I am trying to save (compress) a .zip file using JclCompression with the JCL Demo. When I press the Save button on the Read and Write Tab the demo calls:
procedure TFormMain.ActionSaveExecute(Sender: TObject);
(FArchive as TJclCompressArchive).Compress;
When (FArchive as TJclCompressArchive).Compress; is executed it produces an exception: "At least one compression volumes could not be replaced after an archive out-of-place update." Also sometimes when I press the save button, the "application is not responding" appears in the form's caption, so I have to shutdown the demo.
Is this code correct or do I have to change it to sucessfully compress and save the zip file? Are there any other demos for JclCompression so I can learn how to use these classes?
Aside from this problem the demo seems to be working correctly. I can open a zip file, create a new zip file, add files, add files from a directory, extract selected files, extract all, and get zip file properties. Saving seems to be a problem.
I am using Delphi 2010 on Windows 7.
Same issue as jedi-jcl-compression-library-wont-open-spanned-archive-files.
JEDI JCL Compression library wont open spanned archive files
The JCL-JVCL version you use is buggy.
I would recommand to upgrade your JCL installation to latest daily build
I saw this error message when files which I wanted to archive were opened for writing, so you need to close them or copy them to temp folder in advance. Also If you using function Create7zArchive() as i do you need 7z.dll placed in your bin output folder. It's sad, but it seems JCL doesn't use Zlib.pas which is already integrated in Delphi.
JCL (Stable)
we are working with Delphi 7, SQL server 2008 and MS word 2003. now we are planning to migrate MS word 2003 to MS word 2016.
in our application we will load the document(BLOB field) from database and save it into .tmp file and then we will open the document using TOleContainer in Delphi7.
above process is working fine for .doc and it is not working for .docx. we are able to replicate the issue with below example
create the .docx file
open .docx file and enter some text and save and close
rename the .docx to .tmp
open the .tmp file using TOleContainer(Below Delphi code)
Delphi Code:
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
WordOleContainer.AllowInPlace := True;
WordOleContainer.CreateObjectFromFile('F:\WordViewerTest\docx.tmp', False);
when we run the application we are getting below error.if we click on open document is getting opened in another window, not in olecontainer.
if i double click on .tmp file, it is opening with out any warning.
if i use the above delphi code it is showing warning. how to make above code work?
So long as *.docx file is actually a *.zip file from a binary point of view, there's no way to distinguish for the OLE binary pattern class search mechanism (described in the GetClassFile reference, step 2. of determining strategy) between those file types. If you registered a binary pattern for *.docx file, you would actually register *.zip files for opening by an application of your choice. Since then all the programs using OleCreateFromFile would open *.zip files in the application you've registered.
So to resolve your problem without any ambiguity in the system simply save the file with the proper *.docx extension and let OLE find the class by the file extension (step 3. of determining strategy).
I am trying to install a commercial component called JamShellBrowser but it will not install.
I have contacted the developer, but meanwhile I'd like to know:
What is a vrc file?
How is it produced?
Can it be controlled or modified with the Delphi XE4 IDE?
I checked the IDE's help but I could not find anything about vrc files and I searched for Delphi vrc and did not find anything that would help me.
The error message is:
Checking project dependencies...
Compiling JamShellDelphiXE4.dproj (Release, Win32)
brcc32 command line for "JamShellDelphiXE4.vrc"
c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad studio\11.0\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 JamShellDelphiXE4.vrc -foJamShellDelphiXE4.res
[BRCC32 Error] JamShellDelphiXE4.vrc(2): file not found: JamShellDelphiXE2_Icon.ico
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1
I searched the components folders for an ico file, but there is none... thus the message, but even if I remove the line MAINICON ICON "JamShellDelphiXE2_Icon.ico" from the vrc file or even delete the vrc file it is automatically generated when I try to install.
I moved from Delphi 2010 to XE4 a few months ago and noticed the apparently new vrc file but I do not know what it is or how to handle these files.
A .vrc is a temporary file created by Delphi MSBuild process to compile resources files (.res) which will be linked in the final binary output. It is passed to CodeGear Resource Compiler/Binder (cgrc.exe) and deleted after the build process.
It doesn't appear anywhere in .dproj file. This behaviour is from BuildVersionResource target, imported from $(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Common.Targets. Look at this file (and at CodeGear.Delphi.Targets) if you want to get a better understanding of build process.
Removing <Icon_MainIcon> tag from .dproj it's not enough, as VERSIONINFO resources can also force the creation of .vrc file (I believe "vrc" stands for "Version Resource", although it is also used for main icon in applications).
In case of packages, Delphi always put version info in packages projects. The "include version information" IDE option is ignored with package projects.
So, if you (like me)
don't rely on Delphi IDE to set application main icon
don't rely on Delphi IDE to set version info resources; and
do manage to include your own resources files for everything
you can disable its creation entirely by setting the SkipResGeneration to true in your msbuild call. E.g.:
msbuild.exe myProject /t:Build /p:Config=Release /p:SkipResGeneration=true
However, this only works for MSBuild-based builds. I don't know how to do the same for builds from Delphi IDE.
Just open your #PROJECT#.dproj in any text editor file and find lines
and delete them.
You will find one per Build target.
Save the file and you are done.
Edit: The original answer referred to the .dpr file, however note the section to edit is in the .dproj hence I've updated the the answer above to reflect this.
I believe this is a built in IDE behaviour of Delphi XE4 and XE5, possibly caused by an upgrade bug. Generation of VRC files is something that you can not disable except by removing the tags in the dproj file that cause it to be generated.
If there was a way to fix it or remove it, it might involve comparing your dproj file with another dproj file and looking for something that was appropriate only to a .dpr+.dproj Project that somehow got into your .dpk+.dproj project, like <Icon_MainIcon>.
It appears to be an intermediate file that is auto-generated when a .dpr+.dproj project has some version information which must be written out of the .dproj file, and into a temporary location and then compiled and linked into your application as a version info resource. However, I have also seen it get generated for a .dpk+.dproj project, and this mystifies me as well.
It also seems to contain a resource for your default application icon and version information, and packages do not normally have a versioninfo or application icon resource.
What I find to be possibly a BUG is that there is no UI in the Delphi IDE to let you set the Application Icon of a Package. Yet, I sometimes get a .VRC and an .ICO file. But I am not aware of a fix, other than to report the issue to Embarcadero Quality Central.
With a .dproj project, a .VRC intermediate file makes at least some sense. I see the following content: Version Info, Application Icon, and VCL Styles (ie AquaLightSlate.vsf) resource linkage.
this is a clarification...
I've just started to install several component libraries into Delphi RAD Studio XE5 that I've got installed in XE2 and XE4. When I try to Build most of them, I get this same error.
The problem isn't so much the .vrc file itself, it's this particular error:
[BRCC32 Error] <project_name>.vrc(2): file not found: <project_name>_Icon.ico
I can't figure out a way to bypass it, and I have no idea what it's looking for or where.
I tend to copy my component libs from one version to the next, opening them, building them, and installing them (ie. the ones that don't come with installers). I've never seen this happen in prior versions. However, this is the first time I've had RAD Studio installed; in the past I've just had Delphi. So perhaps it has something to do with having C++ installed as well?
I had to change my X.optset file to get this to work.
X being the name of your Delphi version you brought over these options from. Mine was PolyDelphiXE2.optset.
Once I corrected the name here no more funny compiling that brought in a different ico reference.
I have a delphi project that somehow has become corrupted. I upgraded to Advantage 11.1 components (using XE) and now I'm getting the following error message when opening the project:
acctTbl: Error 5018: The handle given was not recognized by
Advantage. Verify specified handle is open/active. The given handle
is not recognized as a valid Advantage Client Engine
Because the error occurs, the data module DFM is not built, so I can't "adjust" any settings.
acctTbl is the first table in the DFM, so the error might occur for the ones following, but I can't tell.
We are not using the server, just the "Local Server".
I have tried to go back to version 10 of the components, but still the error continues.
I have also tried removing all of the projects object code and only opening the PAS and DFM files (by reverting from SVN).
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can open the .dfm in a text editor (like Notepad), and change the AdsConnection.Connected property to false, and change any AdsTable or ADSQuery component's Active flags to false as well. (I'd suggest closing the IDE first, to make sure it doesn't cache a reference.) This will at least let you open the project and make whatever changes are needed to compile with the new version of ADS.
If the file has been updated through many older versions of Delphi prior to XE, there's a chance you still have a binary format .dfm file (meaning you'll see all kinds of strange symbols in Notepad when you open the .dfm file). If that's the case, Delphi includes a conversion utility (convert.exe, found in your $(DELPHI)\Bin folder), and you can use the following steps to convert it to text format and then make the changes (there's no need to convert it back after - the default is to create text .dfm files when new forms are created, and Delphi uses them very well as text).
Make a backup copy of your datamodule's .DFM somewhere safe first!
After making the backup copy, open a command window in your project folder, and run
Convert.exe -1 YourDataModule.dfm
The command says to convert in place (-i), which means the existing binary .dfm is overwritten by the new text .dfm (and the reason I stressed making a backup copy first). If you don't want to overwrite, you can omit the -i switch, and it will create a YourDataModule.txt file in the folder instead; you can then manually rename YourDataModule.dfm to a different name, and then rename YourDataModule.txt to YourDataModule.dfm.
When I open a Delphi 7 Project in Delphi XE2 and open the Project Option I get an error:
"Unable to set Icon: Cannot open file "........\AppName_Icon.ico".
The system cannot find the file specified".
I also notice that the Version info of the Project is missing.
The Delphi 7 project has .Res file that has the MAINICON along with the version information stored.
Why is Delphi XE2 not able to use this .Res file to retrive the MAINICON & Version information.
Also if I try to compile the application in XE2 I get an error -
[BRCC32 Error] MtxReq.vrc(2): file not found: MtxReq_Icon.ico
The MTXReq.vrc file (a new file) is created and the MtxReq.res file is deleted.
Why is this happening? I don't want to loose my project icon and version settings from .res file.
Is there a way to force XE2 to use the .res file and not delete it?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry I can't post a comment yet (need more repotation points) ...
Warren - here the reponse to your question (Wouldn't just deleting your .dproj file and keeping the .dpr only, have been faster?)
I deleted the .dproj, .dproj.local
Opened the .dpr in XE2 and it recreated the .dproj file.
It brough back the icon from the .res but I lost project version info. Only File Version and Product Version info got migrated but lost all other versioning info. (This is because of the default manifest file).
I then tried what I explained in Step 1 of my solution.
I open the .dproj file in notepad deleted the tag entries under and reopened the .dproj file and all my version info now was recovered. The problem here is the $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest.
Also I noticed that Version info is stored in tag under the tag in the .dproj file and once you delete the default manifest entries, the IDE pickups the version key information correctly from the .
So basically by deleting the .dpr file I skipped the step of extracting and adding the .ico file to the project, but had to edit the newly created .proj file and delete the entries for default manifest to retrieve the version info. (another solution would have been to manully add the version info and saving the project. I did not try this)
Update 2015: Remy's idea of recreating .DPROJ files carefully by hand, is excellent advice and should be considered first, even though my answer is marked accepted.
Delphi versions prior to XE2 used resource files as an INPUT and an OUTPUT in the compilation process. For example, your delphi 7 project icon is embedded in that .res file, which you "want delphi xe2 to use", however, that's problematic in delphi 7, and now flat out impossible in XE2. Instead you now treat the .res file as a pure output artifact, the same as executable files. Don't bother checking .res files into version control any more, and don't try to pretend that the .res file is the place where you permanently store your icons. It's an output file produced automatically by the compiler, as it always should have been.
If you are a modern developer, the old way Delphi 7 worked might have annoyed you (it sure annoyed me) because you have the interesting and unsolveable question about what to do for version control: Do you check in the .RES file, or don't you? There were drawbacks to both approaches, and the fact that .RES files are now output artifacts only in XE2 is for the best. So learn to live with that.
Now that XE2 supports icons not only for a PC but also for a Mac, it must handle things differently, and they have cleaned this up. This is the origin of the problem you're seeing with the .ICO file. I have seen exactly the same error, and I have ignored it, and simply added the icon back to the project after it has otherwise been converted.
Converting a delphi 7 project (.dpr and .cfg) to Delphi XE2 is not as big a problem as the conversions between various levels of .dproj files -- each version starting with Delphi 2005,2007,2009,2010, and onwards has implemented changes in the dproj format. When problems occur with converting these projects, I do not do as Remy suggests, because it's a waste of time. What I do is DELETE the DPROJ and let it convert up from a .dpr file only.
But Remy's advice to start from scratch has many advantages, including that you may simplify your project layout.
Anyways, here's what you do:
Ignore error.
Add icon to project yourself.
Continue merrily along, and don't worry about the deletion of the .res file, that's intentional, and for good reasons. A new one will be created whenever needed. The filename of the .ico file on disk will be read by using the contents of the XE2 .dproj file and compiled into the .res file, as it should be.
As is always the case, you should NEVER let the IDE convert a project from an older version to the newer version. The conversion RARELY works correctly. You should ALWAYS create a new project in the newer IDE and then add your existing source files to it as needed.
Thanks everyone for your inputs and suggestions.
After I submitted my posting, I tried these steps to resolve the .ico issue and the missing Version issue/version info carry over issues :
Step 1. Edited the .dProj file and removed the reference to default_app.manifest related entries under tag (My project platform is 32 bit)
I deleted all tags under this except tag related to namespace System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
Without this my application was always showing the version info as and ignoring everything else that I had specified.
(I am not sure if this is a right step but it solved my version info issue. There may be a simpler/another solution for this...)
Step 2. Extracted the ico from the old .res file, named it and added that .ico file to the Project from the Project Options.
the physical .ico file is the the projects folder and will be checked in source control (VSS in my case).
These two steps bought me to what I needed and then I can modify the Version number and compile the project.
From this point on there are no issues.
These were much simpler than the total conversion/migration I had to do for my applications from D7 to XE2 - Unicode conversion, migrating customized Raize 5 componets to Raize 6, Turbo Power, Virtual Tree View, Hypergrid etc. etc. etc... Luckily I found XE2 versions of all these components.
If I try to run Delphi 7, I get this frightening message:
Borland license information was found, but it is not valid for Delphi.
You cannot run Delphi without this information. Click the exit button
to exit Delphi.
Delphi was running fine this morning, but choked when I tried to load the project I'm working on.
I reinstalled Delphi from the original disk - same message
I have just done a system restore from a few days ago - same message
I don't know why.
According to the archives of Chillibear, here is what you do:
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your user's folder within documents and settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Try to delete file documents and settings\.borland\registry.slm (of course backup at first) and rerun Delphi
Invalid Delphi license
Delete your registry.slm file from the .borland directory within your
user's folder within Documents and Settings.
Run the D7Reg.exe file from within your Delphi7 Bin directory.
Follow the registration steps (you don't have to register now!)
All done. Open Delphi7 as normal.
Using this 4 step program made my blood pressure drop to safe levels again.
Thank you very much.
You'll also encounter this similar error message when your C drive where C:\Documents and Settings\username\borland folder is located doesn't have enough disk space left to write to. You must free up as much disk space as you could or transfer some of files to another drive and the error message will simply vanish without a trace.
Contact their support. Go at www.embarcadero.com The last menu option is 'Services'. From there I'd would choose http://www.embarcadero.com/support
I had this problem after the recent update to W10. I found the slm file in C:\users\.borland and just renamed it (in case). I was then able to run D7Reg.exe - if you try it before deleting the slm file it doesnt accept your registration details!! I cancelled the program after it had accepted the details so that it didnt wipe all the 3rd party connections and Delphi7 now works fine. Thank you so much for this fix.
The same message problem but with a change of hard disk for a new(copy all the partition)
The solucion change the name of the unit, becouse any program work. But maybe happend if you install in other unit and the borland to start try to find in the other name of unit.
Try to run Delphi 7 in Windows XP compatibility mode