Passing random url params to OmniAuth - ruby-on-rails

I'm using omniauth with devise and I'm wondering how to pass url params and access them.
Here's a link example: /accounts/auth/facebook?do_something_after_return=1
Now I want to be able to retrieve this do_something_after_return in the callback. I don't care if it's saved in session or elsewhere. Problem is, I don't know where can I intercept this param.
What is the controller and the action that link /accounts/auth/facebook points to?
Routes tell me nothing, it's simply not there. All I have in the routes is this /accounts/auth/:provider(.:format {:controller=>"accounts/omniauth_callbacks", :action=>"passthru"} which is a callback.

Params are captured in env["omniauth.params"].


Can I pass a param to the next routed URL?

If a url is localhost:3000/rooms/:token has a key in the params at this point named :token,
in the #show method in the controller I can ```params.merge!({ dev_paramater: 'hello'}) that would be present in the params when calling localhost:3000/rooms/:token, but when I go to localhost:3000/rooms/:token/chats the dev_parameter key disappears from params.
I would like to use data in the dev_parameter, I basically want it to persist if I visit deeper routes.
params is provided by the controller according to the request content when requests are received, they are independent in each requests. (BTW, params should not be modified in most cases.) If you need carry some information between requests, consider using session or cookies instead.
Rails guide:
session -
cookies -

How param works in rails views

I have an old app running in rails 2.3.5
In customizing, I stuck when i find a param keyword being used in views
i.e in views I can see stuffs like
unless params[:fee_collection].nil?
can someone explain to me in what context is param keyword used in rail views rather than controllers
params is a hash that contains parameters sent with the HTTP request.
You can access to this object as well from your controller or from a view. Although, the convention is to access to an instance variable (defined in your controller, e.g : #fee_collection = params[:fee_collection]) from your view.
The params variable stores a hash which contains the http parameters received in the request to this route (controller#action)
If you have a UserController with the show method, you should receive the param[:id] to identify the resource you're looking for.
If you want to send parameters, it would be either via url in a GET or a data payload on a POST request, on the most common cases.

dynamic callback with omniauth

I use omniauth for Facebook Authentification in my app. All works great. Now I try to implement a callback to a dynamic page which is the ID of an article.
The URL follows the pattern
On this page I use the auth gateway to /auth/facebook
The callback should come back exactly to this page (e.g. /ads/4711/).
I tried to accomplish this in routes:
match "/auth/facebook/callback" => "/ads/:id/"
which is obv not valid.
Also tried to work out this solution OmniAuth dynamic callback url to authenticate particular objects instead of current_user with no success.
Any help is appreciated.
Found the solution via Devise + Omniauth - How to pass extra parameters along?
I can easily pass the ID as a param to the auth page and get it back via request.env['omniauth.params']

Passing parameters through OmniAuth

I need to pass some parameters to callback action. Judging from the source code, OmniAuth should add query string to callback URL but strangely it does not. When I open
...and get redirected to Facebook, return_url is just
...without any parameters.
After struggling with all the above answers, I figured out what to do regarding Facebook, which by default does not display the params in request.env["omniauth.auth"].
So -- If you are using a query string for the callback, similar to something like this:
The only way to get that website_id param is by using request.env["omniauth.params"]. NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU USE omniauth.params and not omniauth.auth -- this one tripped me up for a while.
Then, to test this out, you can inspect it within your controller action (notice the RAISE line...):
def create
raise request.env["omniauth.params"].to_yaml
# the rest of your create action code...
You should see your parameter there. Great. Now, go back to your controller and remove that RAISE line. Then, you can access the param as follows in your controller action:
params = request.env["omniauth.params"]
website_id = params["website_id"]
NOTE: in params["website_id"] you need to use quotes and NOT a symbol.
I guess the cookie thing works but why do all that when you can use the state variable as documented here:
This is how I used it:
when creating the url you can just add state in the Query String and it will be available in the callback url as well.
user_omniauth_authorize_path(:facebook, :display => 'page', :state=>'123') %>
now the callback url will be
Now in the callback handler you can process the state
You can use the :params options, as in
omniauth_authorize_path(:user, :facebook, var: 'value', var2: 'value2' )
and later in the callback you can access request.env['omniauth.params'] to get the hash! :)
(copied from this answer)
What you want to do is dynamically set your callback to include the partner name in the url (not the url parameters), on a per authentication transaction basis, depending on which partner was involved. This means setting the callback url dynamically, for each authentication request. See this blog post to get started. The callback url automatically drops the url parameters, as you've noticed, so doing this with parameters won't work.
So, if instead of trying to pass the partner name/id in as a parameter (which is dropped), you structured your routes so that the partner_id and OmniAuth provider were part of the callback url, then you'd have something like:
...where a valid callback would be something like
...then you would know that a given callback came in from facebook, with partner id 123456
OmniAuth already has a built-in way to know where the user was, it's called "origin" as documented here:
You know, I think I might be trying to solve this the hard way.
Cookies might be the answer. I think you can solve this by having your login action store a cookie, and then redirecting to the proper /auth/:provider path for authentication, and when the callback is triggered (in SessionsController#create), you just read the cookie back to know where to redirect them to.
So, right now, your "login with facebook" link (or whatever you have you in your app) probably goes to /auth/facebook. Instead if you created a custom action like
POST /partner_auth
...and called it with the url...
Then you might have a controller like:
class PartnerAuth < ApplicationController
def create
cookies[:from] = params[:from] # creates a cookie storing the "from" value
redirect_to "auth/#{params[:provider]"
Then in the SessionsController#create action, you would have...
def create
destination = cookies[:from]
redirect_to destination # or whatever the appropriate thing is for your
# app to do with the "from" information
I tried to build a demo app to accomplish what I'd outlined in the other answer, but you're right - it was too complicated to try to dynamically inject a custom callback into the OmniAuth code. There is a configuration option to override the default callback, but it doesn't appear to be easy to set it dynamically.
So, it dawned on me that cookies would be way simpler, user-specific, and since you theoretically only need to store this from information for a very short time (between when the user tries to authenticate, and when the callback is triggered), it's no big deal to create a cookie, and then delete it when the callback gets hit.
Use the 'state' Variable. Facebook allows the user to set a STATE variable.
Here is how I did it, I appended the AUTH URL with ?state=providername
This param is returned to me at Callback as params['providername']
I devised the solution from the original Omniauth Path Method
user_omniauth_authorize_path(:facebook, :display => 'page', :state=>'123') %>

Devise + Omniauth - How to pass extra parameters along?

I have the ability in the app to load /users/auth/facebook to connect to facebook. I want to be able to know where the request came from. Whether it was from a user who is registering with facebook, or a existing user who simply wants to connect with facebook. Based on the type, the responses are very different.
How can I pass a param along to omniauth when authenticating. I tried doing:
But that connect_action param didn't make it when it hit AuthenticationsController#Create
Ideas? Thansk
You have to use the :params options, as in
omniauth_authorize_path(:user, :facebook, var: 'value', var2: 'value2' )
and later in the callback you can access request.env['omniauth.params'] to get the hash! :)
If the request is made from different pages in your application, you can examine the request.env['omniauth.origin']. Omniauth saves this variable automatically.
Here is a more detailed explanation
As far as passing custom parameters, I have tried to do this unsuccessfully. The workaround is to store it in the session before going to the provider as explained here.
Hope this helps you.
For facebook use the 'state' parameter and pass what you want, but don't forget the encode.
You could send the parameter as a url form encoded json and then in the callback parse it.
