How to merge a jpg with a gif without lossing the animation of gif file? - imagemagick

I am trying to merge a splash screen image which is in jpg format with an ajaxloader which is in gif format.
I tried the following command using ImageMagik:
convert -delay 50 splashimage.jpg ajaxloader.gif final.gif
This command does merge the gif file with the jpg image but the loader appear at the top-left corner.
I was wondering if there is an option available to place it at a specfic (x,y) point on the jpg image?
If anybody has had done a similar thing or has an idea as to how a similar thing can be achieved, please guide me through.

Why would you want to do this? You'd be turning a nice 24bit JPG into a crappy quality single frame on an 8bit gif. You could just use some CSS tricks to overlay the loader .gif on top of the .jpg on a webpage, which would not sacrifice any image quality to achieve the same effect.

I solved the problem by designing individual frames of images with the desired location of my text and merged them using Imagemagik.


InDesign Server - Exporting PDF with embedded transparent TIFF images

I'm trying to export a PDF with embedded transparent TIFF images. These images have extremely large dimensions. During the embed process, they are shrunk down to fit in the placeholder frames within the target InDesign file. Because of the dramatic decrease in size, when I then export a PDF from the InDesign file I get a halo affect from the anti-aliasing around the edges of the embedded images. I've had some luck reducing the size of the halo by telling InDesign to not down-sample, but I haven't been able to eliminate it. Does anyone know a way to get rid of this artifact?

Crop and resize millions of photos

I need to automate the task of resizing millions of photos.
The images need 20px cropped off the top and bottom before resizing.
When they are resized down to 200x200 they need to be chopped to a square thumbnail format (this would involve cropping the top or sides of the photo to make the photo square)
I am using windows OS and it is imperative that the directory structure be preserved.
The original files are in JPG format.
My idea is to:
1) Copy all the photos that need resizing to a new SSD drive (preserving directory structure)
2) Crop 20px of the top and bottom
3) Resize and turn into thumbnails of 200x200
4) Save the files as JPEG
5) Rename all the files
6) Copy the files back to the original locations
I have been looking at photoshop automation to crop and resize the photos but it is not suitable for this task.
There are some other batch processing programs, but I need to crop before resize and preserve the dir structure.
We are looking at writing a program to do this ourselves, but just wondering is anybody knows of a command line tool that can do this - especially one that preserves dir structure?
Found ImageMagick that seems to be able to do what i want.
Now have to figure out how to use it!

Availability of background transparency for jpeg images

I need to edit a png image,by giving it border and drop shadow effect. But the final size of the edited image is too high to use for a mobile app .I know that size of jpeg is less compared to that of png.So i convert that image to jpeg and tried to give drop shadow and border effect.But that image is not having transparent background..Is their any other methods to accomplish this using jpeg?
Another option is to try either ImageOptim for losseless compression, or its lossy cousin, ImageAlpha.
ImageOptim tries a series of lossless algorithms to shrink a PNG and selects the smallest result of the bunch. It has taken 25% to 50%+ of quite a few of our images.
ImageAlpha, on the other hand, is lossy and can further crunch the image, with results more like JPEG but without losing Alpha.
You would also do well to disable PNG compression in Xcode as shown here, with additional details here.
What #minitech wanted to say is not about scaling, it's about file compression. jpg and png files usually have some data that could be removed from the file. There are some compression methods to reduce file size (note that is size in kbs, not in scale measurement). Jpg images can reduce file size by reducing image quality, too.
If you want another file type that accepts transparency, there are the gif format, which gives you a smaller file, but have some drawbacks, like a lack of alpha channel (variable transparency). Check this link for more details:
There are a couple of online file compressors. If you want to compress png files, you could try using
No, jpeg image wont support transparency.But you can change the white background coming along with jpeg image

Exporting PNG-Sequences for iOS right!

I made an animation for an iOS-loading-screen. The devs tell me now, that the files are way to big (100 frames/pngs with 22.5mb for the whole bunch) and I tried to reduce it by rastering the PNGs by export (helped a bit) and then I shortened the video by 50frames and I'm on 10mb now. This is still huge. I made the animation in Flash. Is this the problem? Each PNG is 235kb of size. I need your help :-)
first try to reduce the size of your png using pngcrush or Photohop export for web. The other idea is to use an mpeg video, create a png with just the first frame, open the video when the application run and you should be able to switch from the static png to the first frame of the video without glitches. In this way the user don't understand that you switched from image to video and see the video playing.
Hope this helps

Convert apng to gif with sufficiant resolution and color depth

I want to convert some animated PNG (APNG) images to animated GIF. I can successfully convert with a utility I found on the web called apng2gif. Expertly named if I may say. The problem is it does not convert the images with sufficient color depth so the output is a little bit to pixelated and not so smooth relative to the original.
Does anyone know of any other image converters that might convert APNG to GIF with more that 16 bit color depth?
The problem is not with the converter, but with GIF format itself:
The format supports up to 8 bits per pixel thus allowing a single image to reference a palette of up to 256 distinct colors.
If you need the GIF to blend better with the background, click on Settings button in apng2gif and then choose the background color you want.
