FSharpx that you can use:
open FSharpx.Control
async {
let! result = token |> queryDay |> Async.bind toTransactions
Or if you don't want to use FSharpx, you can easily make one yourself by delegating to the computation builder:
module Async =
let bind f a = async.Bind(a, f)
This is some C# code:
var streamStore = new PostgresStreamStore(new PostgresStreamStoreSettings("Host=localhost;Port=5432;User Id=postgres;Password=123456;Database=postgres"));
await streamStore.CreateSchemaIfNotExists();
I'm trying to call it from F# like this:
let db_connection =
Sql.host "localhost"
|> Sql.port 5432
|> Sql.username "postgres"
|> Sql.password "123456"
|> Sql.database "postgres"
|> Sql.str
let store =
new PostgresStreamStore(PostgresStreamStoreSettings(db_connection))
store.CreateSchemaIfNotExists() |> Async.AwaitTask |> ignore
The code compiles, however the schema in contrast to the C# Version does not a create a schema.
How do I await this Task from store.CreateSchemaIfNotExists?
I'm getting this error message:
`This expression is a function value, i.e. is missing arguments. Its type is unit -> Tasks.Task.
In the C# code, you are using await, so this must be inside an async method. The corresponding thing in F# would be to use F# asynchronous workflows. Inside those, you can use let! which is similar to await. This works with computations of type Async<T> rather than Task<T>. The operation Async.AwaitTask turns Task<T> into Async<T> so that you can access it using let!
let doSomething () = async {
let db_connection =
Sql.host "localhost"
// (other configuration omitted)
let store =
new PostgresStreamStore(PostgresStreamStoreSettings(db_connection))
let! res = store.CreateSchemaIfNotExists() |> Async.AwaitTask
return "whatever" }
I assume that CreateSchemaIfNotExists does not return anything useful, so you can also wait for its completion using do!
do! store.CreateSchemaIfNotExists() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore
An asynchronous computation then needs to be started using Async.Start or Async.RunSynchronously, which is akin to starting a task or blocking using task.RunSynchronously.
How to do an simple await in F# ?
In C# I have code like this:
await collection.InsertOneAsync(DO);
var r = collection.ReplaceOneAsync((fun d -> d.Id = DO.Id), DO)
So I created a let await = ... to my F# code become more similar with my C# code.
My current F# code is this:
let awaits (t: Threading.Tasks.Task) = t |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let await (t: Threading.Tasks.Task<'T>) = t |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let Busca (numero) =
let c = collection.Find(fun d -> d.Numero=numero).ToList()
let Insere(DO: DiarioOficial) =
//collection.InsertOneAsync(DO) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
collection.InsertOneAsync(DO) |> awaits
let Salva (DO: DiarioOficial) =
//let r = collection.ReplaceOneAsync((fun d -> d.Id = DO.Id), DO) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let r = collection.ReplaceOneAsync((fun d -> d.Id = DO.Id), DO) |> await
I want to have only one definition for await (awaits), but the best I could do is this, because on Insere, type is Task, but on Salva, type is Task<'T>
If i use only the await, I get this compile error:
FS0001 The type 'Threading.Tasks.Task' is not compatible with the type 'Threading.Tasks.Task<'a>'
If I use only the awaits, it compiles, but I lose the return type from the async Task
I want to merge the await and awaits in a single
let await = ...
How can I do this?
In F# we tend to use another syntax. It is described e.g. here: https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/posts/concurrency-async-and-parallel/.
or here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/tutorials/asynchronous-and-concurrent-programming/async
The idea of working with C# Tasks is to "convert" them to async with Async.Await<'T>
You can do it probably another way, but it is the most straightforward.
There are two parts of writing async code in both F# and C#.
You need to mark the method or code block as asynchronous. In C#, this is done using the async keyword. The F# equivalent is to use the async { ... } block (which is an expression, but otherwise, it is similar).
Inside async method or async { .. } block, you can make non-blocking calls. In C#, this is done using await and in F# it is done using let!. Note that this is not just a function call - the compiler handles this in a special way.
F# also uses Async<T> type rather than Task<T>, but those are easy to convert - e.g. using Async.AwaitTask. So, you probably want something like this:
let myAsyncFunction () = async {
let! _ = collection.InsertOneAsync(DO) |> Async.AwaitTask
let r = collection.ReplaceOneAsync((fun d -> d.Id = DO.Id), DO)
// More code goes here
I used let! to show the idea, but if you have an asynchronous operation that returns unit, you can also use do!
do! collection.InsertOneAsync(DO) |> Async.AwaitTask
I have the following code
open FSharp.Data
let downloadFile link =
use os = File.Create(...)
let rec consume() = async {
|> Seq.iter (fun x ->
xxx |> Seq.iter(fun link ->
downloadFile link
I found that the sync downloading makes the code not run concurrently. So I'm trying to do somthing like the following. How to change it to use the FSharp.Data http AsyncRequestStream? Maybe the CopyTo can be async too?
open FSharp.Data
let downloadFile link = async {
use os = File.Create(...)
Http.AsyncRequestStream(....).ReponseStream.CopyTo(os) // Error
let rec consume() = async {
|> Seq.iter (fun x ->
xxx |> Seq.iter(fun link ->
downloadFile link |> Async.Start // do! downloadFile link????
consume() |> Async.RunSynchronously
Here's a skeleton solution, worthy of all the blank spots in your example:
let downloadFile link =
async {
use os = File.Create(...)
let! resp = Http.AsyncRequestStream(....)
return resp.ReponseStream.CopyTo(os)
let consume link =
async {
let comps : Async<unit> [] =
|> Seq.map (fun link -> downloadFile link)
|> Array.ofSeq
return! Async.Parallel comps
I think you should read up on asynchronicity and concurrency in general, as well as how to use it in F# in particular. From the OP it seems the whole thing is a bit hazy to you.
Edit: to answer the question in the comment:
With return! (or let!, or do!) you execute the nested workflow asynchronously, then pick up executing the current workflow from that point. That is, everything "below" the do! is put into a continuation that gets called once the thing "after" the do! finishes.
Whereas Async.Start fires up the workflow on (another) background thread and returns immediately without waiting for it to finish.
It looks like if the following situation occurs often and I wonder
What would be the most appropriate and shortest F# equivalent (e.g. no extra tasks created, has the same SynchronizationContext etc.)?
Does the following have something that should be fixed or improved?
Here DoAsync is a member function derived from a framework class, it takes a parameter and returns a hot, awaited task to the caller that is some framework function.
In C#:
public async Task DoAsync(int x)
if(x == 10)
await taskContext.ReturnAsync();
Here Async.Ignore is from here
In F#:
member x.DoAsync(int x) =
async {
if x = 10
return! Async.AwaitTask(taskContext.ReturnAsync() |> Async.Ignore)
return! Async.AwaitTask(Task.FromResult(0))
} |> Async.StartAsTask :> Task
Look at Tomas' answer for a simpler way. As an added note, in F# 4.0 it looks like there's an overload for non-generic Task available. More details at this Visual F# Tools PR.
Using Async.AwaitTask and Async.StartAsTask is the way to go. Although you do not really need to return anything from the async if you just want to return a non-generic Task:
member x.DoAsync(x:int) =
let work = async {
if x = 10 then
do! taskContext.ReturnAsync() |> Async.Ignore }
Async.StartAsTask(work) :> Task