show/hide map, starting with a hidden map (display: none) - ruby-on-rails

I haven't been able to load my page with a hidden map that I can then Show clicking on :toggle_map_button
In my view a Show/Hide button and a map:
<%= link_to_remote "Hide Map", :url =>{:action => :toggle_map}, :method => :get, :loading => visual_effect(:toggle_slide, "marketplace_map", :duration => 1, :queue => 'front'), :html => {:id => "toggle_map_button", :class => "toggle_map_button"} %>
<%= gmaps(:map_options => {:detect_location => true, :center_on_user => true, :zoom => 6, :id => "marketplace_map" }, :markers => { "data" => #json }) %>
In my CSS file:
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
display: none; <= this doesn't get to be set (when I check in HTML code with Bugzilla)
In my RJS file upon action :toggle_map:
page << "document.getElementById('toggle_map_button').innerHTML =(document.getElementById('toggle_map_button').innerHTML == 'Show Map' ? 'Hide Map' : 'Show Map')"
page.flash_msg(:notice_box, flash[:notice]) if flash[:notice]
page.flash_msg(:error_box, flash[:error]) if flash[:error]
The whole things works perfect when starting with a page showing the map. The toggle action does set display:none; correctly ...
The issue is comes when starting with a hidden map and be able to click and slide it down.
Any ideas?

Look bit closer at the html generated, I bet it's looking like:
<div class="map_container">
<div id="marketplace_map" class="gmaps4rails_map"></div>
so the adequate CSS lever is the map_container class. Put display:none on it.
since visual_effect seems to need an id, two options:
override the gmaps4rails partial
wrap the gmaps helper in a div: <div id="foo"> <%= gmaps(bar) %> </div>
I've got another solution for you, just tested.
You were right saying the map is small when hidden the visible.
so add an option to your helper: <%= gmaps(whatever, :last_map => false)%>
This will not create the map, only load it's objects.
Then add some javascript (I use jQuery but you've got the idea):
var createMap = true;
if (counter == true)
Gmaps.loadMaps(); //this will create the map
counter = false;
$(".map_container").toggle(); // this hides and shows

resolved it thx to #apneadiving suggestion
added option:
:complete => 'Gmaps.loadMaps();' to visual_effect
In the view:
<%= link_to_remote "Show Map",
:url =>{:action => :toggle_map},
:method => :get,
:loading => visual_effect(:toggle_slide, "map", :duration => 1, :queue => 'front'),
:complete => 'Gmaps.loadMaps();',
:html => {:id => "toggle_map_button", :class => "toggle_map_button"} %>
<div id="map" style="display:none;" >
<%= gmaps(:map_options => {:detect_location => true, :center_on_user => true, :zoom => 6, :id => "marketplace_map", :last_map => false }, :markers => { "data" => #json }) %>


Bootstrap Dropdown with Form Insider

I have a bootstrap dropdown menu in my application that is working great, except that when I click on any of the input fields the dropdown menu fades out. I know about the javascript function $('.dropdown-menu').find('form').click(function (e) {
}); but in my case it doesnt seem to be doing anything.
Here is my code:
%a.dropdown-toggle{"data-toggle" => "dropdown", :href => "#"}
Sign In
%form{"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :action => "/users", :method => "post", :style => "margin: 0px"}
%div{:style => "margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"}
%input{:name => "utf8", :type => "hidden", :value => "✓"}/
%input{:name => "authenticity_token", :type => "hidden", :value => "4L/A2ZMYkhTD3IiNDMTuB/fhPRvyCNGEsaZocUUpw40="}/
%fieldset.textbox{:style => "padding:10px"}
%input{:placeholder => "Username", :style => "margin-top: 8px", :type => "text"}/
%input{:placeholder => "Passsword", :style => "margin-top: 8px", :type => "password"}/
%input.btn-primary{:name => "commit", :type => "submit", :value => "Log In"}/
Can anyone please point at my error? Why is this not working? Thank is advance.
Try this instead:
$('.dropdown input, .dropdown label').click(function(e) {

Rails AJAX select box

I am trying to have an AJAX event for a <select> box that will do some action when the selection changes. The select box is embedded inside inside a table's <td> tags
<%= form_tag '', { :id => 'test_form' } do %>
<select name='repo' value="<%= session[:repo] %>" >
<%#repos.sort! { |a,b| a.repo <=> b.repo }
#repos.each do |r| %>
<option <%= session[:repo]==r.repo ? "selected='repo'" : '' %>>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= observe_form( 'test_form', :frequency => 2,
:update => 'update_results',
:url => {:action => :update_report, :page => 0, :update => 1 },
:loading => "$('res_spin').show()", :complete => "$('res_spin').hide()" ) %>
I have embedded the select box in a form and the observe_form method to listen for a selection change. My controller function is update_report that will do something when the selection changes. For some reason, when the selection changes, the controller function is not getting called at all.
Turned on "Firebug" and seeing this error a lot of times
$(form) is null
var elements = $(form).getElementsByTagName('*'),
Try observe_field (as discussed here):
<%= observe_field(:state, :url => { :action => :update_report, :page => 0, :update => 1 },
:update => :update_results,
:with => 'repo'
) %>

RJS error "object doesn't support this property " on element update

I have the following code in the controller.
I am populating a drop down box dynamically based on the selection from another drop down box.
def update_releases
project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
releases = project.releases
puts "releases==#{releases}"
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html 'releases', :partial => 'releases', :object => releases
view code:
-form_tag reports_path(report_type=1),:method => :get, :multipart => true ,:id => "filter" do
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
//= select_tag "projects",options_from_collection_for_select(projects,"id","name",params[:projects]),{:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => {:action => "update_releases"},:with => "'project_id='+value")}"}
= select_tag "projects",options_from_collection_for_select(projects,"id","name",params[:projects]), :class => "update_releases"
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
<div id="releases">
= render :partial => 'releases', :object => #releases
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
<div id="cycles">
= render :partial => 'cycles', :object => #cycles
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
%td.grid.full_panels{:style => "width: 20%"}
=submit_tag "Submit"
= javascript_include_tag "pages/ic"
partials code :
= select_tag "releases",options_from_collection_for_select(releases,"id","name",params[:releases])
//change the releases drop down based on the selction of the projects drop down.
$('.update_releases').live("change", function(){
$.ajaxSetup({beforeSend: function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", $("meta[name='csrf-token']").attr("content")); }});
var project_id=($(this).val());
$.post('/reports/update_releases', {project_id: project_id});
return false;
I am getting an error element doesn't support this property" as a pop up on chaning the selection in the drop down box. Please help me out here.
As simple workaround try to use this code in controller:
respond_to do |format|
format.js render :partial => 'releases', :locals { :releases => releases }
In releases.js.haml:
$('#releases').html('#{render :partial => '<some_old_html_partial>', :locals => {:releases => releases}}')

page.insert_html not rendering partial correctly

The following is in the text_field.
= f.text_field :title, :size => 50, :onchange => remote_function(:update => :suggestions, :url => {:action => :display_question_search_results})
The following is in display_questions_search_results.rjs.
page.insert_html :bottom, 'suggestions', :partial => 'suggestions'
Whenever the user types, I'd like to search the database for any tuples that match the keywords in the text field. Then, display those results. But, at the moment, _suggestions.haml only contains the word "suggestions!!".
But, instead of seeing "suggestions!!" in the suggestions div tag, I get:
try { Element.insert("suggestions", { bottom: "suggestions!!" }); } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('Element.insert(\"suggestions\", { bottom: \"suggestions!!\" });'); throw e }
I've been trying to find out why this is being done, but the previously asked questions I found seem more complicated than what I'm doing...
If you specify element to update, it is assumed that your action will return html (not rjs/javascript), that will replace contents of specified element.
So, if you need to replace contents of :suggestions, just render partial in your controller:
render :partial => 'suggestions'
But if you need to add contents to this element, not to replace, remove :update => :suggestions from your view code:
= f.text_field :title, :size => 50, :onchange => remote_function(:url => {:action => :display_question_search_results})
And leave controller code as is:
page.insert_html :bottom, 'suggestions', :partial => 'suggestions'

How to disable Rails submit buttons alongside Prototype helpers & RJS?

I'm trying to follow this post How can I unobtrusively disable submit buttons with Javascript and Prototype? but I can't get it to work. The form triggers an RJS function, so I need to keep the helpers' onclick events intact. The RJS returns/reloads the same forms along with two new texts. I'm really confused. Here is my rails code for the forms:
/ new comparison . . .
/ voting forms (also reloaded)
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 1
= submit_tag "Vote for me", :disabled => false, :disable_with => 'Vote for me', :class => "compare"
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 2
= submit_tag "Vote for me", :disable_with => 'Vote for me', :class => "compare"
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 'draw'
= submit_tag "Declare Draw", :disable_with => 'Declare Draw', :class => "compare"
page.replace_html :comparison, :partial => 'poems', :object => #poems
page.insert_html :top, :previous, :partial => 'comparison', :object => #comparison
page << "Effect.ScrollTo($('top'));"
Here's one way you could do it using Prototype:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded" function() {
$$("input .compare").each(function(submit) {
submit.observe("click", function() {
submit = true;
This adds an onclick event handler to every input element with a compare CSS class (i.e. your submit buttons) when the DOM is loaded. The onclick event handlers disables each button when it's clicked. Note that adding event handlers using Prototype this way does not replace any existing event handlers on the elements.
