TFS: What should I do about checking in the application dll? - tfs

I work on a site where none of us have used TFS before, but we are now having to do so.
As a result there are some odd issues that I need to sort out.
Where I have an application say APP, when I build my application a new APP.dll is created.
I have found that when I build and deploy my application, I have to check in this into source control on TFS 2010.
That is fine when I am working on this my myself. But how should I manage this when I am working in a team? Everyone will want to compile their own version of APP and will need a different APP.dll as a result.
I am sure there is a simple solution to this. I look forward to finding out what it is.

Do not store your build assemblies (*.dll) in source control, but use the build that is available for you in TFS. The Build system will compile all the sources and drop the created binaries in a folder share. You can use the files in the share to distribute / deploy your application.
You can find more information on the build at


TeamCity setup and libraries

I have set up a TeamCity partly. Now it downloads the code from TFS and try to build it using MSBuild which was not successful. I know that I am doing something wrong. I have some library added to my code(An ASP.NET website). I know that it is not a good idea to add dll files to Version Control(TFS), but if I don't check them in, when TeamCity downloads the code, it does not have that libraries so MSBuild cannot successfully build it. I was wondering what would be the best practice to solve that issue?
For dependency management in .net I would recommend that you take a look at the TeamCity built in nuget feeds. You have a possibility to utilize a feed directly from within TeamCity, acting as a server. As you state, commiting dependencies in (any) VCS should really be avoided...
It depends on what type of dlls you're dealing with.
If they are available on, use NuGet and the Package Manager Console to add the references to your solution. Then just put NuGet.exe on your Build Server, and run
NuGet.exe restore YourSolution.sln
As your first build step.
If they are in-house dlls, then you have a few options. The first being, as TeNGiL mentioned, setting up a private NuGet repository, and publishing the in-house dlls, to that feed, and pulling from it within your build server.
The other option is just to create a 'References' directory in source control, which holds dlls, reference them in your solution from the source controlled directory, and then pull them down as part of your Build Configuration. This really isn't as bad as it sounds, within reason, and is a perfectly acceptable interim solution to incorporate until everyone is on board with using a private NuGet feed, or something of that nature.
Open the code in the checkoutdirectory of TeamCIty in visual studio and try and build.I am pretty sure that visual studio will give you the exact error message of what's going wrong.
Missing packages have to be restores. Use a Nuget Installer build step to restore your packages as given in image below.

Customizing Drop Folder Structure with TFS Team Build

I'm using TFS 2012 to automate a build of a solution which contains multiple windows services and two web applicaitons.
I've used the guide I found here to customize the build process template so that the windows services are put in a folder structure that I like. Specifically:
This works great, but unfortunately it doesn't work for web applicaitons. If I used the same strategy for those, I just get the contents of /bin for each web app, rather than the full site contents.
MSBuild typically uses the web application targets to handle this, but for some reason, this doesn't work when you customize the build as I have. I no longer get the _PublishedWebSites folder in the build output. (I'm guessing that's because I cleared our the OutDir property of the MSBuild task.)
Has anybody done something like this and gotten it to work with web applications as well?
I think I can help with this, it looks like in the build targets that the published websites folder isn't created if the OutDir is the same as the OutputPath.
So this isn't perfect, but if you add the following into the csproj file in the first property group, you'll get everything deployed into "\bin\deploy\" including the _PublishedWebsites folder
With a bit of customization, this solution ended up working for me:
Basically, did what that link recommended, but also leveraged a new solution configuration (which I called TeamBuild) rather than conditional property definitions.
I believe the key to making this all work was the passing of the outputDirectory as the TeamBuildOutDir argument to MSBuild. Embedding this variable reference in the OutDir or OutputPath variable was allowed Team Build to build to the correct staging location and then automatically copy files from that location to the drop folder.
I'm going to take this a little futher and get rid of the whole _PublishedWebSites thing, but that will be done entirely in the build workflow.
EDIT: TFS 2013 supports this natively with a simply build configuration option:
Take a look at this thread as this post as well.
Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy
Since you need all the files for your web projects, you need to trigger the publishing process, and by tweaking the destination of that process, you can have all of your files copied where you need them.
I think option (2) from his answer will work for you.
I hope that helps.
As I can see in your reference link, it will just compile and package the binaries. It does not deploy the website by the steps mentioned in that.
If you want to get the .html, .css, .js etc. under the _PublishedWebSites folder, you need to do a Web Deployment. This manually we can do by clicking the publish option from right click menu of your VS project and by selecting Publish Method as File System.
But, since you need to automate this in your build and drop it in custom drop folder, you may need to manipulate your MSBuild script by calling a AspNetCompiler task. You can get more information on this at the MSDN link. By specifying the TargetPath while you call this target you can get your Web files deployed at the appropriate custom drop folder.
Happy Scripting.
Have you check this blog, this solved my problem where I wanted customized TeamBuild Ouput Directory.
Customizable O/P with TFS 2013
Customizaable O/P with TFS 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5

How to handle 3rd party libraries in TFS 2010

At my work we are just starting to use TFS with our team of 4 developers, and are at the same time transitioning from single developer projects to team projects. We are mostly using the default settings in TFS
I was the first to push up a simple Silverlight MVVM project consisting of a solution with a Silverlight and a web project.
When my team-mate pulled down my code and tried to compile, he was faced with many missing references (.dlls), Expression blend SDK, Ria Services toolkit, Telerik controls, simple mvvm toolkit, silverlight toolkit, etc.
What do we need to do, to add projects to TFS that have everything needed to be compile it when the next developer pulls it down?
There isn't a really good way to do this all automatically. What you'd generally do this this:
in your branch create a bin folder next to your src folder.
in the bin folder create folders for each component you're relying on
in each folder place the setup or a link to the setup
in each folder place the binary files you're using in your solution
in each folder place a readme with any manual steps that must be completed
if wanted you can create a powershell script or batch file which installs all required components. It isn't too hard to detect whether or not an application is already installed using powershell and wmi
Now you'll have to fix a few things in your solution:
make sure your references don't point to the GAC, but that they point to the assemblies inside the bin folder of your branch
make sure all the paths are relative to the solution. Any c:... paths will not carry over from one system to another
I found that the easiest way to do this is to unload the project in Visual Studio and then edit it. You can then quickly add hintpath="..\..\..\bin\component attributes to each reference. There are a few blog on this subject which provide different solutions which all solve this same issue.
This setup allows you to at least get the latest version of any solution and build it without having to install any tools. If some of your components rely on visual studio add-ins, then the designers for these tools usually won't work, but at least you're able to build them.
An often used alternative is to create a Virtual Machine base image for your project and install all the required components onto it. Then copy the image to each developers workstation and sysprep it to ensure they all have a unique name and identifiers. When the project needs to update its dependencies, let one developer create a new clean machine and re-distribute that to all team members.
If you're using Windows Server Virtualization or VMWare, it's quite easy to create differencing disks and allow developers to access these images remotely.
Another approach would be to use NuGet and script NuGet using a powershell script for your solution. This will work for most cases, but products like Expression Blend still need to be installed separately.

How to move builds done via Build Manager on Team Foundation Server to another server?

So, we're using continuous integration in our current Team Foundation Server 2010 setup, and so far it's working great. We're doing shelvesets, the build is running on the Build Manager in TFS, and it's also running our MSTest unit tests for us.
My question is, and I can't seem to find any information on this, is how to move the "build unit" that is created by the Build Manager on TFS to another server?
Aka, how do I "promote" this build to our QA, staging, etc... environments?
Before, we've were using VS2010's Publish Web feature, which allows us to set up publish "profiles", and each profile can have a different web.config related to it. This is really useful for anything we keep in our config files, like db connection strings, paths to app servers, etc... changing automatically based on our Publish Profile. We choose the profile, build locally, then use the "Publish" button to move the entire app to another server.
This setup worked great for when there were two of us working, and we were using TFS for just its source repository, but now the builds are happening on the TFS server.
What I'm looking for is a way for when TFS does the build for us (it's no longer being done locally on our machine, but by TFS Build Manager) to:
take into account which "publish profile" to use. This will effect what web.config is used and other items you can associate with a profile in your IDE.
once the build is created, to find a way to "push" the build to one of our other servers (QA, Staging, production) FROM TFS.
I don't even know if that is possible or not. Maybe it's still a manual job to take the build created on TFS, and copy it over by hand, and unzip the project/files into the correct file path on the deployed server? Or maybe it's part of the workflow in TFS, and I still have yet to find it.
This is surely possible already from TFS. Read the posts from Vishal Joshi on this topic, starting with:
The solution I came up with is I wrote my own build handler for TFS, and use that code to push builds to our different environments. Here is the link I used to help me:
If anyone wants more specifics, just contact me and I'll be glad to help you.

Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy

I'm just getting started with the team build functionality and I'm finding the sheer amount of things required to do something pretty simple a bit overwhelming. My setup at the moment is a solution with a web app, an assembly app and a test app. The web app has a PublishProfile set up which publishes via the filesystem.
I have a TFS build definition set up which currently builds the entire solution nightly and drops it onto a network share as a backup of old builds. All I want to do now is have the PublishProfile I've already setup publish the web app for me. I'm sure this is really simple but I've been playing with MSBuild commands for a full day now with no luck. Help!
Unfortunately sharing of the Publish Profile is not supported or implemented in MSBuild. The logic to publish from the profile is contained in VS itself. Fortunately the profile doesn't contain much information so there are ways to achieve what you are looking for. Our targets do not specifically support the exact same steps as followed by the publish dialog, but to achieve the same result from team build you have two choices, I will outline both here.
When you setup your Team Build definition in order to deploy you need to pass in some values for the MSBuild Arguments for the build process. See image below where I have highlighted this.
Option 1:
Pass in the following arguments:
Let me explain these parameters a bit, show you the result then explain the next option.
DeployOnBuild=true:This tells the project to execute the target(s) defined in the DeployTarget property.
DeployTarget=PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder: This specifies the DeployTarget target.
PackageTempRootDir="\\sayedha-w500\BuildDrops\Publish": This specifies the location where the package files will be written. This is the location where the files are written before they are packaged.
AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=false: This tells the Web Publishing Pipeline (WPP) to not parameterize the connection strings in the web.config file. If you do not specify this then your connection string values will be replaced with placeholders like $(ReplacableToken_dummyConStr-Web.config Connection String_0)
After you do this you can kick off a build then inside of the PackageTempRootDir location you will find a PackageTmp folder and this contains the content that you are looking for.
Option 2:
So for the previous option you probably noticed that it creates a folder named PackageTmp and if you do not want that then you can use the following options instead.
The difference here is that instead of PackageTempRootDir you would pass in _PackageTempDir. The reason why I don't suggest that to begin with is because MSBuild properties that start with _ signify that the property in essentially "internal" in the sense that in a future version it may mean something else or not exist at all. So use at your own risk.
Option 3
With all that said, you could just use the build to package your web. If you want to do this then use the following arguments.
When you do this in the drop folder for your build you will find the _PublishedWebsites folder as you normally would, then inside of that there will be a folder {ProjectName}_Package where {ProjectName} is the name of the project. This folder will contain the package, the .cmd file, the parameters file and a couple others. You can use these files to deploy your web.
I hope that wasn't information over load.
The ability to publish web sites, configure IIS and push schema changes for the DEV->QA->RELEASE cycle has required either custom configuration to imitate publish or custom code where IIS settings are involved.
As of Visual Studio 2013.2 Microsoft has added a third party product that manages deployment of web sites, configuration changes and database deployment with windows workflow and would be the recommended solution for automating deployment from TFS build.
More information can be found here:
You can use the Publish/Deploy in Visual Studio 2010.
See for more information
