How to delete a jqgrid row without reloading the entire grid? -

I have a webpage with multiple jqgrids each with inline editing enabled, "action" column (edit icons) enabled and pager disabled. I need to handle the delete event for each row so that I can process the delete without reloading server-side data. I've looked at the approach mentioned in jqGrid Delete a Row and it's very helpful except I have two questions that are stumping me -
Are there more details around the rp_ge parameter in the delOptions.onClickSubmit event?
My column has the delOptions set as this -
delOptions: {onclickSubmit: function(rp_ge, rowid) {return onRowDelete(rp_ge,rowid);}},processing:true }},
Is there a way to get the grid id from within that event? I'd like to have a generic function that I can use to handle delete events from all the grids on the page. The rp_ge parameter has a gbox which sometimes contains the grid id appended? But I have no idea what it is since i'm not able to figure out when it's populated, when it's not.
function onRowDelete(rp_ge, rowid) {
//hardcoded grid id.. don't like it.
var gridid = '#Grid_X';
//what is this gbox?? can i get grid id predictable from it?
//var gridid = rp_ge.gbox.replace("#gbox_", "");
var grid = $('#Grid_X');
rp_ge.processing = true;
var result = grid.delRowData(rowid);
if (result) {
$("#delmod" + grid[0].id).hide();
return true;
In the jqGrid Delete a Row approach, the code $("#delmod"+grid[0].id).hide(); is hiding the popup delete confirmation dialog manually. What I noticed is that when the dialog pops-up, jqgrid de-emphasizes the background page (makes it light greyish). But after the popup is manually closed (hidden actually?), the background remains de-emphasized. So it looks like the page doesn't have focus (or even disabled). Any way this can be fixed? This can also be seen on the demo that Oleg wrote.
Any help would be appreciated.
(PS - I would've commented on the same post but I don't have enough points to comment on someone else's answer yet.)

In answer to your second point.
Several examples by Oleg such as this one have the following modification.
$("#delmod" + grid[0].id).hide();
is replaced with
This will return focus after the delete operation.


setColumnOrder() on Grid in Vaadin Flow seems to cause the getSortOrder() list to increment infinitely in the event of the sort listener

I believe I have found a bug in the Vaadin Grid that can be replicated with the code below.
I would like to save the grid's sorting order whenever it's changed and then restore it when the grid is loaded. The main issue is that the GridSortOrder list just keeps incrementing in size for the event in the sort listener rather than replacing the sortorder list. I believe this is a bug within Vaadin 14-20 because it only happens if I call setColumnOrder() in the reset method below (removing that call it works as expected). In other words calling setColumnOrder() seems to add the list of GridSortOrder to the event in the sort listener when it should be replacing it. This is actually also true if you do grid.getSortOrder() in the listener, meaning it's not just the event but also the grid that is compromised.
This can be replicated consistently with the code below. You will first need to change the sort order of Description column by clicking on the column header. Then just click on Reset button 5-10 times. Once this is done click on the Description column header to change the sort order one more time. The System.out for the listener will show a size of a list of 20 GridSortOrder instead of the expected 2 GridSortOrder. There will be replications of columns over and over.
Grid<Car> grid = new Grid<>();
grid.addSortListener(event -> {
System.out.println("Event: " + event.getSortOrder().size() + " : " + event.isFromClient());
System.out.println("Grid: " + grid.getSortOrder().size() + " : " + event.isFromClient());
Button resetButton = new Button("Reset", click -> {
System.out.println("Reset: " + grid.getSortOrder().size());
add(grid, resetButton);
private void defaultSort(Grid grid) {
new GridSortOrder<>(grid.getColumnByKey("Name"), SortDirection.ASCENDING),
new GridSortOrder<>(grid.getColumnByKey("Price"), SortDirection.ASCENDING)
If I remove grid.setColumnOrder() from the above then the List<GridSortOrder> works as expected and is two in the event listener. What's especially interesting is that event.getSortOrder().size() will increase by 2 every time the resetButton is clicked (but you'll only see it in the sort listener). It doesn't matter if the setColumnOrder() is before or after the call to defaultSort().
With that in mind if you debug grid.setColumnOrder() it seems to call updateClientSideSorterIndicators(sortOrder) which is what I believe is the cause and is where it's being added to the GridSortOrder list. That being said I'm not sure how to proceed from here so that I can reset the grid's setting when clicking on the Reset button.
FYI: This is an issue for me because I'm trying to save the state of the Grid to the database so that when the user reloads the screen (a very complex one) all their grid settings including the sorting order, the column order, and so on are preserved. However with this bug it's impossible to save the sorting order.
PS: This seems to be true in both Vaadin 14 and Vaadin 20.

Drag and drop in AngularJS

I am trying to implement Drag and Drop using c0deformer's jQuery UI implementation (see here: The dragging part works fine, but I can't seem to get the functionality I am after in terms of the drop. In this application, I want to be able to drop the draggable items anywhere within a target div, i.e., I don't want the destination scope to be limited to a list-type structure (or a set of repeated divs). Mainly this is because the user will be dragging items on the fly and there will be no way of knowing how many items the user will drag and drop in advance.
I have scoured the web and cannot find an example in Angular that uses drag and drop without effectively dragging from one list to another list. Can this be done? If so, I am not sure how I would appropriately update the scope after an item has been dragged. In this example code below, the dropped items are pushed into the scope of a second list and the new scope is applied. Ideally, the scope of the dropped items is the target div I mentioned above. I'm really new to Angular, so any advice is immensely appreciated.
Snippet from c0deformer:
app.directive('droppable', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope,element,attrs){
//This makes an element Droppable
drop:function(event,ui) {
var dragIndex = angular.element(ui.draggable).data('index'),
dragEl = angular.element(ui.draggable).parent(),
dropEl = angular.element(this);
if (dragEl.hasClass('list1') && !dropEl.hasClass('list1') && reject !== true) {
scope.list1.splice(dragIndex, 1);
} else if (dragEl.hasClass('list2') && !dropEl.hasClass('list2') && reject !== true) {
scope.list2.splice(dragIndex, 1);
I recently created an angular directive for drag and drop that doesn't rely on jquery-ui. It uses the html5 drag and drop api. It also doesn't have any requirements on the format of the data to be dragged or dropped, it simply sets up a hook for you to be notified when one element is dragged onto another.
Post here:
Demo here:

JQuery table sorter pager with AJAX - sorting not working ok

I have a problem with JQuery table sorter pager plugin.
I am trying to use paging with AJAX call. It seems to work OK for most cases, but I am unable to get the sorting working.
The problem is that when the request is made it always looks like (assuming the code from example here):
just like the last parameter {sortList:col} is never actually replaced with proper sorting column.
If I'm reading the example correctly the request for sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] should actually look like:
But in my case it never is. Also when I click on the header the sorting is performed, but no request is made.
Is there anything I am missing in the linked example?
The first part of my problem has been solved by replacing the plugin with the newest version.
For the second part, I still cannot get a request when clicking (sorting) columns. The ajaxProcessing function is almost exactly the same as in the example here, only headers variable is renamed.
As Mottie sugested I am posting an example result from AJAX call (MS MVC JsonResult):
"headers":["Id.","Date","User name","File name","status","Hash","Link"],
"UserName":"John Doe",
"FileNameLink":"\u003ca style=\"padding-left:10px\" href=\"GetFile?Id=21&fileName=test.txt\"\u003eSave\u003c/a\u003e"
I apologize, but I didn't get a chance to thoroughly test the latest changes to the pager. Some of the code was written by someone else, so I might have missed something obvious.
Anyway, this might be the bug that is causing you problems. It resets the table to the first page after each sort... I'll have fixed in the next update.
In the pager plugin, lines 460-470 is this code:
.bind('filterEnd.pager sortEnd.pager', function() {
//Prevent infinite event loops from occuring by setting this in all moveToPage calls and catching it here.
if ($.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered')) {
$.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered', false);
} = 0;
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
moveToPage(table, c);
changeHeight(table, c);
Just change the = 0 to this:
if (e.type === 'filterEnd') { = 0; }
and add an e to the function(e).

Chosen not working in jquery dialog on reloading mvc partial

I am loading two MVC Partial Views in jQuery UI dialog using following code for editing and adding a record:
$.get(url, function(data)
var $form = $(formid);
$"validator", null);
var dat = $"unobtrusiveValidation");
var opts = dat ? dat.options || '' : '';
Following is the function that wires-up chosen functionality.
function runEditCreateStartScripts(){
no_results_text: "no match",
allow_single_deselect: true
Everything is perfect on first call. After opening one dialog say edit a few times everything is broken. There is only hyperlink available in place of chosen stuff. This also happens if I open one dialog say add and then second dialog. The bindings and other functionality from first one (add) is gone.
Any insights on why this might be happening?
The problem that caused my issue was that the modals I was loading via AJAX had inputs with the SAME ID as an input field that was already on the page (using Django that has generic ID generators for model fields). This caused collision between the two inputs when re-triggering .chosen() on the selector. When I made the ID fields unique, all worked as expected.
Hope this would have helped.

JQGrid afterCellEdit function

After working on with master detail with JQGrid , I am trying to get partial view data added to a div block.
what I am trying to do is
afterEditCell: function () {
url: "/order/Selected/",
type: "GET",
success: function (response, status, xhr) {
var jqContainer = $('.right');
I am using inline cell editing
jQuery('#list10_d').jqGrid('editRow', id, true,);
ONce I edit value in cell it does send the update to server wher I am able to update selected dataitems with value.
Once this is done I want to load partial view which contains information about selected data item
afterEditCell event never fires.
I have checked the ajax call by adding it to $().ready.
Am I using the right event. Is there a better way to add partial view after row has been edited?
There are a misunderstanding because jqGrid is a grid which can do probably too many things. The problem is that Inline Editing, Form Editing and Cell Editing are three absolutely different implementation of jgGrid editing. You can combine Inline Editing and Form Editing. There are some common grid settings used during all of editing modes. The events used by editRow can be defined as parameters of editRow. You can use succesfunc or aftersavefunc for your purpose. The Events of the cell editing will be
not fired by editRow which is the part of Inline Editing.
I may have got one solution from another post on SO
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
function updateSelected(rowid, result) {
return true;
and inside JQGrid script
jqGrid('editRow', id, true, '', updateSelected, '', '', '');
Though it works for me I will stillwant to know if it is possible to do so using cell events?
