Castle windsor property injection - dependency-injection

Im a windsor noob and im having some problems getting dependency injection to work. im using a web application.
I have done the following
public interface IHandler{
public class Handler : IHandler{
then i try to register the code in global.asax application_start
When i want to use the Handler i create a property
public IHandler handler{get;set;}
but when i try to use it, it is null? why? am i missing someting?
Best regards
The only thing i doto register/resolve is the following:
Do i need to do something else, Does it work to run this att application start?
Can the problem ocour because im trying to dependency inject on an ascx controll?

Make sure the component that has the IHandler property is also registered (and resolved) in Windsor.
You said this is for an ASP.NET application. The default lifestyle of Windsor components is singleton. Are you sure you want this component shared like that? You may want a transient or per-web-request lifestyle for this component.

Try removing the name from the registration, like this:
Alternatively, if you must name the component, you can use ServiceOverrides for the consuming class:
.ServiceOverrides(new { handler = "handler" }));

If you are going to be registering several interfaces/services, then I recommend registering by convention (this is recommended in the docs). Consider this:
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient));
This method performs matching based on type name and interface's name. More info Registering Components By Convention


"An MVC filter provider has already been registered for a different Container instance." in Simple Injector 2.6

I previously had the setup for property injection in one of my attributes as
Container.RegisterInitializer<PermitAttribute>(initialize =>
initialize.QueryProcessor = Container.GetInstance<IQueryProcessor>();
And the usage was
public class PermitAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public IQueryProcessor QueryProcessor { get; set; }
but after updating to simpleinjector 2.6.1 The property injection broke. When I am trying to access QueryProcessor object inside PermitAttribute. It resolves null value where as the Simple Injector configuration still has the same property injection via delegate instance .
Is there any breaking change in property injection behavior due to which it was working in v2.5 and its not working anymore in 2.6.1 ?
Update 1:
The Line in the configuration was throwing error for MVC filter provider registration for attributes in v2.6.1
For that I commented it . And it stopped the property injection working . The property injection was inside one of my attributes . I guess that's the line above which affects it. And its throwing error in v2.6.1
Update 2:
An MVC filter provider has already been registered for a different
Container instance. Registering MVC filter providers for different
containers is not supported by this method.
StackTrace :
at SimpleInjector.SimpleInjectorMvcExtensions.RequiresFilterProviderNotRegistered(Container container)
at SimpleInjector.SimpleInjectorMvcExtensions.RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider(Container container)
at RemsPortal.App_Start.SimpleInjectorInitializer.Initialize() in d:\Projects Work\RemsPortal\V2.0 Web Portal\RemsPortal\App_Start\SimpleInjectorInitializer.cs:line 39
Update 3 :
entire Configuration
public static void Initialize()
var container = new Container();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container Container)
Container.Register<ICommandResolver, CommandResolver>();
Container.Register<DbContext, RemsContext>();
Container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IPager<>), typeof(PagerModel<>));
//Container.RegisterPerWebRequest<DbContext, RemsContext>();
Container.Register<UserManager<Users, Guid>, RemsUserManager>();
Container.Register<RoleManager<Roles, Guid>, RemsRoleManager>();
Container.Register<IUserStore<Users, Guid>,
UserStore<Users, Roles, Guid, UserLogins, UserRoles, Claims>>();
Container.Register<IRoleStore<Roles, Guid>, RoleStore<Roles, Guid, UserRoles>>();
Container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IQueryResult<>), typeof(QueryResult<>));
Container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IPaginator<>), typeof(Paginator<>));
Container.Register<IPaginator, Paginator>();
Container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IAsyncQueryHandler<>), typeof(BaseQuery<>));
Container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IQueryHandler<>), typeof(BaseQuery<>));
Container.Register<IQueryProcessor, QueryProcessor>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
Container.Register<ILog, NLogger>(Lifestyle.Singleton);
Container.RegisterInitializer<PermitAttribute>(initialize =>
initialize.QueryProcessor = Container.GetInstance<IQueryProcessor>();
Container.RegisterInitializer<BaseController>(initialize =>
initialize.QueryProcessor = Container.GetInstance<IQueryProcessor>();
initialize.Logger = Container.GetInstance<ILog>();
Container.RegisterInitializer<BaseCommandHandler>(initialize =>
initialize.UserManager = Container.GetInstance<RemsUserManager>();
initialize.RoleManager = Container.GetInstance<RemsRoleManager>();
initialize.RemsContext = Container.GetInstance<RemsContext>();
initialize.QueryProcessor = Container.GetInstance<IQueryProcessor>();
Container.RegisterInitializer<BaseHandler>(initialize =>
initialize.UserManager = Container.GetInstance<RemsUserManager>();
initialize.RolesManager = Container.GetInstance<RemsRoleManager>();
The exception you are seeing is caused by a verification check that has been added to version 2.6 that prevents you from calling RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider and RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider multiple times for different container instances. The problem is described in more details here.
The solution is to make sure RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider is called only once in your code for the duration of the complete app domain and since RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider is deprecated, prevent having any calls at all to that legacy method. So if you only have one call in there, set a break point on this line, because you might be calling the Initialize() method twice!
The new RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider allows complete integration of MVC attributes in the Simple Injector pipeline which makes sure that the RegisterInitializer method is called on attributes.
Another option though is to enable explicit property injection for attributes, or to fall back on the use of passive attributes as shown here.
But one note on property injection. I noticed you make extensive use of (explicit) property injection, especially for your base classes. From a design perspective however, it's better to remove the base classes all together, because they are a design smell at least, but might become maintenance problems later on. They might violate the Single Responsibility Principle or at least hide that derived types have too many dependencies, which often means too many responsibilities. I create quite big applications myself with MVC and command handlers and query handlers and I am always able to prevent the use of base classes. If a concrete handler needs a dependency, you should simply inject it into the constructor of that type. Prevent hiding that dependency by (ab)using a base type.
There is one important detail that you should be aware about when you use the RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider. MVC caches filter attributes (god knows why) and this means that such attribute is basically becoming a singleton. This implies that every dependency this filter attribute has, becomes a singleton as well. This is of course be big problem if such dependency is not registered as singleton itself; it becomes a captive dependency. Although Simple Injector contains a diagnostic warning to detect these kinds of errors, Simple Injector will be unable to detect this with attributes, because attributes are not registered in the container. Because of this, my advice is to stay away from using property injection in your attributes at all. We are considering to deprecate the RegisterMvcIntegratedFilterProvider method from the MVC integration library.
As per steven It really was calling the container registration twice .
As I got to see tht
I had called SimpleinjectorInitializer.Initialize(); method in global.asax And then the webactivator also calling the same initizer was taking toll on the simpleinjector which caused the initization to fail for a check .
The solution to that is to remove SimpleinjectorInitializer.Initialize(); from the global.asax and let webactivator do its work .

MVC3, Ninject, MvcSiteMapProvider - How to inject dependency to overridden method

I have an MVC3 application that is using Ninject and MvcSiteMapProvider.
I have created this class which MvcSiteMapProvider uses to dynamically add nodes to my sitemap:
public class PageNodeProvider : DynamicNodeProviderBase
public override IEnumerable<DynamicNode> GetDynamicNodeCollection()
// need to get repository instance
var repository = // how do I get this???
foreach (var item in repository.GetItems())
yield return MakeDynamicNode(item);
The MvcSiteMapProvider instantiates this type itself, so I'm not sure how to inject my repository into it.
I thought about using service location by getting a handle on my kernel and calling Get<Repository>() in the method. But, I saw this property when looking at the definition of NinjectHttpApplication:
// Summary:
// Gets the kernel.
[Obsolete("Do not use Ninject as Service Locator")]
public IKernel Kernel { get; }
Do not use Ninject as Service Locator ?! How else am I supposed to do this?
I then found this question here on stackoverflow and all answers say don't use Service Location.
What am I supposed to do?
This seems to be another chapter from the book "Why providers are bad design?". You have the same problem as with any kind of ASP.NET providers. There are no really good and satisfying solutions for them. Just hacks.
I think the best option you have is to fork the project and change the DefaultSiteMapProvider to use DepencencyResolver instead of the Activator and provide the implementation back to the community. Then you can use constructor injection in your PageNodeProvider implementation. This will solve the problem once for all types and everyone.
Of course you could also use the DependencyResolver just in your implementation. But this is by far not the best solution because you should get the instances as close to the root as possible, it makes testing more complicated and it solves the problem just for you.
Even though I see that you've decided to ditch the provider altogether, I'd like to elaborate on using the DependencyResolver. Basically, you can manually get the correct repository instance via Ninject using
var repository = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IRepository>();
This is less robust, as you have to maintain this as well as the NinjectMVC3.cs class should the stuff change, and it is a bit more complicated to test.

IOC on IValidationDictionary with Castle Windsor

I'm new to Castle Windsor and am just using the latest version. I've created entries for my repositories which are working fine but I have one final dependency that I'm passing into my controller.
I've created a ModelStateWrapper which inherits from IValidationDictionary. The ModelStateWrapper takes a ModelStateDictionary in it's constructor so that in my code I can pass the following as an example:
IMembershipService _memSvc;
IValidationDictionary _validationService;
public AccountController()
_validationService = new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState);
_memSvc = new MembershipService(_validationService);
In my tests I can then do this using Moq:
var v = new Mock<ModelStateDictionary>();
_validationService = new ModelStateWrapper(v.Object);
_service = new MembershipService(_validationService);
I can't seem to get Castle to inject ModelState in with the ModelStateWrapper. I have no idea where to start and it seems I can't just 'ignore it' and try to manually inject as Castle is searching for dependencies and throwing me an error saying a dependency is remaining.
How do I configure Castle Windsor to use the ModelStateWrapper based off IValidationDictionary and also include ModelState as the constructor parameter?
It seems like you have a circular dependency (never a good thing). You can get around it by using an Abstract Factory as described in this very similar question.
However, although you may be able to solve the problem like this, it would be better to redesign the API to make the circular dependency go away. Circular dependencies often indicate a design flaw.
You're doing it wrong, and your wrongdoing has nothing to do with the container you're using.
Just do it like this, if you absolutely need to:
public AccountController(IValidationService service)
_validationService = service;
_memSvc = new MembershipService(_validationService);
then as you're registering your component, use an OnCreate method:
.OnCreate((k, controller) =>

Architecting medium size asp mvc - using ninject and creating objects

I'm designing medium-size website using mvc technology.
All business logic is organized into IServices (like IDomainService, IUserService, IAuthService, ITrainingService). All services are using IRepositories.
I'm using Ninject 1.5 to wire services with controllers and it seems working perfectly.
There is so far one subject I have no idea how to handle. Some services create contexts (per request) - for instance IDomainService creates DomainContext (per request) which is needed for IUserService.
ITrainingService is used only in TrainingController, which is accessible only by authorized users, and ITrainingService requires UserContext (also per request) to know who is having training.
This is my first project using IoC container.
Is there any design pattern or code-schema how to solve it?
I think I can fill context object using ActionFilters but how to manage their lifetime and where to put them to be accessible for IServices? (in an ellegant way)
I've used Ninject specifically in an MVC application. The way you'd accomplish this with Ninject is in the configuration or binding of your dependencies. When you do this, you specify how you want your object lifetimes to be managed. In most cases of a web app, you objects will be per request as you've indicated in your question.
One thing I've noticed in your question is that your DomainContext is being created by an IDomainService object and is used by other objects. If the domain service object is a sort of factory for a DomainContext, then you don't have much of a problem -- this becomes an exercise of how you configure Ninject to provide concrete objects and inject dependencies.
Here's general guidance on how you would structure your application -- bear in mind I don't have full understanding of your interfaces and classes:
public class GlobalApplication : NinjectHttpApplication {
protected override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {
// Your normal route registration goes here ...
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }
// This function is resposible for creating a Ninject kernel. This is where
// the magic starts to happen.
protected override IKernel CreateKernel() {
var modules = new IModule[] {
new AutoWiringModule(),
new AutoControllerModule(
new ServiceModule()
return new StandardKernel(modules);
Note above that the easiest way to get Ninject to work is to derive your application class from the NinjectHttpApplication class. You will need to change your RegisterRoutes to an override method and will also be required to implement a method called CreateKernel. The CreateKernel method is responsible for returning the Ninject kernel which is itself the IoC container.
In the CreateKernel method, the Ninject-provided AutoControllerModule scans assemblies for MVC controller classes and registers them with the container. What this means is that dependencies on those controllers can now be injected by Ninject as it has become the controller provider for the application. The ServiceModule class is one that you need to create to register all of your services with Ninject. I'm guessing it would look something like this:
internal class ServiceModule : StandardModule {
public override void Load() {
.ToMethod( ctx => ctx.Kernel.Get<IDomainService>().CurrentDomainContext )
Ninject's got a pretty expressive fluent interface for configuration. Note above that each statement basically associates a concrete class with an interface it implements. The "Using" phrase in the statement indicates to the Ninject kernel that the object will live for the life of the request only. So, for example, this means that anytime an IDomainService object is requested from the Ninject kernel during the same request, the same object will be returned.
As for you context objects, I'm taking a stab that your domain service creates these contexts and acts as a factory of sorts. In that regard, I bound instances DomainContext classes above to be produced by getting the value of the a property called CurrentDomainContext off the IDomainService. That's what the lambda above accomplishes. The nice thing about the "ToMethod" binding in Ninject is that you have access to a Ninject activation context object that allows you to resolve objects using the kernel. That's exactly what we do in order to get the current domain context.
The next steps are to ensure your objects accept dependencies properly. For example, you say that ITrainingService is used only in the TrainingController class. So, in that case I would ensure that TrainingController has a constructor that accepts an ITrainingService parameter. In that constructor, you can save the reference to the ITrainingService in a member variable. As in:
public class TrainingController : Controller {
private readonly ITrainingService trainingService;
public TrainingController(ITrainingService trainingService) {
this.trainingService = trainingService;
// ... rest of controller implementation ...
Remember that Ninject has already registered all of your controllers with the Ninject kernel, so when this controller is created and it's actions are invoked, you'll have a reference to the ITrainingService by way of the trainingService member variable.
Hope this helps you out. Using IoC containers can become quite confusing at times. Note, I highly recommend you check out the Ninject documentation -- it's a very well written introduction to Ninject as well as DI/IoC concepts. I've also left out discussion of the AutoWiringModule shown above; however, Nate Kohari (Ninject's creator) has a good write-up on his blog about this feature.
Good luck!
Im not exactly sure if I understand your problem completely, hopefully this bit of advice can help.
When using an IoC container you let the container handle object lifetime managment. I have only used Castle Windsor and StructureMap for dependency injection so I cant give you a concrete example for how to do this with Ninject.
Looking through the Ninject documentation I think you want to look at Activation Behaviours to specify object lifetime management.
Hope this helps.

Share Object to all Users of mvc Webapp

My web App prepares out of a db for one or two minutes a specific and read-only object list, once only when IIS starts. This does not change any more unless the admin triggers recreation by a specific URL.
The Interface of the objects looks like this:
public interface IProductsRepository {
IQueryable<Row1> ProductItmes { get; }
IQueryable<Row2> ProductLegItems { get; }
I am now not really sure where i put the object so it is accessible from any controller.
Should i put the load method to protected void Application_Start() as a static object? What is the best approach?
you need to use a dependency injection framework here so you can instantiate this one and pass it into all of your controllers. This doesn't come out of the box with but you can find a number of options that will do the trick like castle windsor or autofac
This may or may not meet your needs but Castle Windsor allows you to specify how many instances a component (like a data repository) will have. I personally had a typo when working with this (lifesyle instead of lifestyle) that resulted in the data repository persisting after a post without my initializing it.
A good place would be the the Cache. You can load the Cache on Application_Start()
You can store it in Application object, but you should inject it into Controller. You shouldn't reference directly Application object, because this will make your application less testable. I use Ninject ( for this purpose.
