Based on Instructions on how to display and clear a route on a map by using a location document
the routing use x,y Based Location.
my question : how to convert longitude and latitude to x,y based location to be able to use them to route in BB maps.
The X and Y values in the location document specified by your link are latitude and longitude respectively in degrees multiplied by 10,000.
How can I zoom map to include all marker point into visible area?
I have an array of points, was trying to configure BoundingBox(), but have no idea how to set/find southWest and northEast values from [YMKPoint].
.cameraPosition(with: .init(southWest: ?, northEast: ?))
I do not have a ready code for you, but hope this will help.
As you have an array of all the [YMKPoint] from that array you need to filter all the points which belong to the southWest zone & northEast zone.
See below statement that will help you to filter the points:
Latitude: Positive values indicate north latitude and negative values indicate south latitude.
Longitude: Positive values indicate east longitude, and negative values indicate west longitude.
After filtering the array based on two zones, you need to sort the array based on the points which is far for both the zones southWest & northEast.
Once array is sorted you will be able to create a BoundingBox by selecting first point from both the sorted array of zones.
See this image to understand how the co-ordinates are placed on the map using a graph.
I am writing a java program to generate a calculated distance from a mathematical formula. I want to add this value to a location coordinate value obtained from google maps in order to get the new location coordinate.How can i add the distance to geo-location in my program?
to do the conversions between geoloaction coordinates and distances in meters, nautical mile conversions has to be taken to consideration.This is possible in a manual calculation. but projection system or the coordinate s system of the maps used should be known.
I am interested in plotting random points within X miles of a user's location.
Is there a function/algorithm for finding a coordinate X miles (or meters) away from a given coordinate?
You get coordinate of any map point with respect to the current location or any location of your choosing. [ ]
Plot it on the map.
Given latitude and longitude of a location say 27.1231 and 72.3454 how do I randomly plot points within a circle of radius say 10km with the above lat and log as the center?
It's somewhat similar to this (?)
It's a geocoder question and not a Gmaps4rails one
How to get the co-ordinates of random points within a given range?
you may use google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset with random distance and heading
I am developing an application for 'phone and i would like to know if the longitude and latitude change with height?For example within a building if we move to north east corner room in each floor.
No, you have an other value for height : altitude.
when you are in a building, with GPS, you can know how you are precisely.
For sample, in an elevator, your latitude, and your longitude don't change, your altitude change. with this third value, you can know which floor you are.
In general, you have also two other values :
horizontal accuracy : precision for longitude/ latitude.
vertical accuracy : precision for altitude.
For more details, you can see this article, explain all GPS terms
Longitude and lattitude can be supposed as a grid on a sphere upon which we are standing.If you start jumping on your place only thing that will change with respect to the grid is height and and not the cordinates.
So longitude and latitude are independent of height.