Forcing meetings to record in Adobe connect - adobe-connect

I want to programmatically force meeting to get recorded in moodle. There is an api available for that
I'm making call to it just before launching meeting in new window...but it is not working.It just dies when a call to it is made. Anyone having any experience with force recording feature of Adobe connect ?

In order to make force recording feature working, you must have dedicated hosting plan of adobe connect. This feature will not work on shared hosting environment.

The API call you're making there will turn on the force recording feature, but it may not have immediate effect. Meeting features such as that are cached and will have a 5-10 minute delay before taking effect.
It of course also requires sufficient (admin) permissions to have an effect. That setting will apply to all meetings hosted on that system, so be sure recording them all is what you want.
Posting the result you're receiving from that call might help if further troubleshooting is needed.

Running this command I got:
<status code="invalid">
<invalid field="fidarchive" type="string" subcode="illegal-operation"/>


Two player chess game using Firebase

Edit: The answer is to use firebase realtime database.
I wrote a library for the next person.
-- Question --
I am implementing two player chess game ( and am considering using firebase messaging (instead of using sockets to create rooms and two player matches). The game would involve sending 60-100 chess moves as messages between two devices in two to three minutes (that can be android or iOS). My nodejs server would have code that enables device to device messaging (receiving from one player and sending to other).
I cannot use Google Game Services because I don't have google login implemented in my app (I only plan to keep facebook login). The advantages of using firebase (compared to sockets) is that I will have to write much lesser code (reconnections, etc) and it would take care of scalability issues.
My questions are :-
(1) Will there be problems when the users playing against each other are on two iOS devices (instead of android's)? (such as higher latency)
(2) If a user is changing location physically and a message that contains a chess move is undelivered, when will it be retried?
(3) For a fast game of chess, will the latency be manageable? This is like 8-10 times the speed of normal chatting.
While I read more on the topic, perhaps someone who has already experimented can comment.
Firebase Cloud Messaging is not meant for kind of usage, and in addition to a non guaranteed delivery time (some researches from 2013 - 2014 shows more than 1 seconds per message on avarage), FCM will probably imply throttling in such a use case.
See also this SO post
I'm sure the answers above will work but, I was having a tough time getting them to function. This is what eventually worked for me and my firebase chat app!
Hopefully, this will help some folks out there.
I was able to add a chess game to my firebase chat app and, all I used was an iframe! However, it didn't work the first time because, all I did was add the iframe coding to my app.
This is how I got my iframe to work in a firebase app...
First, change directory (cd) into your chat app's "public" folder (where you would typically run the "firebase deploy" command) and, add your iframe to the "index.html" document located there. Use this address for your iframe's source URL (src)...
It wont work right if you do not include the "index.html" page name!
Next, I created a new folder named "chess" in the same public directory and I added the chess game's "index.html" doc and dependanciess to it (js,css,images...etc).
And last, but not lease, open a terminal in the same "public" folder and run "firebase deploy" to upload the whole thing to your firebase account and console.
I'm pretty sure that including your chess app docs inside of your firebase app is what made the iframe finally work. I also wrapped the iframe with a couple of 'div' tags but, I'm not sure if that made any difference.
Please, feel free to come and take a look but, you'll have to sign in with Google to gain entry!
After that, just right-click anywhere on the page and select "view source" to see the code. Cheers!
Instead of having the other player send a message to the client, why not just have the client display a message based on whats happening in the game? It seems like an easier solution for you, as the only thing that needs to be sent is the actual move, and you can piggyback off of that if you need to.
I realized I should be looking at Firebase Realtime database (and not messaging).
Useful links:
Is firebase realtime json database suitable for data broadcasting?!topic/firebase-talk/n_B1nrgp580
(according to this talk the latencies can be < 200ms most of the times)

Twilio Recording: Pause and Resume

I believe the answer is no, but does Twilio provide ability to pause/resume a recording? Use case is recording a call, but pausing recording when collecting sensitive information. From the REST documentation, it doesn't appear to be a supported capability. Thought someone might have found some options for this requirement.
This is possible, though it's not wholly obvious how from the documentation.
You can modify call state using the REST API, as per , and we basically use it to tell the call to re-dial to the same agent (presumably this is a call centre?) but with no-record, and then again with record re-activated once we're done.
You end up with two separate recordings for the call, which in our case we download, stitch together, and store back to our storage platform.
Having discussed this issue with Twilio support, there's another possibility which allows you to just have a single recording.
Instead of dialling the two ends of the call together, you instead put them both into a conference that's recorded when you initially connect the call. When you want to pause it, using the REST API, you add a new "hold" leg into the conference, then move the two real ends of the call onto a new conference that isn't recorded. When you're done, you move them back again and it's "unpaused". You then only have one recording from the original conference.
None of these is ideal, and apparently they are working on a proper support setup for this (fairly obvious!) requirement, but this should solve it for now.
The Recording Pause & Resume feature is now supported in the Twilio API. Here's a link that gets you started:

opening and closing streaming clients for specific durations

I'd like to infrequently open a Twitter streaming connection with TweetStream and listen for new statuses for about an hour.
How should I go about opening the connection, keeping it open for an hour, and then closing it gracefully?
Normally for background processes I would use Resque or Sidekiq, but from my understanding those are for completing tasks as quickly as possible, not chilling and keeping a connection open.
I thought about using a global variable like $twitter_client but that wouldn't horizontally scale.
I also thought about building a second application that runs on one box to handle this functionality, but that seems excessive if it can be integrated into the main app somehow.
To clarify, I have no trouble starting a process, capturing tweets, and using them appropriately. I'm just not sure what I should be starting. A new app? A daemon of some sort?
I've never encountered a problem like this, and am completely lost. Any direction would be much appreciated!
Although not a direct fix, this is what I would look at:
You're working with time, so I'd look at what time-centric processes could be used to induce the connection for an hour
Specifically, I'd look at running a some sort of job on the server, which you could fire at specific times (programmatically if required), to open & close the connection. I only have experience with resque, but as you say, it's probably not up to the job. If I find any better solutions, I'll certainly update the answer
Once you've connected to TweetStream, you'll want to look at how you can capture the tweets for that time period. It seems a waste to create a data table just for the job, so I'd be inclined to use something like Redis to store the tweets that you need
This can then be used to output the tweets you need, allowing you to simulate storing / capturing them, but then delete them after the hour-window has passed
I don't know what context you're using this feature in, so I'll just give you as generic process idea as possible
To display the tweets, I'd personally create some sort of record in the DB to show the time you're pinging TweetStream that day (if it changes; if it's constant, just set a constant in an initializer), and then just include some logic to try and get the tweets from Redis. If you're able to collect them, show them as you wish, else don't print anything
Hope that gives you a broader spectrum of ideas?

BlackBerry - call time tracking application

I have a common question, I hope it is ok to ask it here.
I have a project, where I should develop a small appliation for BlackBerry. I know Java ME is the platform to do that (Browser and Widget are other opstion).
What I need to do is a samll application which pops-up after every call and asks the user if he wants to save(assign) this conversation (only the duration in minutes of the phone call is important) in his time-tracking database. He can click NO, but after it, he can start my application and see all unassigned phone calls and still he can assign them in the time-tracking db. This should happen offline and than be synchronized with the server via online connection.
My question now:
What APIs are to be used, for handling with the phone-calls?
Are there some downsides in this kind of application, which I newby can not see at first?
What about the different devices?
Thanks for any information you share with me, to help me avoid common newby mistakes!
Thnaks a lot.
That should definitely be doable, look at the PhoneListener interface to check when the phone call disconnects. What I would do is write the application as a system module, that will run in the background on startup. You can use an alternate entry point so that when the user clicks on your icon the application will create a GUI.
Edit: By the way BlackBerry uses an extended version of J2ME. You can ignore all the RIM specific extensions if you want and develop an app that will (theoretically) work on any J2ME device but you won't be able to use a lot of nice features including the PhoneListener interface. I doubt you'll be able to create this specific application with J2ME alone.

Is there a way to determine if a user is using broadband or dial-up

We have a requirement from a customer to provide a "lite" version for dial-up and all the bells-and-whistles for a broadband user.
The solution will use Flex / Flash / Java EJB and some jsp.
Is there a way for the web server to distinguish between the two?
You don't care about the user's connection type, you care about the download speed.
Have a tiny flash app that downloads the rest the of the flash, and times how long it takes. Or an HTML page that times how long an Ajax download takes.
If the download of the rich-featured app takes too long, have the initially downloaded stub page/flash redirect to the slow download page (or download the bare-bones flash app, or whatever).
The simplest and most reliable mechanism is probably to get the user to select their connection type from a drop down. Simple, I know, but it may save you a world of grief!
There's no way to distinguish between a broadband or dial-up as a connection type, but you can make an educated guess by connection speed.
Gmail does this and provides a link to a basic HTML version of their service if they detect it.
My guess is that there is some client side javascript polling done on AJAX requests. If the turnaround time surpasses a threshold, the option to switch to "lite" appears.
The best part about this option is that you allow the user to choose if they want to use the lite version instead of forcing them.
Here's a short code snippet from a code who attempted something similar. It's in C#, but it's pretty short and it's just the concept that's of interest.
Determine the Connection Speed of your client
Of course, they could be a temporary speed problem that has nothing to do with the user's connection at the time you test, etc, etc.
I had a similar problem a couple of years ago and just let the user choose between the hi and lo bandwidth sites. The very first thing I loaded on the page was this option, so they could move on quickly.
I think the typical approach to this is just to ask the user. If you don't feel confidant that your users will provide an accurate answer, I suspect you'll have to write an application that runs a speed test on the client. Typically these record how long it takes the client to receive x number of bytes, and use that to determine bandwidth.
Actionscript 3 has a library to help you with this task, but I believe it requires you to deploy your flex/flash app on Flash Media Server. See ActionScript 3.0 native bandwidth detection for details.
#Apphacker (I'd comment instead of answering if I had enough reputation...):
Can't guarantee the reverse, either--I have Earthlink dial-up, soon to upgrade to Earthlink DSL (it's what's available here...).
You could check their IP and see if it resolves to/is assigned to a dial up provider, such as AOL, Earthlink, NetZero. Wouldn't guarantee that those that don't resolve to such a provider are broadband users.
you could ...
ask the user
perform a speed test and ask the user if the result you found is correct
perform a speed test and hope that the result found is correct
I think a speed test should be enough.
If you only have a small well known user group it is sometimes possible to determine the connection speed by the ip. (Some providers assign different subnets to dial-up/broadband connections)
