Application's view differs in ios 5 compared to ios 4 - ipad

I have developed a ebook reder which supports ios 3.2 and above versions of ipad.The ebook reader shows a single page in portrait mode and 2 pages in landscape mode. The application works fine on ios 4.3.
I tried the same application on another device which runs on ios 5, the application works fine until i change the orientation.Once the orientation is changed the view sizes are not proper and it seems like it is taking portrait view size in landscape and vice versa.
what is the difference with ios 4 and ios 5 regarding orientation changes ,etc.
I searched on internet but could not find the exact reason or solution.One of the stack overflow search was describing the container view concept in ios 5, but it is not sufficient for me.
Can someone help me in resolving my issue.
Thank you

Not sure how helpful this is but it has caused some troubles for me. iOS5 has improved the forwarding of messages to child views and viewControllers. Things like viewDidAppear, viewDidDissappear, rotation notices, etc. The problem is that since these were not reliably forwarded in earlier versions things you may have done to compensate for that short coming may mean that now those functions are getting called twice. Not sure if that's your issue but it could be.


Objective C App has wrong [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds value since iOS 16

Device: Physical iPhone X (16.0.2)
A legacy app (Objective C) of my client has worked just fine on iOS 15. On iOS 16 though, the app has suddenly 'shrunken in height'. The app opens as usual but on the top and bottom of the screen, there are black bars, as the app itself seems to be constrained to a certain size.
After some investigation, I found out that the device actually reports its Screen Height to be 480pt (iPhone X). Forcing the UIWindow to have a different size doesn't solve the issue, the app is still constrained to be the same wrong height. It seems the device 'actually believes' to be shorter than it is.
Since this behavior kind of resembles what happens when starting an iPhone app on an iPad (at least I remember seeing something like that some time ago), I was wondering whether or not this behavior is expected as of iOS 16?
If not, I would really appreciate some help here.
EDIT: I learned that +[UIScreen mainScreen] is deprecated as of iOS 16 so using that to initialize the window might be the issue. Though there seems to be no alternative for accessing this info all the way back in the AppDelegate. It was suggested to use self.view.window.windowScene.screen for reading a device's screen size, but sadly this is not accessible in the AppDelegate.
I was not able to find the root cause of the issue but could resolve it by using storyboards to load the initial ViewController. This caused the system to automatically create a window, which was not affected by this weird system behavior.

iPhone X scaling issue, can we scale existing apps to fullscreen mode without an app update

All my existing apps are not scaled to iPhone X, is there any way to make them to full screen without an update.
It will be really helpful if we don't have to go to the hassle of upgrading all the apps again.
And if not what are the options of doing it.
It is reminding me of days back to iPhone 6.
No, you can’t get your app out of letterboxed mode without at the very least updating your app to use a launch storyboard (and building it against the iOS 11 SDK).
Also, just doing that might not make your app work right on iPhone X — unless all your UI is built from only basic uses of system view controllers, you’re likely to have at least a few issues where you need to tweak your layout to respect safe areas. (Otherwise you end up with UI hiding under the notch or rounded corners.)

Magnified UI for the whole ios app

I dont quite remember what change I made but the whole UI seemed to be magnified for my ios app including font sizes , image sizes. Strange thing is the time , battery power ad network connection symbols which are usually shown on top have also magnified. I cant seem to figure out why . Can someone please advise ?
I have already tried playing with size classes ( with / without for each VC ) and it dint work
It may be running in the 4" compatibility mode, which was to allow older apps to run on the newer 6 and 6+ phones full screen. you might need to change your splash screen of you app to have all the sizes to fix this, if you dont have it already

Size classes not support UI elements for regular width and regular height in IOS

I developing an iPad application to support landscape only. I have chosen the size classes with Regular Width and Regular Height size. Whenever placing UIView or UI elements and run in the device, It works fine in the IOS 8 but it wont display in the IOS 7. seems looks like size class compatabile issue. Can anyone share your thoughts about how to resolve these UIview to display even in the IOS 7.
Thanks In Advance!!
iOS 7 Does not support size classes. I had this issue and I resolved it by forcing iOS 8 compatibility.
Unfortunately I think your best bet (which is kind of terrible) would be to branch your code and make two separate storyboards one for iOS7 and one for iOS8. That being said, given you are only supporting iPad min and iPad normal, you could do two separate storyboards depending on which device it is.
I know neither of these 3 options is ideal but thus is the cost of backwards compatibility.
punt on iOS7
develop an iOS7 specific version and an iOS8 version
develop a separate storyboard for iPad mini and iPad Normal

Resizing AdBannerView in iOS 6.0

Using an AdBannerView, I'm confused about how to respond to device orientation changes under iOS 6.0. I haven't used iAd before, but it seems that the relevant properties and methods that were used in earlier releases are now deprecated. (These being currentContentSizeIdentifier and sizeFromBannerContentSizeIdentifier:, plus a small number of others.)
Also, two of the NSString content size identifiers constants have been deprecated and replaced by two others. But there are no properties of methods that I can see where they are used in iOS 6.0.
Can someone provide a brief tutorial or link to one that explains how this works in iOS 6.0? Existing tutorials that aren't written for iOS 6.0 don't cover this, as far as I can tell.
I've been trying to update an app with ads and I've noticed some pretty unintuitive behavior myself. Look at the XIB in landscape on a 4in form factor shows the ad going only partially across the page, but when run in simulator or on device it works like expected.
As for the question, I'm still using currentContentSizeIdentifier(which is deprecated) and setting it as either ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait or ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierLandscape (which are not deprecated).
I've searched the API and don't see any other way to set it. NSURLConnection is another place where I've wound up using deprecated API because no replacement API exists.
