Smart GWT: ListGrid.createRecordComponent () is not called for all rows - smartgwt

I am using Smart GWT 2.5. I am using a List Grid in my project.
The List Grid has 20 rows, but ListGrid.createRecordComponent() is called for only first 16 rows.

This is due to incremental rendering, which is on by default.
You could force all records to be rendered via ListGrid.setShowAllRecords(true), but you probably don't want to do this unless you are sure the total number of records will remain small (less than around 100 if you need to support IE).


Extract Last Value as Metric from Table Calculation in Tableau?

I have raw data in Tableau that looks like:
And by using the following calculation
COUNTD(IF [Inserted At]>=[Parameters].[Start Date]
AND [Inserted At]<=[End Date]
COUNTD(IF [Inserted At]>=[Parameters].[Start Date]
AND [Inserted At]<=[End Date]
I get
And all I really want is 5.1 (last monthly value) as one big metric (% Month-Over-Month Growth).
How can I accomplish this?
I'm relatively new to Tableau and don't know how to use calculated fields in conjunction with the date groupings aspect to express I want to calculate month-over-month growth. I've tried the native year-over-year growth running total table calculation but that didn't end with the same result since I think my calculation method is different.
First a brief table calc intro, and then the answer at the end.
Most calculations in Tableau are actually performed by the data source (e.g. database server), and the results are then returned to Tableau (i.e. the client) for presentation. This separation of responsibilities allows high performance, even when facing very large data sets.
By contrast, table calculations operate on the table of query results that were returned from the server. They are executed late in the order of operations pipeline. That is why table calcs operate on aggregated data -- i.e. you have to ask for WINDOW_SUM(SUM([Sales)) and not WINDOW_SUM([Sales])
Table calcs give you an opportunity to make final passes of calculations over the query results returned from the data source before presentation to the user. You can for instance calculate a running total or make the visualization layout dynamically depend in part on the contents of the query results. This flexibility comes at a cost, the calculation is only one part of defining a table calc. You also have to specify how to apply the calculation to the table of summary results, known as partitioning and addressing. The Tableau on-line help has a useful definition of partitioning and addressing.
Essentially, table calcs are applied to blocks of summary data at a time, aka vectors or windows. Partitioning is how you tell Tableau how you wish to break up the summary query results into windows for purposes of applying your table calc. Addressing is how you specify the order in which you wish to traverse those partitions. Addressing is important for some table calcs, such as RUNNING_SUM, and unimportant for others, such as WINDOW_SUM.
Besides understanding partitioning and addressing very well, it is also helpful to learn about the functions INDEX(), SIZE(), FIRST(), LAST(), WINDOW_SUM(), LOOKUP() and (eventually) PREVIOUS_VALUE() to really understand table calcs. If you really understand them, you'll be able to implement all of these functions using just two of them as the fundamental ones.
Finally, to partially address your question:
You can use the boolean formula LAST() = 0 to tell if you are at the last value of your partition. If you use that formula as a filter, you can hide all the other values. You'll have to get partitioning and addressing specified correctly. You would essentially be fetching a batch of data from your server, using it in calculations on the client side, but only displaying part of it. This can be a bit brittle depending on which fields are on which shelves, but it can work.
Normally, it is more efficient to use a calculation that can be performed server-side, such as LOD calc, if that allows you to avoid fetching data only for client side calculations. But if the data is already fetched for another purpose, or if the calculation requires table calc features, such as the ability to depend on the order of the values, then table calcs are a good tool.
However you do it, the % month-to-month change from 2021.11 (a value of 26) to the value for 2021.12 (a value of 6) is not 5.1%.
It's (( 6 - 26 ) / 26) * 100 = -76.9 %
OK, starting from scratch, this works for me: ( I don't know how to get exactly the table format I want without using ShowMe and Flip, but it works. Anyone else? )
drag Date to rows, change it to combined Month(Date)
drag sales to column shelf
in showme select TEXT-TABLES
flip rows for columns using tool bar
that gets a table like the one you show above
Drag Sales to color (This is a trick to simply hold it for a minute ),
click the down-arrow on the new SALES pill in the mark card,
select "Add a table calculation",
select Running Total, of SUM, compute using Table(down), but don't close this popup window yet.
click Add Secondary Calculation checkbox at the bottom
select Percent Different From
compute using table down
relative to Previous
Accept your work by closing the popup (x).
NOW, change the new pill in the mark card from color to text
you can see the 5.1% at the bottom. Almost done.
Reformat again by clicking table in ShowMe
and flipping axes.
click the sales column header and hide it
create a new calculated field
label 'rows-from-bottom'
formula = last()
close the popup
drag the new pill rows-from-bottom to the filters shelf
select range 0 to 0
close the popup.
For the next two weeks you can see the finished workbook here

I can't figure out how to filter or query in Google Sheets without returning a bunch of blank strings appended to actual data

I'm at my wit's end on trying to figure out why filtering/querying in Google Sheets is so broken. I have a sheet with some data about practice exams I'm taking and I'm attempting to pull some data from that sheet to another sheet for calculating statistics. I've made a shareable document with the pertinent stuff so you can see what I mean.
My raw data is in the TestScores sheet and I made a TESTSTATS sheet to test different methods of pulling data from TestScores. In my example, I'm only trying to pull unique dates from range TestScores!B2:B and I've added a few different methods to do so in TESTSTATS (removed the equal sign from each one so each can be tested on its own by putting in the equal sign).
The methods I've tried:
=UNIQUE(FILTER(TestScores!B2:B, TestScores!B2:B<>""))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(TestScores!B2:B, TestScores!B2:B<>0))
=UNIQUE(FILTER(TestScores!B2:B, NOT(ISBLANK(TestScores!B2:B))))
=UNIQUE(QUERY(TestScores!B2:B, "select B"))
=ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(UNIQUE(QUERY(TestScores!B2:B, "select B")), ROWS(UNIQUE(TestScores!B2:B))+1,5)
You'll see that each one, when activated by adding the = in front of the formula returns the proper data, but also appends 500 empty rows which look empty, but are in fact blank strings (""). This makes it difficult to work with because there are a lot of calculations in my sheet that depend on one another. I also do not want to specify an explicit end to my ranges and would prefer to keep them open ended (B2:B instead of B2:B17) so everything updates automatically as new records are added.
What am I doing wrong? Why are the returned data appended with a bunch of empty cells, and why 500 specifically (seems arbitrary considering my source data is 29 or 30 rows depending on whether or not you include headers)?
Starting with only two rows in TESTSTATS more rows have to be added for somewhere to place the output. It seems Google choose to do so 500 rows at a time (from the last required cell). "Why?" would have to be a matter for Google.
If you know 14 rows are required for the output and increase the size of TESTSTATS to 16 no more rows will be added. Since you want room for expansion you can't extend to 16 and avoid further issues but you could allow some room, say to 30 rows, and delete the few extra, or, if 30 becomes insufficient (when sheet shoots up to say 540 rows) delete the rows not required but set the sheet size to say 60 rows - and so on.

Pentaho Report integration in Grails web Application

Pentaho RD version :
Requirement Show / Hide Fields in Pentaho Report Based on User Input
I have a requirement that invisible elements on the report should not consume any space in row or column.
so i use the banding element and the functionality formula to 'invisible consumes space'
I have used two bands one within another, with different layouts 'row' and 'block' to remove both spaces for invisible elements (in rows and columns).
Note It is giving appropriate result and working fine in Pentaho Report Desinger tool itself while updating Query to fetch any field either col1,col2 etc...
But Integration that .prpt report in Grails, it stil shows the "Invisible Consumes Space" in row and column both.
Please help me to remove both spaces for invisible elements (in rows and columns) while integrating the Report to Grails or any web application

Delphi Rbuilder: Calculate value across multiple pages of data not just first and last page

I am using Rbuilder within a application constructed with Delphi. I have a report already built that displays a list of items but then at the bottom I have some subtotal fields as well as a total field. The subtotals and totals are defined as variables which then total up the cost of the individual items.
Unfortunately both the subtotals and totals only give me calculations for items on the first and last pages of data. Lets say there are 5 pages of data that prints out. Page one the totals are accurate.
Page two totals are accurate. Page 3 totals include ONLY the totals from page 1 and page 3. Page 4 total includes page 1 and page 4 and so on. I have been trying to play around with timing settings as well as moving my code calculating the total to different operations (ongettext, onprint, oncalc, etc)
Has anybody ever run into this?
Ok, so I kept working at this and eventually found the problem.
At the report level I changed the report from TwoPass to OnePass. That ended up giving me very close to what I wanted. I ended up having to write some more code to get exactly what I wanted but changing the number of passes worked.
I was trying to display a running total page by page. And as I changed pages it would update the value.
Onepass worked.

Using will_paginate without :total_entries to improve a lengthy query

I have a current implementation of will_paginate that uses the paginate_by_sql method to build the collection to be paginated. We have a custom query for total_entries that's very complicated and puts a large load on our DB. Therefore we would like to cut total_entries from the pagination altogether.
In other words, instead of the typical pagination display of 'previous 1 [2] 3 4 5 next', we would simply like a 'next - previous' button only. But we need to know a few things.
Do we display the previous link? This would only occur of course if records existing prior to the ones displayed in the current selection
Do we display the next link? This would not be displayed if the last record in the collection is being displayed
From the docs
A query for counting rows will
automatically be generated if you
don’t supply :total_entries. If you
experience problems with this
generated SQL, you might want to
perform the count manually in your
So ultimately the ideal situation is the following.
Remove the total_entries count because it's causing too much load on the database
Display 50 records at a time with semi-pagination using only next/previous buttons to navigate and not needing to display all page numbers available
Only display the next button and previous button accordingly
Has anyone worked with a similar issue or have thoughts on a resolution?
There are many occasions where will_paginate does a really awful job of calculating the number of entries, especially if there are joins involved that confuse the count SQL generator.
If all you need is a simple prev/next method, then all you need to do is attempt to retrieve N+1 entries from the database, and if you only get N or less than you're on the last page.
For example:
per_page = 10
page = 2
#entries = Thing.with_some_scope.find(:all, :limit => per_page + 1, :offset => (page - 1) * per_page)
#next_page = #entries.slice!(per_page, 1)
#prev_page = page > 1
You can easily encapsulate this in some module that can be included in the various models that require it, or make a controller extension.
I've found that this works significantly better than the default will_paginate method.
The only performance issue is a limitation of MySQL that may be a problem depending on the size of your tables.
For whatever reason, the amount of time it takes to perform a query with a small LIMIT in MySQL is proportional to the OFFSET. In effect, the database engine reads through all rows leading up to the particular offset value, then returns the next LIMIT number rows, not skipping ahead as you'd expect.
For large data-sets, where you're having OFFSET values in the 100,000 plus range, you may find performance degrades significantly. How this will manifest is that loading page 1 is very fast, page 1000 is somewhat slow, but page 2000 is extremely slow.
