Access session variable or controller variable from module - ruby-on-rails

Using: Rails 3.0.3
I have this feature of my website (count calculate . com) which consists of plenty different calculations. The user can set his own variable for decimals (significant numbers) through a form. First I set this variable as a configatron variable which turned out to be a bad idea (a change that some user did was passed on to all users).
So, I decided to make it a session variable, which makes sense since a user should select his own decimal value.
Now, in the controller I call a module function that in turn calls 100 different module functions, depending on id.
My problem:
I want to access this session variable in that module which turns out to be impossible. Passing it already from the controller (through the model) is a bit of a nightmare since it needs to be passed for each and every function.
How do I access session variables from a module in the lib-catalog?
How could I access a controller method from a module? If so I could call that method and fetch the session variable.

Do you mean a ruby module? As in a mixin? If you're including it in your controller, it already has access to everything the controller has access to. Just call session, request, params etc and all will just work.
If you really need to get the session from some arbitrary part of the system, you can obtain the request with:
Then you can get the session from the request. (Note that request is actually a singleton in disguise... it won't build a new request if one is already built).

Here is one way to do it, mix your calculation module into the controller
# application_controller contains a method that wraps your session value
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def user_value
return 5 # really a session value
The module that contains your calculation methods needs access to the session, since you are mixing it into the controller you can call the user_value method with self
module CalculationModule
def super_cool_calculation
return self.user_value * 420
# more calculation methods
note the self.user_value call, that method is not defined in the module but you will need to define it in the class you mixin to
class FooController < ApplicationController
include CalculationModule
def show
#calculation = super_cool_calculation # call calculation module method
# etc...
if any of your model objects also define a user_value method you could then mixin the calculation module to those if needed, they would probably not be getting the value from session
Something else to consider, just store the user defined value in the database instead of the session, you will have easy access to the value from the model or controller

it sounds like your Model is including the module code. You really really do not want to use or access the session directly from there. It breaks the purpose for MVC, Rails is doing its best to prevent you from trying something like that.
when you say " I call a module function that in turn calls 100 different module functions, depending on id." I would like to see that chunk of code.
Your original idea is the correct one...the value needs to be passed over to the just sounds like the code needs to be DRY'd up a little so that it isn't such a headache.
It is hard to give recommendations without seeing the code. I was stuck in a similar situation and used dynamic methods (overriding method_missing) to get around the problem.


Does this method that changes an instance variable belong in my Rails controller or model?

I have a basic "best practice" question about controllers and instance variables.
Say you have an instance variable in anew or update action in a controller, is it ok to modify that instance variable via a private method in the controller? Or should the method exist in the model?
e.g. in this example below, I need to loop through the attributes of an instance variable, and add or remove something. For example, if I am using nested attributes 3 layers deep and have to remove certain attributes, change them and then add them back in. I know this may seem strange, but assume it is necessary.
def new
#some_thing =
do_something_to_inst_var # method call
def do_something_to_inst_var
#some_thing.addresses.each do |address|
# modify it in some way
Or is this bad practice? Should this be a method in the model and should be called like:
should we explicitly pass the instance variable to the method like:
def new
#some_thing =
do_something_to_inst_var(#some_thing) # method call
def do_something_to_inst_var(some_thing)
some_thing.addresses.each do |addresses|
# modify it in some way
I'm looking for some clarity here, with an example if possible. I'm still learning and trying to improve and I didn't find an answer by searching.
Rails applications should have "thin controllers" and "fat models" for a couple of reasons:
Each object should handle only its own responsibilities. A controller should just be about connecting the web, the the model and the view, which thanks to Rails doesn't take much code. If a controller method refers repeatedly to methods of the same model, it's incorrectly taking on model responsibilities; we say that it's not cohesive or that it has "Feature Envy". It is more likely that if the model changes the controller will have to change in parallel.
It's easier to test models than to test controllers.
Fix it by writing a method in the model that does the model-specific work and call it in the controller (your second option). (Eventually your model will get too fat and you'll have to break it up too, but that's another story.) For example:
class SomeThingsController
def new
#some_thing =
#some_thing.do_something # method call
class SomeThing
def do_something
addresses.each do |address|
# modify it in some way
Regarding instance variables.
Define them only if necessary. Presumably the one in your example is needed for the view.
Assuming an instance variable is justified at all, there's no reason not to refer to it in private methods of the class that contains it. That's what they're for. So your first option (referring directly to the instance variable) is a bit better than your third option (passing it in). But, as discussed above, extracting a model method is better than both of the other two options.
In my opinion Modifying #instance_vars from private method is okay if your controller is just 100 lines long.
Imagine a scenario where there are 500 LOC in your controller and after a struggle of a couple of hours you found out that the #intance_var is being modified by some private method.
Helpful tips:
create small private methods with single responsibility
put ! at the end of method_name! indicating that it modifies something. Specially this is helpful when you see my_private_method!, ! makes you realize that its modifying something.
lets not put code in controller that do not belong here.
There is one more option:
In Controller:
def new
#some_thing =
#some_thing_modified = #some_thing.modify_somehow(params)
In SomeThing Model:
def modify_somehow(params)
result = self.clone
# ... modify result ...
return result
Because modify_somehow is now pure function (assuming you don't do anything in ... modify result ... part, that makes it impure), what you gain here is Referential transparency. Main benefit of referential transparency is that you can determine what function/method invocation will do, only by looking at its arguments, and get result of its work only via return value, and not via side effects. This makes your code more predictable, which in turn makes it easier to understand and debug.
There are of course disadvantages: Because you create new object this option can be less performant, it's also more verbose than its alternatives.
Functional programming concepts, like referential transparency, are not very popular in Rails community (probably because of how OO-centric Ruby is). But referential transparency is there if you want it, with its pros and cons.

Proper organization of server side code?

I'm relatively new to rails, but I've made a few basic CRUD apps. However, this time, I'm making something different, and I'm not sure how to organize it.
It's essentially a one page app. The user fills out a form, and the code does some calculations based on those values. I have all the code written, but it's all just sitting in the controller. I'm assuming that this isn't correct.
There are two parts:
Using an external API, 2 constant arrays are generated. I need these variables to be global, or at least accessible for the calculator function.
I have a function that takes some inputs from the form that also calls other functions. A simplified version is below. I could put all the code into one function if that's necessary. I have them separate just so that the code is more readable.
def calc(input)
# do more stuff
return answer #I need to show this in the view
def func1(a)
def func2(b)
So, where should I put each part of this code?
To make your controllers thin, you can keep business logic at Service Objects.
Just create "services" directory at "app", add there some class like "user_searcher.rb".
And call it in the controller, passing all necessary data.
Such technique will help you to isolate business logic and incapsulate it in separate class.
BTW read this article
I think, from what I understand of you question, is this code should be placed in the helper classes. If you have dedicated class for this calculation, you can use class attributes to access array to access anywhere in the class or declare them constant, in case they are constant.
I don't think making global is a good practice, just because this is needed in some other function, instead return that variable and pass them as parameter where they are needed.

How to access session variables from a Draper decorator in Rails?

I want to be able to access a session variable from the Decorator. Now I can't do so, nor can I access controller instance variables, let's say #session_variable.
Is there a clean way to achieve this?
When I need any object other than a controller to have access to request information, I like to use what I think of as the Context pattern. It looks like this:
Write a singleton class that has only the interface that your decorator needs (following the Interface Segregation Principle). As an example, let's say that your decorator needs to know whether the user is logged in. Make a LoginContext singleton with an instance method user_is_logged_in?. The decorator can find out whether a the user is logged in by calling LoginContext.instance.user_is_logged_in?.
Add an before_filter to your ApplicationController that sets the singleton's user_is_logged_in attribute to true or false according to the session before running the action. Optionally, if you want to make sure that nothing uses the LoginContext outside of a request, make the filter an around_filter and set the attribute to nil after running the action, and write the user_is_logged_in? accessor so that it raises an error if the attribute is nil.
The above is for single-threaded Rails application servers, but you can write the same functionality around a thread-specific singleton if you use a threaded application server.

What's the difference between sending :include to class and directly defining method in second class definition?

Recently I had to add a method to Redmine's core class. I was unable to use inheritance, so I've done something like this:
require_dependency 'time_entry_query'
class TimeEntryQuery < Query
def my_new_method(foo, bar)
and it works perfectly - my method is added to all new objects. However, I've seen someone declaring the new method in their own module instead and then sending :include to class, so it become a mixin. Here's an example:
module Patches
module SomeClassPatch
def my_new_method
and somewhere in app's initialization:
SomeClass.send(:include, Patches::SomeClassPatch) unless SomeClass.include? (Patches::SomeClassPatch)
What's difference between these two methods and which one should I use?
There are two differences:
When you use a mixin, there is a clear place where your "patch" methods can live. If I wonder "Hmm, where's this my_new_method" coming from, and I look at, say, TimeEntryQuery.ancestors or TimeEntryQuery.instance_method(:my_new_method).owner, that will return Patches::SomeClassPatch. So I know I have to look for a file named lib/patches/some_class_patch.rb somewhere to find where it is probably defined. (I could try source_location as well, but that is not always reliable.)
Mixing in a module into a class makes the module the superclass of the class it is being mixed into. So, if there already is a my_new_method defined in TimeEntryQuery, your first option will overwrite it, whereas in your second option, your method will become the super method of that method. IOW: with your second option, your new method won't be called unless the already existing method calls super.

Is it ok to pass large objects in method parameters?

I'm doing a Rails application where people can take quizzes. I have a model BrowserGame that's taking care of the controller logic (sessions, redirecting etc.). Currently, this is my #initialize method:
class BrowserGame
def initialize(controller)
#controller = controller
And in the controller I have a method
class GamesController < ApplicationController
# actions
def browser_game
As you can see, I'm passing the whole controller to BrowserGame#initialize (so I can manipulate with sessions and others). Is this a good idea? Are there any side effects, since the controller instance is a large object?
Yes, it is fine to pass large objects as method parameters. You're not placing the object on the stack, just a pointer to it. As far as side-effects -- anything you do to #controller from within BrowserGame is seen through any other reference to the controller, but that's probably what you already expect.
There is no problem with passing a large object.
As Darshan says, it is only a pointer.
It would be better to only pass serializable objects if you are forking the process/thread or otherwise trying to create a delayed job to run in the background.
