Mvc 3 validation of property that throws an exception -

I have a property on my Model Class that performs a type conversion as follows:
public class TimeClass
private int timeInSeconds;
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Timer
get {
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0,0,(int)timeInSeconds);
return ts.ToString(#"mm\:ss",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
set {
try {
var ts = TimeSpan.ParseExact(value, #"mm\:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
timeInSeconds= Convert.ToInt32(ts.TotalSeconds);
catch {
//Is it possible to add a validation error to the modelstate here
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection)
string[] whitelist = new[] {"Id", "Timer" };
if (TryUpdateModel(quiz, whitelist))
//Save to Repo
return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { Id = Id });
return View(tc);
What is the appropriate pattern to add an appropriate ModelError if the TimeSpan.Parse throws an exception?
Currently it will give the generic error "The value "xxx" is invalid". How can I customize this to return a specific error?

Rather than putting the try catch within your model, you could move the error handling to your controller code. For example if the tryupdatemodel throws an exception you could add a custom model error:
TimeClass model = new TimeClass();
string[] whitelist = new[] {"Id", "Timer" };
//Save to Repo
return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { Id = Id });
// Generate error
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Model Error Here");
return View(tc);


WCF---Consuming CRUD operation using Linq in ASP.NET MVC application?

enter image description here
First step...Opened WCF created IService:
namespace CRUDOperationWCFMVC
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IService1" in both code and config file together.
public interface IService1
bool CreateDetails(EmployeeDetails employeeDetails);
bool UpdateDetails(EmployeeDetails employeeDetails);
bool DeleteDetails(int id);
List<EmployeeDetails> GetDetails();
public class EmployeeDetails
public int EmpID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public int? Salary { get; set; }
Step 2: then I implemented service code:
public class Service1 : IService1
DataClasses1DataContext dcd = new DataClasses1DataContext();
public bool CreateDetails(EmployeeDetails employeeDetails)
Nevint emp = new Nevint();
emp.EmpID= employeeDetails.EmpID;
emp.Name = employeeDetails.Name;
emp.Location = employeeDetails.Location;
emp.Salary = employeeDetails.Salary;
return true;
public bool DeleteDetails(int id)
var delete = (from v in dcd.Nevints where v.EmpID==id select v).FirstOrDefault();
return true;
public List<EmployeeDetails> GetDetails()
List<EmployeeDetails> details = new List<EmployeeDetails>();
var select= (from v in dcd.Nevints select v);
foreach (var i in select)
EmployeeDetails emp = new EmployeeDetails();
emp.EmpID = i.EmpID;
emp.Name = i.Name;
emp.Location = i.Location;
emp.Salary = i.Salary;
return details;
public bool UpdateDetails(EmployeeDetails employeeDetails)
var update = (from v in dcd.Nevints.ToList() where employeeDetails.EmpID==v.EmpID select v).FirstOrDefault();
update.EmpID = employeeDetails.EmpID;
update.Name = employeeDetails.Name;
update.Location = employeeDetails.Location;
update.Salary = employeeDetails.Salary;
return true;
Step 3: then I add linq to sql, opened my ASP.NET MVC project for consuming, and added a controller and wrote this code:
namespace ConsumingClient.Controllers
public class EmpdetailsController : Controller
ServiceReference1.Service1Client serobj=new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();
ServiceReference1.EmployeeDetails empdetails=new ServiceReference1.EmployeeDetails();
// GET: Empdetails
public ActionResult Index()
List<employee> lstemp = new List<employee>();
var result = serobj.GetDetails();
foreach (var i in result)
employee emp = new employee();
empdetails.EmpID = i.EmpID;
empdetails.Name = i.Name;
empdetails.Location = i.Location;
empdetails.Salary = i.Salary;
return View(result);
// GET: Empdetails/Details/5
public ActionResult Details(int id)
Employees emp = new Employees();
return View();
// GET: Empdetails/Create
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
// POST: Empdetails/Create
public ActionResult Create(Employees employees)
// TODO: Add insert logic here
empdetails.Name = employees.Name;
empdetails.Location = employees.Location;
empdetails.Salary = employees.Salary;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();
// GET: Empdetails/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Employees emp = new Employees();
var result = serobj.GetDetails().FirstOrDefault(a=>a.EmpID==id);
emp.EmpID = result.EmpID;
emp.Name = result.Name;
emp.Location = result.Location;
emp.Salary = result.Salary;
return View(emp);
// POST: Empdetails/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(Employees employees)
// TODO: Add update logic here
empdetails.EmpID = employees.EmpID;
empdetails.Name = employees.Name;
empdetails.Location = employees.Location;
empdetails.Salary = employees.Salary;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(employees);
// GET: Empdetails/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id)
Employees emp = new Employees();
var result = serobj.GetDetails().FirstOrDefault(a=>a.EmpID==id);
emp.EmpID = result.EmpID;
emp.Name = result.Name;
emp.Location = result.Location;
emp.Salary = result.Salary;
return View(emp);
// POST: Empdetails/Delete/5
public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection)
// TODO: Add delete logic here
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(id);
Data was displaying fine. I can create data.
However, when I click on edit and delete, I'm getting an error:
ERROR Message "Server Error in '/' Application.
The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter 'id' of non-nullable type 'System.Int32' for method 'System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Edit(Int32)' in 'ConsumingClient.Controllers.EmpdetailsController'. An optional parameter must be a reference type, a nullable type, or be declared as an optional parameter.
Parameter name: parameters
This error is thrown if you attempt to call this controller action and you do not specify the id either in the path portion or as query string parameter. Since your controller action takes an id as parameter you should make sure that you always specify this parameter.
Make sure that when you are requesting this action you have specified a valid id in the url:
If you are generating an anchor, make sure there's an id:
#Html.ActionLink("Edit", "somecontroller", new { id = "123" })
If you are sending an AJAX request, also make sure that the id is present in the url.
If on the other hand the parameter is optional, you could make it a nullable integer:
public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
but in this case you will have to handle the case where the parameter value is not specified.

Return shared view from ViewComponent

I have an Error-view which should be loaded if an Exception occurs. The Error view is located in:
Views/Shared/Error.cshtml (See attached picture).
In my Controller, my try-and catch looks like this:
public IActionResult Device(string id, bool like, int type)
return View(viewModel);
catch (Exception exe)
return View("Error", exe);
This works and the correct Error View is displayed. However, I have a ViewComponent which should display the same Error-view.
I have tried the following:
1) Copy the Error-file and pasted it in the same folder as my ViewComponent (Right beneath the Default view). This does not give me an error, but the Default-view is the one being loaded.
2) I have returned the Error view from the shared-folder in the following way:
return View("../../../Shared/Error");
This as well does not give errors, but the Default view is the one being loaded.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
So far I have created a new class
public class HandleExceptionAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
var result = new ViewResult { ViewName = "Error" };
var modelMetadata = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider();
result.ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(
modelMetadata, context.ModelState);
context.Result = result;
context.ExceptionHandled = true;
And in my Error View I added this:
ViewData["Title"] = "Error";
Layout = "_LayoutCustomer";
Exception ex = ViewData["HandleException"] as Exception;
And lastly, I added [HandleException] on top of my Controller:
public class CustomerController : Controller
//All the actions...
To simulate a new Exception, I use:
public IActionResult Device(string id, bool like, int type)
throw new Exception();
return View(viewModel);
catch (Exception exe)
This seems to work in the Controller-actions. How can I simulate if it works within the ViewComponent? It gives me an error when I do the same try-catch method.
Step 1 : - Create a Custom ExpectionFilter Attribute
public class CustomExpectionFilter : IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult
ViewName = "~/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml"
Step 2 :- Register CustomExpectionFilter in FilterConfig
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new CustomExpectionFilter());
Step 3 :- Change on
public IActionResult Device(string id, bool like, int type)
return View(viewModel);
catch (Exception)
Now when ever error occur in application it will be calling CustomExpection Filter and this filter will handle error and display Error page.

Get recent inserted Id and send in to another controllers view

I have Created CRUD Functions for each Modals and now i am trying to get recent Inserted Id and use it in different view.
Here is what I have tried so far
I have created 2 classes(Layer based) for CRUD function for each ContextEntities db to practice pure OOP recursive approach and following is the code.
1. Access Layer
public class ViolatorDB
private TPCAEntities db;
public ViolatorDB()
db = new TPCAEntities();
public IEnumerable<tbl_Violator> GetALL()
return db.tbl_Violator.ToList();
public tbl_Violator GetByID(int id)
return db.tbl_Violator.Find(id);
public void Insert(tbl_Violator Violator)
public void Delete(int id)
tbl_Violator Violator = db.tbl_Violator.Find(id);
public void Update(tbl_Violator Violator)
db.Entry(Violator).State = EntityState.Modified;
public void Save()
2. Logic Layer
public class ViolatorBs
private ViolatorDB objDb;
public ViolatorBs()
objDb = new ViolatorDB();
public IEnumerable<tbl_Violator> GetALL()
return objDb.GetALL();
public tbl_Violator GetByID(int id)
return objDb.GetByID(id);
public void Insert(tbl_Violator Violator)
public void Delete(int id)
public void Update(tbl_Violator Vioaltor)
And Finally using Logic Layer functions in presentation Layer.Here insertion is performed as:
public class CreateViolatorController : Controller
public TPCAEntities db = new TPCAEntities();
private ViolatorBs objBs;
public CreateViolatorController()
objBs = new ViolatorBs();
public ActionResult Index()
var voilator = new tbl_Violator();
voilator=db.tbl_Violator.Add(voilator); = voilator.VID;
return View();
public ActionResult Create(tbl_Violator Violator)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
TempData["Msg"] = "Violator Created successfully";
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View("Index");
catch (Exception ex)
TempData["Msg"] = "Failed..." + ex.Message + " " + ex.ToString();
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Now here is the main part how do i get perticuller inserted id in another controller named Dues while performing insertion ?
In sqlqery I would have used ##IDENTITY but in Entity Framework I'm not sure.
I'm new to mvc framework any suggestion or help is appreciated Thanks in Advance.
Once you save your db context the id is populated back to your entity by EF automatically.
for example.
using(var context = new DbContext())
var employee = new Employee(); //this has an id property
var id =; // you will find the id here populated by EF
You dont need to add and save your table as you have done this already in your voilatorDB class just fetch the last id like following
var id = yourTableName.Id;
Or you can simply write one line code to achive that using VoilatorBs class function

RavenDB with mvc Update Issue

I have a small project in mvc 3 and I am using RavenDB to store data.
But when i am trying to update entity i have error saying
"Attempted to associate a different object with id 'orders/257'"
I have a service class to menage entities.
This is method to update entity called Order.
I'v omitted the rest of methods baceuse of clarity
public ErrorState UpdateOrder(Order order)
return new ErrorState { Success = true };
catch (Exception ex)
return new ErrorState { Success = false, ExceptionMessage = ex.Message };
This is rest of OrderRepository
private readonly IDocumentSession documentSession;
public OrderRepository(IDocumentSession _documentSession)
documentSession = _documentSession;
ErrorState class is for menagege errors in app, it contains bool success and string message of exception.
This is my edit Actions.
public ActionResult Edit(int id)
Order order = orderRepository.ObtainOrder(id);
if (order == null)
TempData["message"] = string.Format("Order no: {0} not found", id);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(order);
public ActionResult Edit(Order order)
return View();
errorState = orderRepository.UpdateOrder(order);
if (errorState.Success)
TempData["message"] = string.Format("Order no: {0} has been changed", order.Id);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
TempData["Message"] = string.Format("Error on update order no: {0} MSG: {1}", order.Id,errorState.ExceptionMessage);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
This is the rest of the controller , I'v omitted the rest of actions baceuse of clarity.
private readonly IOrderRepository orderRepository;
private ErrorState errorState;
public HomeController(IOrderRepository _orderRepository,IDocumentSession _documentSession)
orderRepository = _orderRepository;
You already have an instance of an order with that id.
Check the session lifetime, is it possible that you have the same session across requests?

How do I Redirect to another Action/Controller in MVC3 from a VOID method?

I have a controller method that returns a void because it is building an Excel report for the user to download. The Excel 3rd party library we're using is writing to the response itself. The method looks something like this:
public void GetExcel(int id)
var report = _reportService.GetReport(id);
var table = _reportService.GetReportTable(id);
var excelReport = new ExcelReport(table, report.Name);
catch (Exception ex)
// This is wrong, of course, because I'm not returning an ActionResult
Response.RedirectToRoute("/Report/Error/", new { exceptionType = ex.GetType().Name });
There are several security checks in place that throw exceptions if the user doesn't meet certain credentials for fetching the report. I want to redirect to a different page and pass along some information about the exception, but I can't figure out how to do this in MVC3....
Any ideas?
You could use the following code
Response.Redirect(Url.Action("Error", "Report", new { exceptionType = ex.GetType().Name }));
But have you taken a look at the FilePathResult or FileStreamResult ?
Instead of letting the 3rd part library write to the response directly get the content use regular ActionResult and return File(...) for the actual file or RedirectToAction(...) (or RedirectToRoute(...)) on error. If your 3rd party library can only write to Response you may need to use some tricks to capture it's output.
public ActionResult GetExcel(int id)
var report = _reportService.GetReport(id);
var table = _reportService.GetReportTable(id);
var excelReport = new ExcelReport(table, report.Name);
var content = excelReport.MakeReport(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response);
return File(content, "application/xls", "something.xls");
catch (Exception ex)
RedirectToRoute("/Report/Error/", new { exceptionType = ex.GetType().Name });
You can return an EmptyActionResult:
public ActionResult GetExcel(int id)
var report = _reportService.GetReport(id);
var table = _reportService.GetReportTable(id);
var excelReport = new ExcelReport(table, report.Name);
return new EmptyResult();
catch (Exception ex)
return RedirectToAction("Error", "Report", rnew { exceptionType = ex.GetType().Name });
Not sure if it works, haven't tested it.
Another approach would be using an exception filter:
public class MyExceptionFilter : FilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary()
{ "controller", "Error" },
{ "action", "Report" }
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(routeValues);
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
// Or I can skip the redirection and render a whole new view
//filterContext.Result = new ViewResult()
// ViewName = "Error"
// //..
