linking an inline swf wall post to a native ios app - ios

I have a Facebook application where you can create an animation and share it on your wall. Each feed has a swf player that lets users to play the animation directly on the wall. (like any shared video). As IOS does not support flash, I have also created a native IOS application for playing those animations.
These posts can't be played on IOS devices, when touched, 'Flash Player update required' placeholder is shown.
What I want to do is, to have an alternative link for iPads to play these feeds on my native IOS app (like fb://APP_ID/video_url).
Is it possible to provide a native IOS App url for inline swf feeds?

I don't think swf playing is possible on iOS, inline or not. The only thing you can do, is to convert that animation to an iOS compatible format, like QuickTime, or HTML5.


Unity ReplayKit how to bypass native preview?

Using the Unity ReplayKit API from
I can record, preview and share screen recordings just fine, however due to design & UX requirements I need to have custom buttons to invoke sharing/saving of the recorded clip. I need to show the recorded clip right after the capture (for example like videotexture on a plane) in the background with custom share button overlays.
Is there a way to access the clip captured by ReplayKit and bypass iOS native preview screen?
With iOS 11, you can have direct access to the video. See
You can save it using AVAssetWriter, then do whatever you want with it after that.
This project doesn't completely work, but will head you in the right direction:

Custom camera view on iOS from HTML5

I'm building an app for iOS which I'm currently developing using web programming languages. HTML, CSS, jQuery etc. I do that because it's quicker for me to work with these languages, in a first time.
My app will give users the possibility to record a video, and I know it is possible to do that since iOS 6 with HTML5 and to upload it to my server. However, I would like to be able to create a custom camera view, for example just like the one in Snapchat, with the ability to record a custom duration for the video (for example max 20 seconds), with a progress bar etc.
My first question is : from HTML5, is it possible to limit the duration of the record of a video ? For example with maximum 20 seconds ?
Second question : is it possible for me to continue to develop my app with web languages and when the user clicks on the "record a video button", an event is fired IN the iOS code directly ? So I can launch a custom camera view in iOS language and then send it directly to my server from the iOS code ?
Thanks for your help.
First question:
No, you can't create a custom camera view in HTML. This needs to be done in Swift or Objective-C on the device.
Second question:
I've read, that the new WKWebView can recieve messages from a Javascript.
This tutorial explains, how your app can communicate with the Javascript via delegate-calls. It requires, that your content is NOT displayed in an UIWebView, but in an WKWebView (iOS 8 or newer required)

Any way to enable user interaction while viewing fullscreen video in iOS browsers?

My research tells me that there is now way to escape fullscreen video viewing in iOS browsers on iPhone or iTouch. It also seems there there is no way to modify the native controls that are displayed along with the video. Is the user in a total blackbox while viewing video in this case?
I'm trying to find someway for a user to indicate that they like a video as it is playing. Is there anything I can do that isn't a hack? If not is there any indication from Apple that they will ever be willing to change this? I'd rather not make an app out of this project.
You actually can play a video in line on an iOS browser, if this is what you are aiming for although there are restrictions - updated answer:
Play video inline in a browser on iOS
Safari on large screen iOS (iPad) should support inline video (I don't have iPAD hand to verify this still works...).
Safari on 'small screen' iOS (i.e. iPhone) will not support inline video as standard. There is at least one workaround which will allow it but this does bypass much of the native video playback performance gains so it may not meet your needs. It is a work in progress still as you will see from the link, but try the demo on an iPhone browser - you need to hit the small play button beside the video, rather than the one on top of the video at the time of writing:
Playing inline in a UIWebView on iOS
Take a look at this Apple Developer page:
In particular:
A Boolean value that determines whether HTML5 videos play inline or use the native full-screen controller.
The default value on iPhone is NO.
In order for video to play inline, not only does this property need to be set on the view, but the video element in the HTML document must also include the webkit-playsinline attribute.

HTML Recording video on iOS

I'm new to HTML coding, and i'm currently trying to build an app in iOS like snapchat, that will take a users camera and record without stopping if the user goes into the main menu or whatever. I'm looking for some HTML5 code that will allow me to have the main interface just be the back camera output, with buttons that i'll have over the front.
A few searches have led me here:
Which I have tried to make work but iOS does not support it.
I'm basically asking: How do I make an app record video with it starting on screen?
You could write a web app to do this, but not a native app (i.e. from the App Store). For that, you'll need to learn Objective-C or Swift, then take a look at the AVFoundation framework.

How to integrate a music player in iOS system

How can I integrate a music app in the iOS system that my own custom player can handle actions (play, pause, forward) from the unlock screen and how to integrate that is displayed as player app in the double-click-home-button menu like on this screenshot Spotify does:
EDIT: The application itself is based at the Media Player Framework, but in this documents there isn't any hint how to get the custom player in this 'double-click-home-button' menu.
If you register your application for remote control events, and if you start playing either audio or video, your application will automatically take over these controls. See Apple's documentation for more info. This API is available on iOS 4 and later.
To set the string below the controls ("The Butterfly Defect" in your screenshot), use MPNowPlayingInfoCenter, available on iOS 5 and later.
