JQuery Mobile & passing variables in links via the querystring - but the querystring doesn't refresh - jquery-mobile

I am doing a PhoneGap app with JQuery Mobile and I have two pages, one that has a dynamic list of pages and one that has a form to either edit or create a page. These are in a single html file.
Tapping on a list item passes ?action=edit and tapping the "Add" button I have, passes ?action=add querystrings.
Here is a jsfiddle to visualize the pages
NOTE: The example doesn't act quite the same as the live code.
I am running my app on an Android phone and if I do these actions, the correct querysting is observed in the alert box: -
Click the add button on list page
Click back on the form page
Click the an edit list item link on list page
However, if I do it the other why around (click edit first, then the add button) clicking the add button never shows the add querystring in the alert box
(the jsfiddle example always locks the first clicked link's querystring, which is even worse than the live code!)

The problem here is that you're using a multiple template to do this. If you were using this as separate pages, this would work as normal. As a multiple app, the best way to handle this would be to make a link trigger the setting of some global variable that keeps track of the current state of the app.
Make the edit links like this
Page 15
Then make the script something like this:
var editingId = 0
function editPage(id){
editingId = id;
$("div#editingPage").live("pageshow", function(){


Link to route while keeping user input

I have made an app with jQuery mobile and laravel.
On the first page "mobilepage1" if have a form with a next button.
Also some of the form elements are dropdown menu's. The dropdown select options I get from a table in the database.
In the form on mobilepage1 I have a dropdown list with all department names:
I get this list from my controller like so:
$departmentlist = Company::find($usercompanyid)->departments;
This is how I display the list in the mobilepage1 form:
{{ Form::label('department', 'Department:')}}
foreach($afdelingslijst as $item) {
$afdelingsarray[$item->afdelingen] = $item->afdelingen;
On the second page I want to make a back button.
I tried the jQuery mobile way with a link with: data-rel="back"
But this does not work. I get a page error, it's missing the departmentlist used in mobilepage1. I can make a link to a route to mobilepage1, but I think all the information the user entered in mobilepage1 would be gone.
I see this url in the address bar when I am on mobilepage2 (this is after I filled in the form on mobilepage1 and clicked next).
Is there a way I can link to the the mobilepage1 route and still keep the information the user entered?
It looks like it would work just by hitting the back button if you passed in the department list with a view composer rather than through a route. Remove it from your route and place this in a file that's being autoloaded...
View::composer('mobilepage2', function($view)
$departmentlist = Company::find($usercompanyid)->departments()->lists('afdelingen','afdelingen');
$view->with('departmentlist', $departmentlist);
I'm not sure how you are finding $usercompanyid but you should be able to find it within the closure or pass it in by adding use ($usercompanyid) right after the function($view) part.
Also using the lists() function like that will build your array for you so you don't need to worry about the foreach loop in your view.
Since the values are getting passed back and forth as get variables, I think if you use Form::model() instead of Form::open(), it should place all those values back into the input fields for you.

How do I open the previous active tab when returning from a new html page

How do I return back to the previous active tab if I am moving back from another html page?
I am having 5 tabs and within content of each tab there are links to another set of html pages. For example I am having a page called 'school.html' and it has 5 tabs. In tab 2 content (it shows individual student details) I am having a link to "Add new student" to a new page named addNewStudent.html.
After adding a new student in addNewStudent.html, I need to automatically comeback to original page with tabs (window.location = 'school.html'). So how to make tab 2 active showing the tab 2 content (student details).
This can be done in two ways depends upon your usage..
1)if you use browser back in addNewStudent.html to go to school.html.Better to use cookie concept.
For ex: when going to addNewStudent.html from school.html setcookie("tabchange","tab2")
when coming back from addNewStudent.html to school.html(onload of school.html check whether the cookie exist or not,if exists depends upon cookie enable your tab);
2) if you use any button or link in addNewStudent.html to go to school.html.Better to use queryparams.
for ex: pass tabchange queryparam for school.html to addNewStudent.html?tabchange=tab1
get that queryparam from addNewStudent.html and assign to link or button your as href="/school.html?tabchange=tab1"
after clicking that button onload of school.html get the queryparam and enable the tab..

Creating ajax-enabled subform with "Edit" button

I am looking for the best way to create ajax enabled subforms from items in a list with MVC 3. A static list of values should be generated, but with an "edit" link/button next to every item, to toggle inline edits.
I did follow the tutorial at this link
http://blog.janjonas.net/2011-07-24/asp_net-mvc_3-ajax-form-jquery-validate-supporting-unobtrusive-client-side-validation-and-server-side-validation [1]
However it is based on the form edit fields always being visible
I'd like to show a static list with field values, but let the user activate an edit field by clicking "edit" (e.g. button)
I did modify the example at [1] by creating a default partial view with a form with submit button only. When posting the data by ajax the edit form will show. It looks like it is working, (I only need to hide validation errors on the first POST - which does not send real data).
An even better solution would probably be to leave out all forms in the static view, just have a single css class button/link next to each item, and let jquery fetch the relevant view for the clicked item. I am not sure how to do that with MVC 3+jQuery though.
Another update:
I discovered Ajax.Actionlink, which did exactly what I wanted!
I found out how to do it, and it turned out to be real simple!
I created two partial views.
One for rendering each static item. I used used Ajax.ActionLink with InsertionMode "replace", and set the parent of the item as the target
The second for rendering the form. Here I used Ajax.Beginform with similar options.
On successfully saved data, I returned the static view, on failure, I returned the partial view with the ajax form again.
I'm happy I found a MVC-centric way to do it (although it is fun creating custom stuff with jQuery)
It sounds like you need an inline editing plugin for jQuery. I would try jEditable. I have not used it myself but appears to have extensive docs.
this entry might help: code + video + explanation ;)

How can one change the url for a jquery ui tab added via 'add' and 'tabTemplate' functionality?

I might be making this more difficult than I need to but I am in some need of assistance. I have some jquery ui tabs which are added via the add functionality. these tabs are via ajax.
I have a tabTemplate set as follows on the initial addition of the tabs.
tabTemplate: "<li><a href='#{href}'>#{label},/a><li>"
And the add tab functionality is done via
$tabs.tabs('add', 'http://thanksforyourhelp/greatly/appreciated/, some_title_var)
If a form is submitted on that tab, data is written to the database. The response gives an ID of the row added to the database.
Next time that specific tab is visited the link should actually be 'http://thanksforyourhelp/greatly/appreciated/ID' where the ID is now known since the response from the form (ajax here as well) sent it back. This will pre-populate the forms on the page based off the data in the database for "ID."
I've looked at the example here, but my href is an id for the tab in question (and not a url). Where is the actual url stored?
The tab looks like this.
I have tried changing the href on that, but upon clicking the tab the content is loaded without ajax instead of within the tab as desired. What might I be doing wrong here? Thanks for your help.
Edit: removed edits with references of no longer existent urls.
I haven't worked with AJAX-powered tabs too much, but I think you want the url method:
$("#tabs").tabs("url", index, url)
Change the url from which an Ajax
(remote) tab will be loaded. The
specified URL will be used for
subsequent loads. Note that you can
not only change the URL for an
existing remote tab with this method,
but also turn an in-page tab into a
remote tab.
Above answer will not work in JQuery 1.9+ as describer here. To work with jquery ui tabs 1.9+ you have to do something like this
var tabs = $("#tabs");
var tab = $(tabs.data('uiTabs').tabs[TAB_INDEX]);
tab.find('.ui-tabs-anchor').attr('href', "NEW_URL");
// If cached initially. Remove cache then
tab.data( "loaded", false);
tabs.tabs( "option", "active", TAB_INDEX);
tabs.tabs("load", TAB_INDEX);
This will change the URL of tab at particular index and load that tab.

smartgwt browser history

is there a way in smartgwt to go back in history?
E.g. I have an page with a button which does a Ajax page change of the current page to another. And on this new page there should be a button to return back to the previous page?
Can this be done with smartGWT? or do I have to make a new Ajax call to switch back to the previous page?
The functionality you want is provided by History class. Need to declare in web.xml and then use History.fireItem("SomeURL"), this will appear in app url as the string after # in URL is History ID ( something like http://google.com#SomeURL), you can use arbitrary IDs.
Use History.registerCallback() to register a function that opens requested History ID (eg. tab name/ID) on URL change (History's ValueChange function) and use History.addHistoryEntry() to update the page URL when other tab is selected.
If you implement this History class then you can use the browser's forward and back icon for the same purpose.
