Programmatical register a Postgres Server with pgAdmin using Delphi - delphi

Im working on an application using Postgres 9 and Delphi 7 as the front end,
For setting up the database connection to the application we have to do the following steps
1.Register a server in postgres
(i cannot post an image because im new user)
2.Create the database and the tables.
Can any one tell me if the step 1.
can be done programatically?
Like for example
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin\psql.exe" -h localhost -p 5432 -d myDB -U Admin Service=Localhost " ?
as of now its done manually by the user.
thanks in advance:)

The registered servers in pgAdmin are stored in the Windows registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pgAdmin III\Servers
The number of registered servers is stored in the Count attribute.
Then each server gets its own entry according to the number. So the first one is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pgAdmin III\Servers\1, the second one in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\pgAdmin III\Servers\2 and so on.
Have a look into your registry and create an approriate entry from within your Delphi application.


Why can any user login influxdb?

I have installed influxdb. But in the server every user can login when ther type inlux.
Why is it like that? Is not it a security problem. And how can I solve it?
I want to login with spesific admin user and its admin password.
The "why"
Different databases have used reasonings with minor differences over the years, but basically, it goes like this:
In its most simple install, <insert DBMS here> should just run - for integration tests, simple evaluation purposes etc. We could generate a root/admin/superhoncho user password, but more often than not, this is not going to be changed, and that is a Bad Thing™.
And since nobody sane would run a database in production without authentication and authorisation enabled, providing easy access in the default installation is not a problem anyway, is it?
I tend to agree with this reasoning, though I am off the opinion that in the case the DBMS has authentication and authorisation disabled per default, it should bind to localhost by default, too. You make your DBMS accessible to the outside world, and be it only your company's network? You surely have thought about the implications!
The "how"
I am going to use docker to illustrate it and it is quite obvious what you have to do in a non-docker environment.
First, we pull the influxdb docker image and create a default config file in one go:
$ docker run --rm influxdb influxd config > influxdb.conf
Unable to find image 'influxdb:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/influxdb
Digest: sha256:0aa7fea5336b5e5cc1c80e16062865821ec772e06519c138947ef5ebd9b34907
Status: Downloaded newer image for influxdb:latest
Merging with configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
Now we change the authentication parameter in the [http] section of our influxdb.conf to true:
auth-enabled = true
Next, we start our InfluxDB using this modified config file:
$ docker run -d --name influxdb -p 8086:8086 \
-v $PWD/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf:ro \
influxdb -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
(The hash sum you get will be different.)
Now, we connect to our influxdb and create the admin user
$ docker exec -it influxdb influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.8
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.8
> create user admin with password 'secret' with all privileges;
From this point on, credentials are needed for pretty much everything
> show users
ERR: unable to parse authentication credentials
Warning: It is possible this error is due to not setting a database.
Please set a database with the command "use <database>".
> auth
username: admin
> show users
user admin
---- -----
admin true
Simple mnemonic: "Users are granted permissions per database." So, in order to grant something to a user, that user must first exist:
> create user berkancetin with password 'supersecret';
> create database foobar
> grant read on foobar to berkancetin
> show users
user admin
---- -----
admin true
berkancetin false
> show grants for "berkancetin"
database privilege
-------- ---------
foobar READ
Further reading (!!!)
Ignore at your own risk. You. Have. Been. Warned.
InfluxDB authentication
InfluxDB docs on Authorization

How to backup and restore Open edX from one server to other?

I have an Open edX system run entire in only one server, but system performance is bad. Its RAM consuming is being increased day by day, now I wan to backup and restore to other bigger server.
Document of Open edX is hard to reach this information, and I've searched for a while but don't get what I want. If you know this, please guide me on this problem
Many thanks,
You need to backup edxapp and cs_comments_service_development database in mongodb and all data from mysql.
Backing up:
mysqldump edxapp -u root --single-transaction > backup/backup.sql
mongodump --db edxapp
mongodump --db cs_comments_service_development
mysql -u root edxapp < backup.sql
mongo edxapp --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
mongorestore dump/
It worked for me. Copies all courses, accounts, progress and discussions.
Idea taken from BluePlanetLife/openedx-server-prep, for more details, look here
This might not be a exact answer also not a standard solution for production environment, but might help you.
Manual way can be as follows:
You can setup a new edX instance on a new server.
Update all your repos edx-platform, custom xblocks to appropriate branch,tag.
(The database replacement point 3 and 4 below i haven't tested for production environment.)
replace the mysql databases 'edxapp', 'ora', 'xqueue' in new server with older ones.
replace mongodb databases 'cs_comments_service_development', 'edxapp' in new server with older ones.
I was able to replace mysql 'edxapp' database on the devstack.

Connecting to a Progress Openedge database from ABL

This code works fine if I run it in the Progress Editor. If I save this as a .p file and click on right button "RUN", it gives me an error that database doesn't exist. I understand that maybe I should insert some code to connect to a database.
Does anybody know what statement I should use?
OUTPUT STREAM st1 TO c:\temp\teste.csv.
FOR EACH bdName.table NO-LOCK:
PUT STREAM st1 UNFORMATTED bdName.Table.attr ";" SKIP.
Exactly as you say you need to connect to your database. This can be done in a couple of different ways.
Connect by CONNECT statement
You can connect a database using the CONNECT statement. Basically:
CONNECT <database name> [options]
Here's a simple statement that is connecting to a local database named "database" running on port 43210.
CONNECT database.db -H localhost -S 43210.
-H specifies the host running the database. This can be a name or an IP-address. -S specifies the port (or service) that the database uses for connections. This can be a number or a service-name (in that case it must be specified in /etc/services or similar)
However you cannot connect to a database and work with it's tables in the same program. Instead you will need to connect in one program and then run the logic in a second program
/* runProgram.p */
CONNECT database -H dbserver -S 29000.
RUN program.p.
DISCONNECT database.
/* program.p */
FOR EACH exampletable NO-LOCK:
DISPLAY exampletable.
Connect by command line parameters
You can simple add parameters in your startup command so that the new session connects to one or more databases from start.
prowin32.exe -db mydatabase -H localhost -S 7777
Look at the option below (parameter file) before doing this
Connect by command line parameter (using a parameter file)
Another option is to use a parameter file, normally with the extension .pf.
Then you will have to modify how you start your session so instead of just doing prowin32.exe (if your on windows) you add the -pf parameter:
prowin32.exe -pf
The parameterfile will then contain all your connection parameters:
-db database -S localhost -P 12345
Hashtag (#) is used for comments in parameter files.
On Linux/Unix you would run:
pro -pf
You can also mix the different ways for different databases used in the same session.

How to browse data in MongoDB in Mac OS?

When I am using PostgreSQL, I am accustomed to use terminal for browsing data stored in DB tables.
Is there any similar way to do it for MongoDB? I have used this topic for MongoDB installation on Mac.
MongoDB bin directory contains an executable called 'mongo' which is an interactive shell (similar to 'psql' in PostgreSQL)
You can read more about how to use it HERE.
To get started, you can type
> help
To switch to a specific database, just type:
> use db-name
^^^^^^^ replace with your db name.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ replace with your collection name
You can do this from any machine not just the one mongod is running on but then you connect via:
mongo hostname:port/dbname
for example
mongo myMongoDBserver:27017/foobardb
First start mongod process in a terminal tab. In other terminal tab or window simply start mongo.
mongod is mongo daemon which establishes connections and listens to requests. mongo is the javascript shell where you can have your interactive mongodb queries.
Rest is best explained in the link #Asya Kamsky provided in his answer.
command 'mongo' will open mongo shell for you, there you can use database commands

How to dump data from mysql database to postgresql database?

I have done the depot application using mysql... Now i am in need to use postgres... So i need to dump data from mysql database "depot_development" to postgres database "depot_develop"...
Here you can find some interesting links
Have you tried to copy the tables from one database to the other:
a) export the data from MySQL as a CSV file like:
$> mysql -e "SELECT * FROM table" -h HOST -u USER -p PWD -D DB > /file/path.csv'
and then,
b) import it into Postgres like:
COPY table FROM '/file/path.csv' WITH CSV;
This question is a little old but a few days ago i was dealing with this situation and found
This is by far the easiest way of doing it, you need to install it, and then run a simple lisp script (script.lips) with the following 3 lines:
/* content of the script.lisp */
FROM mysql://dbuser#localhost/dbname
INTO postgresql://dbuser#localhost/dbname;
/*run this in the terminal*/
pgload sctipt.lisp
And after that your postgresql DB will have all of the information that you had in your MySQL SB
On a side note, make you you compile pgloader since at the time of this post, the installer has a bug. (version 3.2.0)
