Swap English to Spanish in ValidationMessageFor Method Dynamicaly - asp.net-mvc

My Models / data silos are in a different class library which contain data annotation - Required, Max Length and some custom validation. This all works great in English however is there a way to swap the English validation message for the Spanish using a global resource file contained in the web project. The class library is used both on the web site and other components so I cannot be assured that the resource file will be in the same project.

Assuming you are talking about a .Net MVC application, I suggest you have a look at this blog post about internationalization in MVC3:
For a project I am currently working on, we decided to place the resource-files in a separate project, so that we could keep all the resource-strings in one place, and then simply referring to the language-project from any other project that needs multi-lingual support.


what does the model.generated.cs file do in Umbraco?

Exploring Umbraco 8 and playing around building a test site etc.
Building document types and content pages via the back office interface, and looking in the code itself I've noticed a files called models.generated.cs.
looking inside, it contains partial classes like public partial class AndyTestPage : PublishedContentModel { } and properties I've given it like
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Umbraco.ModelsBuilder", "8.5.5")]
public string AndyProperty1 => this.Value<string>("andyProperty1");
my question is, what exactly is the point of this file? what does is do and how are these properties and classes created in here via the backoffice cms.
second question is, how would I go about creating a document type, and properties from code? my noob assumption is to simply add the classes in the this file, but that doesnt seem right?
It belongs to modelbuilder.
It depends on how you build your umbraco solution. If you use visual studio you can use something called strongly type, it helps building templates with VS.
By default, modelsbuilder is set to "PureLive", which is for users who builds within the umbraco backoffice system.
You can set modelsbuilder to different options, depending on how you build.
You should not edit the file, it is created and maintained by the system.
elitenet.dk has answered the first question
With regards to your second question Umbraco is database/content first so unfortunately you cant write documenttypes etc. from code first... not that i know of.
I beleive this is because Umbraco was designed to be used by almost anyone with a little html/css knowledge. E.g. You can create templates and views from the cms without having to know anything about serverside development.
Just a little tip if youre starting with Umbraco and plan on using multiple environments take a look at Kevin Jumps Usync package, essentually the package allows for document types/properties etc. to be pushed from environment to environment.Usync

MVC Web Api - barebones minimal project structure

I'm looking at this MVC WebApi starter kit (for Angular/TypeScript)
Ignoring all the client side code, I noticed the author has made a WebApi that is extremely bare bones. Has has taken out most scaffolding including _ViewStart.cshtml, _Layout.cshtml, and forgoed the convention of controllers in Controllers folder and views in View folder under subdirectory with same name of controller, etc.
He added some interesting Routing and Validation classes that I havent seen before in a Core folder and put controllers in Api folder and Views directly into Views folder with an Index.cshtml at the root.
It's very clean and barebone project structure for a standalone web api that will do nothing except serve data to a client heavy application. I kind of like it this way but before jumping ship I'm wondering what drawbacks this approach has and if I'm actually giving up any core features of the framework by doing it this way. For example, clearly MVC Areas are being given up here in favor of flexibility to create your own view folders structure and seperation of application sections (I'm okay with getting rid of MVC Areas I rarely used them anyways). Another thing is I don't think a Controller action method can return View() and it will find it in the Views folder by convention of the controller name. I'm also okay with that since I will only be serving JSON data and will use 100% client side templating.
Are there any other core features that are being abandoned that I'm missing that may make me regret going with this project structure?
When I create Web APIs that are hosted in IIS, the only files in my web application are web.config, global.asax and global.asax.cs. Everything else is not required.
Take a look at this template if you haven't already before you decide how to structure your ASP.Net MVC / Angular project:
You can always add components into your project later, so I wouldn't seat it too much. I like to start with a lean/mostly empty project first and add things myself so that I fully understand what I'm adding.

ASP.NET MVC3 - Distributing EditorTemplate in library project?

Is it possible to distribute an EditorTemplate control ASCX along with a type in a library project and have it be used by MVC3 when the type is rendered with the EditorFor() method?
Where I work we have a lot of DateTime, Gender and a few more custom fields which have a specific but concsistent way of (HTML) input and a corresponding backing ViewModel type for them (i.e. DateTimeViewModel with separate month, day, year field etc.) and they are in a shared library project.
However we still have to copy the EditorTemplates for these types to each project which is not very DRY.
So is there a way to bundle such EditorTemplate along with the library project and make sure that it's used when the corresponding ViewModel is used without having to copy all EditorTemplate to every projects?
You need a custom VirtualPathProvider to achieve this but nothing out of the box. Here's a blog post you may take a look at.
Disclaimer: Custom VirtualPathProviders don't work with precompiled web applications. So if you intend to precompile your web application before shipping don't use virtual path providers.
Because of this limitation personally I use custom NuGet packages that allow the developers to pull all the necessary templates to their corresponding locations.
You could create your own VS Template, Export it and distribute it to all of your developers I think.
Write Templates for VS2010
You can register your own VirutalPathProvider implementation:
HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new YourViewProvider());
Then you will be able to get your files from basically anywhere (for example from embedded resource).
Hope this helps.
I think this is not currently possible. ASP.NET MVC editor templates should be defined in a partial view file. There is no way to define them in code only.

Localize the content of a Link Module in DNN

I am using the default Links module to create a list of links in DotNetNuke.
So I have added the module inside the page and gave a title of "Links". Then I have added two links pointing to page of my site (Link 1 and Link 2).
Now I would like to translate the page and its modules to another language. I have been able to translate everything on the page except the title of every link inside the module (Link 1/Link 2).
Is there a way to accomplish this? Am I using these features in the correct way?
Generally speaking, is there a way to localize DNN standard modules?
A bit late but might I suggest the ealo text html module. This might be the solution
With core localization features (as of 5.6) - when you localize a page you are effectively making a copy - and the intent is that you localize the text in the module on the second page manually - meaning that you physically update the second links module's text/links etc.

Crm 4.0 Custom Page (isv) how to get the current crm UICulture

I have a custom page (isv) used in a crm 4.0 solution (through IFrames) and I want it to support multiple languages. I have localized it using resx files, but the UICulture defaults to english event though I have changed it to danish (according to System.Threading.Thread.CurrentUICulture).
How do I get the culture of the current user?
If you are using a custom page under the ISV folder, they are loaded by the CRM application and compiled on demand. So every resources are not loaded by CRM and the pages under this directory are not considered applications by IIS (except if an application is created on the directory, in IIS).
So I think there is two solutions. Create an application in IIS, and in this case the application will be handled by IIS like a standard ASP.Net application. Or you can create standard ASP.NET pages, and let CRM handle them.
In both case the culture is provided by the IFrame. When you configure it in CRM, you have the option of passing parameters (Pass record object-type code and unique identifier as parameters). The parameter that you want is the UserLCID.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc150848.aspx for more information.
