Creating a list from ENUM into Model -

I got the following model piece of code:
public enum EnumTest
[Description ("Enum Text 1")]
Value_1 = 1,
[Description ("Enum Text 2")]
Value_2 = 2,
public List<Fields> listFields = new List<Fields>();
public class Fields
public int Code { get; set;}
public string Description { get; set;}
I got an Enum and I would like to fill my variable CODE with enum value and the variable Description with the same enum description. I looked up a long time and failed to initialize my "ListFields" into its constructor with the enum VALUE/DESCRIPTION.
I already got the enum and the method to get its description.. I found it usefull, so I'll leave it here, maybe it can be useful for someone..
public static string GetDescription(this Enum value)
return (from m in value.GetType().GetMember(value.ToString())
let attr =(DescriptionAttribute)m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
select attr == null ? value.ToString() : attr.Description).FirstOrDefault();
To use this you just need to do something like this:
String xx = Enum.EnumName.GetDescription();

You have to use reflection.
public static Fields[] GetEnumFields(Type enumType)
if (enumType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("enumType");
if (!enumType.IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("Not an enum");
FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = enumType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
Fields[] result = new Fields[fieldInfos.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfos.Length; ++i)
FieldInfo field = fieldInfos[i];
int value = (int)field.GetValue(null);
DescriptionAttribute attrib = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;
string desc = attrib != null ? attrib.Description : field.Name;
result[i] = new Fields(value, desc);
return result;
public class Fields
private int value;
private string description;
public int Value
get { return this.value; }
public string Description
get { return this.description; }
public Fields(int value, string description)
this.value = value;
this.description = description;
To use it is quite simple:
enum test
static void Main(string[] args)
foreach (Fields f in GetEnumFields(typeof(test)))
In my implementation when a descriptionattribute is not found, field name is used.
We must also say that reflection can be slow and rebuilding the entire array when you need it is a waste of time, if you need it often.
You can store the array somewhere so you can compute it only once and keep it cached.
This of course and as I said, makes sense only if you need this readonly list very often.


MVC 5 - How do I get an enums Display Name in my controller so that I can use it in emails? [duplicate]

I've got a property in my model called Promotion that its type is a flag enum called UserPromotion. Members of my enum have display attributes set as follows:
public enum UserPromotion
None = 0x0,
[Display(Name = "Send Job Offers By Mail")]
SendJobOffersByMail = 0x1,
[Display(Name = "Send Job Offers By Sms")]
SendJobOffersBySms = 0x2,
[Display(Name = "Send Other Stuff By Sms")]
SendPromotionalBySms = 0x4,
[Display(Name = "Send Other Stuff By Mail")]
SendPromotionalByMail = 0x8
Now I want to be able to create say a ul in my view to show the selected values of my Promotion property. This is what I have done so far but the problem is that how can I get the display names here?
#foreach (int aPromotion in #Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserPromotion)))
var currentPromotion = (int)Model.JobSeeker.Promotion;
if ((currentPromotion & aPromotion) == aPromotion)
<li>Here I don't know how to get the display attribute of "currentPromotion".</li>
One liner - Fluent syntax
public static class Extensions
/// <summary>
/// A generic extension method that aids in reflecting
/// and retrieving any attribute that is applied to an `Enum`.
/// </summary>
public static TAttribute GetAttribute<TAttribute>(this Enum enumValue)
where TAttribute : Attribute
return enumValue.GetType()
public enum Season
[Display(Name = "It's autumn")]
[Display(Name = "It's winter")]
[Display(Name = "It's spring")]
[Display(Name = "It's summer")]
public class Foo
public Season Season = Season.Summer;
public void DisplayName()
var seasonDisplayName = Season.GetAttribute<DisplayAttribute>();
Console.WriteLine("Which season is it?");
Console.WriteLine (seasonDisplayName.Name);
Which season is it?
It's summer
First solution was focused on getting display names from enum. Code below should be exact solution for your problem.
You can use this helper class for enums:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static class EnumHelper<T>
where T : struct, Enum // This constraint requires C# 7.3 or later.
public static IList<T> GetValues(Enum value)
var enumValues = new List<T>();
foreach (FieldInfo fi in value.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
enumValues.Add((T)Enum.Parse(value.GetType(), fi.Name, false));
return enumValues;
public static T Parse(string value)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
public static IList<string> GetNames(Enum value)
return value.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Select(fi => fi.Name).ToList();
public static IList<string> GetDisplayValues(Enum value)
return GetNames(value).Select(obj => GetDisplayValue(Parse(obj))).ToList();
private static string lookupResource(Type resourceManagerProvider, string resourceKey)
var resourceKeyProperty = resourceManagerProvider.GetProperty(resourceKey,
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, typeof(string),
new Type[0], null);
if (resourceKeyProperty != null)
return (string)resourceKeyProperty.GetMethod.Invoke(null, null);
return resourceKey; // Fallback with the key name
public static string GetDisplayValue(T value)
var fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
var descriptionAttributes = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(DisplayAttribute), false) as DisplayAttribute[];
if (descriptionAttributes[0].ResourceType != null)
return lookupResource(descriptionAttributes[0].ResourceType, descriptionAttributes[0].Name);
if (descriptionAttributes == null) return string.Empty;
return (descriptionAttributes.Length > 0) ? descriptionAttributes[0].Name : value.ToString();
And then you can use it in your view as following:
#foreach (var value in #EnumHelper<UserPromotion>.GetValues(UserPromotion.None))
if (value == Model.JobSeeker.Promotion)
var description = EnumHelper<UserPromotion>.GetDisplayValue(value);
<li>#Html.DisplayFor(e => description )</li>
Building on Aydin's great answer, here's an extension method that doesn't require any type parameters.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static class EnumExtensions
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
return enumValue.GetType()
NOTE: GetName() should be used instead of the Name property. This ensures that the localized string will be returned if using the ResourceType attribute property.
To use it, just reference the enum value in your view.
UserPromotion promo = UserPromotion.SendJobOffersByMail;
Promotion: #promo.GetDisplayName()
Promotion: Send Job Offers By Mail
Based on Aydin's answer I would suggest a less "duplicatious" implementation (because we could easily get the Type from the Enum value itself, instead of providing it as a parameter 馃槈:
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
return enumValue.GetType().GetMember(enumValue.ToString())
EDIT (based upon #Vahagn Nahapetyan's comment)
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
return enumValue.GetType()?
Now we can use it very clean in this way:
public enum Season
[Display(Name = "The Autumn")]
[Display(Name = "The Weather")]
[Display(Name = "The Tease")]
[Display(Name = "The Dream")]
Which results in
"The Dream"
If you are using MVC 5.1 or upper there is simplier and clearer way: just use data annotation (from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace) like below:
public enum Color
[Display(Name = "Dark red")]
[Display(Name = "Very dark red")]
[Display(Name = "Red or just black?")]
And in view, just put it into proper html helper:
#Html.EnumDropDownListFor(model => model.Color)
Building on Todd's great answer which built on Aydin's great answer, here's a generic extension method which doesn't require any type parameters.
/// <summary>
/// Gets human-readable version of enum.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>effective DisplayAttribute.Name of given enum.</returns>
public static string GetDisplayName<T>(this T enumValue) where T : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible // C# 7.3+: where T : struct, Enum
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum) // Not needed in C# 7.3+ with above updated constraint
throw new ArgumentException("Argument must be of type Enum");
DisplayAttribute displayAttribute = enumValue.GetType()
string displayName = displayAttribute?.GetName();
return displayName ?? enumValue.ToString();
I needed this for my project because something like the below code, where not every member of the enum has a DisplayAttribute, throws an exception with Todd's solution:
public class MyClass
public enum MyEnum
// No DisplayAttribute
public void UseMyEnum()
MyEnum foo = MyEnum.One;
MyEnum bar = MyEnum.Two;
// Output:
// ONE
// Two
If this is a complicated solution to a simple problem, please let me know, but this was the fix I used.
You could use Type.GetMember Method, then get the attribute info using reflection:
// display attribute of "currentPromotion"
var type = typeof(UserPromotion);
var memberInfo = type.GetMember(currentPromotion.ToString());
var attributes = memberInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false);
var description = ((DisplayAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
There were a few similar posts here:
Getting attributes of Enum's value
How to make MVC3 DisplayFor show the value of an Enum's Display-Attribute?
In .NET5, I used DisplayTextFor without needing helper or extension methods:
#Html.DisplayTextFor(m => m.SomeEnumProperty)
Where SomeEnumProperty has a value of:
public enum MyEnum
[Display(Name = "Not started")]
NotStarted = 0,
[Display(Name = "Weird display name instead of just 'Started'")]
Started = 1,
For ASP.Net Core 3.0, this worked for me (credit to previous answerers).
My Enum class:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;
public class Enums
public enum Duration
[Display(Name = "1 Hour")]
[Display(Name = "1 Day")]
// Helper method to display the name of the enum values.
public static string GetDisplayName(Enum value)
return value.GetType()?
My View Model Class:
public class MyViewModel
public Duration Duration { get; set; }
An example of a razor view displaying a label and a drop-down list. Notice the drop-down list does not require a helper method:
#model IEnumerable<MyViewModel>
#foreach (var item in Model)
<label asp-for="#item.Duration">#Enums.GetDisplayName(item.Duration)</label>
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="#item.Duration" class="control-label">Select Duration</label>
<select asp-for="#item.Duration" class="form-control"
With Core 2.1,
public static string GetDisplayName(Enum enumValue)
return enumValue.GetType()?
#foreach (int aPromotion in #Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserPromotion)))
var currentPromotion = (int)Model.JobSeeker.Promotion;
if ((currentPromotion & aPromotion) == aPromotion)
<li>#Html.DisplayFor(e => currentPromotion)</li>
combining all edge-cases together from above:
enum members with base object members' names (Equals, ToString)
optional Display attribute
here is my code:
public enum Enum
[Display(Name = "What a weird name!")]
public static class EnumHelpers
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
var enumType = enumValue.GetType();
return enumType
.Where(x => x.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)x).FieldType == enumType)
.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()?.Name ?? enumValue.ToString();
void Main()
Assert.Equals("What a weird name!", Enum.ToString.GetDisplayName());
Assert.Equals("Equals", Enum.Equals.GetDisplayName());
You need to use a bit of reflection in order to access that attribute:
var type = typeof(UserPromotion);
var member = type.GetMember(Model.JobSeeker.Promotion.ToString());
var attributes = member[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false);
var name = ((DisplayAttribute)attributes[0]).Name;
I recommend wrapping this method in a extension method or perform this in a view model.
I'm sorry to do this, but I couldn't use any of the other answers as-is and haven't time to duke it out in the comments.
Uses C# 6 syntax.
static class EnumExtensions
/// returns the localized Name, if a [Display(Name="Localised Name")] attribute is applied to the enum member
/// returns null if there isnt an attribute
public static string DisplayNameOrEnumName(this Enum value)
// => value.DisplayNameOrDefault() ?? value.ToString()
// More efficient form of ^ based on
var enumType = value.GetType();
var enumMemberName = Enum.GetName(enumType, value);
return enumType
?.GetName() // Potentially localized
?? enumMemberName; // Or fall back to the enum name
/// returns the localized Name, if a [Display] attribute is applied to the enum member
/// returns null if there is no attribute
public static string DisplayNameOrDefault(this Enum value) =>
static TAttribute GetEnumMemberAttribute<TAttribute>(this Enum value) where TAttribute : Attribute =>
static TAttribute GetEnumMemberAttribute<TAttribute>(this Type enumType, string enumMemberName) where TAttribute : Attribute =>
Building further on Aydin's and Todd's answers, here is an extension method that also lets you get the name from a resource file
using AppResources;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
public static class EnumExtensions
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
var enumMember= enumValue.GetType()
DisplayAttribute displayAttrib = null;
if (enumMember.Any()) {
displayAttrib = enumMember
string name = null;
Type resource = null;
if (displayAttrib != null)
name = displayAttrib.Name;
resource = displayAttrib.ResourceType;
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? enumValue.ToString()
: resource == null ? name
: new ResourceManager(resource).GetString(name);
and use it like
public enum Season
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Resource), Name = Season_Summer")]
For just displaying enum's display name attribute just use
#Html.DisplayFor(x => EnumType.EnumValue)
That's would be enough.
For displaying SelectList write as following:
<select id="someIdForTheEndPoint" asp-items="Html.GetEnumSelectList<EnumType>()">
<option selected="selected" value="">Select value</option>
I have two solutions for this Question.
The first solution is on getting display names from enum.
public enum CourseLocationTypes
[Display(Name = "On Campus")]
[Display(Name = "Online")]
[Display(Name = "Both")]
public static string DisplayName(this Enum value)
Type enumType = value.GetType();
string enumValue = Enum.GetName(enumType, value);
MemberInfo member = enumType.GetMember(enumValue)[0];
object[] attrs = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false);
string outString = ((DisplayAttribute)attrs[0]).Name;
if (((DisplayAttribute)attrs[0]).ResourceType != null)
outString = ((DisplayAttribute)attrs[0]).GetName();
return outString;
<h3 class="product-title white">#Model.CourseLocationType.DisplayName()</h3>
The second Solution is on getting display name from enum name but that will be enum split in developer language it's called patch.
public static string SplitOnCapitals(this string text)
var r = new Regex(#"
(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z]) |
(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z]) |
(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
return r.Replace(text, " ");
<div class="widget-box pt-0">
#foreach (var item in Enum.GetNames(typeof(CourseLocationType)))
<label class="pr-2 pt-1">
#Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.CourseLocationType, item, new { type = "radio", #class = "iCheckBox control-label" }) #item.SplitOnCapitals()
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.CourseLocationType)
2020 Update: An updated version of the function provided by many in this thread but now for C# 7.3 onwards:
Now you can restrict generic methods to enums types so you can write a single method extension to use it with all your enums like this:
The generic extension method:
public static string ATexto<T>(this T enumeraci贸n) where T : struct, Enum {
var tipo = enumeraci贸n.GetType();
return tipo.GetMember(enumeraci贸n.ToString())
.Where(x => x.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)x).FieldType == tipo).First()
.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()?.Name ?? enumeraci贸n.ToString();
The enum:
public enum TipoImpuesto {
IVA, INC, [Display(Name = "IVA e INC")]IVAeINC, [Display(Name = "No aplica")]NoAplica };
How to use it:
var tipoImpuesto = TipoImpuesto.IVAeINC;
var textoTipoImpuesto = tipoImpuesto.ATexto(); // Prints "IVA e INC".
Bonus, Enums with Flags: If you are dealing with normal enums the function above is enough, but if any of your enums can take multiple values with the use of flags then you will need to modify it like this (This code uses C#8 features):
public static string ATexto<T>(this T enumeraci贸n) where T : struct, Enum {
var tipo = enumeraci贸n.GetType();
var textoDirecto = enumeraci贸n.ToString();
string obtenerTexto(string textoDirecto) => tipo.GetMember(textoDirecto)
.Where(x => x.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field && ((FieldInfo)x).FieldType == tipo)
.First().GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>()?.Name ?? textoDirecto;
if (textoDirecto.Contains(", ")) {
var texto = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var textoDirectoAux in textoDirecto.Split(", ")) {
texto.Append($"{obtenerTexto(textoDirectoAux)}, ");
return texto.ToString()[0..^2];
} else {
return obtenerTexto(textoDirecto);
The enum with flags:
[Flags] public enum TipoContribuyente {
[Display(Name = "Com煤n")] Com煤n = 1,
[Display(Name = "Gran Contribuyente")] GranContribuyente = 2,
Autorretenedor = 4,
[Display(Name = "Retenedor de IVA")] RetenedorIVA = 8,
[Display(Name = "R茅gimen Simple")] R茅gimenSimple = 16 }
How to use it:
var tipoContribuyente = TipoContribuyente.RetenedorIVA | TipoContribuyente.GranContribuyente;
var textoAux = tipoContribuyente.ATexto(); // Prints "Gran Contribuyente, Retenedor de IVA".
I want to contribute with culture-dependent GetDisplayName enum extension. Hope this will be usefull for anyone googling this answer like me previously:
"standart" way as Aydin Adn and Todd mentioned:
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue)
return enumValue
"Culture-dependent" way:
public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum enumValue, CultureInfo ci)
var displayAttr = enumValue
var resMan = displayAttr.ResourceType?.GetProperty(#"ResourceManager", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null, null) as ResourceManager;
return resMan?.GetString(displayAttr.Name, ci) ?? displayAttr.GetName();
It is maybe cheating, but it's works:
#foreach (var yourEnum in Html.GetEnumSelectList<YourEnum>())
Based on previous answers I've created this comfortable helper to support all DisplayAttribute properties in a readable way:
public static class EnumExtensions
public static DisplayAttributeValues GetDisplayAttributeValues(this Enum enumValue)
var displayAttribute = enumValue.GetType().GetMember(enumValue.ToString()).First().GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>();
return new DisplayAttributeValues(enumValue, displayAttribute);
public sealed class DisplayAttributeValues
private readonly Enum enumValue;
private readonly DisplayAttribute displayAttribute;
public DisplayAttributeValues(Enum enumValue, DisplayAttribute displayAttribute)
this.enumValue = enumValue;
this.displayAttribute = displayAttribute;
public bool? AutoGenerateField => this.displayAttribute?.GetAutoGenerateField();
public bool? AutoGenerateFilter => this.displayAttribute?.GetAutoGenerateFilter();
public int? Order => this.displayAttribute?.GetOrder();
public string Description => this.displayAttribute != null ? this.displayAttribute.GetDescription() : string.Empty;
public string GroupName => this.displayAttribute != null ? this.displayAttribute.GetGroupName() : string.Empty;
public string Name => this.displayAttribute != null ? this.displayAttribute.GetName() : this.enumValue.ToString();
public string Prompt => this.displayAttribute != null ? this.displayAttribute.GetPrompt() : string.Empty;
public string ShortName => this.displayAttribute != null ? this.displayAttribute.GetShortName() : this.enumValue.ToString();
I tried doing this as an edit but it was rejected; I can't see why.
The above will throw an exception if you call it with an Enum that has a mix of custom attributes and plain items, e.g.
public enum CommentType
All = 1,
Rent = 2,
Insurance = 3,
[Display(Name="Service Charge")]
ServiceCharge = 4
So I've modified the code ever so slightly to check for custom attributes before trying to access them, and use the name if none are found.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
public static class EnumHelper<T>
public static IList<T> GetValues(Enum value)
var enumValues = new List<T>();
foreach (FieldInfo fi in value.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
enumValues.Add((T)Enum.Parse(value.GetType(), fi.Name, false));
return enumValues;
public static T Parse(string value)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeof(T), value, true);
public static IList<string> GetNames(Enum value)
return value.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Select(fi => fi.Name).ToList();
public static IList<string> GetDisplayValues(Enum value)
return GetNames(value).Select(obj => GetDisplayValue(Parse(obj))).ToList();
private static string lookupResource(Type resourceManagerProvider, string resourceKey)
foreach (PropertyInfo staticProperty in resourceManagerProvider.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
if (staticProperty.PropertyType == typeof(System.Resources.ResourceManager))
System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceManager = (System.Resources.ResourceManager)staticProperty.GetValue(null, null);
return resourceManager.GetString(resourceKey);
return resourceKey; // Fallback with the key name
public static string GetDisplayValue(T value)
var fieldInfo = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
var descriptionAttributes = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(
typeof(DisplayAttribute), false) as DisplayAttribute[];
if (descriptionAttributes.Any() && descriptionAttributes[0].ResourceType != null)
return lookupResource(descriptionAttributes[0].ResourceType, descriptionAttributes[0].Name);
if (descriptionAttributes == null) return string.Empty;
return (descriptionAttributes.Length > 0) ? descriptionAttributes[0].Name : value.ToString();
Using MVC5 you could use:
public enum UserPromotion
None = 0x0,
[Display(Name = "Send Job Offers By Mail")]
SendJobOffersByMail = 0x1,
[Display(Name = "Send Job Offers By Sms")]
SendJobOffersBySms = 0x2,
[Display(Name = "Send Other Stuff By Sms")]
SendPromotionalBySms = 0x4,
[Display(Name = "Send Other Stuff By Mail")]
SendPromotionalByMail = 0x8
then if you want to create a dropdown selector you can use:
#Html.EnumDropdownListFor(expression: model => model.PromotionSelector, optionLabel: "Select")
assume that your enum name is OrderState, Use this code:
#Html.DropDownList("selectList", new SelectList(Html.GetEnumSelectList<OrderState>(), "Value", "Text",ViewBag.selectedOrderState), new {#id="OrderState", #class = "form-control" })
and set selected option in backend:
var selectedOrderState = ..Data.OrderState.GetHashCode();
ViewBag.selectedOrderState = selectedOrderState;

uCommerce - add dynamic property to order line

I have hit a problem building a uCommerce site based on top of the demo razor store available
The demo uses servicestack and the ucommerceapi for its basket functions.
I am trying to add a dynamic property to the basket (on an order line) at the point where the user clicks buy. I traced through the productpage.js file and amended the code to add a new property ('message'):
function (data) {
var variant = data.Variant;
sku: variant.Sku,
variantSku: variant.VariantSku,
quantity: qty,
message: $('#personalisedMessage').val()
function () {
using firebug, i checked the data that is being posted
addToExistingLine: true
message: "this is a message"
sku: "Product (options: none)"
Posting this does not cause an error, but I cannot tell if it has worked either - I cannot find it in the database, assuming that it would be stored in OrderProperty table. In this scenario, I am 'buying' a product with no variations.
Any help is greatly appreciated with this.
Out of the box you can't add order/line item properties via the API like that. The API payload that you've added to is specified although valid JSON won't get interpreted/used by the API.
Instead what you'll need to do is add your own method to the API. To do this you'll need to implement a service from IUCommerceApiService and then you can do what you need. I've created an example (untested) below and will get it added to the demo store as I think it's a useful bit of functionality to have.
public class AddOrderLineProperty
public int? OrderLineId { get; set; }
public string Sku { get; set; }
public string VariantSku { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public class AddOrderLinePropertyResponse : IHasResponseStatus
public AddOrderLinePropertyResponse() { }
public AddOrderLinePropertyResponse(UCommerce.EntitiesV2.OrderLine line)
if (line == null)
UpdatedLine = new LineItem();
var currency = SiteContext.Current.CatalogContext.CurrentCatalog.PriceGroup.Currency;
var lineTotal = new Money(line.Total.Value, currency);
UpdatedLine = new LineItem()
OrderLineId = line.OrderLineId,
Quantity = line.Quantity,
Sku = line.Sku,
VariantSku = line.VariantSku,
Price = line.Price,
ProductName = line.ProductName,
Total = line.Total,
FormattedTotal = lineTotal.ToString(),
UnitDiscount = line.UnitDiscount,
VAT = line.VAT,
VATRate = line.VATRate
public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }
public LineItem UpdatedLine { get; set; }
public class AddOrderLinePropertyService : ServiceBase<AddOrderLineProperty>, IUCommerceApiService
protected override object Run(AddOrderLineProperty request)
var orderLineId = request.OrderLineId;
var sku = request.Sku;
var variantSku = request.VariantSku;
var orderLine = findOrderLine(orderLineId, sku, variantSku);
addPropertyToOrderLine(orderLine, request.Key, request.Value);
var newLine = findOrderLine(orderLineId, sku, variantSku);
return new AddOrderLinePropertyResponse(newLine);
private void addPropertyToOrderLine(OrderLine orderLine, string key, string value)
if (orderLine == null)
orderLine[key] = value;
private static OrderLine findOrderLine(int? orderLineId, string sku, string variantSku)
return orderLineId.HasValue
? getOrderLineByOrderLineId(orderLineId)
: getOrderLineBySku(sku, variantSku);
private static OrderLine getOrderLineBySku(string sku, string variantSku)
return String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(variantSku)
? getOrderLines().FirstOrDefault(l => (l.Sku == sku))
: getOrderLines().FirstOrDefault(l => (l.Sku == sku && l.VariantSku == variantSku));
private static OrderLine getOrderLineByOrderLineId(int? orderLineId)
return getOrderLines().FirstOrDefault(l => l.OrderLineId == orderLineId);
private static ICollection<OrderLine> getOrderLines()
return TransactionLibrary.GetBasket().PurchaseOrder.OrderLines;
You'll need to add the new method to uCommerce.jQuery.js as well something like this:
addOrderLineProperty: function (options, onSuccess, onError) {
var defaults = {
orderLineId: 0
var extendedOptions = $.extend(defaults, options);
callServiceStack({ AddOrderLineProperty: extendedOptions }, onSuccess, onError);
Let me know if you have any issues using it.

Data Annotations - How can I replace Range values with Web.Config values in MVC3?

How can I replace the Range values with Web.Config values in MVC3?
[Range(5, 20, ErrorMessage = "Initial Deposit should be between $5.00 and $20.00")
public decimal InitialDeposit { get; set; }
<add key="MinBalance" value="5.00"/>
<add key="MaxDeposit" value="20.00"/>
You will need to create a custom attribute inheriting from RangeAttribute and implementing IClientValidatable.
public class ConfigRangeAttribute : RangeAttribute, IClientValidatable
public ConfigRangeAttribute(int Int) :
Convert.ToInt32(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IntMax"])) { }
public ConfigRangeAttribute(double Double) :
_double = true;
private bool _double = false;
public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
return String.Format(ErrorMessageString, name, this.Minimum, this.Maximum);
public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
var rule = new ModelClientValidationRule
ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(this.ErrorMessage),
ValidationType = "range",
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("min", this.Minimum);
rule.ValidationParameters.Add("max", this.Maximum);
yield return rule;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
if (value == null)
return null;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
return null;
if (_double)
var val = Convert.ToDouble(value);
if (val >= Convert.ToDouble(this.Minimum) && val <= Convert.ToDouble(this.Maximum))
return null;
var val = Convert.ToInt32(value);
if (val >= Convert.ToInt32(this.Minimum) && val <= Convert.ToInt32(this.Maximum))
return null;
return new ValidationResult(
Example usage:
public int MyInt { get; set; }
[ConfigRange(1.1, ErrorMessage = "This one has gotta be between {1} and {2}!")]
public double MyDouble { get; set; }
The first example will return the default error message, and the second will return your custom error message. Both will use the range values defined in web.config.
You won't be able to do that in the attribute declaration on the property as the values need to be known at compile time. The easiest way that I could see of doing this would be to derive an attribute class from RangeAttribute and set the property values to come from web.config in the derived class. Something like
public class RangeFromConfigurationAttribute : RangeAttribute
public RangeFromConfigurationAttribute()
: base(int.Parse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MinBalance"]), int.Parse(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxDeposit"]))
May want to come up with a better name though :)
Thinking out loud here, but ConfigRange attribute dictates that the config must be present for this to work. Can you not write a static class that would read your values from web.config, app.config or whatever you see fit, and then use that static class in existing range attribute?
public static class RangeReader
public static double Range1
// Replace this with logic to read from config file
get { return 20.0d; }
Then annotate your property with:
[Range(ConfigReader.Range1, 25.0d)]
I know that static classes are bad and there might well be a good reason for not doing this,but I thought i'll give a go.

Unable to set membernames from custom validation attribute in MVC2

I have created a custom validation attribute by subclassing ValidationAttribute. The attribute is applied to my viewmodel at the class level as it needs to validate more than one property.
I am overriding
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
and returning:
new ValidationResult("Always Fail", new List<string> { "DateOfBirth" });
in all cases where DateOfBirth is one of the properties on my view model.
When I run my application, I can see this getting hit. ModelState.IsValid is set to false correctly but when I inspect the ModelState contents, I see that the Property DateOfBirth does NOT contain any errors. Instead I have an empty string Key with a value of null and an exception containing the string I specified in my validation attribute.
This results in no error message being displayed in my UI when using ValidationMessageFor. If I use ValidationSummary, then I can see the error. This is because it is not associated with a property.
It looks as though it is ignoring the fact that I have specified the membername in the validation result.
Why is this and how do I fix it?
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class ExampleValidationAttribute : ValidationAttribute
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
// note that I will be doing complex validation of multiple properties when complete so this is why it is a class level attribute
return new ValidationResult("Always Fail", new List<string> { "DateOfBirth" });
public class ExampleViewModel
public string DateOfBirth { get; set; }
hello everybody.
Still looking for solution?
I've solved the same problem today. You have to create custom validation attribute which will validate 2 dates (example below). Then you need Adapter (validator) which will validate model with your custom attribute. And the last thing is binding adapter with attribute. Maybe some example will explain it better than me :)
Here we go:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class DateCompareAttribute : ValidationAttribute
public enum Operations
private string _From;
private string _To;
private PropertyInfo _FromPropertyInfo;
private PropertyInfo _ToPropertyInfo;
private Operations _Operation;
public string MemberName
return _From;
public DateCompareAttribute(string from, string to, Operations operation)
_From = from;
_To = to;
_Operation = operation;
//gets the error message for the operation from resource file
ErrorMessageResourceName = "DateCompare" + operation.ToString();
ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(ValidationStrings);
public override bool IsValid(object value)
Type type = value.GetType();
_FromPropertyInfo = type.GetProperty(_From);
_ToPropertyInfo = type.GetProperty(_To);
//gets the values of 2 dates from model (using reflection)
DateTime? from = (DateTime?)_FromPropertyInfo.GetValue(value, null);
DateTime? to = (DateTime?)_ToPropertyInfo.GetValue(value, null);
//compare dates
if ((from != null) && (to != null))
int result = from.Value.CompareTo(to.Value);
switch (_Operation)
case Operations.LesserThan:
return result == -1;
case Operations.LesserOrEquals:
return result <= 0;
case Operations.Equals:
return result == 0;
case Operations.NotEquals:
return result != 0;
case Operations.GreaterOrEquals:
return result >= 0;
case Operations.GreaterThan:
return result == 1;
return true;
public override string FormatErrorMessage(string name)
DisplayNameAttribute aFrom = (DisplayNameAttribute)_FromPropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true).SingleOrDefault();
DisplayNameAttribute aTo = (DisplayNameAttribute)_ToPropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), true).SingleOrDefault();
return string.Format(ErrorMessageString,
!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aFrom.DisplayName) ? aFrom.DisplayName : _From,
!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aTo.DisplayName) ? aTo.DisplayName : _To);
public class DateCompareAttributeAdapter : DataAnnotationsModelValidator<DateCompareAttribute>
public DateCompareAttributeAdapter(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context, DateCompareAttribute attribute)
: base(metadata, context, attribute) {
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidationResult> Validate(object container)
if (!Attribute.IsValid(Metadata.Model))
yield return new ModelValidationResult
Message = ErrorMessage,
MemberName = Attribute.MemberName
protected void Application_Start()
// ...
DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider.RegisterAdapter(typeof(DateCompareAttribute), typeof(DateCompareAttributeAdapter));
[DateCompare("StartDateTime", "EndDateTime", DateCompareAttribute.Operations.LesserOrEquals)]
public class CustomViewModel
// Properties...
public DateTime? StartDateTime
public DateTime? EndDateTime
I am not aware of an easy way fix this behavior. That's one of the reasons why I hate data annotations. Doing the same with FluentValidation would be a peace of cake:
public class ExampleViewModelValidator: AbstractValidator<ExampleViewModel>
public ExampleViewModelValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.EndDate)
.GreaterThan(x => x.StartDate)
.WithMessage("end date must be after start date");
FluentValidation has great support and integration with ASP.NET MVC.
When returning the validation result use the two parameter constructor.
Pass it an array with the context.MemberName as the only value.
Hope this helps
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property Or AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple:=False)>
Public Class NonNegativeAttribute
Inherits ValidationAttribute
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Function IsValid(num As Object, context As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
Dim t = num.GetType()
If (t.IsValueType AndAlso Not t.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(String))) Then
If ((num >= 0)) Then
Return ValidationResult.Success
End If
Return New ValidationResult(context.MemberName & " must be a positive number", New String() {context.MemberName})
End If
Throw New ValidationException(t.FullName + " is not a valid type. Must be a number")
End Function
End Class
You need to set the ErrorMessage property, so for example:
public class DOBValidAttribute : ValidationAttribute
private static string _errorMessage = "Date of birth is a required field.";
public DOBValidAttribute() : base(_errorMessage)
//etc......overriding IsValid....

How to get list of customers, jobs, and employeers using Quickbooks QBFC (8.0 SDK)

I have been given the painful task of writing a C# application to sync up employee time entries in a separate database with Quickbooks. Since I'm brand new to QB programming, I'm trying to peform basic tasks, such as getting a list of customers, then jobs for each customer, then employees. I've been reading the SDK documentation, but I'm still a little fuzzy on the details because the examples I'm finding are a little too advanced for me at the moment :-P
To keep things simple, I would like to ask for a code snippet that gives me the list of customers for starters. Here's the code I've got:
QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager();
IMsgSetRequest customerSet = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0);
// Code to get list of customers here.
SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", "New App", ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD);
SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare);
IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(customerSet);
Can anyone fill in the "code to get list of customers here" for me? Thank you very much in advance!
Only the fields specified in the above list will be returned from QuickBooks - it is very important to use the correct strings in the correct case - no error messages will result if something is wrong. You cannot specify sub-fields (eg, City within an Address block; you must get the entire Address block). For custom fields, you also must specify the OwnerID (use 0 for custom fields that are not private to an application)
customers.IncludeRetElementList.Add("DataExtRet"); //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, below
customers.OwnerIDList.Add("0"); // required for non-private data extn fields
customers.OwnerIDList.Add("Your Appln GUID"); // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUID
Ok, seems like I found the missing piece:
ICustomerQuery customers = customerSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq();
This produces all the data related to each customer, which is a step forward. Parsing the XML for customers should be pretty straightforward, but parsing the individual tasks/jobs for each customer will be laborious, because there are no subnodes for each task - basically you get repeating chunks of XML with all the basic customer info (address, billing address, shipping address, etc.), then this one property called "FullName" which appends a colon to the customer name, followed by the task title (which itself can be followed by another colon with a subtask title, etc.). I'm wondering if there's something clever I can do with the request query to get a better xml response (for instance, specify what properties I want returned, and maybe enforce the creation of subnodes for each task for a given customer)...comments are appreciated.
Adding to Victors, Chili and Hassan's answer. Glad to have stumbled on this question as I myself was struggling with the QBFC examples.
Here is a full set of code that might just help someone down the road. If in the meantime someone could just point me in the direction of some useful documentation...that would be great.
Getting the Employee data to an XML string
public static string EmployeeListXML()
QBSessionManager SessionManager = new QBSessionManager();
IMsgSetRequest msgSetReq = SessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US", 8, 0);
IEmployeeQuery employee = msgSetReq.AppendEmployeeQueryRq();
//employee.IncludeRetElementList.Add("DataExtRet"); //will return non-private and/or private data extension fields depending on the OwnerIDList, below
employee.OwnerIDList.Add("0"); // required for non-private data extn fields
//customers.OwnerIDList.Add("Your Appln GUID"); // Use this to get private data extns for the Appln identified by the GUID
SessionManager.OpenConnection2("", Application.ProductName, ENConnectionType.ctLocalQBD);
//SessionManager.BeginSession(string.Empty, ENOpenMode.omDontCare);
SessionManager.BeginSession(frmMain.QBFileName, ENOpenMode.omDontCare); // I have the filename on frmMain
IMsgSetResponse Resp = SessionManager.DoRequests(msgSetReq);
return Resp.ToXMLString();
Putting the XML string into a List of Emplpoyee Objects
public static List<Employee> EmployeeXMLtoList()
string sXML = EmployeeListXML();
List<Employee> lstEmp = new List<Employee>();
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList parentNode = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("EmployeeRet");
foreach (XmlNode childNode in parentNode)
Employee oEmp = new Employee();
oEmp.ListID = childNode.SelectSingleNode("ListID").InnerText;
oEmp.EditSequence = childNode.SelectSingleNode("EditSequence").InnerText;
oEmp.Active = childNode.SelectSingleNode("IsActive").InnerText;
oEmp.FirstName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("FirstName").InnerText;
oEmp.LastName = childNode.SelectSingleNode("LastName").InnerText;
oEmp.SSN = childNode.SelectSingleNode("SSN").InnerText;
return lstEmp;
Function that return an Employee Object using Linq
public static Employee GetEmployeeObject(string sSSN)
Employee oReturn = null;
List<Employee> lstEmployee = EmployeeXMLtoList();
IEnumerable<Employee> lstEmps = from oEmp in lstEmployee
where oEmp.SSN == sSSN
select oEmp;
foreach (var oEmp in lstEmps)
oReturn = oEmp;
return oReturn;
Example of Code
Employee oEmployee = QB.GetEmployeeObject("112-35-8560");
Employee Class
public class Employee
private string sEmployeeID;
private string sSSN;
private string sLastName;
private string sFirstName;
private string sAddress1;
private string sAddress2;
private string sCity;
private string sState;
private string sZipCode;
private string sGender;
private string sEthnicity;
private DateTime dDOB;
private string sMaritalStatus;
private int iDependants;
private string sUScitizen;
private decimal iPayRate;
private string sPhone;
private DateTime dHireDate;
private string sEmail;
public Employee() { }
public string EmployeeID
get { return sEmployeeID; }
set { sEmployeeID = value; }
public string ListID
get; set;
public string EditSequence
get; set;
public string Active
get; set;
public string SSN
get { return sSSN; }
set { sSSN = value; }
public string LastName
get { return sLastName; }
set { sLastName = value; }
public string FirstName
get { return sFirstName; }
set { sFirstName = value; }
public string FullName
get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; }
set { }
public string Address1
get { return sAddress1; }
set { sAddress1 = value; }
public string Address2
get { return sAddress2; }
set { sAddress2 = value; }
public string State
get { return sState; }
set { sState = value; }
public string City
get { return sCity; }
set { sCity = value; }
public string ZipCode
get { return sZipCode; }
set { sZipCode = value; }
public string Gender
get { return sGender; }
set { sGender = value; }
public string Ethnicity
get { return sEthnicity; }
set { sEthnicity = value; }
public DateTime DOB
get { return dDOB; }
set { dDOB = value; }
public string MaritalStatus
get { return sMaritalStatus; }
set { sMaritalStatus = value; }
public int Dependants
get { return iDependants; }
set { iDependants = value; }
public string UScitizen
get { return sUScitizen; }
set { sUScitizen = value; }
public decimal PayRate
get { return iPayRate; }
set { iPayRate = value; }
public DateTime HireDate
get { return dHireDate; }
set { dHireDate = value; }
public string Phone
get { return sPhone; }
set { sPhone = value; }
public string Email
get { return sEmail; }
set { sEmail = value; }
