cpSpaceHashEach - 2 problems at the same line - ios

I'm trying to grasp basics of Chipmunk. In some tutorial I found a line:
cpSpaceHashEach(space->activeShapes, &updateShape, nil);
But I get 2 mistakes here:
1) Implicit declaration of function is invalid in C99
2) No member named 'activeShapes' in 'struct cpSpace'
What is wrong? Why doesn't it work? Do I need to include something else?

Just to clarify with some code in case anyone else runs into this problem, instead of
cpSpaceHashEach(space->activeShapes, &updateShape, nil);
you'd use:
cpSpaceEachShape(space, &updateShape, nil);
Apparently this change was done so it is easier to keep the code future-proof since the activeShapes were not meant to be used in this way.

Digging into the changelog: (https://github.com/slembcke/Chipmunk-Physics/blob/master/VERSION.txt)
If you look, you'll find that in Chipmunk 5.x cpSpace.*Shapes were marked as private members of the cpSpace struct in the header. Then, in Chipmunk 6.x, private access was disabled by default and a cpSpaceEachShape() function appeared that almost exactly replaced cpSpaceHashEach() + cpSpace.activeShapes that you are trying to do.


applying MSDDetector in colab

I have trouble writing the MSD detector correctly. However, it has no attribute ''create''.
I wrote the following code. But my session crashed for an unknown reason.
I will appreciate any help.
unfortunately, you've found a bug here.
there should be a ´XXX_create()´ function, but someone forgot to expose it to the python api, by adding a CV_WRAP to the function signature here
(and no, you cannot use the 'ordinary' constructor, it does not produce a valid instance (will segfault, if you call any method on it !!))
please raise an issue here
if you're able to build from src, try to fix it locally, by changing that line to:
CV_WRAP static Ptr<MSDDetector> create(....

Rendering image using texSubImage2D in Haxe

I am learning how to stamp an image onto my canvas using Haxe and I have read that texSubImage2D should be the function I need to do the job.
I have read some documentation found here and thought I could implement what I was after by completing the following params:
void gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, format, type, HTMLImageElement? pixels);
This is what I did:
gl.texSubImage2D (cast fluid.dyeRenderTarget.writeToTexture, 0, Math.round(mouse.x), Math.round(mouse.y), gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, document.querySelector('img[src="images/myImage.jpg"]'));
However, when I try to build the project, I am getting the following errors:
src/Main.hx:571: characters 135-191 : js.html.Element should be Int
src/Main.hx:571: characters 135-191 : For function argument 'format'
When I went back to the docs, the format I have passed gl.RGB is an accepted param, so I am not sure where I am going wrong.
Any guidance would be really appreciated.
I can't quite reproduce the error message you're getting, I think the errors might have improved a bit in more in recent Haxe versions. Anyway, there's a few issues here:
Firstly, by doing gl.RGB / gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, you're trying to access static fields from an instance. I actually get a helpful error for this:
Cannot access static field RGB from a class instance
While other languages allow this, Haxe does not, you have to access them through the class name. To fix this, simply prefix js.html.webgl.RenderingContext.
Secondly, querySelector() returns a plain js.html.Element, which none of the overloads accepts. They all want something more specific: VideoElement, ImageElement or CanvasElement. So you'd have to cast it first:
var image:js.html.ImageElement = cast document.querySelector('img[src="images/myImage.jpg"]');
Finally, it seems a bit suspicious that you'd need to cast the first parameter. Even if it works, there might be a nicer way of doing that with the wrapper you're using.
So in summary, the following should compile:
gl.texSubImage2D(cast fluid.dyeRenderTarget.writeToTexture, 0,
Math.round(mouse.x), Math.round(mouse.y),
RenderingContext.RGB, RenderingContext.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);

declaring a generic type "of a generic type"

Not exactly sure how to pose this question, but using lazarus v1.8.2 I am attempting to define a generic type, using another generic type:
//initial interface
IOtherInterface<T> = interface
function ExampleFunction : T;
//some generic record
TSomething<T> = record
Something : T;
//attempting to further genericize
IOtherSomething<T> = IOtherInterface<TSomething<T>>;
The error I receive is:
Fatal: Syntax error, "," expected but "<" found
I'm using mode delphi as I want to remain compliant for both compilers. I feel pretty confident that I've done this sort of specialization in delphi before, but don't have great access to a professional version to test.
Is this a limitation to on FPC side of things, or perhaps am I missing something? Any help is greatly appreciated
I am not sure what
IOtherSomething<T> = IOtherInterface<TSomething<T>>;
is meant to achieve here. If you are trying to extend the interface you need something like
IOtherSomething<T> = interface(IOtherInterface<TSomething<T>>)
which does compile in Delphi. I don't have Lazarus to test.
If this is not what you are trying to do I will delete the answer.
If it is, I will edit to remove these comments.
Afaik you should still declare IOtherInterface and later specialize it with TSomething .
Generics.Collections works this way (with TPair in the role of TSomething ).
Anyway, FPC fixes has a problem with double specializations, it sees >> or << as shift tokens. This is fixed in trunk

Possibly Bug in Websharper Zafir-Libraries (Beta)

I'm trying to create a Sitelet with SiteletBuilder in C#:
return WebSharper.Sitelets.Content.Page(...)
However, the class Websharper.Sitelet contains Content both as Struct and Class.
So, this does not compile.
Versions of Zafir-Libraries are
How to reference WebSharper.Sitelets.Content proberly?
Or is this indeed a bug?
Thanks for the report, created ticket: https://github.com/intellifactory/websharper/issues/645
I have been testing with having using WebSharper.Sitelets; and then using with shorter form Content.Page(...). C# can resolve this for some reason, although the name conflict indeed exists in WebSharper.Sitelets.dll

SharpDX ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile to PixelShader

Currently i am working on a migration from SlimDX to SharpDX. Some things are different between them, like loading shaders etc:
I have a problem creating the PixelShader class (same applies to the VertexShader class). The problem is, every example I found on this subject will not compile.
For example:
using (var pixelShaderByteCode = ShaderBytecode.CompileFromFile(filename, "PS", "ps_5_0", shaderFlags))
shader.PixelShader = new SharpDX.Direct3D11.PixelShader(device, pixelShaderByteCode);
The problem is, SharpDX.Direct3D11.PixelShader does not take a ComplilationResult as parameter. I could use the vertexShaderByteCode.Bytecode which is a ShaderBytecode, but this is also invalid.
There is a vertexShaderByteCode.Bytecode.Data which is a DataStream. I might create the byte[] from it, but I think this could be solved easier? Did I missed something?
using: SharpDX 3.1.1
I have found the problem:
Looks like i need to reference the SharpDX.D3DCompiler also, to compile for DX11. It was using the DX9 compiler.
SharpDX.D3DCompiler.ShaderBytecode(DX11) vs SharpDX.Direct3D9.ShaderBytecode(DX9)
I'll leave this for anyone who has the same struggles.
CompilationResult is returned by the compile and you can test if the bytecode is null, if it is, you can then check the error codes (Best in debug though :)).
HasErrors : boolean
Message : string
Check these also.
