Including methods to a controller from a plugin - ruby-on-rails

Using Rails 2.3.11, I'm creating a plugin for Redmine that add methods to ApplicationController.
I've created the following module, in the plugin :
module ApplicationControllerPatch
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.class_eval do
rescue_from AnException, :with => :rescue_method
def rescue_method(exception)
Now, if I include this module directly into the application_controller.rb file, like this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include ApplicationControllerPatch
Everything works just fine, however I would like to avoid editing the core source by including this module from the plugin itself.
So far, if I do:
ApplicationController.send(:include, ApplicationControllerPatch)
directly from this module file (located in the plugin folder). This will load properly for the request and then it gets overwritten by the controller (I guess).
What's is the way to accomplish this ?

A common pattern is to use Dispatcher.to_prepare inside your plugin's init.rb. This is required because in development mode (or generally if config.cache_classes = false) Rails reloads all classes right before each request to pick up changes without the need to completely restart the application server each time.
This however means the you have to apply your patch again after the class got reloaded as Rails can't know which modules got injected later on. Using Dispatcher.to_prepare you can achieve exactly that. The code defined in the block is executed once in production mode and before each request in development mode which makes it the premier place to monkey patch core classes.
The upside of this approach is that you can have your plugins self-contained and do not need to change anything in the surrounding application.
Put this inside your init.rb, e.g. vendor/plugins/my_plugin/init.rb
require 'redmine'
# Patches to the Redmine core.
require 'dispatcher'
Dispatcher.to_prepare do
ApplicationController.send(:include, MyPlugin::ApplicationControllerPatch) unless ApplicationController.include?(RedmineSpentTimeColumn::Patches::IssuePatch)
Redmine::Plugin.register :my_plugin do
name 'My Plugin'
Your patch should always be namespaced inside a module named after your plugin to not run into issues with multiple plugins defining the same module names. Then put the patch into lib/my_plugin/application_controller_patch.rb. That way, it will be picked up automatically by the Rails Autoloader.
Put this into vendor/plugins/my_plugin/lib/my_plugin/application_controller_patch.rb
module MyPlugin
module ApplicationControllerPatch
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.class_eval do
rescue_from AnException, :with => :rescue_method
def rescue_method(exception)

This kind of problem occurs only in dev because the classes are reloaded but not gems.
So add your send method in a config.to_prepare block within config/environments/development.rb
Read Rails doc concerning initialization process for further details.


Rails undefined method for Module

In Rails, how do you use a specific method from a module. For eg,
# ./app/controllers/my_controller.rb
class MyController < ApplicationController
include MyModule
def action
def a_method
# ------------------------------------------------ #
# ./app/helpers/my_module.rb
module MyModule
def a_method
MyController includes MyModule. And in action ,I want to use MyModule.a_method (Please note I also have a private a_method in MyController and I don't want to use this.)
Things I've tried :
1) Defining the method in the module as self.
def self.a_method
2) Using the :: notation in controller (MyModule::a_method)
The error that I keep getting is
Undefined method:a_method for MyModule:module
For now, I've resorted to using a different name for the modules method. But I'd like to know how to namespace the function with either the Module:: or Module. notation
[UPDATE - 11/24/2014]
adding file structure in code, since Rails heavily relies on convention.
So I am not really sure what you are trying to accomplish with your module but a quick solution to get it working is below.
Move my_module.rb out of helpers and into lib/my_module.rb. The helpers directory is for methods that you use in your views. The convention is to utilize helpers that are namespaced after their respective controller or the application_helper.rb for global methods for your views. Not sure if that's what you are trying to accomplish with your module but wanted to throw that out there.
Create an initializer (you can all it whatever) in config/initializers/custom_modules.rb and add require 'my_module'
Update the a_method back to be self.a_method
You can now call MyModule.a_method in your app
Don't forget to restart your server for changes to lib/my_module.rb to take effect.
Also, a lot of people reference this post by Yehuda Katz as guidance on where to store code for your app. Thought it might be a helpful reference.
if you include MyModule into MyController, all the "instance methods" of the first will be mixed-in into the 2nd.
So if you only want to call MyModule.a_method, no need to include your module.
Then you'd want to require (or better autoload) your module before using it. To do so place it in controllers/concerns/my_module.rb, rails (4 at least) should autoload it, otherwise require its file in an intializer
# my_module.rb
module MyModule
def self.a_method
should work, but doing
# my_module.rb
module MyModule
extend self
def a_method
is more clean to me. You'd like to have a look to rails active support concern to understand the "rails way" on this topic.

Can't access model from inside ActionController method added by a Rails engine

I am developing a Rails engine to be packaged as a gem. In my engine's main module file, I have:
module Auditor
require 'engine' if defined?(Rails) && Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 3
require 'application_controller'
module ActionController
module Auditor
def self.included(base)
module ClassMethods
def is_audited
include ActionController::Auditor::InstanceMethods
before_filter :audit_request
module InstanceMethods
def audit_request
a =!
ActionController::Base.send(:include, ActionController::Auditor)
where AuditorLog is a model also provided by the engine. (My intent is to have "is_audited" added to the controllers in an application using this engine which will cause audit logging of the details of the request.)
The problem I have is that when this code gets called from an application where the engine is being used, the AuditorLog model isn't accessible. It looks like Ruby thinks it should be a class in ActionController:
NameError (uninitialized constant
rather than a model from my engine.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? This is my first time creating an engine and attempting to package it as a gem; I've searched for examples of this and haven't had much luck. My approach to adding this capability to the ActionController class was based on what mobile_fu does, so please let me know if I'm going about this all wrong.
Use ::AuditorLog to access the ActiveRecord class (unless you have it in a module or namespace, in which case you'll need to include the module name).

Can I monkey-patch an existing ActiveRecord Observer?

I'm trying to monkey patch an existing ActiveRecord Observer; specifically, IssueObserver from the code base of Redmine 1.0.4.
In a plugin's init.rb, I have include the *patch.rb file:
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/issue_observer_patch.rb')
IssueObserver.send :include, IssueObserverPatch
This is done outside the Redmine::Plugin.register block.
The module does something like:
module IssueObserverPatch
def self.included(base)
base.send :alias_method_chain, :after_create, :audit
def after_create_with_audit(issue)
# Insert a new Audit instance.
However, when I run the server (using script/server, which is using Mongrel), the patch seems to do nothing. The ***..*** string does not get logged when I create a new issue.
By changing the IssueObserver and including a sentence to log the after_create event, and then running the server and creating an issue; I can see this log, but not the log on after_create_with_audit method.
Is there any proper way to patch an ActiveRecord Observer?
It seems that Rails VM are loaded and unloaded on demand. So, changing the code on the init.rb to the following solves the problem:
config.to_prepare do
IssueObserver.send :include, IssueObserverPatch
This makes this block of code to be execute per VM on production and per request on development.

Rails 3.0 Engine - Execute code in ActionController

I am upgrading my Rails plugin to be an engine that works with the latest 3.0RC1 release and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the best (and most correct) way to extend ActionController. I've seen this post by DHH and this question here on SO, but my question is more about how to properly call code within the ActionController.
For instance, I need to call the following within my engine's controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
helper :all
before_filter :require_one_user
after_filter :store_location
def require_one_user
# Code goes here
def store_location
# Code goes here
I know how to properly include my two private functions, but I can't find a way to get it to properly call helper, before_filter and after_filter.
I would greatly appreciate some links or a way to make this work. I have tried naming my controller something other than ApplicationController and having the real ApplicationController extend it, but that doesn't seem to work either. I'm really up for any solution that makes the life of the engine user as easy as possible. Ideally, they wouldn't have to extend my class, but they'd have all of the functionality built into their own ApplicationController.
You may also want to look into the initializers inside your engine subclass, so you don't have to include view helpers inside your controller class. And this will give you control over the load order of these modules.
Here is what I have been using:
module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer 'my_engine.helper' do |app|
ActionView::Base.send :include, MyEngineHelper
initializer 'my_engine.controller' do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do
include MyEngineActionControllerExtension
Also, another option for the action controller extension is using a mixin module. This will let you use the before_filter, after_filter, etc..
module MyEngineActionControllerExtension
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
base.before_filter :my_method_1
base.after_filter :my_method_2
module InstanceMethods
One other thing... if you create the default rails directories at the top level of your gem, you don't have to worry about requiring the helpers or controllers. Your engine subclass has access to them. So I add my application controller and application helper extensions here:
I like this setup because it looks similar to the application_controller and application_helper in your rails app. Again, this is just personal preference, but I try to keep anything that is directly rails related, such as controllers, helpers and models inside /my_engine/app and anything that is related to the plugin in general inside /my_engine/lib
Check out this tutorial by Jose Valim for more info on initializers: (engine_name is deprecated now, but most of this doc seems up-to-date)
So, I finally figured out the solution and I hope it helps someone else.
You need to create a file in your lib directory because you are actually going to extend the class. I did myplugin/lib/extensions/action_controller_base.rb.
Then, inside of your myplugin/lib/myplugin.rb file, do the following:
require 'extensions/action_controller_base.rb'
Inside of myplugin/lib/extensions/action_controller_base.rb put the following:
require 'action_controller' # Make sure ActionController::Base is defined
ActionController::Base.class_eval {
def my_method_1
# Code Goes Here
def my_method_2
# Code Goes Here
ActionController::Base.instance_eval {
helper_method :my_method_1, :my_method_2
before_filter :my_method_1
after_filter :my_method_2
If you need to have view helpers, create them in the myplugin/lib/helpers directory (or anything inside of lib, the name "helpers" doesn't matter) also and add the following to the bottom of myplugin/lib/extensions/action_controller_base.rb:
require 'helpers/helper_file_1'
require 'helpers/helper_file_2'
ActionView::Base.send :include, MyHelper1
ActionView::Base.send :include, MyHelper2

how to properly extend ActionController in rails plugin

I'm writing a Rails plugin (lets call it Foo).
I want it to provide 'bar' class function in controllers, so that I can do:
class ApplicationController
bar ...
bar is defined from withing the plugin loading file vendor/plugins/foo/init.rb. Something like
class ActionController::Base
The problem is that some other plugins (in my case ResourceController) might load before foo and access ApplicationController.
So what happens is that ApplicationController is loaded before the plugin 'foo' and fails since there is no 'bar' defined YET.
So ... how do I properly make it work works?
I noticed that many other plugins that extend ActionController (for example inherited_resources, resource_controller, ) are doing exactly the same, so it seems its a matter of who loads first to decide if it fails or works.
I know that I can put code in some module and manually add the module to ApplicationController code before calling 'foo'. I'd rather not, I like the cleanliness of just 'foo'.
I also don't want to do a manual 'require'. Plugins are supposed to be auto-loaded all by themselves :)
What you have is a classic plugin load order problem. Ryan Daigle had a nice article on this back in 2007. I'll sum up the recommendation here:
# in RAILS_ROOT/config/environment.rb:
... do |config|
# load Bar before Foo, then everything else:
config.plugins = [ :bar, :foo, :all ]
From what I understand,
ResourceController loads before plugin foo and tries to use the bar method you have defined in foo.
Usually, gems and plugins are loaded before application classes. (Take a look at rails/railties/lib/initializer.rb). Could you provide a stack-trace of the error so that one can debug this.
Also, for extending the classes, this seems a better alternative to me:
module ActionController
class Base
class << self
... # Class methods here
... # Instance methods here
