I am looking to do something similar to the API in UIImageView where you supply say 5 images and through a certain duration the UIImageView will switch through those images. I am looking to do this in a CCSprite but the only ways I hear of doing this is customizing frames of the Node or something like that.
Does someone know an easy way to achieve something like this where I provide say 5 images and I want it to cycle though them in 4 seconds?
//initialize anitmation
CCAnimation *anime= [[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:#"anime" delay:4.0];
for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){
[anime addFrameWithFilename:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"frame%d.png", i]];
id animeAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:anime]];
[self runAction:animeAction];
It takes 5 images and animate them in 4.0 periods.
----- Edit -----
Here is how can you do it with new Cocos2d Api 1.0.1 :
//initialize anitmation
CCAnimation *anime= [CCAnimation animation];
anime.delay = 4.0;
for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){
[anime addFrameWithFilename:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"frame%d.png", i]];
id animeAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:anime]];
[self runAction:animeAction];
Create 5 Sprites with the 5 different images. Place them all at the same position. Set 4 of the sprites to be invisible (sprite.visible = NO).
When you want to change the sprites you only need to set another sprite to visible and the currently visible one to invisible. You can also apply actions like CCFadeTo to fade out one sprite while fading in another.
If you use fading, make sure you still set the visible property for performance reasons. Sprites with opacity of 0 are still rendered, while sprites that are not visible aren't.
Have a look at the CCAnimation, CCAnimate and CCSpriteFrame classes.
The CCSpriteFrame represents a piece of a larger texture known as a sprite sheet. You can put your five images into one sheet.
CCAnimation allows you to create an animation out of a sequence of such frames and to set the speed at which the animation runs.
And CCAnimate allows you to run that animation as an action:
[node runAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animationInstance restoreOriginal:NO]];
CCSpriteFrame class reference
CCAnimation class reference
CCAnimate class reference
Zwoptex for creating sprite sheets - There is a free flash version around too
Is there any way to animate CCSprite width/height in cocos2d ? I'm looking to animate the menu panel width, scaleX/scaleY property animation is not the solution for my case.
I'm not 100% sure what you want to do as there is very little data.
But you can take a look at CCMoveTo and CCScaleTo.
These will move and scale your sprite over a given time.
You can group these together (I think) to run them both at the same time.
Yes, there are a lot of animations available in cocos2d. you may want to run multiple action on a sprite sequentially or parallel on a node/sprite. For example i have a sprite and i want to scale its size, blink and then fade out to it. Then i would do
CCSPrite *mySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"xyz.png"];
CCScaleTo *scale = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:0.3 scaleX:20 scaleY:30];
CCBlink *blink = [CCBlink actionWithDuration:0.3 blinks:2];
CCFadeTo *fade = [CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:0.3 opacity:0];
To run all the above actions one after other:
[mySPrite runAction:[CCSequence actions:scale, blink, fade, nil]];
To run all the actions at same time:
[mySprite runAction:[CSPawn actions:scale, blink, fade, nil]];
There are a lot of action like this you implement inorder to get an animation effect. Read the cocos2d documentaion.
I created a Thread like the below one:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(connectionFinishedThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
inside this method, i created one sprite and given animation for this sprite. Animation not visible.
My code inside the Thread method:
CCSprite *aniSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"r_anim01.png"];
aniSprite.position = ccp(50, 50);
[self addChild:aniSprite z:22];
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"r_anim1.plist"];
CCSpriteBatchNode *animSheet = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"r_anim1.png"];
[self addChild:animSheet];
NSMutableArray *animFrames = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=1; i<=6; i++) {
[animFrames addObject:
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"r_anim1%d.png",i]]];
CCAnimation *anim = [CCAnimation animationWithSpriteFrames:animFrames delay:0.1f];
CCAction *spriteAction = [CCRepeatForever actionWithAction: [CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:anim]];
[sprite runAction:spriteAction];
Why it behaves like that?
Most changes to properties of CCNode classes must be done on the main thread. Cocos2D does not support multi-threading like Sprite Kit.
For example changing a sprite's texture from a background thread will certainly crash. But even subtle issues can occur because all properties are declared nonatomic.
The only way to use threads with cocos2d is to make sure whatever logic runs in the background thread does not directly change a node's properties. Ie doing some AI calculations in the background is fine, as long as AI actors aren't nodes but custom classes.
You should not try to manipulate cocos2d objects (e.g. CCNode derived object) from another thread. The container holding the object (CCLayer, CCScene, etc.) may be manipulating it at the same time and none of the typical concurrency mechanisms (mutexes) are in effect.
If you need your sprite to take some kind of update action every time the frame updates, should schedule the container to update and update the sprite then. It is very common to move sprites around, update their orientations, etc., during the CCScene update.
I've been developing a game in Cocos2D for about 3 years which utilizes a transparent background to show a UIView. The reason for this is to have the parallax background still run as Cocos2D does scene transitions.
I'm having a new issue that started when I updated to iOS 7. Slow down occurs in combination of these circumstances:
-ONLY if the parallax background's frame position has changed.
-If I destroy an enemy which emits small sprites and a particle effect.
So it's the combination of those two things and it only happens sometimes. The debug value of the frame rate does not dip when the slow down happens. If I load a new scene it goes back to normal. Sometimes when I destroy another enemy the slow down disappears as well.
I have code in my parallax UIView that runs just about every frame of in-gameplay. I summed down the issue to one line:
-(void)updateImagePosWithPos:(CGPoint)pos{ // in game
// create vel based on last currentPos minus new pos
CGPoint vel = CGPointMake(currentPos.x-pos.x, currentPos.y-pos.y);
// init variables tmpVel and tempTotalImages
CGPoint tmpVel = CGPointZero;
int tmpTotalImages = 0;
// create indexLayerArr
NSMutableArray *indexLayerArr = [NSMutableArray array];
// for every parallax layer, add the number of images horizontally minus 1 to indexLayerArr
for (int j=0; j<totalLayers; ++j){
[indexLayerArr addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[totalImagesArr objectAtIndex:j] intValue]-1]];
int i = 0;
for (UIImageView *imageView in self.subviews) {
CGRect tmpRect = CGRectZero;
NSMutableArray *tmpRectArr = [rectContainer objectAtIndex:imageView.tag];
float speed = 0.00;
tmpTotalImages = [[totalImagesArr objectAtIndex:imageView.tag] intValue];
speed = [[speedArr objectAtIndex:imageView.tag] floatValue];
tmpVel = CGPointMake(vel.x*speed, vel.y*speed);
i = [[indexLayerArr objectAtIndex:imageView.tag] intValue];
tmpRect = [[tmpRectArr objectAtIndex:i] CGRectValue];
if(tmpRect.origin.x - tmpVel.x > wins.width){
tmpRect.origin.x -= (tmpTotalImages)*tmpRect.size.width;
else if(tmpRect.origin.x - tmpVel.x < -tmpRect.size.width){
tmpRect.origin.x += (tmpTotalImages)*tmpRect.size.width;
tmpRect.origin.x -= tmpVel.x;
tmpRect.origin.y += tmpVel.y;
[tmpRectArr replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:tmpRect]];
imageView.frame = [[tmpRectArr objectAtIndex:i] CGRectValue]; // <-- slow down cause
[indexLayerArr replaceObjectAtIndex:imageView.tag withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
currentPos = CGPointMake(pos.x, pos.y);
See commented line imageView.frame = [[tmpRectArr objectAtIndex:i] CGRectValue];
So if I comment that line out, the problem will never happen. If I keep the line and as well as don't change the values of tempRect, the problem also won't happen.
It looks like there's an issue in iOS 7 in changing the UIImageView's frame position, but only sometimes. Just wondering what other alternatives could I use? Or am I doing something definitely wrong in iOS 7?
Not a solution to your problem but workarounds. I'll start with the one that's probably requires the most code changes.
You don't actually have to have a UIView in order to keep background with transitions. Instead if you implement the background entirely in cocos2d (as part of the scene), you can achieve the same effect if instead of replacing scenes you transition layers in and out. Scene transitions for the most part use the same actions that also work on nodes.
Implement the background using cocos2d nodes, and have one parent node acting as the container (ie "layer") of the background nodes. You can do one of two things with that node:
a. Edit CCDirectorIOS's code and add a reference to your background node. Update the node before all other nodes in the drawScene method, by calling visit on the background node just before [_runningScene visit].
b. When transitioning to a new scene, either remove the background node from the current scene and add it to the new scene, or create a copy of the background with all the same settings and add it to the new scene. Ensure the copy starts with the exact same state as the original. Though this won't work with most transitions due to the nature of their animation (ie move/flip/zoom).
If you need the background to animate while a transition is running, there's a simple trick. Schedule update on a non-CCNode object that has global lifetime (ie AppDelegate). Then manually send the update to all nodes that should continue to update their state during a transition, and only during a transition.
You can register updates on non-node objects like this:
[_director.scheduler scheduleUpdateForTarget:self priority:0 paused:NO];
This update method will be called even during scene transitions. Alternatively it should also be possible to continue updating nodes by changing their paused state and thus resuming scheduler and actions, either by overriding the paused property or by explicitly unpausing specific nodes when a transition occurs.
Perhaps this question have been repeated many time, but I couldn't found helpful material. Also this is my first project in cocos2D, i want to implement the ProgressBar, CCProgressTimer in cocos2D. I have two sprites, first is moving and the second one is the player (to which you can move), If user successfully eat the first moving object then the progress should be incremented else if it misses then the progress will be decremented. I need your help. Thanks in advance.
Here is my code I used for rounded CCProgressTimers (it looks like clock). You possibly need to have a background sprite and a "movable" sprite above background sprite.
CCSprite *movableSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"health100.png"];
CCProgressTimer *healthBar = [CCProgressTimer progressWithSprite:movableSprite];
healthBar.type = kCCProgressTimerTypeRadial; // This is for round progress timer. Possible value for horizontal bar will be kCCProgressTimerTypeHorizontalBarLR
healthBar.midpoint = ccp(0,0.5); // Here is where all magic is
healthBar.barChangeRate = ccp(1, 0); // If you need horizontal bar progress play with these parameters.
// Here we will start an animation process.
// You can do it without animation just setting up healthBar.progress = 45.0f; (45%)
[healthBar runAction:[CCProgressFromTo actionWithDuration:2.0f from:0.0f to:100.0f]];
healthBar.position = ccp(100, 100); // It's your position
[self addChild:healthBar];
I thought doing a simple animation would be easy but is is taking hours and Im not getting even close to have the expected effect...
I need to simulate a simple Flash Motion Tween like for iphone/ipad using xcode
this is the desired effect: http://www.swfcabin.com/open/1340330187
I already tried setup a timer adding X position and it doens't get the same effect, my cooworkers suggested me cocos 2d to do this using actions and sprites, which might would be fine although I wouldn't like to third party frameworks, but if there is a way to do the same with cocos I would definitively use it.
Does anybody have any suggestions, I feel like it might be simpler than I thought
thanks all
If there is no troubles to you, that you will have to do it insinge OpenGL view, it is really very simple. To show some info, you need CCLabel class. To change it's position, you need CCMoveTo/CCMoveBy action, to change opacity, you need CCFadeTo/CCFadeIn/CCFadeOut actions, to make delay you need CCDelayTime. To make it all work together you need CCSpawn and CCSequence.
CCSpawn will run several actions at the same time(for example fade in and move from right to the center), CCSequence will run several actions one by one (sequence to fade in + move to center, delay for same time, sequence to fade out + move from center to the left). Then you should only schedule method, that will create labels and run actions on them. In code it will be something like
lets define full animation time
#define ANIMATION_TIME 4.f
schedule method in any place you want to start animation
[self schedule:#selector(runNextMessage) interval:ANIMATION_TIME];
it will call runNextMessage method every ANIMATION_TIME seconds
- (void) runNextMesage
NSString* message = //get next message
CCLabelTTF* label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:message
CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
// place the label out the right border
[label setPosition: ccp(winSize.width + label.contentSize.width, winSize.height / 2)];
// adding it to the screen
[self addChild:label];
ccTime spawnTime = ANIMATION_TIME / 3;
// create actions to run
id appearSpawn = [CCAction actionOne:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:spawnTime]
two:[CCFadeIn actionWithDuration:spawnTime]];
// create show action and disappear action
// create result sequence
id sequence = [CCSequence actions: appearSpawn, showAction, disappearAction, nil];
[label runAction: sequence];