Zoom image in blackberry Torch - blackberry

I want to zoom image in blackberry torch.For this i am using ZoomScreen predefined class.It working but my problem is i need a screen which can contain header,some text and then one image which can be zoom in and out.
Thank you

ZoomScreen extends MainScreen, so you can set a title and a status for it by adding setTitle() and setStatus() functions. You can use normal adds too. Did you try this and did not work?


Here Map SDK IOS (Premium) tap on the marker

Good afternoon, who once worked with heremap sdk premium for ios. How do I make it possible to click on the NMAMapMarker? What they have written in the documentation does not describe it, but maybe I'm wrong.
there are different option available for NMAMapMarker to use.
This represents a marker used to display an icon on a geographical position on a map. The map handles proper placement of icons on the screen as well as panning and rotation.
Check for more details : https://developer.here.com/documentation/ios-premium/3.18/api_reference_jazzy/Classes/NMAMapMarker.html#%2Fc:objc(cs)NMAMapMarker(im)initWithGeoCoordinates.
Please revert with your code implementation in case of any further concern.

How to set a image as background Textbox Corona

I want to set an image as background Textbox in Corona. Help me. Thanks.
Try set
obj.hasBackground = false
and then simply display the background color/image you want in the position of the field.
I think it can not be tested on Corona sim. Use real device.

Centering PickerIOS in React Native

I have been trying to center a PickerIOS, but I am probably missing the underlying logic behind a Picker, because I just want its width to be full screen.
I can manage to do that with iPhone 4s / 5s, but when I run it on the iPhone 6, the Picker seems to be on the left, with some space on the right side.
I have been trying to use alignItem:'center' with a wrapper around the picker, but that just makes it disappear. I have also tried alignSelf, but still doesn't work.
I thought that Picker, by default, had its width to full screen or does it adapt according to the length of the elements?
Do I have to place it in a Flexbox in order to get it centered with a full screen width?
mask1: {
I find out that the style of PickerIOSItem cannot change, and only works fine in NavigatorIOS. I review the example of UIExplorer and there is no more style binding to the Item. Maybe it's a bug.

Extending Background Objective-C

I am making a jailbreak tweak that involves the multitasking switcher tray opening up a bit higher than normal... This causes there to be a black bar above the linen background image... How can I extend the linen image, or repeat it somehow so that it looks seamless?
The linen is in class SBAppSwitcherBarView
it is called SBLinenView
Thanks! :)
You'll want to create a new SBLinenView and place it where you want to extend it. You can do this by using SBLinenView's +(id)squareImageForBounds:(CGRect)bounds which returns a square UIImage of the bounds you pass it.

about the api of UIImagePickerController in iOS 5

I overlay the UIImagePickerController with my design, and i set the showsCameraControls = NO, the zoom bar will not show both in iOS 4 and iOS 5, but the function of zoom will work in iOS 5, I can use two of my fingers to zoom in/out, but I don't want this function, so how can i stop the zoom function? I can not find this API in iOS 5 developer file, so please help me.thanks
I am not sure what you mean by 'zoom'.
Are you looking for -[UIImagePickerController allowsEditing]? Set it to NO, and the image simply is shown. Set to YES, and you can 'zoom' into the image, and import only that area of the image.
