I would like to use includes element in my MXMLC ant task. With Ant cmd line it's easy :
<java jar="bla/mxmlc" fork="true" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-includes"/>
<arg value="FlexMonkeyTestController"/>
But in MXMLC ant task, i can't resolve it :
So, which is the good syntax ?
Thank you very much
You can use like this:
<mxmlc file="${src.dir}">
<includes symbol="yourClassName"/>
<includes symbol="yourOtherClassName"/>
I'm going to minify my js files by yuicomressor via ant, I wrote this:
<property name="concat-js-file-name" value="main.concat.js"/>
<property name="concat-js-file-path" value="${temp-folder}/js/${concat-js-file-name}"/>
<property name="yui-jar-path" value="lib/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"/>
<target name="minification" depends="concatation">
<echo>---Minification is started</echo>
<java jar="${yui-jar-path}" fork="true">
<arg value="${concat-js-file-path}"/>
<arg value="-o minified.js"/>
<echo>---Minification is finished successfully...</echo>
The problem is the output file is not generated!
Any idea?
You should set <java ... failonerror="true"/> and increase the noiselevel to see what's going on, means start your ant build with ant -f yourbuild.xml -debug
Actually, after some tries I found a solution:
I used <arg line="-o outputfile inputfile"/> instead, and it worked.
I suggest using <arg value="..."> instead of <arg line="...">. <arg value="..."> ensures that each command line argument has quotes around it, if necessary.
In the case of yui-compressor, the "-o" and "<file>" arguments should each go in their own <arg value="..."> elements:
<java jar="${yui-jar-path}" fork="true">
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="minified.js"/>
<arg value="${concat-js-file-path}"/>
I want to use resolvers (ssh) which are dependant on ant classpath.
Something like
<ssh ...
To use it I need jsch in ant classpath. Ant script should depends only on common lib (which also includes resolved jsch dependencies) - to use it on any client PC. Scenario is:
task to download lib.
Extract libs (jsch and etc.)
But ivy:configure does not have any classpathref param, so it is unclear for me how to load jars I extracted.
Is it possible?
Or, probably, somehow run ant again internally with extended classpath?
so my comment to question looked good for me but at the end it did not work.
The only way I found (working way I mean) is to to run ant script with
Download common-lib (with ) which includes all jar-libs required for optional ivy processing
Construct new classpath and run exec on same build file with required target:
<target name="call.task" if="wrapped.task.name">
<path id="ant.class.path">
<fileset dir="${tools.lib.dir}" >
<include name="*.jar" />
<pathelement location="${java.class.path}" />
<condition property="append.dest.dir" value="-Ddest.dir=${dest.dir}" else="">
<isset property="dest.dir"/>
<exec executable="ant" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-f ivy-build.xml" />
<arg line='-lib "${toString:ant.class.path}"' />
<arg value="${wrapped.task.name}" />
<arg value="${append.dest.dir}" />
I was wondering, if there is a way to figure out the local IP address with ant. I cannot use the hostinfo task, since I am bound to ant 1.5.1. Now I would write little scripts for each platform and use ant conditional mechanics to execute the appropriate script for each platform. However, maybe any of you know a more elegant way? Thanks in advance.
This works on my mac running os x 10.8.2 :
<target name="getCurrentIP">
<exec executable="/usr/sbin/ipconfig" outputproperty="currentIP">
<arg value="getifaddr"/>
<arg value="en0"/>
<echo>currentIP : ${currentIP}</echo>
<target name="checkos">
<condition property="isWindows" value="true">
<os family="windows" />
<condition property="isLinux" value="true">
<os family="unix" />
<target name="if_windows" depends="checkos" if="isWindows">
<exec executable="cmd" outputproperty="myHostName">
<arg value="/c" />
<arg value="hostname"/>
<exec executable="cmd" outputproperty="infraServerIPTemp" >
<arg value="/c"/>
<arg value="FOR /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %d IN ('ping ${myHostName} -4 -n 1 ^| find /i "reply"') DO FOR /F "tokens=3 delims= " %g IN ("%d") DO echo infraServerIP=%g > myIP.properties"/>
<property file="myIP.properties"/>
<target name="if_unix" depends="checkos" if="isLinux">
<exec executable="hostname" outputproperty="infraServer">
<arg line="-i"/>
<property name="infraServerIP" value="${infraServer}"/>
<target name="checkOSType" depends="if_windows, if_unix"/>
<target name="do-something" depends="checkOSType">
with the help of Ant addon Flaka you might use :
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<!-- on windows -->
<exec executable="cmd" outputproperty="winip">
<arg value="/c" />
<arg value="ipconfig" />
<!-- simple echo -->
<fl:echo>localip => #{replace('${winip}', '$2' , '\s(IP.+):\s?(\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b)')}</fl:echo>
<!-- set property -->
<fl:let>localip := replace('${winip}', '$2' , '\s(IP.+):\s?(\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b)')</fl:let>
<!-- on linux -->
<exec executable="hostname" outputproperty="linuxip">
<arg value="-i" />
<!-- simple echo -->
<fl:echo>localip => #{replace('${linuxip}', '$1' , '(\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b)\s(.+)')}</fl:echo>
<!-- set property -->
<fl:let>localip := replace('${linuxip}', '$1' , '(\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b)\s(.+)')</fl:let>
Our solution to the problem is, that we built a little Java program, which prints the local ip to the standard output. We store this output in an ant property. (We use Java instead of a scripting language of some sort, because we would otherwise have to deploy the language runtime on many systems and Java is already deployed throughout our system landscape)
I have gone through number of posts on the very forum but couldn't sort it out. I am trying to run a BAT file from ANT script. The folder hierarchy is like this
- Project
| - build.xml
| - build-C
| | - test.bat
The ANT file that i wrote so for is
<project name="MyProject" basedir=".">
<property name="buildC" value="${basedire}\build-C" />
<exec dir="${buildC}" executable="cmd" os="Windows XP">
<arg line="/c test.bat"/>
The bat file content is
echo In Build-C Test.bat
It says that build failed .. :s i dun know what wrong am i doing ?
<property name="buildC" value="${basedire}\build-C" />
This should be ${basedir} I guess? Use
to make sure the dir is correct.
And shouldn't
<exec dir="${buildC}" executable="test.bat" os="Windows XP" />
do the job?
Hopefully this will help expand on the already given/accepted answers:
I suggest executing cmd with the batch script as a parameter:
<exec failonerror="true" executable="cmd" dir="${buildC}">
<arg line="/c "${buildC}/test.bat""/>
Not sure if it is necessary to use the absolute path "${buildC}/test.bat" since dir is specified, but I put it just in case. It might be enough to use /c test.bat.
My project executes a batch script on Windows operating systems & a shell script on all others. Here is an example:
<target name="foo">
<!-- properties for Windows OSes -->
<condition property="script.exec" value="cmd">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="script.param" value="/c "${basedir}/foo.bat"">
<os family="windows"/>
<!-- properties for non-Windows OSes -->
<property name="script.exec" value="sh"/>
<property name="script.param" value=""${basedir}/foo.sh""/>
<echo message="Executing command: ${script.exec} ${script.param}"/>
<exec failonerror="true" executable="${script.exec}" dir="${basedir}">
<arg line="${script.param}"/>
I want to run a VBScript file from an Ant script. How can I do that?
Have a look at the exec task. It allows you to execute a system command from your Ant script.
An example could be:
<target name="RunVbScript">
<exec executable="cscript">
<arg value="MyScript.vbs"/>
<arg value="argument 1" />
<arg value="argument 2" />
<arg value="argument n" />