iOS: How can I get safari style tabs/windows? - ios

I have seen some iOS apps that use the same tab/window mechanism as mobile safari, but I am having difficulty figuring out how that works. Does anyone know how to do this? Or do you know of a good tutorial?
It looks like there are no built in libraries to do this, but if anyone knows about a good third party component I would greatly appreciate it.


.liquid shopify theme causing iOS mobile flickering and page reset

My clients theme is 100% custom created before it was handed to me. The theme when loaded on an iOS device is flickering when scrolling and then the page resets. This is happening all through out the website, but again is only happening on iOS devices.
I am wondering if someone could help direct me to where i can begin to search and i do apologize with how vague this is, but i am really just looking for advice on where i can begin to look in the .liquid code to try to fix this. Or is this a JavaScript issue?
Thank you for whatever help you can send my way.
The issue was with google tag manager script. The previous developer embeded the script snippet incorrectly which had an impact only on the iOS mobile for the site. Very weird and very unusual.
Be sure to check any 3rd party snippets and embeds that are on a site to make sure they aren't impacting in a negative way.

Image manipulation in hybrid mobile apps

i'd like to ask if there is possibility to write sth like instagram app but not as native application, just hybrid app (titanium or phonegap with ui frameworks)?
Most of functionality for me is possible to implement, but i wonder about image manipulation.
I have experience in appcelerator titanium and icenium(cordova with kendoui) and my idea is to create app in titanium with webview where i will use some JS manipulation scripts, i've found and is not possible to implement i thing in my situation) so pixastic seems the best.. or any other ideas?
What do you think about performance of this solution? Any experiences about this issue? Any suggestions?
Check out this post right here: Create Instagram-esque filters with javascript? sounds like it could direct you in the right way.

comparison jquery mobile kendo sencha jqtouch

i am new in all mobile app thinks i want to find a library for graphs witch it will play in all types of mobiles(ios, android,windows phone etc).I am searching but there are so many and i confused.jquery mobile,kendo,sencha,jqtouch,web 2.0, dhtmlx and so many other. I want my app play in all mobiles, do anyone known the best library. I already have used the libraries i mention before but if there is something else to test and see please tell me.
this is some of the links i saw until now:
I will use phonegap. Please anything it would be very useful.
Maybe my question wasn't very clear and i am sorry for that. I want a JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps.I want to make all the beauties in my app (buttons, panel and etc.) I don't want to make graphs i want a library which i can used to make carousels,accordions and other simple and little more difficult thinks.But until now all the libs i saw it doesn't work well in all the phones.Thats why i am asking if there is a library who plays well everywhere.But thanks a lot for your answer.
For example i want a lib like jquery mobile but i want to play well in ios and android phones at least.If anyone know any lib please help.
Not sure if any of these fit your needs:
Framework with charts for mobile web application

I need a Twitter widget that isn't hideous

I need a Twitter widget that isn't chunky and disgusting like the official one ( and more like this one on some guy's blog (
I've checked his source, obviously - and it appears to be part of the Google Friend Connect service, which seems like it aims to solve a lot of problems I just don't have. And by that I mean it's bloated as hell.
Please advise.
Okay, ultimately I determined that I had enough CSS control over the stock widget to make do. If anyone has a better solution though I'd still like to hear it.
I dont know if this helps but u can check the post to twitter app from here:
and here
Hope it helpes:)

Anyone know which image uploader facebook uses?

Want to add a nice multiple image upload feature to a site so I figured use one that most people already know. This is a .Net MVC App
Anyone know what Facebook uses?
If not, then does anyone know of one that is similar?
Their own? I'm pretty sure when get to facebook like scale everything becomes modified and customized so suit your needs.
This looks like it will work perfectly and seems pretty close to FB:
