Syntax to concatenate a variable with static html -

I'm trying to build up a bit of HTML using a mix of razor variables and static content.
Here is where I get stuck: I have a counter variable in my view called section_counter. I want to use that in the ID of the image tag I'm building. However unlike with <% .. %> notation I'm used to, I'm just not able to do what I need.
<img alt="section" id="#section_counter_Section" src=""..... etc
I need the id to look like 3_Section. However if I leave a space between the variable and the word _Section, the value retains that space (3 _Section).
If I use the <text> hint, I get this:
<img alt="section" id="3<text>_Section</text>" src="
In my generated HTML. What am I missing?

Try putting your variable in brackets. (An explicit code nugget)
<img alt="section" id="#(section_counter)_Section" src=""


Passing html object properties into embedded ruby code

How can I pass html object properties into embedded ruby code in an html.erb file?
Lets say I have a ruby method A that accepts a string parameter(and also the return value of A is string). I think of scenarios like the following:
<input type="text" id="t" value="Leaves">
<%= A(document.getElementById("t").value) %>
Obviously I can't write code that way.
I want to pass the value/text of the textbox into method A and print A's return value into the html body. How can I do that?
Also, if I want to continuously check the value of the textbox and append A's return value(when passed the current value of the textbox to A) to the body of the document, what should I do? And if I instead wanted to set some paragraph p's text to this return value, what should I have done?
You can use a HTML parser like Nokogiri.
frag = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment('<input type="text" id="t" value="Leaves">')
But it seems like a rather silly and overcomplicated solution to something that most likely can be solved by not using HTML strings to pass around data in your views / helpers in the first place.

Display raw text from custom field in Drupal

I'm trying to render a Block's Field as Plain Text as I need it used as part of HTML, I've tried using |RAW however I read it was unstable + it didn't work haha!
This is my existing HTML minified
Read More
However I would like to make it more useable
Read More
This would mean that when a user modifies the DrupalBlock HEX code it would change the color of the box. However the issues is when it's printed on the page it's looking like this
<div data-quickedit-field-id="#" class="field field--name-field-color field--type-string field--label-hidden field--item quickedit-field">FFFFFF</div>
the only thing I would like printed is "FFFFFF" with no div's
Here is my question: How do I display my Field_color as plain text when it prints?
You can use |raw : {{ content.field_color|raw }}.
If you need more information please ask.
I suggest you do a dump or kint of your content.field_color variable. You might be able to get some more information on it and get the answer!
Anyway, we have something similar in our project and the way we do it is by using a .getString() method.
{% set image_align = content.field_image_align['#items'][0].getString() %}
<div class="{{ image_align }}">
Our field is a list of values so you'll have to look for another array item to call the .getString() method on.

Variable dustjs partial name

I am setting up some heavy split testing using dust.js on my single page app.
The base template looks like (simplified):
{>"layouts/master" /}
<div id="container">
What I'm trying to do is have a folder containing N versions of the homeWelcome partial, and send N through the model to select the right template, like so :
<div id="container">
But it (unsurprisingly) doesn't compile.
I could send params to the one homeWelcome template, and have all my splits in there but some are radically different from the others and it'd make for one hell of a long file.
In addition to that, I want to be able to add/remove partials in the splits directory dynamically (partialNumber is a rand from 1 to the number of files in the dir).
Any ideas how to achieve that?
Just add double quotes around the partial name and dust will happily parse the string before including a partial.
Note that partial names don't necessarily relate to folder structure, but I'm assuming you are compiling your templates with the appropriate names.

Using mvc razor, how to not have to use div tag to force html output

I've got the following cshtml code in my razor view.
<div class="col left-col pull-left">
#for (int i = 0; i < #Model.NewsResults.Count; i = i + 2)
NewsResult article1 = #Model.NewsResults[i];
<div>#i - #article1.Title #Html.Partial("NewsItemPartial", article1)</div>
The #i ... seems to tell razor to ouput the data. If I leave the out there, nothing renders.
Please explain how I can do what I have below but without having to use the (before the #i).
You can tell razor to output HTML by putting the text tag instead of div:
<text>#i - #article1.Title #Html.Partial("NewsItemPartial", article1)</text>
Razor is getting confused because it thinks the - is a subtraction operator, and it's trying to subtract Title from i. you could use Mark's method, or you could make it even more localized by putting the <text> block around the -.
#i <text>-</text> #article1.Title #Html.Partial("NewsItemPartial", article1)
However, it looks to me like you're trying to implement a template output, which MVC already provides a mechanism for, called DisplayTemplates. You should really use those instead of Partials.
As has already been mentioned, Razor is considering the - to be a subtraction operator because of its position right after the #i, which is converting it into a C# block.
You can use <text></text> to convert any block (single line or multiline) into a text literal in Razor.
#i <text>-</text> #article1.Title #Html.Partial("NewsItemPartial", article1)
Or better yet, for a single line (or single character as your example), you can alternatively use the #: operator.
#i #:- #article1.Title #Html.Partial("NewsItemPartial", article1)

HtmlPurifier - Codeblock

I was looking in HtmlPurifier documentation, but I can't see nothing about that.
Let's say I have
<div class="codebox">
All html tags here - Even <div class="codebox">another code box</div>
I want to parse the content of the first <div class="codebox"> so it can be readable as plaintext.
Can htmlpurifier do that ?
Out of the box HTMLPurifier can't do that and there is no config setting, that I know of, that can convert only the first <div> tag to plain text without converting the entire document. And even for converting the entire document to text the HTMLPurifier is neither needed nor recommended.
You can extend functionality of HTMLPurifier but unless you are an expert coder, I wouldn't recommend doing that.
However if you want to convert a part of the HTML document to text then break it into parts and run the part which you want to convert to text through
PHP Manual page on strip_tags
You could convert all the div tags in your document to plain text with this configuration directive:
$config->set(HTML.ForbiddenElements, 'div'); //This will black list 'div' tag
And if you absolutely insist on converting your entire document to text using HTMLPurifier then here is the config directive that will do that.
$config->set('HTML.Allowed', ''); //This will white list NO tags ''
