IOS Tab Bar in separate xib file - ios

I am new to programming in ios and I am trying to do something that I would think would be pretty simple but is turning out to be quite a stuggle. What I have done is created a window based app. Then I added a UIViewController subclass and checked "with xib for user interface". Then in my main application delegate I added an IBOutlet to the UIViewController subclass created and made it show when the application runs. Then in my mainwindow.xib file I linked the application delegate to the IBOutlet that I created. Now when I put a label on that view and run it, it works fine and shows my label. However, I am really unsure of how to make it display the tab bar control. I added the tab bar control but am unsure what to do after that. I have tried many things but nothing worked. If someone has any information on how to do this or something I am probably missing let me know.
Note: I have gotten the tab bar control to work in a window based app by adding the tab bar control and then in the application delegate adding the iboutlet and linking them in interface builder. However, i am unsure how to do it when using a different class to do so.
Any help is appreciated.


Cant control drag a reference object to the ViewController in Xcode 9.2 (9C40b) iOS project

How to a create an outlet for an iOS control on the storyboard that is connected to my swift ViewController code?
All the tutorials for iOS development show that you can control drag a UI element to your ViewContoller swift code for an outlet. However it never works for me, it shows the blue line from the storyboard, but on the drop it never brings up the dialog to add a new outlet.
Creating a new Action drag and drop works just fine for buttons. I have seen many ask this question and there seems to be no definite answer.
Is there something different with iOS projects?
I tried to set the View Controller custom class to my specific ViewController class, and then I can drag and drop a new outlet. However the project fails to compile.
LaunchScreen.storyboard: error: Illegal Configuration: Launch screens may not set custom classnames
I seem to be missing something here, but all the tutorials I watch/read (none seem to cover Xcode 9 or swift 4) all show this behavior as being the normal way to create an outlet.
Launch screens are not able to have outlets attached to them. They are static. If you'd like to have a "launch screen" that you can manipulate, duplicate your launch screen layout into an initial view controller and do what you like there.
I think this is because you are connecting it from the LaunchScreen.xib instead of the main.storyboard files.

Swift Input and event handling for storyboards

I've been trying to outline the basic functionality of a swift application I was developing. I created a basic gui with the storyboard functionality that xcode provides. Here is a picture of what it looks like currently:
What I want to do next is code up a way to receive and store input from the text fields I outlined in the storyboard. Additionally I want to receive information regarding certain settings that are placed from the switches I outlined in the second screen.
I've been looking through the files that xcode provides me but I haven't been able to find the one that contains the functionality for the storyboards. If someone could point me in the right direction for that i would greatly appreciate it. Ultimately I just want to be able to manage the input provided by the interface I outlined below. Thanks!
For each view controller on the storyboard make a subclasses of UIViewController.
In the inspector panel on the left of the storyboard set the class of each view controller to their respective subclass of UIViewController.
Open up the .swift file for that view controller and storyboard and ctrl + drag from the textField to the class this will cause a small popup where you can create an IBOutlet or IBAction.

UIWebView IBOutlet Connection issue

So I'm going to try to explain my issue as best I can.
I have 2 View Controllers on a Storyboard. One is the "main" VC and the second is a "EULA" VC.
The main view controller has a UIWebView which loads the primary UI and works fine. This controller uses code to perform a Modal segue to the EULA VC which is created in the interface builder. This also works fine.
Now here lies my problem. The EULA view controller also has a UIWebView on it but I can't seem to connect this view controller to any connection by means of CTRL + drag. The "main" UIWebView is connected to ViewController.h
This is how I create my connection with CTRL + drag:
My question is why am I able to connect the first UIWebView on the Main view controller but not the other UIWebView on the EULA view controller? What am I missing?
Have you set up the EULAViewController.h as the custom class for the ViewController in Interface builder? Select the UIViewContoller in Interface Builder and in the third tab make sure the class is correct. Here is a screenshot explaining what I am saying:
Also make sure you have selected the correct file in the right pane, both red boxes should show the name of your custom UIViewController subclass:
I am think this is a bug in XCode or what. But this is very rare issue. I also got this issue sometime. So posting a solution which can make you little nervous to implement. But it works for me sometimes. You can try it . -
Just create a new UIViewController subclass in your project and name it something slightly different than the first. Then, copy/paste all code from old non-working UIViewController into the new UIViewController subclass (.h and .m) and change all relevant symbols according to the new UIViewController subclass name. After doing this I found everything worked as normal in terms of trying to control-drag wiring the buttons.
Happy coding. :)
Recreating the class files, renaming the view to something else then back to EULAViewController AND following these steps I was able to fix the issue.
Close the project you are working on with.
Delete the【DerivedData】folder of you project. (This folder may
inside your project's folder, or inside
~/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData/(your project)/ ) or somewhere
else that were setup by you.
restart you project.

Visually modifying a UIToolbar from xcode storyboard

I'm using XCode 4 and storyboarding an application I'm creating, however I cannot visually modify the UIToolbar.
I'm attempting to modify a UIToolbar that is inside of a UITableViewController - however I have to place the UIToolbar out of the correct hierarchy in order to be able to modify it visually. I've tried placing it onto the view controller area but that does not make it show up.
At one point I was able to make it appear below, as it's own object however I was not able to recreate that.
Once I was able to get it to look like this
Your UITableViewController is inside a UINavigationController, which already has its own UIToolbar—you don't need to drag a new one into your view hierarchy. Interface Builder can simulate the toolbar for you under "Simulated Metrics" in the inspector panel.
Once the simulated toolbar is visible, simply drag UIBarButtonItems into it. Use a custom item with a custom view if you need anything more complicated than a button or spacer.
If you need your toolbar items need to be dynamic, you can maintain a reference via IBOutlets without necessarily having them in your view. Then set your UITableViewController's toolbarItems property or call -setToolbarItems:animated: at runtime to display the appropriate items.
See Apple's UINavigationController Class Reference: Displaying a Toolbar.
To answer your question, the visual editor simplifies the setup of most controls, view hierarchies, and delegation patterns, but it's still up to the developer to make sure they check out. The implementation of UITableViewController makes certain assumptions and assertions about its view hierarchy that Xcode does not enforce through the visual editor. Given that your desired view hierarchy is unsupported, I have to assume that the editor's behavior is either undefined or irrelevant. For a workaround, see Maxner's suggestion.
UITableViewControllers only allow one view object, which of course is UITableView. UITableViews are not cooperative for subviewing and they usually push everything into footers or headers. Something like this isn't possible:
-Another subview
UITableViewControllers are reduced to this:
So you will need to use a UIViewController and declare a UITableView in there. Heres the Hierarchy you should use then:
- ViewController <Table's Delegate & Data Source>
- View
- Your UIToolbar
In your ViewController.h declare IBOutlet UITableView and connect Data Source and Delegate to the ViewController. Then simply add the UITableView implementations to your .m file and you're good to go.

iOS: UIViewController is Not Being Pushed Problem

I'm working on a new app where there is a "main" UIViewController with some UIButtons and once the user clicks on the buttons, the application is navigating to another UIViewController.
For some reason, the UIViewControllers are not opened, when you click on the button nothing happens. Several points that anyone who tries to help should be aware of
I'm using code and interface that are very similar to another app that I had created and is working fine (I triple checked the code, and it's the same in the area that makes the UIViewControllers navigation)
I triple checked the Interface Builder items and their connection to the IBOutlet us fine (view is connected to view, File's Owner is set correctly, etc...)
I inserted NSLogs to the UIViewController that is not being pushed and I can see that initWithNibName is being called, but viewDidLoad is not being called.
I'm using basic-simple code to create and push the UIViewController: alloc+initWithNibName and then presentModalViewController or pushViewController (none of them work) and as I said, in another app with the same mechanism it works fine.
I don't know where to look! Maybe I unchecked by mistake some "Enable" button in Interface Builder or something like that.
Did anyone encounter something like that or may have some new thought regarding to where I should be looking?
Hmm, strange. Things i can come up with now are: dit you call [super ] in your viewDidLoad?
Is it stacked behind another view? Run instruments to see if all the things on the pushed view are allocated, so you know if the whole view is loaded. And you use a navigation controller? than you use pushViewController. When you are not and want a model you use presentmodalviewcontroller.
