Single or multiple databases? (Rails 3) - ruby-on-rails

I am reasonably new to Ruby on Rails so I am not sure how to implement this. My understanding is that rails is not designed with multiple databases in mind, although I could use establish_connection etc to make it work.
My main problem is:
I have an SaaS/application that will serve several businesses. Each
business will have several database tables such as: users, comments,
messages, transfers, navigation history, logs etc. It seems I have 3
1: Store everybody's data in one database with every object belonging_to a business or just tagging something like a businessID/name. Use this tag to fetch the appropriate data and worry about scaling/performance later as my app grows. (Would I have to worry about this pretty early on?)
2: One database per Business. No need to store associations, and db queries perform consistently throughout the application's life (possibly bad assumption here).
3: Have separate instances of my app each running some number of businesses (not sure this is any good).
What I have seen used in other frameworks/businesses is just (2) multiple dbs.
I am also really interested is what is the best practice in rails as well. I know several applications have this same problem and hearing how this has been solved will help.
Any help is much appreciated. Thank you so much.
Ruby 1.9.2
Rails 3.1
Production:Heroku or EY (still deciding, now running on heroku)

According to this page, You'd need to apply some metaprogramming for multiple databases.
Why not make your deployment script to deploy to different directories with different database settings? One branch per business? Might require some more maintenance, but allows for per-business code if you need it.


How to handle database scalability with Ruby on Rails

I am creating a management system and I want to know how "Ruby on Rails" can support me in the mission of ensuring that each customer has their information, records and tables independent from other customers.
Is it better to put everything in a database and put a customer identifier to pull information through this parameter in queries or create a database for each customer automatically?
I admit that the second option attracts me more ... And I know that putting everything in one database will be detrimental to performance, because I assume that customers and their data will increase exponentially!
I want to know which option is more viable in the long run. And if the best option is to create separate databases, how can I do this with Ruby on Rails ??
There are pro and cons for both solutions which really depend on your use case.
Separating each customer in its own database has definitely advantages for scaling, running in different data centres or even onsite. However, this comes with higher complexity. For instance you can't query across customers anymore, you would need to run queries for each customers and aggregate the results. This approach is called multi tenancy (or shardening). There is a good gem called Apartment available (
Keeping everything in one database might be simpler to start of as it's less complex but it really depends on your use case.
Adding some more information based on the questions.
There are several reasons to use a one db per client architecture.
You have clearly separated tenants. In case it might make sense to go with the one db approach.
Scale. Having separated databases for each tenant makes scaling of course easier.
If 2) is the main reason you want to go for a one db per client approach I would strongly advise you against it. You add so much more complexity to your app which you might not need for years to come (if ever).
If scaling is your main concern I recommend reading Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann. But basically, don't worry about scale for the first few years and focus on your product.

Possible to have one app on Heroku that dynamically uses different databases?

I have an idea for a multi-tenant app, and I'm trying to decide if I should use one large database or use separate databases for each tenant.
I don't even know if the latter is possible in Rails, or with rails on Heroku.
I also don't know if this is a good idea, or cost prohibitive.
But I guess to start I just want to know if it's possible.
There are many approaches to multi-tenancy, each with its own pros and cons. Postgres has this nice feature called schemas, which means you can have one database but multiple namespaces inside. This can be a convenient solution for Rails, as Rails was designed for connecting with only one database. It is easy to integrate with apartment gem. It takes care of migrations and tenant switching based on specified rules, usually subdomain. But this solution has downsides. While Postgres does not have any limitation on number of schemas, when you have a lot, migrations will take forever. And there are problems with backups. Heroku recommends using less than 50 schemas.
If you want to have multiple physical databases then it is a little bit tricky with Rails. There are some gems that allow connecting to multiple databases. Recently I heard about octoshark gem, but I haven't use it.
In summary, Postgres schemas are nice if you want to have good isolation without too much work. It will be also cost efficient on Heroku, as you will use only one database. But it won't scale for a lot of tenants. Multiple databases provide the best isolation, but support for this solution in Rails is not that great I think. And it will be costly as you you will need to provision separate database for each tenant. And the last resort is to just use one database and scope all your tenant data with tenant_id. In this solution you need to guarantee isolation which requires additional work and it is easy to miss some parts of the application.

Multi-schema Postgres on Heroku

I'm extending an existing Rails app, and I have to add multi-tenant support to it. I've done some reading, and seeing how this app is going to be hosted on Heroku, I thought I could take advantage of Postgres' multi-schema functionality.
I've read that there seems to be some performance issues with backups when multiple schemas are in use. This information I felt was a bit outdated. Does anyone know if this is still the case?
Also, are there any other performance issues, or caveats I should take into consideration?
I've already thought about adding a field to every table so I can use a single schema, and have that field reference to the tenants table, but given the time windows multiple schemas seem the best solution.
I use postgres schemas for a multi-tenancy site based on some work by Ryan Bigg and the Apartment gem.
I find that having seperate schemas for each client an elegant solution which provides a higher degree of data segregation. Personally I find the performance improves because Postgres can simply return all results from a table without have to filter to an 'owner_id'.
I also think it makes for simpler migrations and allows you to adjust individual customer data without making global changes. For example you can add columns to specific customers schemas and use feature flags to enable custom features.
My main argument relating to performance would be that backup is a periodic process, whereas customer table scoping would be on every access. On that basis, I would take any performance hit on backup over slowing down the customer experience.

Has anyone tried a multi-domain/multi-database/single-deployment Rails setup?

I'm developing an app (basically an intranet) which has a few small sets of users, each a company using the app internally.
Up to now, each set of users has its own deployment with a separate domain name and database, but all living on the same server. This means that each time I have to push an upgrade I need to deploy once per client. Also, each new client means adding a new deploy target, for which I'm currently using Capistrano's multistage plugin, but it's getting a bit ridiculous.
This is a less than ideal setup, so after some thought I came up with the idea of modifying the app so that it handles multiple domains, each mapped to a different database, but on a single deployment. I created a small proof-of-concept app which basically has a before_filter in ApplicationController acting as a multiplexer for domains/databases, connecting ActiveRecord to each domain's database on each request. This worked really well, but I haven't applied this to the big app yet and I can think of at least one problem down the road: running migrations across all databases. I'm pretty sure I can work around that one though, maybe I'll tweak the rake task a little, but I'm worried that might not be the last of problems with it.
Has anyone ever tried this, or can think of any major reasons why this would be a bad idea? I would like to listen to some opinions.
This is usually called multi-tenancy. Here is a presentation or video about doing it in rails. Couldn't tell if it was any good, it was blocked here at work.
And no, there is nothing wrong with it as an idea. I'm not sure about your particular implementation, but I have worked on apps that were multi-tenant in the past and can't say we ever had much difficulty except when trouble clients wanted to stay on a legacy version of the product and we wanted to move forward.
I have a similar app and still the same problem as you, and after many tries, i ended up (before a desirable core solution came) with one env file per domain and kind a filter like yours.
I've been running in production for almost 1 year, and the only problem i detected is that rails expected the main db (even you won't use it) to have the same migration level as the others. (this problem arise under certain conditions)
If you need futher details, just let me know.
I hope this helps.

Breaking up a Rails app into two

We have a very lage Rails app that has two distinct sections: the front end and the CMS/Admin. We would like to break up the app into two pieces (for maintenance, as we have distinct teams that work on the front end vs. back end and they could have different release cycles).
One thought was to start a new Admin 2.0 app that has access to the models/schema from the original application, but has its own controllers/views and its own models that extend the original models until it is safe to fully decouple. Is this advisable? If not, what would be an appropriate plan to migrate away from one monolithic codebase?
warning, this is a bit ranty, and does not go anywhere.
Having worked on a very large app that operates in the manor you describe (for scalability reasons), I still have mixed opinions (an no conclusive answers).
Currently we operate 3 major apps (+ one or two smaller ones that use a fragment of the schema).
RVW (our admin app): This is the only app that writes, runs on a single server, and is responsible for maintaining the schema. ecommerce, price comparison, stuff like that. This (for historic reasons runs on a slightly different schema, run on a read only slave of RVW, with database views to map the schemas. All writes are done by sticking things on queues that RVW picks up and acts on. This works very well, although the number of random db related issues (mostly related to the views) is an issue. The main problem with this app is the difficulty sharing code (gems work well, I've often dreamed of bringing the schemas into line and sharing the core models in a gem!). We share code between apps using ruby gems. And test using lots of integration tests that cross app boundaries (using drunit (presentation on this available)).
reevoomark: very high load b2b app. This has many servers each with a full stack (db server, app server one per node). These have their databases populated with a db export - import batch job. This works very well in the short term, the shear flexibility of it is just ace, but integration testing between apps is very hard.
My advice would be to avoid splitting the apps at all costs, keeping things DRY quickly becomes a major challenge. My advice would be to stick with one app, two sets of routes (selected at startup by environment variables).
This gives you all the advantages of the other solutions, while making code sharing implicit. Splitting your test packs out would make your test cycles shorter and make things more manageable for the two teams. I would avoid working on different code bases, as doing this promotes the apps drifting apart and making code sharing tricky (as in .com).
If you decide do split, have a good set of high level cross app tests. Custom (per app) extensions to a core set of models sounds like a good plan, although with distinct code bases and teams you may still end up with duplicate code. Rails engines should be a good way of sharing the models, but be prepared for model reloading to become a little schizophrenic.
Good luck!
Have you namespaced your admin controllers? That would be a relatively easy point of subdivision and also avoid many of the negative side effects of forking your code into two apps.
Have you considered looking at Rails Engines? Added to Rails in 2.3.
