Call Delphi DLL from C++\CLI with many parameters - delphi

I have Delphi 2010 built DLL with two methods:
function Foo1(a, b: Integer):PChar; export; stdcall;
function Foo2(a, b, c:Integer):PChar; export; stdcall;
exports Foo1, Foo2;
Each of them returns Result := PChar('Test') .
My C++\CLI code
in header
typedef const wchar_t* (*pFUNC1)(int a, int b);
pFUNC1 TestFoo1;
typedef const wchar_t* (*pFUNC2)(int a, int b, int c);
pFUNC2 TestFoo2;
Initialize by LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions.
Usage: TestFoo1(0,0) and TestFoo2(0,0,0);
Both works in Release mode.
But in Debug mode Foo2 is being aborted.
Please advise what is wrong.

Most likely you have calling convention mismatch. Change the stdcall in the Delphi to cdecl to match your C++/CLI code.
As an aside, you will need to be careful with the lifetime of your strings if ever you attempt to return a value from the DLL that is not a literal stored in read-only memory in the data segment. But that's not the problem here because PChar('Test') has the same lifetime as the DLL.


Convert variable arguments in C stdcall interface method to Delphi

I am converting the ICallFrame interface to Delphi and I am not sure how to handle the ICallFrame::Invoke method.
This is the definition:
void *pvReceiver,
Per documentation the varargs directive works only with external routines and only with the cdecl calling convention.
It's a bit strange as Invoke is declared with STDMETHODCALLTYPE thus __stdcall, which is a callee-clean convention. But a variadic function cannot be callee-clean since the callee does not know how many parameters were passed.
Is there some kind of compiler magic if you do this with Visual Studio?
Even if compiler magic uses cdecl, the Delphi compiler doesn't accept this (because it's not external) E2070 Unknown directive: 'varargs'
ICallFrame = interface(IUnknown)
// other methods left out
function Invoke(pvReceiver: PVOID): HRESULT; cdecl; varargs;
Based on Rudy's answer it seems this could work:
TfnInvoke = function(this: Pointer; pvReceiver: Pointer): HRESULT; cdecl varargs;
function GetInterfaceMethod(const intf; methodIndex: dword) : pointer;
Result := Pointer(pointer(dword_ptr(pointer(intf)^) + methodIndex * SizeOf(Pointer))^);
Invoker: TfnInvoke;
// Don't forget IUnknown methods when counting!
Invoker := GetInterfaceMethod(myIntf, 21);
Invoker(myIntf, FObject, 11, 17.3);
I will test with this and report back...
EDIT: tested and works.
Stdcall cannot use variable arguments. Any C or C++ function taking variable arguments must be __cdecl, because only in that calling convention, the caller (code), which knows how many parameters were passed, cleans up the stack. Even if the default calling convention is stdcall, var args functions will be cdecl.
Delphi can not generate functions like that, but it can consume existing external C functions (in a DLL or .obj file) using the varargs directive.
So a C (or C++) function like
HRESULT Invoke(void *pvReceiver, ...);
should be converted as:
function Invoke(pvReceiver: Pointer); cdecl; varargs;
Note that you leave out the ... part in the Delphi declaration. It is assumed when you use the varargs directive.
And that allows you to use it in Delphi like in C or C++:
Invoke(someReceiver, 17, 1.456);
Another example: for instance the well known C function printf():
int printf(const char *format, ...);
is declared as
function printf(format: PAnsiChar {args}): Integer; cdecl; varargs;
in System.Win.Crtl.pas.
This seems to be a method of an interface.
Not sure if that works, but I would try:
TInvoke = function(Intf: IInterface; pvReceiver: Pointer): HRESULT; cdecl varargs;
// No semicolon between cdecl and varargs.
and use it as:
MyResult := TInvoke(#myIntf.Invoke)(myIntf, someReceiver, 11, 17.3);
This method may have been declared as __stdcall (through the STDMETHODCALLTYPE macro), but even then, if it is variadic, the (VC++) compiler will generate __cdecl, as Remy Lebeau found in Raymond Chen's blog.

How to properly statically link C with Delphi?

How can I properly statically link C with Delphi? Delphi spits out an error saying:
[dcc32 Error] Project1.dpr(15): E2065 Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: 'Test'
The C compiler is Visual C++ with COFF object file.
program Project1;
{$L C:\Source.obj}
function Test(): Integer; cdecl; external;
extern "C" int __cdecl Test()
return 12;
int main()
return 0;
It depends on the name decoration used by whichever C compiler you are using. For example, the 32 bit bcc32 compiler will decorate Test as _Test. So the Delphi code to link to it should be:
function Test(): Integer; cdecl; external name '_Test';
But the decoration does vary between compilers, and you did not say which compiler you are using. If the code above doesn't help, then you should use your C compiler's tools to dump the obj file and inspect the names of the functions within.
Another problem is that you are actually using a C++ compiler rather than a C compiler. That can be discerned from your use of
extern "C"
which is not valid C. You should remove this and switch to a C compiler. Changing the extension from .cpp to .c will usually suffice to persuade the compiler to treat the code as C.
If you start calling functions from the C standard library, such as malloc and friends, then you will want to add the System.Win.Crtl unit to your Delphi code's uses clause.
Note also that you need not, and indeed probably should not, implement a main function in your C code. If you want to compiler your C functions into a separate C program then place the functions in separate source files, apart from the source file that contains the main function. That way you can compile the source files into objects. You can link them into either a C program, or your Delphi code. But you don't need to carry around a main function in your Delphi program that you don't call.
In C the correct signature for a parameterless main is
int main(void)
Similarly, your other C function should have this signature:
int __cdecl Test(void)
Of course, the __cdecl is the default, so we are perfectly at liberty to omit it:
int Test(void)
Let's put it all together:
int Test(void)
return 12;
Important that you compile with a C compiler and do not compile as C++. If your compile is, as you now state in an edit, MSVC, the command line would be:
cl /c source.c
{$L Source.obj}
function Test: Integer; cdecl; external name '_Test';

Calling C DLL from Delphi program

In my Delphi code I have to call a DLL's function (written in Visual C) with the following prototype:
int PWFunc(LPCSTR szName, int nWidth, int nHeight, LPCSTR szFileName)
How can I convert Delphi AnsiString variables (for Name and FileName) into right type parameters (LPCSTR szName and szFileName) of function call ?
I know that VC LPCSTR type corresponds to Delphi PAnsiChar type, but what is the right procedure to convert AnsiString to PAnsiChar ?
LPCSTR and LPSTR correspond to PAnsiChar, so that is what you use:
function PWFunc(szName: PAnsiChar; nWidth, nHeight: Longint;
szFileName: PAnsiChar): Longint; cdecl { or stdcall, see documentation };
external 'somedll.dll' name 'PWFunc';
You call it like:
X := PWFunc(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(SomeName)), 17, 33,
Whether your function is stdcall or dcecl depends on compiler settings. Read the documentation. If in doubt, try both. It looks like cdecl to me, so start with that.

Access violation at address 003B0E8E in module 'MpLib.dll'. Read of address 00120BF4

I've searched around Stackoverflow for the issue I was having, but they were all very specific for that particular access violation.
The piece of code I believe I am having trouble with is a function called MpqExtractFile, stored in a DLL.
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: AnsiString): Boolean; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
if MpqExtractFile(hMPQ, 'war3map.j', AnsiString(tempDir+'\war3map.j')) = True
then ShowMessage('Success.')
else ShowMessage('Failed.');
Upon execution of this code my application throws the access violation error so the ShowMessage is not displayed at all.
I am unsure if the above is adequate to even estimate what the problem could be, but if there is anything else I should please tell me.
This is an extract of the VB.NET source code that I have been interpreting:
Declare Function MpqExtractFile Lib "MpqLib.dll" Alias "B2" (ByVal hMPQ As Integer, ByVal szToExtract As String, ByVal szExtracted As String) As Boolean
I am obviously not familiar with declarations in other languages, but I have found the below function in the same VB file where the VB functions were declared.
BOOL WINAPI MpqExtractFile(HANDLE hMpq, const char * szToExtract, const char * szExtracted);
Thank you in advanced!
AnsiString is the completely wrong type to use, unless the DLL was writting in Delphi/C++Builder and actually used AnsiString in its parameters. If that were the case, you would need to know which version of Delphi/C++Builder the DLL was written in, because the memory layout of AnsiString was changed in 2009.
In any case, it is very dangerous to pass non-POD data across DLL boundaries, so most DLLs do not do that. The parameters in question are most likely PAnsiChar instead, eg:
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): Boolean; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
if MpqExtractFile(hMPQ, 'war3map.j', PAnsiChar(AnsiString(tempDir+'\war3map.j'))) then
Other points to consider:
1) not all DLLs use the stdcall calling convention. It is not uncommon for DLLs written in C, like many open-source libraries are, to use the cdecl calling convention instead:
function MpqExtractFile(var hMPQ: Integer; szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): Boolean; cdecl; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
2) C does not have a true Boolean data type like Delphi and C++ do. It is not uncommon for C code to use Byte or even Integer to mimic a Boolean.
In order to use a DLL in Delphi, you really need to know the actual proper declaration of its exported functions. This is less of an issue in C/C++ because most DLLs have an accompanied .h file that provides the declarations. Do you have such a .h file? If so, post it here so someone can verify your translation to Delphi.
Based on new information, the correct Delphi declaration is this:
function MpqExtractFile(hMpq: THandle; const szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): BOOL; stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
Your declaration is:
Declare Function MpqExtractFile Lib "MpqLib.dll" Alias "B2" (
ByVal hMPQ As Integer, ByVal szToExtract As String,
ByVal szExtracted As String) As Boolean
The equivalent Delphi import would be:
function MpqExtractFile(MpqExtractFile: Integer;
szToExtract, szExtracted: PAnsiChar): BOOL;
stdcall; external 'MpqLib.dll' name 'B2';
Delphi string types should not be used for interop. The p/invoke marshaller maps String to C++ char* which is PAnsiChar in Delphi.
This sort of task really should be carried out with the C++ header file. You say you have not got that. If the DLL is written in C++ then the header file surely exists. It would pay to track it down and work from that as your source.

Why can a WideString not be used as a function return value for interop?

I have, on more than one occasion, advised people to use a return value of type WideString for interop purposes.
Accessing Delphi DLL throwing ocasional exception
ASP.NET web app calling Delphi DLL on IIS webserver, locks up when returning PChar string
Why can Delphi DLLs use WideString without using ShareMem?
The idea is that a WideString is the same as a BSTR. Because a BSTR is allocated on the shared COM heap then it is no problem to allocate in one module and deallocate in a different module. This is because all parties have agreed to use the same heap, the COM heap.
However, it seems that WideString cannot be used as a function return value for interop.
Consider the following Delphi DLL.
library WideStringTest;
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Result := 'TestWideString';
function TestBSTR: TBstr; stdcall;
Result := SysAllocString('TestBSTR');
procedure TestWideStringOutParam(out str: WideString); stdcall;
str := 'TestWideStringOutParam';
TestWideString, TestBSTR, TestWideStringOutParam;
and the following C++ code:
typedef BSTR (__stdcall *Func)();
typedef void (__stdcall *OutParam)(BSTR &pstr);
HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary(DLLNAME);
Func TestWideString = (Func) GetProcAddress(lib, "TestWideString");
Func TestBSTR = (Func) GetProcAddress(lib, "TestBSTR");
OutParam TestWideStringOutParam = (OutParam) GetProcAddress(lib,
BSTR str = TestBSTR();
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
str = NULL;
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
str = NULL;
str = TestWideString();//fails here
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
The call to TestWideString fails with this error:
Unhandled exception at 0x772015de in BSTRtest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Similarly, if we try to call this from C# with p/invoke, we have a failure:
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
static extern string TestWideString();
The error is:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in ConsoleApplication10.exe
Additional information: External component has thrown an exception.
Calling TestWideString via p/invoke works as expected.
So, use pass-by-reference with WideString parameters and mapping them onto BSTR appears to work perfectly well. But not for function return values. I have tested this on Delphi 5, 2010 and XE2 and observe the same behaviour on all versions.
Execution enters the Delphi and fails almost immediately. The assignment to Result turns into a call to System._WStrAsg, the first line of which reads:
Now, EAX is $00000000 and naturally there is an access violation.
Can anyone explain this? Am I doing something wrong? Am I unreasonable in expecting WideString function values to be viable BSTRs? Or is it just a Delphi defect?
In regular Delphi functions, the function return is actually a parameter passed by reference, even though syntactically it looks and feels like an 'out' parameter. You can test this out like so (this may be version dependent):
function DoNothing: IInterface;
if Assigned(Result) then
ShowMessage('result assigned before invocation')
ShowMessage('result NOT assigned before invocation');
procedure TestParameterPassingMechanismOfFunctions;
X: IInterface;
X := TInterfaceObject.Create;
X := DoNothing;
To demonstrate call TestParameterPassingMechanismOfFunctions()
Your code is failing because of a mismatch between Delphi and C++'s understanding of the calling convention in relation to the passing mechanism for function results. In C++ a function return acts like the syntax suggests: an out parameter. But for Delphi it is a var parameter.
To fix, try this:
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Pointer(Result) := nil;
Result := 'TestWideString';
In C#/C++ you will need to define the Result as out Parameter, in order to maintain binary code compatibility of stdcall calling conventions:
Returning Strings and Interface References From DLL Functions
In the stdcall calling convention, the function’s result is passed via the CPU’s EAX register. However, Visual C++ and Delphi generate different binary code for these routines.
Delphi code stays the same:
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Result := 'TestWideString';
C# code:
// declaration
static extern void TestWideString([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string Result);
string s;
TestWideString(out s);
